star wars civilization.

Chapter 579: Dragon Snake Dances

The blood ring was spinning in Yi Qing's hands. k

Paradoxically, what it brings is cold power.

The icy cold surged like a sea tide, and the space turned into a world of ice sea, which expanded recklessly and spread in all directions.The huge Ice Sea Holy Spirit Realm was formed, bringing everyone into an isolated alien world.There is no singing of flowers and birds, no wind, sand, rain and dew, only an endless ocean of ice.

The cold snap surrounded everyone, making people feel the biting pain.

The two powerhouses retreated at the same time, and the most powerful icy force in this world could not hurt them at all. [

"Come behind me." With Qiu Yunzhi's signal, everyone in Shen Zheng's party endured the chill that made their teeth chatter and came under her protection.A warm force gently rippling, everyone has a feeling of soaking in the hot spring.

"Sister's strength is also water?" Xue Su boldly came to Qiu Yunzhi's side, whispering with a smile.

"The essence of the world is water and fire." Qiu Yunzhi looked at Xue Su with a gentle voice.

"How do you say it?" Xue Su asked curiously.

"Water is matter, and fire is energy." Qiu Yunzhi explained carefully, "The world is composed of matter and energy."

"Then what about the space?" Xue Su asked mischievously. "I heard that the world is composed of four parts: time, space, matter and energy. How did my sister simplify them into two?"

"Originally there are two types." Qiu Yunzhi was not angry, but patiently explained like a serious teacher. "Space is actually a kind of energy. It is made of energy, and if there is energy, it must occupy a certain space. Therefore, space is the form in which energy exists, and energy is the necessity of producing space. And time..."

Qiu Yunzhi smiled: "It's just a concept."

"Concept?" Xue Su was puzzled.

"Who can explain time?" Qiu Yunzhi said, "The long development, from one end to the other, will not stop and have no end. But if all the space is destroyed, will it still move forward? If this space stops, it will Is it continuing to run? Time is the most illusory concept in the world."

"I don't quite understand." Xue Su shook her head.

"I don't need to understand." Qiu Yun smiled. "You just need to know how to use the energy of space. As for time...that belongs to God."

"God?" Xue Su blinked.

"God in the true sense.|^" Qiu Yunzhi said, "Beyond the source insects, beyond the existence of the plane, the mysterious power that makes everything. It is not a specific creature."

Xue Su seems to understand but not understand.

During the conversation between the two, Shen Zheng had already exerted his strength.The second world is like flowers in full bloom, blooming in every corner of the ice sea world, quickly plundering the territory, forming a world of its own.

It confronts the world of the ice sea, and divides the world of the Holy Spirit into two parts.Like two gods, each protects its own spokesperson.

The holy white light flew from the palm of his hand, turning into a long blood whip.The soft whip coiled into a ball with the movement of the wrist, and Shen Zheng held it in his hand.The power of the second world flows in the whip, and the two become one.

Yi Qing's complexion was like this ice sea world.Pale and cold.Shen Zheng's performance was beyond his expectation. It was a battle game that could be easily won, but it was about to turn into a battle of destruction that determined life and death. [

He can't lose, the price of losing is too heavy, he can't afford it.At that time, he will lose Ying Aotian's trust and the opportunity to make meritorious deeds.But that's not the scariest thing, what's scary will be the shadow in my heart.

The shadow of being defeated by his peers will affect his future practice.will limit his eventual development.He can lose Ying Aotian's trust and even his status as an elder, but he can't lose the hope of being promoted.

I must kill you!

The eyes are red, expressing the determination to kill.At this moment, he is not fighting for Ying Aotian, not for Aotian League, but only for himself.

The blood ring rotated, and the edge ice flow surged towards the blood ring, and the blood ring was like blood beads.And Ice Tide is like a giant dragon chasing dragon balls.

"Kill!" Yi Qing's voice was like a cold wave.Cold, affectionate, full of murderous intent.With a wave of his hand, the spinning blood ring flew out, followed by the giant dragon formed by the ice tide, moving forward.

The sea of ​​ice in the entire Holy Spirit Realm roared violently.The cold air is vertical and horizontal, and the sharp ice is like a spear and sword, moving with the ice tide.The ice tide seemed to have life, and it really turned into a dragon, singing the dragon's song.

"A dragon?" Shen Zheng looked calm and raised his hand slowly.The holy light radiated everywhere, and the blood spirit whip slowly danced in the air.The power of the second world supported it, nourished it, and helped it resist the overwhelming cold wave.

Letting go, the white whip seemed to have life, and flew away from the palm of its own accord, dancing in the air.In an instant, white scales, head and tail, eyes and mouth appeared.The sharp teeth, exuding white light, bring people not the terror of death, but the warmth of return.It seemed to die in its mouth, only to return to the embrace of chaos.

The eyes of Ying Aotian and Qiu Yunzhi changed due to the change of the blood spirit whip at the same time, reflecting different moods.

"This person has limited possibilities in the future, and it may be a catastrophe for all strong people. You must kill him." No sound came out, and what surged was just a thought, which flowed out from Ying Aotian's sea of ​​thoughts, wandering in the way In the realm of the holy spirit, it will flow into Yi Qing's thoughts without being affected by any power.

Yes, he was a disaster, at least the one I was seeing.Yi Qing stared at Shen Zheng.Without anyone telling me, I will kill him too.

Shen Zheng's thoughts are different from others.It has experienced the experience in the crimson vortex, obtained the memories of countless strong men, and has the ability that many people dream of.Although it can't capture Ying Aotian's thoughts, it can sense it.At that moment, he understood what instruction Ying Aotian gave Yi Qing.

And the killing intent in Yi Qing's mind became stronger.

He understands that this will be a battle of life and death.If he only thought that this was just a contest, then he would be the one who died.

If you have to worry about anything, just do it with all your strength.

The eyes are clear, but there is a certain firmness in them.Shen Zheng sent out the power of space, and the second world was also entangled with the blood spirit whip, instantly expanding the volume of the blood spirit whip.In the air, the big white snake danced in the air, and the long letter made a hissing sound, as if calling from the land of death.

Facing the spinning blood ring and the surging Ice Tide Dragon behind it, the White Snake shot forward and hit the blood ring directly with his body.

The intense friction produced dazzling flames, and the white light scattered with the ice chips. The power of the blood ring merged with the ice tide dragon behind in an instant, and the sea of ​​ice rushed towards the white snake.

No need to hold back!

Shen Zheng's gaze was like lightning, he waved his hand, and the power of space exuded a powerful force.The white snake opened its huge mouth in the air, and its body grew several times in an instant. Facing the ice dragon, it swallowed it in one gulp!

The huge ice dragon is like a river, rushing into the white snake's huge mouth, rushing down violently, and pouring into the white snake's belly. [

At that moment, the expressions of Shen Zheng and Yi Qing changed at the same time.

Yi Qing felt that the power of his ice sea space was completely swallowed by the white snake in front of him.The white snake's belly seemed to be a bottom hole, no matter how much space power he sent out, he couldn't fill it up. It seemed like a doomsday snake that could completely eat up the entire space and bring destruction to the world.

Shen Zheng felt that the other party's space power was endless, as wide and limited as the universe, and he could never swallow it up.He was vaguely worried that the Blood Spirit Whip would be broken by the opponent's space power.

When the two forces clashed, it wasn't just the two whose faces changed drastically.The horror in the eyes of Qiu Yunzhi and Ying Aotian gradually became stronger, and the eyes of both of them could not help but focus on Shen Zheng.

What kind of person is this?Incredible!

The same fear caused the strength of the two people in the battle to explode.As the white snake hissed, the ice dragon twisted, and countless spatial forces erupted instantly, splashing energy in all directions.

The white snake returned to the Blood Spirit Whip and returned to its master with a flash of white light.The ice dragon shattered, turned into several ice sea space powers and scattered in all directions, returning to the ice sea holy spirit world.

The blood ring whirled and returned to Yi Qing's hand.The two looked at each other from a distance and communicated with each other, each feeling the strength of the other.

"It seems to be a tie." Shen Zheng said.

"It's indeed a tie." Yi Qing's face was gloomy.

Ying Aotian shook his head slowly: A draw?In offense and defense, it is the attacking side that has the upper hand.When attacking the enemy, is it equal to the enemy?That's already lost!

"I have let Mr. Yi Qing take the lead." Shen Zheng said, "Next, I can't give up. Please Mr. Yi Qing take my move."

Waving, the blood spirit whip danced, and the power of the second world flowed through the whip.Shen Zheng let go, and the blood spirit whip turned into a huge white snake again, opening its mouth to swallow the power of the surrounding space, whether it was the power of the second world emanating from Shen Zheng's Holy Spirit Realm, or the power of the ice sea in Yiqing's Holy Spirit Realm.

Yi Qing's face changed slightly, and the movement of the blood ring in his palm gradually stopped, and he held it firmly in his hand.At the grip ring, the knuckles turned white, showing his strength, but also revealing the uneasiness in his heart.

The opened mouth no longer devours, but emits countless spatial powers from the white snake's mouth, spreading all over the surrounding space.That power is not lifeless, but full of spirituality, twisting and dancing in the air, turning into illusory little snakes.

Small, for the white snake.To Yi Qing, those are giant pythons.

Suddenly, the white snake moved.Like a white lightning, it passed through everything in an instant and rushed towards Yi Qing.Several illusory white pythons moved accordingly, like a blizzard covering Yi Qing.

"Break!" Yi Qing yelled.He can't be indifferent, doesn't roar, it's not enough to encourage himself to fight against this huge force.After the roar, what appeared in his mind was a scene from his childhood.

It was in the dark night, when he was awakened by a nightmare in the middle of the night, he cried and called his mother.

I'm not weak, never will be!

His eyes were red, and he swung the blood ring vigorously.The power of the ice sea surged and turned into a giant dragon, dancing around his body, attacking and defending in one, fierce.

Countless illusory white pythons were sucked into its whirling dance by the ice dragon, and instantly shattered into pure power of space.

But they didn't disappear, but turned into the power of the second world, and radiated throughout the ice dragon, binding it tightly like ropes.

At this time, the white snake flew towards him.

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