star wars civilization.

Chapter 556: The Edge of the Milky Way

The figure swayed and slowly knelt down on the ground.

The elder with the thick beard and hair turned his head back in astonishment, looking at the decadent man.The man's eyes were dim, and the fire of life was struggling, and it seemed that it might be extinguished at any time.

"How did this happen?" The elder's voice trembled.

"How could it fail?" A beautiful woman among the long-term talents asked back.

"You are the elite of our clan. Although it is only the power of thought that travels across space, but with the blessing of my holy emperor's power, at least you can use the power of foreign objects to exert the power of the master of the galaxy. Is this also defeated?" one The bald man asked. [

"Shen Zheng's insect servant is very powerful." The kneeling man said with difficulty, "He can unite with the insect servant's power to reach the master level of the galaxy; his maid can also use this method to reach the master level of the galaxy. And they still have a galaxy master-level weapon in their hands. I used my strength to transform a brontosaurus into a strong galaxy master, but they killed them; I also possessed a strong human being, but..."

He was a little ashamed to tell the final truth.After a while, he wanted to say something but couldn't.The last flame of life was extinguished after struggling a few times on his body, and he knelt there like a stone statue.No more motion.

"Shocking!" said an elderly woman with short hair. "This Shen Zheng has such a powerful strength? Even the elites of our clan can't help him?"

"It's not that the elites of our clan can't do anything about it," said an elder with long eyebrows. "If our elites can reach him in person, they can kill him with a wave of their hands."

"What should we do now?" The beautiful woman frowned.

"The holy emperor is still awake." The elder with thick beard and hair looked at the long-haired man in the center. "Everything must be decided by the Holy Emperor. Let's wait quietly, he will wake up eventually and give us new instructions. Before that, we just need to do everything we should do..."

As he spoke, he slowly closed his eyes, sending the transmitted power to the long-haired man.The other elders also closed their eyes one after another, concentrating on passing on their strength.

In a weak wave of power, the body of the kneeling man turned into a few dust particles, and under the action of the power flow, he flew towards the long-haired man in the center...

The far end of the starry sky.

After a long journey in the universe, Shen Zheng and Xue Su finally returned to the Lingguang Galaxy, the closest place to the White Wolf Star, and found the turbulent flow connected to the crimson vortex.The two looked at each other and threw themselves into it without hesitation.

It has been delayed too long and cannot be delayed any longer.

The two entered the turbulent current, and the turbulent current carried them forward, neither resisting nor changing direction voluntarily.Soon after, the turbulent flow ended, and the two felt a change in front of them, and they came to a dark outer hyperspace.The linear map in Shen Zheng's mind appeared, overlapping with the environment here, from which he knew that he had returned to the hyperspace of the crimson spiral galaxy.

"We're here." Shen Zheng waved his hand, withdrew his strength, and called Liang Tao out. "Mr. Liang, I will trouble you to lead the way."

"It's easy to say." Liang Tao smiled. "My hometown still feels kind to people, but it's a pity... I'm leaving soon."

Under his leadership, they moved forward all the way, and gradually came to the vicinity of a desolate asteroid.Liang Tao pointed: "This is the headquarters of our alliance."

"It's not big, and it's so desolate, it's very suitable for hiding." Zhong Tianming sighed.

"Actually, there are only five of us here." Liang Tao smiled. "Most of the rest of the members are scattered throughout the galaxy, responsible for inquiring about news related to the crimson vortex."

Several people came to the planet, and after a short flight, they entered a mountainous area, entered a tunnel in one of the most inconspicuous valleys, and finally came to an underground base.This base is not big, just like an ordinary academy, the construction inside is also very simple, it looks like a temporary hunter's lodge for rest.

In the base, everyone saw the other four of the five core elders. Seeing Liang Tao's return, the four of them greeted Liang Tao. After introducing each other, they greeted Zhong Tianming one by one.Zhong Tianming was the master of one star, and he was good at communication. After a few words of small talk, he became acquainted with a few people. [

"You've been gone for so long, we thought something happened." Yuan Fangyu, the only female elder, said. "It's finally back now. I think we're going to set off immediately, and now the secret is almost impossible to hide."

"Wouldn't it be better if there were more people?" Zhong Tianming asked a little puzzled.

"The goal is too big." Liang Tao shook his head. "And the risk is high. How about the five of us going there. If it is really possible to succeed, we can take them there again after we come back. If it fails...we will admit it."

"Let's put it bluntly." Lin Boyang, the oldest of the five elders, said, "We can't take care of so many people. I wonder if Elder Liang Tao explained the situation there to you?"

"No." Liang Tao took his words, "but we can say it now. The galaxy where the earth is located is called the Milky Way, and the specific location is a star system called the solar system. We already have the path to get there. There is no problem. The key issue now is that according to the data, there are countless powerful insect formations on the outskirts of the Milky Way."

"Insect formation?" Shen Zheng heard this word for the first time.

"Yes." Liang Tao nodded. "I didn't understand this word when I first heard it, but after reading the information in detail, I realized that it is a battle formation composed of several powerful bugs. The huge mind force field of each bug, only by finding that mind force field and releasing the power of the master of the galaxy, can the bugs in the entire bug array be shocked, so that we can pass through the bug array smoothly and enter the Milky Way internal."

"Isn't it enough to kill him?" Zhong Tianming said half-jokingly.

"Every bug that makes up the bug array is at the peak star master level." Liang Tao shook his head naively. "So you can imagine how difficult it is for us to kill the past."

"This..." Zhong Tianming was taken aback, "The bug formation is too powerful..."

"Maybe it's a test, maybe it's a kind of protection, anyway it's what it is." Liang Tao said, "That's why we need a person or a weapon that can unleash the power of the lord of the galaxy. Now we have everything, And it's safe. The difficulty lies in finding the center of the worm formation."

"The master has a strong mind power." Xue Su said, "If the center is a mind force field, it shouldn't be difficult to find."

"Not necessarily." Liang Tao said. "After all, we don't know the real situation there. We can only understand it when we get there in person."

"Then let's go." There was light in Shen Zheng's eyes, reflecting the desire in his heart.Not only him, everyone has such a light in their eyes, and they all long to reach that magical place.

Not for worshiping the ancient homeland, but for fulfilling one's own dream of becoming a god.

"Let's go!" Liang Tao said in a deep voice.

All the materials that may be used have already been installed in everyone's space worm core, and there is nothing to prepare at this time.Immediately, the group left the secret base of the Crimson Alliance, entered the hyperspace, and embarked on a journey.

"I have a suggestion." Shen Zheng said, "Give the star map to me and Xue Su, and you can rest in our worm core space. You must know the movement of the galaxy master, which is the fastest. If you fly like this , I don’t know which year and which month I will be able to reach the Milky Way.”

"Good idea." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Why don't you two take turns flying." Liang Tao said, "The journey is long, I don't know how long it will take, and it will last if you change shifts."

"I'll come first." Xue Su said with a smile, "I'll change to you when I'm tired."

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded, and after Liang Tao handed over the star map to Xue Su, Shen Zheng moved Shen Ying, Fang He, and Chai Feifei out of his worm core space, and together with everyone, moved them all Arrived in Xue Su's worm core space.Xuesu merged with the five human beings of the Xue group, turned into a body of light, reached the power level of the lord of the galaxy, entered the inner hyperspace, and flew towards the distant galaxy as shown in the star map. [

From the crimson spiral galaxy to the distant Milky Way galaxy, there is an extremely long journey. If you want to fly with the power of the peak star master, you don't know when you will fly.With the power of the lord of the galaxy, although this journey is still long, it is not unreachable.

Shen Zheng and Xue Su flew alternately, and after two months, they were finally approaching the edge of the mysterious Milky Way.At this time, it was Xue Su's turn to fly with the crowd. In the insect core space, Liang Tao signaled Shen Zheng to contact Xue Su.

"It should stop." He said, "It is already close to the edge of the Milky Way, and it should not be far from the bug formation. We should take a good rest and adjust ourselves to the best state."

"That's right." Shen Zheng nodded, and contacted Xue Su with his mind, Xue Su stopped, left the hyperspace, came to the real universe, and released everyone from the insect core space.

Looking into the distance, what everyone saw was a beautiful and huge galaxy. Countless stars formed a huge, oval-shaped swirl-shaped world. The inner layer was extremely bright, while the outer layer showed an elegant blue color. .

"Is this the origin of all of us and all human civilization?" Shen Ying couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the huge and beautiful world.

"To be precise, it's the solar system." Fang He smiled. "That's where it all started."

"I'm curious." Chai Feifei couldn't help but said, "What will the earth look like? Is it full of powerful bugs, or is there countless holy spirits flying in it?"

"We'll know when we get there." Liang Tao looked at the beautiful world and muttered to himself.

"Now, let's take a good rest." He paused for a moment and said, "Everyone must make themselves the most perfect. Because what awaits us next will be the warmest welcome. Of course, those are not flowers. Not with a friendly gaze, but with the death baptism of a Zerg as powerful as we are."

Everyone nodded slowly, apprehensive, but full of hope.

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