star wars civilization.

Chapter 536: Pledge of Allegiance

The promotion of the strength of the three newcomers went smoothly, and within a short period of time, they possessed the power of a fourth-order star master. %&*

But Shen Zheng was not in a hurry to let them try power fusion with Xue Su, because he was afraid that if the power was too strong, it would immediately attract the attention of the upper management.

At that time, everything was not easy to handle.

So after he helped the three of them increase their strength, he dismissed them, but told them not to use their strength at will.

"Tomorrow, all the chiefs will arrive." Ke Yunmiao and Liang Tao passed by in the corridor outside, and the former glanced into the door where the noise came from, and said in a low voice. [

Liang Tao also glanced at the door, and shook his head slightly: "Young heart."

"The childishness of youth is the most rare." Ke Yunmiao smiled faintly. "I think you miss this kind of feeling, too? Otherwise, you wouldn't support Shen Zheng's nonsense."

"Nonsense?" Liang Tao turned his head and smiled slightly.

"Yes." Ke Yunmiao said, "You still support him like this."

"That's right, the childishness of youth is the most rare." Liang Tao nodded.

"Actually, if Shen Zheng brought those worm nuclei to meet the commander-in-chief of the planet directly, then everything wouldn't be so complicated." Ke Yunmiao said. "At that time, no matter what kind of conditions he asked, I'm afraid the commander-in-chief would agree, not to mention the execution of Shuang Dongliu."

"I'm talking about you." Liang Tao said.

"What?" Ke Yunmiao suddenly stopped and looked at Liang Tao in a daze. "I?"

"What kind of person is Shen Zheng?" Liang Tao looked at him, "He is a genius, a peerless genius, a genius enough to be called a monster. What level of powerhouse is he? He is a peak star master. To be honest , although I don't want to admit it, but I have to say - his strength is far better than mine."

"This..." Ke Yunmiao looked at Liang Tao, feeling incredible.

"It's not just me, his strength is definitely higher than any peak star master." Liang Tao said, "The peak star master of the worms can't compare with him."

"Is he so powerful?" Ke Yunmiao was stunned.

"Compared to him, the commander-in-chief of your White Wolf Star is not worth mentioning at all." Liang Tao said. "You let a genius like Shen Zheng, such a strong man, use the worm core to curry favor with someone who is far inferior to you? Would you be so disregarding your dignity?"

"I..." Ke Yunmiao was speechless.

"He himself doesn't have a clear consciousness." Liang Tao said, "In fact, deep down in his heart, the real thought that even he himself is not aware of is-how can I bow my head to a weak person when I am so powerful? What he thought It is to rely on his own powerful strength to frighten the weak, let him understand what kind of strong he is facing, and then submit to him willingly. He didn't realize this, but I saw it, so I just told him on purpose that he wanted to return to his hometown, and wanted to be recognized by the people in his hometown, rather than conquered by force. It was just to prevent him from realizing his true intentions, and to feel ashamed, which in turn would affect his life. Practice."

Ke Yunmiao said, he looked at Liang Tao, and vaguely felt that this person was not just what he appeared on the surface, but just a cooperative relationship with Shen Zheng.

"Strange?" Liang Tao smiled. "I just appreciate a genius like him."

"If you directly use force to deter, it will cause unnecessary trouble. But if you draw all the forces of the White Wolf Star under your command, and then show your strength, the other party will sincerely worship you." Ke Yunmiao said. "That's why you helped him make a plan, right?"

"When you get old, your mind becomes rigid." Liang Tao smiled. "Occasionally, a young man will play a lot of nonsense, which can be regarded as a nostalgia for youth." [

Ke Yunmiao remained silent for a long time.

The next day, when Ke Yunmiao brought Shen Zheng into a closed conference room, Shen Zheng knew that the critical moment had arrived.

At this moment, there were not many people sitting in this conference room, including Shen Zheng and Ke Yunmiao, there were only seven people, and three of them he was not familiar with, but judging by their clothes, they could be the heads of the other three major alliances.

The other two, one is Shui Xingyuan, and the other is Gu Yunsha.At this time, Gu Yunsha was sitting next to an old man in long-length attire, and was treated exactly like other chiefs.

At this time, he is already a Tier [-] star master, so he naturally deserves this kind of treatment.

"Let me introduce first." Ke Yunmiao stood up, "In terms of geographical relationship, I am the host; in terms of personal relationship, my daughter is Shen Zheng's younger sister, so..."

He looked at Shui Xingyuan, and smiled meaningfully: "Don't blame me for stealing your limelight."

"Stop talking nonsense." Shui Xingyuan laughed, everyone could see that his mood was extremely good.

"Here, everyone must know who it is." Ke Yunmiao pointed to Shen Zheng who was beside him and said, "Shen Zheng, the peerless genius of our White Wolf Star, who is called a monster by many people, my daughter's brother. "

"Come on." Shui Xingyuan interrupted him, "Stop emphasizing this all the time, making it seem like Shen Zheng is your son."

Everyone couldn't help laughing, and the atmosphere was very harmonious for a while.

"Uncle Ke, let's make a long story short." Shen Zheng gestured with a smile.

"Okay." Ke Yunmiao nodded, "Let me introduce these chief executives to you. The one next to Gu Yunsha is Yan Jiuyao, the chief executive of the Constant Realm Alliance."

The old man beside Gu Yunsha immediately nodded and smiled at Shen Zheng, with a very kind attitude: "Shen Zheng, that kid in Xin didn't cause you any trouble, did he?"

"Of course not." Shen Zheng smiled. "He was a good partner and helped me a lot."

"Shen Zheng, after a long time you will find that my Lanfeng was a good partner at that time, and he could help you a lot." An old man in his 70s said loudly with a smile on his face.

"This is the chief of Longyan Alliance, Shi Yuan." Ke Yunmiao hastily introduced to Shen Zheng.

"Long ago." Shen Zheng smiled.

"This..." Shi Yuan blushed, "Shen Zheng, there were a lot of misunderstandings between our alliance and you before, and here I solemnly apologize to you." As he spoke, he actually stood up and turned to Shen Zheng. a bow. "In the past, it was caused by my lack of strict discipline. Please rest assured in the future. I will definitely rectify military discipline. If anyone dares to disrespect you or any country in the Iceberg Alliance, I..."

"Forget it." Shen Zheng waved his hand, "Stop talking about this, it hurts feelings too much. The past is over, let's talk about the future together."

"Well said!" The last chief nodded, "Shen Zheng, the old guys here are old masters, you don't have to be polite to us, just speak up if you have anything to say. Since you can make us all advance As a Star Lord powerhouse, we will listen to you in everything!"

"This is the head of the Light Alliance, Xun Lingyu." Ke Yunmiao introduced to Shen Zheng. [

Shen Zheng nodded his head.In this way, he already knows all the heads of the five major alliances, and three of them will definitely support him with all their strength. Although Shi Yuan and Xun Lingyu Shen Zheng don't understand, but I believe that there is the temptation to advance to the star master, and they will wholeheartedly join him Own.

"I came back this time, and I don't want to threaten anyone with force." Shen Zheng said, "Otherwise, it would be the easiest way to directly kill the planetary headquarters. The reason why I left is because I was killed by a villain." , rather than my own fault, so I have to avenge my revenge through a bright path, rather than suppressing it by force."

"Well said!" Yan Jiuyao applauded.

"Beyond the star system this time, I had many adventures and encountered many dangers. I almost died in a foreign land several times, but fortunately, the god of fate still favored me." Shen Zheng said, "Not only have I returned , and brought back good things that can let everyone go to the sky in one step. I personally prepared these insect cores. According to the experienced peak star master, he has lived for a long time, and I have not heard of anyone who can prepare these The worm core is exchanged for the worm level directly for the human level."

The three chiefs who have not yet been promoted to Star Master couldn't help but stare at Shen Zheng, wishing he could take out those bug cores and share them with everyone.

"This time I went out, I opened a lot of horizons, and my eyes no longer just stay on a small planet." Shen Zheng said, "So I came back, not to seize power, not to rebel, but to go home and eradicate Poisonous weeds in the house. Ladies and gentlemen, you don’t have to worry about it.”

"We understand." The chiefs nodded one after another.

"Two days later, the celebration will be held." Shen Zheng said, "At that time, I hope everyone will join me in giving Shuang Dongliu a surprise. At that time, the commander-in-chief of the planet will definitely be alarmed. When he lands on the ground, I hope everyone ..."

"Shen Zheng, you don't need to elaborate." Xun Lingyu expressed his opinion first. "Since you don't want to seize the power of the commander-in-chief, just to repay yourself with justice, then we will definitely support you. When the time comes, everyone will speak out and accuse Shuang Dongliu of oppressing those who contributed to the Zerg Star development incident, the commander-in-chief will understand."

"Thank you everyone." Shen Zheng nodded slowly. "Then, let's go to the secret room of the Star-Moon Alliance to upgrade."

"By the way, Shen Zheng." Shi Yuan couldn't help asking. "My family's Lanfeng has come here to report to you a long time ago, I don't know if he is now..."

"Shi Lanfeng, Ke Meng, and Xun Fei." Shen Zheng said, "The three of them have already become fourth-level star masters by taking the worm core I prepared. Now it's your turn."

The three chief executives couldn't help showing joy on their faces, and each of them became excited.

"It's not just you." Shen Zheng said slowly, "Since you trust me so much and plan to help me get justice, I decided to give you some more benefits. You can select outstanding talents in your own alliance. Each alliance is limited to two people, send them to me. I can make them advance to third-tier star masters."

"Is that okay?" The chief executives were a little dazed.

"It's not difficult." Shen Zheng smiled lightly.

"Master Shen Zheng." Shi Yuan was a little excited, and couldn't help changing his address automatically. "Don't worry, no matter what others do in the future, I, Shi Yuan, will definitely be loyal to you!"

"I, Xun Lingyu, also swear allegiance to you!" Xun Lingyu rushed to say.

Shui Xingyuan and Yan Jiuyao looked at each other, didn't say anything, just looked at Shen Zheng.

With the relationship between them, there is no need to express their attitude at all.

And the reason why those two people are so eager to swear allegiance is only because they also understand that among the people who really have a good relationship with Shen Zheng and worry about their future, they are not themselves.

Shen Zheng smiled lightly, an unprecedented achievement filled his heart.

The road ahead is long, so allow me to stay here for a while, and be vain for a while...

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