star wars civilization.

Chapter 571: Earth Forces

"Mr. Lu, you have lived on Earth for a long time, so you should be very familiar with the crystallization of the Holy Spirit, right?" Liang Tao asked Lu Qianli seriously after laughing with everyone.

"Yes." Lu Qianli nodded, "This level of holy spirit crystal has a 50.00% success rate, and can elevate the peak star master to the master of the galaxy."

"So it's not 50.00%." ​​Zhong Tianming was somewhat disappointed, but then smiled. "There is a [-]% possibility, which is already extremely high. Besides..."

He focused on Shen Zheng, his eyes filled with a kind of crazy belief.

"Brother Shen Zheng's concocted crystallization, I think it may have a [-]% success rate."[

As soon as the words came out, the rest of the people nodded.

Lu Qianli looked at these people and completely didn't understand why they trusted Shen Zheng so much.

"Try it and you'll know." Shen Zheng stretched out his hand, and the holy spirit crystal shone faintly in the palm of his hand. "Who will be the first to use it? Let's discuss it."

"Everyone." Chai Feifei stood up suddenly at this moment, "I know that everyone is eager to become such a strong person, but I want to say one thing - give this holy spirit crystal to Xiaoying."

Shen Ying didn't expect her to say that, and couldn't help being startled.

"You guys are here too. Xiaoying has been practicing in the space since Big Brother Shen and Miss Xuesu successfully advanced." Chai Feifei said, "Some people know why, but some don't. I just want to say, from a From the beginning, Xiaoying was constantly chasing after Brother Shen, in order to stay by his side all the time, not to become his burden, not to be separated from him. Now, although she has fulfilled her wish, it is only half fulfilled."

As she spoke, she spoke to Xuesu: "Xiaoying's wish is to be by Brother Shen's side like Miss Xuesu, instead of being accompanied in a worm nucleus separated by a space. Therefore, I implore everyone to let this opportunity go." give her."

"Nothing to say." Liang Tao nodded immediately. "This crystal was concocted by Brother Shen Zheng, and the first beneficiaries should of course be his relatives. Do you agree?"

He turned his head to look at the other four elders of the Crimson Alliance. The four elders smiled and nodded.

"I have no objection either." Zhong Tianming smiled. "Brother Shen Zheng didn't abandon us after his promotion, and he was willing to suffer for us. This is already a great kindness."

"Of course we don't have any objections." Shui Qingqing said loudly, his eyes swept over the four members of the Xue group. "Do you think so?"

"Of course." Yan Xin took the lead and nodded, and the rest of the people also thought it was reasonable.

"But..." Shen Ying blushed.A group of people in their [-]s and [-]s were waiting to be promoted so that they could become younger and stood aside, but a little girl like herself snatched this first benefit, and she felt uneasy.

"Don't let it go." Fang He smiled and brought her to Shen Zheng, "Everyone has already decided to give her up to you, so you can accept everyone's favor."

Shen Ying looked up at her brother timidly, while Shen Zheng smiled gently: "Xiaoying, everyone has said that, so I'll do what I want."

As he spoke, he took Shen Ying's hand and stuffed the crystal into her hand.

"Come on, don't be nervous, there is a brother by your side to help you."

"En!" Shen Ying's gaze became firm at that moment, and he nodded vigorously.Holding the holy spirit crystal tightly, there was a look of excitement in her eyes.

Fighting side by side with my brother, traveling through the stars together, holding hands, heart to heart, that is what I have always dreamed of.Thank you all for your success! [

Her eyes swept across the crowd, and everyone could feel her gratitude.All smiled at her with blessings and nodded encouragingly.

"You... are really touching." Seeing this scene, Lu Qianli couldn't help sighing softly to Xuesu. "How long has it been? In the world of the strong, all I have seen is intrigue and fighting for profit, but I have never seen such sincere feelings that belong to real human beings."

"That's why you prefer to be with Xiaobai?" Xue Su asked with a smile.

"Yes." Lu Qianli nodded, "It is precisely because I hate the intrigue among strong human beings that I have not joined any faction. I am just a hardworking free man."

Shen Zheng noticed that Lu Qianli mentioned the word "free people" twice, and he felt that this meant that there were still a group of "not free" people on earth.What does that mean?

Shen Ying had already held the holy spirit crystal tightly in his hand, and began to infiltrate it with the power of space.Shen Zheng restrained his thoughts and decided to help his sister advance to the next level first, and then ask Lu Qianli in detail.He assisted Shen Ying with a powerful mind, helping her complete the entire process from absorption to strength boiling and ascension.After a long time, the aura of the force field around Shen Ying changed, and a surging force spread to the surroundings, making everyone unable to stand still. Xue Su hurriedly used the power of the holy spirit world to protect everyone, so that they were not rushed by the air current. Far.

"It's the power of the water system." Lu Qianli said with certainty.

Sure enough, after that wave of fluctuations ended, the wheel of the holy spirit appeared in a fast rotation, constantly accelerating, and finally drove the space power in the holy spirit world, and slowly absorbed it into Shen Ying's body.At this time, everyone felt a continuous and gentle force, and everyone seemed to be in the cool water, and they couldn't help feeling happy physically and mentally.

After a while, everything stopped, Shen Ying slowly opened his eyes, looked at Shen Zheng excitedly, and held his brother's hand.

"Brother, I succeeded!"

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she strained her hands involuntarily.

"Congratulations, Xiaoying." Shen Zheng was also a little excited.Looking at his sister, he couldn't help but think of his childhood, the time when he knew she had cancer, the time when he joined the army for her, and the time when he had to separate.

"From now on, there won't be any power that can separate us." Shen Zheng held his younger sister's hand tightly, speaking firmly.

"I feel so powerful." Shen Ying wiped her tears, "This time I can finally fly side by side with you, and finally I don't have to wait in the worm core space to call us out when you are free."

"You still have a lot to learn." Shen Zheng said softly, "You have power, but you are still not proficient, let alone fully master that ability. You need to practice more."

"With your guidance, I'm afraid I won't be able to adapt as soon as possible?" Shen Ying wiped away her tears and smiled mischievously.

Fang He and Chai Feifei couldn't help wiping away their tears at this moment.

"Cough!" Liang Tao coughed, embarrassingly interrupting the gentle conversation between the siblings. "Well, since this is the case, brother Shen Zheng, please hunt down more of these high-level Zerg, we..."

When he said this, he was a little embarrassed and blushed a little.

"Mr. Liang, this is something we agreed on before." Shen Zheng smiled, "You don't have to be so embarrassed."

"This..." Liang Tao smiled with a blushing face.

Looking at this group of people, Lu Qianli couldn't help thinking of his only trusted partner.He gently touched the worm nucleus in front of his chest, and the power penetrated into it to sense the holy spirit crystal, and suddenly he gritted his teeth and took it out. The powerful space force swept over it, and it became a white bone knife faintly, Cut off the small half. [

"Mr. Shen Zheng." He handed the holy spirit crystal of the giant wolf to Shen Zheng.

"What do you mean?" Shen Zheng was startled. "We've already agreed..."

"Take it." Lu Qianli said, using the power of space to push the Holy Spirit crystal to Shen Zheng, and raised the remaining half of his hand. "I just keep Xiaobai's crystallization as a souvenir. The earth is not a golden mountain where you can take treasures at will, and there are many forces entrenched here. Your team must improve its strength in order to survive. Use it to create another Be strong."

"You mean..." Shen Zheng landed thousands of miles. "The situation on Earth is complicated?"

"Where there are people, there will be power struggles." Lu Qianli sighed, took out a thin rope from his space worm core, and used space power to pierce a small hole in Xiaobai's holy spirit fruit, and threaded the rope Afterwards, it was made into a necklace, hung around his neck, and the crystal was carefully attached to his chest.

"There are a total of six powerful forces on the entire earth." He said after collecting the crystals. "Each force is led by a strong second-order galaxy master, and there are a large number of first-order galaxy masters and a large number of peak star masters. Several continents on the earth are occupied by them. The best Zerg The resources are all in their hands. We call that kind of place a 'worm farm'. People who don't join any forces, or are not controlled by any forces, have to wander alone on the earth. In the wilderness that is valued by all major forces, hunt and kill sporadic and powerful existences, extract the crystals of the holy spirit, and strengthen yourself. This is a free man."

Everyone was attracted by his words and couldn't help but gather around him.

"Please introduce the six major forces." Shen Zheng said politely.

"The six major forces are all named after the leader of the alliance. The first major force is called the Aotian League, which occupies the largest continent on the earth. According to the division method of the ancient homeland, it was the Eurasian continent at that time; the second largest The faction is called the Beiyang League, which occupies the African continent; the third largest force is the Yu Jing League, which occupies North America; the fourth largest force is the Autumn Goose League, whose leader is a woman, and occupies South America; The Last Alliance occupies Oceania; the sixth largest force is the Linya Alliance, which occupies Antarctica." Lu Qianli said it all in one breath.

"The location we are in now is the northeast corner of the African continent." He said, "That is to say, it is the territory of the Beiyang League. The desert alone has destroyed one-third of the continent, but the resources of the Zerg Not at all. Especially in the vast desert, powerful characters abound. The same is true in the tropical rainforest. It is a pity that any insect farm is a forbidden area of ​​the Beiyang League. If free people enter it, they will be punished. They killed them. The places where their management is relatively loose are the offshore areas, the outer edge of the jungle, and the mountainous areas where we are."

He said: "I have been looking for traces of the Zerg around here, but I didn't expect that although I found the right place, I also found the wrong place. There are two galaxy master Zerg here..."

Speaking of this, I thought of Xiaobai again, and couldn't help feeling sad.

"Mr. Shen Zheng." He raised his head with firm eyes. "I'm a person with normal human feelings, so I actually like to deal with the crowd, but unfortunately I can't find such a crowd in the world of the strong. I like your team, can you let me join?"

"Welcome." Shen Zheng smiled lightly.

"Thank you!" Lu Qianli's tone was more serious.

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