star wars civilization.

Chapter 534: The Legacy of the Holy Spirit Gathered in One Church

"If it's me who breaks through the limit and advances to star master, maybe the commander-in-chief of the planet will come in person." Ke Yunmiao looked at Shen Zheng and easily rejected his proposal.

"I didn't expect this..." Shen Zheng admitted that he still couldn't think it through.

"However, if Xiaoying is promoted to the peak of the protoss, then the general headquarters will send people to congratulate." Ke Yunmiao said, "I think, I can hold a grand celebration to celebrate the ever-changing pinnacle of the protoss. That way , can not only gather all the people from the five major alliances, but also invite Shuang Dongliu to come here in a reasonable way."

"Uncle Ke is more thoughtful." Shen Zheng smiled lightly.

"But before that, we must first hold a secret meeting of the five major alliances." Ke Yunmiao said, "We must confirm the attitudes of the major alliances at this meeting and establish your leadership position." [

"Leadership?" Shen Zheng was slightly surprised.

"Yes." Ke Yunmiao nodded and smiled. "Shen Zheng, do you think that after you have reached such a state, all the people who are attached to you will only regard you as a friend or a partner? Everyone will regard you as a reliance, including me. Then, you There is a responsibility to 'rely on'. You have to be the leader so everyone feels safe."

"I understand." Shen Zheng thought for a moment, then nodded slowly.

"Brother, you are about to become the leader of the entire planet?" Shen Ying was somewhat excited.

"No, it's just the most popular person." Ke Yunmiao said, "The so-called 'leader' is only limited to killing Shuang Dongliu, and after that, Shen Zheng can live in peace with the commander-in-chief of the planet." In this matter, Shen Zheng, if you become ambitious and want to overthrow the commander-in-chief of the planet, everyone in the five major alliances will hesitate. Because the commander-in-chief is a good person, and he has given everyone a lot of benefits over the years."

"I understand." Shen Zheng nodded. "I didn't have any 'ambition' to rule a planet."

Speaking of this, he smiled: "Because my gaze cannot be locked by a small planet."

Ke Yunmiao looked at Shen Zheng, and suddenly smiled: "I forgot, you are no longer from the same world as ours. Your world is already in the vast galaxy outside the planet."

"Is the commander in chief not bad?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Yes." Ke Yunmiao nodded. "widely accepted."

"But..." Shen Zheng hesitated, but still spoke his mind. "He didn't seem to be 'nice' with my problem. Leaving that aside, he didn't seem to be 'nice' with the bugger either. You don't think he was too much with the bugger ...I think the word 'tolerance' is already inaccurate, it is better to use 'indulgence'.%&*

"Now that you have reached this level, I don't have to keep it a secret anymore." Ke Yunmiao said, "In fact, the heads of the five major alliances know that this planet is actually shared by humans and insects. The conflicts and contradictions between humans and insects have already been arranged."

"I don't understand." Shen Zheng frowned.

"Insect people have their insect gods." Ke Yunmiao said, "That is a powerhouse who stands shoulder to shoulder with the deputy commander-in-chief of our planet, Zhong Tianming, named Fusheng. The two peak star master powerhouses rule this planet together. , One manages humans, and the other manages bugs. They have reached a consensus long ago, making humans and bugs hostile, so that they are constantly in struggle, so that the two parties will not lose their spirit because of peace for too long."

"It sounds reasonable." Shen Zheng said, "But the reality always makes people feel cruel."

"Shen Zheng, listen to me." Ke Yunmiao said, "You are a super genius and a strong enemy, but you are not a politician, nor a qualified ruler. Therefore, these issues that are related to the development of the entire planet It’s better for you to meddle less.”

"I understand." Shen Zheng nodded, "The real leader is not the kind of person in the novel who comforts the world with virtue. Even if there were such people in history, they just put on the cloak of morality. Survival is Difficult, life is cruel, and only iron-blooded people can rule a world. I have self-knowledge, so I have almost never held any real positions."

"It's rare for a person to have self-knowledge, and it's even rarer to be able to see the truth of the world." Ke Yunmiao couldn't help but sigh.

"Then, let's make a detailed plan." Shen Zheng said, "But before that, I have to introduce a friend to you. I would like to think that I won't stay here for too long, so let him wait outside I."[

"I would like to make more friends." Ke Yunmiao smiled.

"It can't be called a friend." Shen Zheng said, he was afraid that Ke Yunmiao would have a heart-to-heart relationship with Liang Tao again because of his relationship. "It can only be a temporary partner."

"What do you think my definition of 'friend' is?" Ke Yunmiao smiled.

"I understand." Shen Zheng also smiled.

For someone like Ke Yunmiao who ruled a huge alliance, friendship can only exist in the fond memories of his youth.All the people he met in this position, whether he called them "friends" and "partners" or "rivals" and "enemies", actually meant the same thing.

Soon, Ke Yunmiao saw Liang Tao.From the other party, Ke Yunmiao felt the aura of a strong person, but it was not clear, which made him understand that the other party was a stronger existence than himself, so his attitude was more respectful.The three of them got together and carefully discussed the specific action plan. As a result, Ke Yunmiao and Liang Tao found that they were able to talk to each other, and they couldn't help smiling.

In the next few days, Ke Yunmiao began to announce Shen Ying's promotion to the alliance, and set about arranging a celebration party.The chief's own daughter was promoted to the pinnacle protoss, which is naturally a great joy, and the entire alliance is boiling up, busy arranging a grand celebration.

Of course, it is essential to invite the leaders of the major alliances. At the same time, Ke Yunmiao also personally sent an invitation letter to the planetary headquarters, inviting several deputy commanders to participate in the celebration, so that the celebration can be upgraded to a higher level.

But before that, he sent someone to quietly notify the heads of the major alliances to come to the Star-Moon Alliance to gather in advance to discuss a major event.Although he didn't explain it, the chief executives who had already got the news from Shui Xingyuan and Gu Yunsha already knew it well.

No one can refuse Shen Zheng's temptation, especially when the current example of Shui Xingyuan and Gu Yunsha is in front of him.Needless to say, Yan Jiuyao, Yan Xin's grandfather, the head of the Constant World Alliance, planned to fully support Shen Zheng. The other two heads of the Longyan Alliance, Shi Yuan, and Xun Lingyu, the head of the Bright Alliance, were also completely moved.

Before these people arrived, Shen Zheng first met Ke Yunmiao's adopted son in the Xingyue Alliance.

His name is Ke Meng, he is of course the same age as Shui Qingqing and Yan Xin, and he is 19 years old now.This kid is not tall, but he is quite fat, but he is not ugly, on the contrary, he is very cute.He has a pair of big eyes, and his hair is neither long nor short. He always holds a bag of small food in his hand, and eats there with relish.

"Ke Meng, this is brother Shen Zheng." When Ke Yunmiao introduced Shen Zheng to him, he first stuffed Shen Zheng with a backpack of snacks, and motioned for Shen Zheng to give it to him. Shen Zheng did so, and the little fat man's eyes lit up immediately .

"Brother Shen Zheng!"

The little voice screamed extremely sweetly.

"Hello." Shen Zheng smiled and patted his shoulder. "I'll introduce you to a beautiful sister after a while."

"I'm not interested in that." The little fat man muttered. "I just love this!" As he said, he lifted up the backpack that Shen Zheng gave him, and he was very happy.

"It's so cute." Shen Zheng praised him.

"Sister Shen Ying said the same thing." The little fat man was extremely proud, and then ran away on his own.

"He is the legacy of the Xuanwu Holy Spirit." Ke Yunmiao said. "The power of the water system is quite good."

"It turned out to be the Xuanwu Holy Spirit." Shen Zheng fought slowly, and couldn't help but do a small test to slightly open the space of the Xuanwu insect core, letting out a little bit of the breath of the black tide.

Immediately, the little fat man who ran away suddenly stopped, like a mouse smelling delicious food, he slowly turned his head, his eyes were shining brightly on Shen Zheng. [

"Shen...Brother Shen Zheng, why do I suddenly feel you are so kind?" Ke Meng tilted his head and looked at Shen Zheng blankly, with tears in his eyes.

Ke Yunmiao was really taken aback: "What's wrong?"

"Brother Shen Zheng, why do I feel as if I saw a relative when I saw you?" Ke Meng's tears flowed down the corners of his eyes, and he didn't want that bag of delicious food. He threw it on the ground and ran to Shen Zheng He rushed over, hugged Shen Zheng and burst into tears.

"I'm like my relatives! Brother Shen Zheng, I miss you so much!"

Ke Yunmiao looked astonished, but Shen Zheng knew that it was Ke Meng who had sensed the aura of the Xuanwu clan.

The Holy Spirit family all love their own family members, and the degree of love among their family members is beyond human comprehension.Just like the Xuanwu Holy Spirit, who is willing to use up his own power to help Shen Zheng after a few time and space, isn't it actually for Xiao Hei?

"Good boy, in the future I will introduce you to a real fellow of your same race, your real relative." Shen Zheng patted Ke Meng's back lightly with a gentle voice.

"Okay!" Ke Meng nodded vigorously.

"Brother!" Coincidentally, Shen Ying was running to look for Shen Zheng at this time, and she couldn't help being startled when she saw this posture.

"Xiao Meng, when did you get so close with my brother?"

"It's a relative, it's a relative!" Ke Meng kept yelling, "Sister Shen Ying, your brother is also my relative!"

"Ah?" Shen Ying was confused.

At this moment, Liang Tao entered the door.

"Miss Xuesu is back." He said.Behind him, Xue Su walked in with Shui Qingqing, Yan Xin, and two teenagers.

Ke Meng raised his head curiously, his eyes lit up when he saw Xue Su for the first time, and then he called out: "What a beautiful sister! What's your name, sister? My name is Ke Meng, can you be my sister?" ?”

"Okay." Xue Su smiled softly.

The four people behind, including Shui Qingqing and Yan Xin, all had unkind looks in their eyes.

"Sister Xuesu is mine!"

They spoke in unison.

Shen Zheng felt his head was getting bigger again.

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