star wars civilization.

Chapter 554: Dawn Star

Putting away his powerful strength, and joining Liang Tao and Zhong Tianming, Shen Zheng expressed his thoughts. |^

"Although I'm in a hurry to go back, I support you in this matter." Liang Tao nodded. "No matter what, it was Hu Lanchen who helped us. As a strong man with dignity, we should return his favor."

"That's right." Zhong Tianming also agreed. "Besides, according to Brother Shen Zheng's ability, there is no need to stay there for two years. It doesn't matter if you go to Earth ten and a half months later. Moreover, the star map we need can also be obtained from Chen Xixing."

"Then let's go." Shen Zheng nodded.

"I never thought you could..." Liang Tao looked at Shen Zheng and couldn't help but say.Shen Zheng naturally knew that he was referring to the fact that he was working together with Xiao Hei and Eggy, so he smiled embarrassedly. [

"I didn't think for a while that they could work together to break through the limit of the peak." He said, "I just thought about using Xue Su to work together to change."

"I'm getting more and more sure about this trip to the earth." Liang Tao looked at Shen Zheng with excitement in his eyes.

Under Shen Zheng's guidance, everyone entered the hyperspace, headed in the direction of Chenxi Star, and finally came out of that planet.

It is a beautiful planet, nearly ten times larger than the White Wolf Star, and it gives people a sense of grandeur when viewed from a distance.

"No wonder it can produce so many strong star masters." Zhong Tianming sighed, "Such a vast world naturally has more abundant population resources, and naturally more talents will be born."

"It's a pity that it withered in a short while." Liang Tao shook his head and sighed.

"Let's do our best to help it," Xuesu said.

"Let's go." Shen Zheng only said one word, and flew into the planet with everyone.Hu Lanchen's thoughts before his death contained a lot of information, about treasures, about locations, about talents...these must be confessed to Shen Zheng.If it were in words, it would be a long conversation for hours, but the exchange of ideas is only a moment.

The four of them flew directly to the eastern part of the planet's largest piece of land, where there was a huge city, a city as vast as a country, and the buildings could not be seen from one side to the other.

At the very center, there is a huge imperial palace, which seems to be surprisingly consistent in many planets, except for the White Wolf Star.

"Perhaps your planet should also be changed." Liang Tao said to Zhong Tianming, "Your headquarters is too far away from the people. Although it feels like a god from above, overlooking the lower realm, it is actually not conducive to governance.|^ "

"It can only be said that each civilization has its own characteristics." Zhong Tianming smiled, "The planets in our Lingguang galaxy are basically the same as ours."

"It's because you have enough floating material resources." Liang Tao smiled. "Honestly speaking, if we have enough floating materials over there, maybe we will be like you."

While chatting, the two went down with Shen Zheng all the way to the outside of the palace.

Immediately, a group of strong protoss flew up and nervously stopped the four of them.

"Everyone, may I ask who you are..." The officer leading the team asked tentatively. Before he could finish speaking, Liang Tao had already exuded the powerful aura of the peak star master. Immediately, all the star spirits fell silent and trembled slightly.

"This is faster than any explanation." Zhong Tianming explained to Shen Zheng.

Shen Zheng nodded.He had to admit that this was indeed the fastest and most effective method. In these matters, he would never be able to compare with these old people who had experienced the wind and rain and seen the world.

"Hu Lanchen asked me to help his planet cultivate a group of talents." Shen Zheng said. "He asked me to find a man named Wang Xijun, who is said to be his assistant officer. He will assist me in all matters. Where is he?" [

"It's right here." The officer with him flew forward for a while under the pressure, and saluted Shen Zheng.He is more than 40 years old, with vicissitudes unique to middle-aged people on his face, with short hair, and his eyes make people feel shrewd and capable.

"Let's talk in Hu Lanchen's secret pavilion." With a wave of his hand, Shen Zheng led his companions towards the palace, stepped into it after landing, and walked all the way inward.Surprised, Wang Xijun brought the protoss to the ground to catch up, and found that Shen Zheng seemed to be very familiar with everything if he was walking in the palace if he was walking in his own courtyard.Surprised, he followed Shen Zheng all the way inward, to the innermost part of the palace.

"Stop!" He suddenly yelled, signaling the protoss to stop and stay here. "His Majesty's Secret Pavilion, no one else is allowed to enter, you are here to wait."

With that said, he followed Shen Zheng and his party to continue walking inward.After bypassing several corridors, he entered a study room. Shen Zheng fiddled with a few cabinets and moved them away, revealing an entrance.

"Actually, it's enough to say it here." Shen Zheng said, "The reason why I did this is to let you know that I was indeed entrusted by Hu Lanchen."

"I understand." Wang Xijun nodded respectfully. "Actually, even if it is not, I will follow your order."

"Why?" Shen Zheng was a little curious.

"The coercion of the four of you is the same as the coercion that His Majesty brought us." Wang Xijun said, "So I am completely sure that the four are all peak star masters. The four peak star masters, even if they are owned by His Majesty and this star There are all strong people here, and they are definitely not your opponents. If you are not friends, you are enemies. And such a powerful enemy can completely destroy everything on this planet. I can only submit to you and try to save the planet."

"What an assistant officer!" Zhong Tianming couldn't help admiring, "If I had such a deputy, I wouldn't..." He looked at Shen Zheng and smiled, the smile was a bit awkward, everyone knew he was referring to Shuang Dong The festival between Liu and Shen Zheng.

"You are very smart." Liang Tao nodded. "It's best to tell the truth directly to wise people. Your majesty Hu Lanchen has died. He died with dignity, which impressed us."

Wang Xijun's body was shaking, and one could imagine how much he had suffered mentally, but he didn't fall down. Although his eyes were full of pain, his face didn't show it.

"All the other strong men are also dead." Liang Tao said.

Wang Xijun almost collapsed.He leaned on a bookcase to stand firm, and looked at Liang Tao: "Please tell me, why such a tragedy happened?"

"We can't explain it either." Seeing his sad look, Xue Su felt compassion and said softly. "In short, there is a mysterious powerful force that controlled Hu Lanchen and the star masters on your planet in order to deal with us. Those star masters died at our hands when they attacked us. Hu Lanchen finally resisted the mysterious power's control over him, In the end, he exploded and died. Before he died, he asked us to help Chen Xixing cultivate a group of strong people, and the price was his treasure."

"We don't want any treasures." Shen Zheng said, "We just want to thank him for helping us at a critical moment, so we have to fulfill his last wish."

Zhong Tianming and Liang Tao looked at Xue Su with reproach in their eyes.Shen Zheng noticed that gaze, and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.He knew that they blamed Xue Su for telling the truth.This kind of truth may cause the Dawn Stars to hate them, because although it is said that there is a mysterious force that controls the star masters, the star masters died by their hands after all.

"I trust you." Wang Xijun's eyes were a little red, but he still nodded calmly.

"Why?" Xue Su asked curiously.She has eaten Yuguo and can also read brain wave language.From Wang Xijun's brainwaves, she only read sincerity.That's why she felt strange.

"Because you have no need to lie to me." Wang Xijun smiled wryly. "According to the strength of the four of you, even if you want to destroy the morning star, I'm afraid it's not too difficult. You don't bother to deceive me with lies. Besides, what benefits can you get by lying? Therefore, I know what you said is true. "

"Talent!" Liang Tao nodded, giving Wang Xijun a high evaluation. "No wonder you are only a fourth-rank protoss, but you can get Hu Lanchen's approval and become his assistant officer. You really have the ability."

"Thank you for the compliment." Wang Xijun saluted respectfully. "But please forgive me for not being happy in this situation."

"His Majesty Hu Lanchen passed me a list before he died." Shen Zheng pointed to his head, "But I still want to hear your opinion."[

"Is it the training list?" Wang Xijun asked.Shen Zheng nodded.Wang Xijun continued: "I need to listen."

Shen Zheng named more than a dozen names in one go, Wang Xijun couldn't help nodding, and finally said: "Two of them are not of good quality, but they are usually good at acting, so your Majesty may not know them clearly. I don't recommend cultivating them. They, but this is just my personal opinion. I think it is best to follow the list set by His Majesty."

"If you were asked to choose a future emperor, how would you choose?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Your Highness," Wang Xijun replied. "Your Majesty did not mention him in this list, perhaps because his talent is not as good as His Majesty's, and he is still only a Tier [-] Protoss. However, His Royal Highness has always worked hard and is an upright person. He will not be a good fighter. , but would be a good emperor."

"Where is he now?" Shen Zheng asked.

"I'm traveling." Wang Xijun said, "I'm constantly training myself to improve my strength."

"Call him back." Shen Zheng said. "Also, gather these people on the list and wait outside the palace. Find me a place where I won't be disturbed."

"Yes!" Wang Xijun nodded. "Your Majesty's Secret Pavilion will not be disturbed by anyone."

"Okay." Shen Zheng looked at the secret passage behind the bookcase and nodded slightly. "Then you go and do it."

After Wang Xijun saluted respectfully, he retreated.

"We don't want to be disturbed." Liang Tao warned him before he left. "And we are indeed not your enemy. Therefore, I hope that while we are here, no strong men from the star area will visit us. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I will not report anything to the star area." Wang Xijun nodded.

"It's a joy to talk to a smart person." Liang Tao smiled.

While the two were talking, Shen Zheng had already walked into the secret passage, followed that corridor all the way to the secret pavilion, and removed the modulator from the worm core space.

"Hu Lanchen, I will not let you down."

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