star wars civilization.

Chapter 560: The Ancient Homeland, Earth

During the long flight from the edge of the Milky Way towards the desired land, a group of people encountered swarms of insects several times.But compared to the previous experience in the bug formation, these bug swarms are nothing to worry about. Occasionally, there will be bugs at the peak star master level, but they will be in twos and threes. After the sign, move on.

Here, there is no way to open hyperspace, so everyone can only hurry with their actual flying speed.The long journey lasted for nearly two months before finally arriving at the beautiful solar system.

Looking at the majestic huge star and the planets of various sizes, shapes and colors, everyone felt dazzled for a while.It's not their beauty that moved them, because such scenery is often seen everywhere in the universe.What fascinates them is the huge power that may be contained in that blue planet.

"I don't know why, but when I get close to here, I can't sense anything." Shen Zheng looked at the blue planet with confused eyes.

"It's cold to a certain extent, but what I feel is heat." Liang Tao said, "The closer you get to a powerful person, the less you can feel the breath of a powerful person." [

"Let's go!" Yuan Fangyu urged anxiously. "Stop talking about it here, let's talk about it when we get to Earth!"

"Go!" Everyone said in unison, and flew towards the earth in unison.

The blue planet was getting closer and closer, and the closer they got to it, the harder everyone's hearts beat.

There, it is the common home of mankind, the hometown that once prospered.The ancestors lived and multiplied here, and then spread the seeds of civilization and life all over the universe...

That is the source of everything!

Everyone couldn't help feeling a pilgrimage in their hearts.

Gradually, the earth was getting closer and closer to them, but at this moment, countless spatial turbulences suddenly appeared around them, as if they wanted to surround them.

"Not good!" Shen Zheng roared, "There are powerful Zergs appearing again! But I can't sense their thoughts!"

Everyone looked at those turbulent currents in astonishment. There were dozens of turbulent currents. If they were all bugs of the peak star master level, this small team would almost encounter a certain fate.

"Master, I'm coming!" Xue Su yelled, and immediately mobilized her strength, and white lights emanated from her body, and the power of the Holy Spirit of the five members of the Xue Group flowed out from the insect nucleus space and injected into it, forming a light of light. body, raising her powers to the level of the Lord of the Galaxy.

But in an instant, everyone's expressions changed.

Slowly appearing in the dozens of turbulent streams is a powerful existence with only the appearance of the Holy Spirit and the Zerg, as if it is a hybrid produced by the combination of the two.

Qinglong worms, white tiger worms, rosefinch worms, and basalt worms, these four blood relatives of the Holy Spirit formed this terrifying team, and their bodies were only halfway out of the turbulent flow, and they had already released a huge force that made everyone feel fear and despair. breath.That is a powerful power belonging to the master of the galaxy, any one is enough to suppress everyone!

"Why is this?" Xue Su exclaimed, "Oh my god, they are all masters of the galaxy?"

"Flee, run!" Shen Zheng roared, waving his hands with all his might.

Xue Su didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately expanded the body of light, instantly enveloping everyone in it, ignoring whether it made everyone feel unbearable, immediately summoned the greatest strength, and flew towards the direction of the earth.

"They're going in." At this moment, a blue dragon worm stopped its progress and said slowly.

"Then our task is completed." said a white tiger worm. "Let's go back."

"It's amazing, I sensed the aura of my family from them." A basalt worm said looking at Xue Su's background. [

"Me too." A Suzaku looked at it.

The brief communication ended here, and they slowly sank into the turbulent flow of space and disappeared.

Xue Su flew with all her strength, and came to the vicinity of the earth in an instant, directly crashed into the earth's atmosphere, went all the way down, towards a continent, and landed in a stretch of mountains at the edge of the continent.

At this time, Xue Su put away the body of light.

Immediately, everyone fell to the ground.These peak star masters all felt dizzy because they couldn't bear Xue Su's astonishing flying speed. Even Shen Zheng fell to the ground and rested for a long time before slowly recovering. He raised his head and looked around. .

This is a beautiful forest in the mountains. There are straight and tall trees growing in the forest, and the green leaves are dotted among the trees. The sun is scattered from the distant sky, forming light blue and green light and shadow above the forest.Some misty mist drifted around. Taking a breath, what was introduced into the body was extremely powerful space power.

"Did you feel it?" Zhong Tianming looked around in astonishment, breathed hard, and spread his arms, so that every rainy skin began to absorb the power of space. "The power of space here is so powerful! It's stronger than any place I've seen!"

"Indeed!" Liang Tao also became excited, doing the same movements as him. "I feel that if I cultivate in such a place, maybe I will soon be able to break through the limit and become the master of the galaxy!"

"What a powerful power of space!" Several elders couldn't help sighing.

"There is a place where the power of space is comparable to this place." Shen Zheng said suddenly. "Even stronger than here."

"Where?" Liang Tao couldn't help asking.

"In the belly of the crimson monster." Shen Zheng said.

Several people looked at Shen Zheng, with expressions of envy on their faces at the same time.

"No wonder you can be so powerful." Lin Boyang couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "You must have gained a lot from being able to go to a place with such powerful space power."

"It's just that I was just a protoss at that time." Shen Zheng shook his head and smiled bitterly, "So I couldn't sense the power of space, let alone think of using its power to cultivate. Thinking about it now, it's a pity."

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you with surprise on their faces.They stared at Shen Zheng, and couldn't help thinking: You didn't use that environment to cultivate, you have reached the current point, you are simply a monster!

"Something is coming." Shen Zheng suddenly looked in one direction.Everyone immediately felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and after a while, everyone also sensed that there was a creature coming here. A few minutes later, a three-meter-tall long-haired tiger appeared in front of everyone, with half of a rabbit's corpse still in its mouth , eyes radiated fierce light, stared at the crowd, swallowed the half of the corpse in one gulp, walked towards the crowd with fangs bared, and roared like a tiger from his throat.

"I'm not mistaken, am I?" Zhong Tianming looked at the big long-haired fellow with a dazed expression on his face. "How do I feel that its only at the level of a worm melter? But why...why does it have a special feeling, as if it..."

"It seems to be particularly powerful?" Liang Tao asked.

"Yes!" Zhong Tianming nodded.

"I also have this feeling." Shen Zheng looked at the long-haired tiger, his thoughts flowing on it.

"It's the power of the Holy Spirit!" Suddenly, the voices of Xiao Hei and Eggy came out from the core of the Xuanwu bug.At the same time, Xue Su also received a notification from the five members of the Snow Group, she couldn't help but turned to look at Shen Zheng, and said, "They said it was the power of the Holy Spirit!"[

"Xiao Hei and Eggy said it was the power of the Holy Spirit!" Shen Zheng also spoke at this time.

"The power of the Holy Spirit?" Liang Tao was taken aback. "There is such a thing as the power of the Holy Spirit in its body? Is it because of the legacy of the White Tiger's Holy Spirit?"

"It's not like." Xue Su shook her head, "I said I didn't feel the power of the white tiger's holy spirit, and besides, this guy has yellow hair, how does he look like a white tiger?"

At this time, that guy roared violently, and rushed towards Yuan Fangyu who was closest to it.Yuan Fangyu frowned, regardless of 21, the most important thing is to protect himself first, and immediately waved his palm and hit it out, a surging force of space slammed into the long-haired tiger, and with a bang, the long-haired tiger was directly knocked out. The fierce tiger turned into fine dust all over the sky.

"Why are you so careless?" Yuan Fangyu was taken aback.

"Look!" Shen Zheng stretched out his hand and pointed, and everyone followed his direction, only to see something shining brightly among the floating dust. When everyone observed it carefully, they immediately felt A breath of power that shocks him.

"It's the power of the Holy Spirit!" Xue Su said excitedly, "No wonder everyone thinks it's powerful, but it's because they sensed the power of the Holy Spirit hidden in its body! But..."

She frowned slightly again: "What kind of power of the Holy Spirit is this? It's similar to any kind, and it's not like any other... Everyone in the Snow Group can't tell."

As she spoke, she walked over and slowly reached out to catch the crystal light.

"Xue Su be careful!" Shen Zheng hurried over.

"It's okay." Xue Su moved her hand over and spread it out in front of everyone.Everyone looked and saw a crystal clear in her palm.The crystal is only half the size of a small fingernail of an ordinary person, and it is transparent, just like a piece of crystal.Everyone can sense a kind of holy and powerful power from it. That power is mainly the power of ideas that affects people's minds, but it is not a powerful force of killing and destruction.

"This seems to be a crystal formed by the pure power of the Holy Spirit." Liang Tao said. "I don't know what to do?"

Xue Su gently held it in her hand, trying to penetrate it with force, but found that the force of space could not penetrate it at all.Out of curiosity, she released several members of the snow group from the worm nucleus, and several people looked at her hand for a long time, but none of them could tell what this thing was used for.

"There are creatures fighting over there." Shen Zheng suddenly pointed in one direction, "Let's go and have a look!" Then, he flew over before everyone else.

The crowd followed closely, and after passing through a dense forest, they came to the edge of an open field.On the open ground, there was a three-meter-tall long-haired tiger fighting with a less than two-meter-tall giant wolf.The tiger was almost at the peak level of a worm melter, but the giant wolf was far behind. It was obviously not the tiger's opponent. After being knocked down several times, it jumped up tenaciously and attacked the tiger.

That piece of open land is full of gravel and sawdust. It can be seen that this place was originally a dense forest, but it was destroyed during the struggle between the two beasts.

Finally, under the carelessness of the tiger, the giant wolf grabbed its throat. It roared angrily, struggled, clawed and beat the wolf vigorously, but finally fell down in a pool of blood.

Everyone noticed that the blood was red, not the purple of the Zerg.

"Animals that are not Zerg can have such great power?" Zhong Tianming was a little surprised.

"Look!" Xue Su stretched out his finger to point at the giant wolf, and saw the giant wolf slowly climbed up, bit hard on the tiger's head, and strenuously crushed the tiger's head.At this time, a crystal light appeared from the tiger's head.

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