star wars civilization.

Chapter 565: Jun's Outbreak

The Yellow Dust Rat and the Colorful Ice Snake collided violently in the Holy Spirit Realm.The bodies of both sides shook violently during the impact, each retreated a little, but then rushed towards each other, fighting together.Shen Zheng and the giant rat worm controlled their respective ultimate moves, fighting each other, sometimes the rat bit the snake, and sometimes the snake injured the rat.

But in the end, it turned out that the snake had the upper hand, bit the rat's neck, and tore off the rat's head with a few violent movements. The yellow dust rat immediately exploded into a cloud of dust, bombarding the colorful ice snake , and wounded the ice snake before it was destroyed.

But the colorful ice snake turned around, its injuries had already recovered, and it charged towards the giant rat worm.

"Kill you!" The giant rat worm roared angrily, and yellow dust surged up from its body again, turning into a giant rat and rushing towards it.This time, the power of the colorful ice snake could no longer resist it, and it was smashed to pieces and perished.

Shen Zheng gave a soft drink, and the ice snake flew out of the Xuanwu Ice Soul again, while Xue Su still blessed it with the power of the Holy Spirit as before, and slammed into the giant yellow dust rat. [

The two sides confronted each other with ultimate moves in this isolated space, and in the blink of an eye, several moves were correct.Xuesu's face changed slightly, and she whispered: "Master, the number of our ice snakes..."

"There are still four times left." Shen Zheng also had a serious expression on his face. "It's not going to work like this. It's not good for us to fight against it for long-range attack power. Let's fight melee!"

The two flew forward, turned into two beams of light and attacked the giant rat worm, one left and one right formed a combined attack, attacking the giant rat worm.

"Why did you change your style of play?" The giant rat worm snorted coldly, swung its body, and opened its mouth to bite the stronger Shen Zheng, while its tail swept towards Xue Su like a steel whip.

The giant rat's sharp teeth drove a surge of space power, and rolled towards Shen Zheng. Shen Zheng didn't dare to be careless, so he could only back away.

That tail sweep was also amazingly powerful, Xue Su was almost hit by it, it was extremely thrilling.

The two of them fought together, and they didn't know how many offensive and defensive moves they had made in a moment.The Giant Rat Worm is huge, but its movements are extremely flexible. Shen Zheng and Xue Su fought against it, but they didn't get the slightest advantage.

"Little humans, you are too weak!" The giant rat worm laughed while fighting. "With such weak strength, you dare to fight against me? Let me eat it honestly. I will be merciful and swallow you up in one bite, so that you will not feel the pain. Otherwise, I will swallow you in one bite. You tear it up and swallow it!"

"Shut up!" Xue Su yelled angrily, and slashed down with a volley of palms. The giant rat worm stood up suddenly, and when it swung its front paws, it collided with Xue Su's palm, which shocked Xue Su directly. Fly out.

There was a kick on the back foot, blocking Shen Zheng's punch.Shen Zheng felt as if he was hitting an iron plate, although the hand of the body of light was in contact with it, but the fist he swung was also painfully shaken.

"It's too powerful!" He frowned slightly, and communicated with Xue Su in a low voice through the network worm.

"Master, we don't seem to be its opponent." Xue Su said, "It didn't give full play at the beginning, even now, it seems to be just playing with us."

"I won't play with you anymore." The Giant Rat Worm suddenly snorted coldly. "Eat you quickly, it doesn't matter if I go back to sleep!"


Shen Zheng looked at the giant rat worm, and read the hypocrisy from its brainwaves.What does this mean?For a moment he could tell.

But he directly felt the change in the power of the giant rat worm. This flexible big guy fully released its power, and it didn't seem to be much different from the two just like before. A cold light flashed in its eyes, and its body moved violently , and jumped up in the air nimbly, dazzled the two of them.

Suddenly, at a turning point, it landed on Xue Su's back, opened its mouth wide and bit towards Xue Su, neither Xue Su nor Shen Zheng in the distance could react in time, seeing that he was bitten by it .

The body of light was turbulent, and it was instantly bitten into two by the huge force in its mouth. The upper body of the light exclaimed, and desperately struck out two palms to repel the giant rat worm, and flew towards Shen Zheng in the air. The lower body that was bitten off turned into a streamer, and except for a small part that was swallowed by the giant rat worm, the rest returned to Xue Su's body.

"What a scary guy!" Xue Su came to Shen Zheng's side with lingering fear. [

The body of light is just a coat of power, Xue Su's body is on the head of the body of light, but the giant rat worm's bite didn't hurt her at all.But what if the bite was on the head?I'm afraid Xue Su is already in the belly of the giant rat worm at this moment.

"This secret method is really convenient!" The giant rat worm stared at Xue Su, and gritted his teeth. "I didn't expect you to be fine if you were bitten in two. So... it's not that you have grown bigger, it's just that you've put on a huge armor. What about the real you? Hey, I guess it's at the head ?Okay, then next time I'll bite your heads directly!"

As it said that, it sneered, and its body suddenly moved again, as fast as lightning, and instantly turned into a phantom running vertically and horizontally, making it impossible for the two of them to figure out its movement.

"Master, let's run away!" Xue Su observed the surroundings, and found that Shen Zheng's power in the Holy Spirit Realm of the second world was slowly being eroded by Huang Chen's power, and gradually lost his initiative.In the air, more and more yellow dust appeared, which began to affect the speed and strength of the two of them.It seems that it won't be long before the power of the Holy Spirit Realm of the giant rat worm will dominate everything here, and it may be too late for the two of them to escape.

"Work together!" Shen Zheng nodded, but raised his hand and released four ice snakes.This is already the limit of Xuanwu Ice Soul, and Fado will release one more.

Xue Su hurriedly concentrated, condensed the power of the Holy Spirit into four balls of light, and threw them respectively at the four ice snakes. After the four ice snakes devoured them, they turned into colorful bodies, and then under the control of Shen Zheng, They were entangled in the air, slowly twisting their bodies, forming a larger multicolored ice snake.

"Interesting, do you think you can stop me with such power?" The giant rat worm stopped suddenly, staring at the huge colorful ice snake. "Humans, let me let you know how far you are from me."

Huang Chen surged around his body, and quickly formed a giant yellow dust mouse, which broke away from its body, opened its mouth and screamed wildly at the colorful ice snake.Shen Zheng looked ahead, waved his hand violently, and the colorful ice snake rushed towards the opponent immediately, biting the giant yellow dust rat.

The giant yellow dust rat didn't move, it just waited quietly.There was a strong contrast between movement and stillness, which made people feel that the giant snake that was pounced on its prey was actually the prey.

In an instant, the giant yellow dust rat opened its mouth, and bit the neck of the colorful ice snake with lightning speed.The colorful ice snake struggled violently, but it couldn't get rid of the opponent's huge mouth, and the mouth of the giant yellow dust rat slowly closed, and the head of the colorful ice snake was almost broken.

At this moment, Shen Zheng waved his hand violently in the body of light, and the five-colored ice snake exploded from inside immediately, the five-colored power spread across the surrounding space instantly, and the cold air spread in all directions, forming a huge energy cluster, blocking the out of sight.

"Go!" At this moment, he held Xue Su's light body hand, and the two quickly shrank back to normal humans and shouted together, facing the outer wall of the space that is still controlled by the second world Holy Spirit Realm fly away.

"Can this little trick be hidden from me?" Suddenly, a surge of breath came, and the giant rat worm flew like lightning, appearing behind the two of them, with its two front paws one left and one right in the void. Catch, the huge space force immediately entangled the two of them tightly.The giant rat worm sneered, opened its mouth wide, and bit Shen Zheng fiercely!

At this critical moment, Shen Zheng felt that his life was under a huge threat, and a force in his body couldn't help but surged crazily.That was the force he was most familiar with, the power of the blood-volume cosmic worm that changed his life!

In an instant, the mouth of the giant rat worm froze in the air, as if it had suddenly turned into a stone statue.Shen Zheng sensed the same power surging in its brain, that power echoed his own cosmic origin insect power, and was gradually affected by his own power, and began to turbulent.And it was precisely because of this turmoil that the giant rat worm couldn't control its body for a while, and stopped there.

Does it also have the power of cosmic source insects in its brain?

Excitement shot out from Shen Zheng's eyes, and regardless of many things, he used the power of his mind to merge with the power of the cosmic source insect, and swept towards the mind of the giant rat worm.

In the past, the powerful power of thought was met with an even stronger power of thought. Originally, Shen Zheng's power of thought would be opened by this force, but under the protection of the power of the universe source insect, it counterattacked without hindrance. The giant worm's mind force smashed away, and in a short moment, controlled the giant rat worm's body.

At that moment, Shen Zheng felt that he was connected with the mind of the giant rat worm, and controlled its mind.But this connection is extremely fragile and seems to be broken in a blink of an eye.

do not miss it!

Shen Zheng's eyes flashed coldly, he seized this rare opportunity, controlled the mind of the giant rat worm, and let it swing its claws towards his body.The terrifying power of yellow dust rose from the claws, and immediately tore several terrible gaps in the giant rat worm's chest. The completely different bright red internal organs of other Zerg immediately flowed out.

A huge heart almost fell out of the chest, hanging in front of the wound. [

The space power controlling Shen Zheng and Xue Su completely disappeared, Shen Zheng waved his hand suddenly without hesitation, a second world space surrounded, devoured and wiped out the huge heart.

The giant rat worm's eyes dimmed for a moment, and the surrounding yellow dust and holy spirit world quickly disappeared, leaving only Shen Zheng's power of the second world in the whole world.

The huge body was floating in the Holy Spirit Realm of the second world, held up by the power of the second world, and did not fall downward.

"It's dangerous!" Xue Su covered her chest with her hands, her face turned pale.

"If it wasn't for the sudden onset of the power of the cosmic source insect, we would be finished." Shen Zheng said in a low voice. "I didn't expect that the giant rat worm also had the power of the cosmic source worm in its brain. I don't know if it is the crystallization of the source worm."

As he said that, he aimed at the head of the giant rat worm, and swung a force of space to break the head open.

A dazzling white light flickered for a while, and then gradually softened.

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