star wars civilization.

Chapter 532: My Relatives

The wind blew by, driving the fallen white petals, gently floated to the front, and landed on the stage. %&*

A slender hand picked up the petal, held it in the palm, and stared at it in a daze.

The owner of the hand is a beautiful girl with long hair. She is sitting in front of the hand, looking at the messy white flowers outside.Looking at it from the angle of the door, she and the scenery outside merge into a lonely landscape painting, which makes people think of such emotions as loneliness and sadness after watching it.

That was Shen Ying.

Today, under her father's efforts, she has realized the first holy spirit, and her insect power has reached 9. If she goes further, she can open the second holy spirit, and with more hard work, she may be able to open the middle dantian. Step into the ranks of the protoss. [

But all this is meaningless, because she has lost the reason to work hard for it.

My brother is no longer on this planet. He left here and went to a distant and unknown alien planet.The vast universe is now his shelter.Whenever Shen Ying looked up at the night sky, he couldn't help feeling that one of the stars was his brother.

Such wild thoughts can somewhat relieve the sorrow and resentment in her heart.

The stars can still be seen, but what about my brother?Already far away.

Can he come back?

Shen Zhengfa is determined.Although my elder brother has been advancing triumphantly all the way and has reached the protoss level in his twenties, his opponent is the star lord.And a week ago, the star master was promoted again, possessing even stronger power.

"Don't think about him anymore." A voice came from behind.

There was a middle-aged man in the room, tall and handsome, full of the charm of a mature man.Looking at Shen Ying with deep eyes at this moment, there was a trace of sadness in them.

That was her biological father, the youngest peak protoss on the White Wolf Star, a talent that even the commander-in-chief of the planet valued very much.

Ke Yunmiao.

"If you think about it any more, you also..." He opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't continue.

"You can't go on like this." He stood at the door and said, "Since he left, you have focused on cultivating and have not made any progress. You are delaying yourself, and you are giving up on yourself."

"Without him, what's the point of my cultivation?" Shen Ying said softly, looking at Bai Yinghua outside with complete loneliness in her eyes.

That year was also such a season, and my brother brought back the so-called good news—the certificate of joining the army.

Since then, the life path of the two has changed and become so strange. %&*

"You didn't live for him." Ke Yunmiao frowned slightly.

"But he lives for me." Shen Ying replied softly.

"You should cheer up!" Ke Yunmiao's voice became more serious.

"I didn't live for you either." Shen Ying replied softly. [

"What's the point of you doing this?" Ke Yunmiao frowned, "You can only really help him if you become stronger! Imagine how much help you can give him if you become a star master now?"

"Is that possible?" Shen Ying smiled wryly.

Star Lord?It's not a pebble that falls on the road, you can pick it up if you want to.That is the farthest star in the sky. If you want to get it, you must have great luck, superhuman talent, and perseverance.

Perseverance, Shen Ying once had, and it was because of this perseverance, and her inherited genius, that she could so quickly become a bug controler with 9 bug power.But now, she can no longer have perseverance, because the source of perseverance has disappeared.

"He will come back one day." Ke Yunmiao finally gave up and had to use Shen Zheng as an excuse. "When he sees you like this, how does he feel?"

"One day?" Shen Ying murmured, "Which day is it? Today?"

"You know that's impossible." Ke Yunmiao was a little angry.

"From the Protoss to the Star Lord, you know better than me how far it takes to go." Shen Ying said, with despair in his tone. "I'll be waiting for him, but I don't know what day, what year he'll come back to me. That's why I hate you, and I hate myself. I hate you for taking me away from him, and I hate myself for agreeing to it." Leave him. If it wasn't for that, maybe I would still be by his side and go through everything with him now? How ironic that I left to be with him forever, but because of a wrong decision, I can never be with him again together..."

"Enough!" Ke Yunmiao roared angrily.He hadn't been so angry for a long time. He was always calm and steady, but at this moment he lost control.

He had to admit that he had some other feelings for this daughter.At the beginning, he only regarded her as his successor, someone who could continue his genius bloodline.But it was different now, he found that the word daughter had penetrated into his heart.

"Xiaoying." He said with some difficulty, "You still have me, and your biological father. You can't make me suffer for Shen Zheng, it's not fair..."

"Fair?" Shen Ying smiled. "What is fair? Is it fair to leave your own women and children aside, and then let others separate from their loved ones and put them into your arms one day because of your own needs?"

Ke Yunmiao looked at her daughter's back, and suddenly seemed to be much older.From the beginning to the end, Shen Ying never looked back, never looked at him.He knew that his daughter hated him in her heart, but he tried to change everything.

He backed away slowly, closed the door, and left wearily.

He suddenly felt as if he had done many things wrong.He suddenly felt that he was actually not a genius as rumored by the outside world.

What kind of genius am I?It's just that the power is stronger, but in fact, it doesn't understand at all!

A gust of wind blew past, snatching away the white petals in Shen Ying's hand, Shen Ying stared at the petals gone away, as if seeing the back of his brother leaving, his eyes blurred for a moment.

She lowered her head, gently wiped the tears from her eyes, and when she raised her head again, she saw a familiar face.At that moment, she froze in a daze, staring at that face for a long time.There was a smile on that face, but there were tears in his eyes.Looking at that face, she recalled many things when she was a child, and even more remembered the smile he had when he returned home with the certificate of joining the army in this season of that year.

"Brother?" She looked at that face in astonishment.

"It's me." Shen Zheng looked at his younger sister, tears streaming down his eyes. "I'm back."

"You're back..." Shen Ying's eyes were instantly blurred with tears. "You're back? How I wish this wasn't a dream, how I wish this wasn't my hallucination..."

"It's not a dream, nor a hallucination." Shen Zheng flew in slowly, landed beside his younger sister, squatted down slowly, gently took his younger sister's hand, and placed it on his face. [

"Look, I am such a real existence." He said, "I am not a phantom. Xiaoying, I am back, and we will never be separated again!"

"Brother!" Shen Ying seemed to wake up with a start, her body trembled violently.She held Shen Zheng's face vigorously, kept stroking it, and suddenly let out a loud cry, and threw herself into Shen Zheng's arms.

"Is it really you? Are you really back?" she cried.

"It's me, it's me." Shen Zheng gently stroked his younger sister's hair and back. "I'm back, and I won't be separated from you again. No matter who, no matter what kind of force, can't separate us!"

The door was opened suddenly, Ke Yunmiao rushed in with cold eyes, and stopped suddenly in the middle of the room.He stared blankly at Shen Zheng, with an expression of disbelief in his eyes.

"Shen Zheng?"

"It's me." Shen Zheng raised his head, looking at the man he met for the first time.The other party has a handsome face, very similar to Shen Ying.He suddenly understood why Shen Ying was so beautiful, because she had a beautiful mother and a handsome father.

"Ke... Uncle, hello." Shen Zheng slowly stood up while stroking Shen Ying, and nodded politely to Ke Yunmiao.

"I..." Ke Yunmiao's chest rose and fell, looking at Shen Zheng and Shen Ying, not knowing what to say.Suddenly, with a wave of his hand, a tyrannical force swept out and closed the door.He said in a deep voice: "Shen Zheng, I don't know what level you have reached now, but a week ago, Shuang Dongliu had just been promoted to the second-tier star master, even if you have already achieved the star master, you are not his opponent , because the difference between a first-tier star master and a second-tier star master is almost a level difference, not a class difference. You go, take Xiaoying with you, and I will help you arrange everything..."

Shen Zheng looked at the man, staring into his eyes.

From the brain wave language of the other party, he read complex emotions, including sadness, helplessness, pain, and fear.But he didn't lie, his heart was sincere, and he was really willing to help himself.

Shen Zheng understood that it was because of Shen Ying.It was precisely because of this that his previous hatred and disgust towards Ke Yunmiao suddenly disappeared.

We are all relatives of Xiaoying, we all love her and wish her well.Then, we are also the closest relatives!

"Thank you, really." Shen Zheng nodded vigorously.

"Thank you...Dad." Shen Ying turned her head and said while wiping away her tears.

"You...what did you call me?" Ke Yunmiao's body shook suddenly.

It's been so long, since seeing his daughter, this is the first time he's heard her calling him that.

"Dad." Shen Ying looked at him with gratitude in his eyes. "In the past, I may have misunderstood you, but... thank you for allowing me to reunite with my brother!"

Ke Yunmiao lowered his head, his body trembling violently, then he raised it up suddenly, his gaze was firm. "Let's go, let's go! I will strictly seal the news and never let the people in the planetary headquarters know about it."

"Why did you leave?" Shen Zheng wiped away his tears, a cold light flashed in his eyes.That light made Ke Yunmiao's heart tremble, and he vaguely felt that Shen Zheng was no longer from the same world as him.

He really became the star master?

Ke Yunmiao looked at Shen Zheng suspiciously.

"I won't leave." Shen Zheng said calmly, "I will make those who harmed me pay the price, and I will also make my relatives and friends happy. Uncle Ke, this is my gift to you."

As he spoke, he waved his hand lightly. After the space power surged, two metal boxes appeared on the stage.

"Insect core?" Ke Yunmiao's eyes flashed.

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