star wars civilization.

Chapter 527: At home, someone is waiting for me

"Next, I'm going to two places, the Bingshan Alliance and the Star-Moon Alliance." Shen Zheng said, "And you, please contact Councilor Jiang to help me contact the other two major alliances - the Longyan Alliance and the Bright Alliance. You must You have to hide your own strength, and only show it when you get in touch with the top leaders of the two major alliances, and tell them that someone can turn their chief executive into a star master like you."

"Is it you?" Gu Yunsha was a little excited.

"No." Shen Zheng shook his head, "Don't let them know for now. Use this huge temptation to win them over, ask them to promise to keep it secret, and then wait for your summoning news at any time. When I need it, I will call them together .”

"Understood." Gu Yunsha nodded, "Brother, don't worry, I will make it beautiful for you."

"I believe." Shen Zheng smiled. "I know that you have just obtained this kind of power, and you must be eager to use it in your heart, but please don't do this, I'm afraid it will attract the attention of the commander-in-chief of the planet. I don't want him to notice the things on the ground before I kill both of you. .”[

"Okay." Gu Yunsha solemnly promised, "Don't worry, I will never use power indiscriminately before your work is completed."

"Now I'm going to teach you how to limit the distribution of power when you manifest the wheel of the holy spirit." Shen Zheng said.

So the two stayed underground for a while.Gu Yunsha is also a smart person, he knows everything at once, and Shen Zheng taught him without much effort.

This kind of skill is necessary, because Gu Yunsha has to show this kind of power to the heads of the other two major alliances, and at the same time, it cannot be discovered by those strong people near the outer moon of the planet.

When the two returned to the upper floor by the elevator, Jiang Shuilu immediately went up to meet him, but stopped after walking a few steps, looking at Gu Yunsha in astonishment, with a complicated expression on his face.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?" Gu Yunsha asked.

"I don't know." Jiang Shuilu stared at him, "I always feel that you are no longer the old you, but I can't tell exactly what changed..."

"He is now a Tier [-] Star Master." Shen Zheng said calmly.

"Fourth-order protoss?" Jiang Shuilu was taken aback.

"Mentor, it's the star master, not the protoss." Gu Yunsha corrected the mentor's mistake with some complacency.

"What did you say?" Jiang Shuilu trembled, a little unsteady, Gu Yunsha hurriedly supported him, his face was a little red.

"Teacher, I didn't mean to scare you, but I'm really a fourth-level star master now." He whispered, "Brother Shen Zheng concocted a superb star-lord-level bug core, after serving it to me, I immediately crossed the realm of star spirits and directly became a star master."

"My God!" Jiang Shuilu groaned, obviously unable to accept all this for a while.

"Brother Gu, I'll leave the detailed explanation to you." Shen Zheng knew that the old man might not be able to slow down for a while. "Mr. Liang and I went to the Iceberg Alliance first."

"Don't worry, I will definitely handle what you told me!" Gu Yunsha nodded slowly, his eyes flickering.

"That's good. Explain clearly to Mr. Jiang, don't send me off, it's too conspicuous." Shen Zheng smiled, motioned Liang Tao to follow him, and walked out quickly.

While walking, his face slowly changed, with countless phantom-like forces surging, and under the influence of the power of the demon armor, he turned into a strange face with a stiff expression.

"Yunsha, am I dreaming?" Seeing Shen Zheng leave, Jiang Shuilu asked Gu Yunsha weakly.

"No." Gu Yunsha said calmly, "Teacher, your disciple is now a powerhouse at the deputy commander level of the planet. But I can't show this power yet. There are some things that Brother Shen Zheng needs us to help him with." manage."[

"Shen Zheng actually..." Jiang Shuilu was agitated for a while before he could speak normally. "What realm has he reached now?"

"I don't know who will lose if the deputy commander of the planet fights him." Gu Yunsha said.

"Peak Star Master!?" Jiang Shuilu was shocked and shivered. "How is it possible? He was only a second-order protoss when he left..."

"Have you forgotten? He is a monster!" Gu Yunsha sighed.

Outside, Shen Zheng and Liang Tao had quietly arrived at the edge of the Floating Void City, escaped all the surveillance systems, and flew directly away from the Constant Realm Alliance.

With the strength of two people, moving on a planet is not to mention teleportation, and even the farthest distance can be reached in a short time.But in order to avoid being discovered, they still flew slowly and cautiously, carefully hiding their whereabouts.But even so, it didn't take long to reach the Iceberg Alliance, and entered it without anyone noticing.

For Shen Zheng, the Floating Void City of the Iceberg Alliance was almost as familiar as his own home, and he easily mixed in without much effort, without anyone noticing.

Standing on the familiar street, Shen Zheng was a little excited.He couldn't help but recall everything that happened when he was here.Those commercial streets are Xuesu's favorite place to shop. She often finds a lot of messy clothes, shoes, hats and accessories, and forces him to visit the clothing exhibition at night.

Thinking of this, he thought of Shen Ying again.This girl and Chai Feifei are also lovers of shopping, and often make him suffer at night.

It used to be a headache for him, but now it is such a beautiful memory.

Xiaoying, just wait, I will bring you a surprise.But before that, I need to meet Fang He first.He is the most important friend in my life, he reached out to help me when I was in the most difficult time.And now, I want to give him what he deserves.

Walking slowly together with Liang Tao, Shen Zheng was not in a hurry to fight the alliance chief Shui Xingyuan, nor did he go to the internal affairs councilor Li Yuanming or the foreign affairs councilor Wen Qinglin, but headed towards his "home".

But after all, it was the officer's residence area, with heavy protection, so after the two walked openly for a while, they finally had to sneak into it secretly, and then came all the way there.

Looking at the familiar courtyard, Shen Zheng couldn't suppress his excitement, so he took a deep breath to calm down.

Liang Tao looked at Shen Zheng, shook his head slightly and smiled: He is too young. Although he is also a peak powerhouse, he still retains the movements and habits of ordinary people.But... this kind of mortal life is really nostalgic, I think back then...

Infected by Shen Zheng, he couldn't help but fell into memories.

In the small courtyard, there is a swing next to the small garden.At this time, the swing was swinging slowly, and Chai Feifei was sitting on it with melancholy eyes.

"You should go back." Fang He looked at her, "That is your father after all, you have to listen to his call."

"I won't listen." Chai Feifei muttered softly. "When Shen Zheng gained power, he asked me to follow Shen Zheng. Now that Shen Zheng has left, he let me return to him. What's the reason? I'm just waiting here. I don't believe that Shen Zheng won't come back! "

"He will come back." Fang He said firmly, "One day, he will come back and take back everything that those wicked people took away from him! At that time, it will be the end of that wicked person!"

"That's why I want to witness it with my own eyes!" Chai Feifei's tone was equally firm.But after a while, he softened again and sighed slightly.

"I still have to wait for Xiaoying," she said. "She will definitely come back. This is her home, and she will come to this home that she has not seen and lived in before. She will always be with Brother Shen Zheng..." [

The circles of her eyes couldn't help turning red, and she was aroused by her own words, she lowered her head and wiped away the tears that just overflowed.

"Yes." Fang He's eye circles were also red, because she was infected by her, and her words touched the softness in his heart. "They will be together forever. Do you know that Shen Zheng first joined the army for Shen Ying. At that time, Shen Ying had cancer, and Shen Zheng gave his life to the army to treat her. Between them Although there is no blood relationship between them, their affection is stronger than blood."

"Are you envious?" Chai Feifei forced a smile, trying to make Fang He laugh, because it was so depressing for the two of them to be immersed in sadness.

On unhappy days, it is even more necessary to pretend to be happy.Not to comfort myself, but to enlighten friends.

"Me?" Fang He thought deeply, smiled after a long time, and nodded in admission. "Yeah, I'm a little envious."

"Ah..." Chai Feifei raised her head to the sky and let out a long breath. "Brother Shen Zheng, when will you come back? We all miss you to death. Which planet in the starry sky are you cultivating hard now? What realm do you need to reach before you can come back?"

Fang He listened quietly, and when he heard the last sentence, his eyes became melancholy again.

What realm?he thought.I heard that Shuang Dongliu has just become a second-tier star master, and his strength has taken another big step forward.What about Shen Zheng?If he came back as soon as he became the Star Lord anxiously, he would never be the opponent of Shuang Dongliu!And how can it be so simple to become a star master?

How soon will he be back?ten years? 20 years? 30 years?

Fang He didn't dare to think about it anymore, he just raised his head and looked up at the sky like Chai Feifei, with tears in the corners of his eyes.

"I'll be here waiting for him no matter how long it takes," he whispered.

"Thank you." Shen Zheng wiped away the tears that inadvertently welled up in the corner of his eyes, and nodded slowly.

"You're welcome." Fang He smiled, "We are...friends...Huh?"

In an instant, his body shook, and he suddenly realized that the words just now were not hallucinations in his head.And Chai Feifei's eyes widened, and her body froze for a while.

"I just now... seem to have heard Brother Shen's voice..." She looked at Fang He in astonishment, and the latter was also staring at her blankly.

"You two." Behind the swing, under the wall, Shen Zheng shook his head and smiled while wiping his tears. "Are you waiting until I become a fool?"

The two turned their heads together, and after a long time of astonishment, they burst into cheers almost at the same time, tears could no longer be restrained from welling up in their eyes, and they rushed towards Shen Zheng together.

"Shen Zheng!"

"Brother Shen!"

The two rushed over together, hugged Shen Zheng tightly, tears flowed down their cheeks all over Shen Zheng.

"You're back? You're back?"

"You're back, you're finally back!"

The two cried, cried, and laughed excitedly.

Liang Tao couldn't help turning his face away.The scene at this moment made him a little moved, and there was something more in his eyes.He didn't want people to see that he, a veteran powerhouse in his 80s, would also be emotional.

This feeling is really long gone!He sighed in his heart.

But when he turned his head, his eyes were calm.He is still a peak powerhouse, a god who does not easily touch the feelings of mortals.

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