star wars civilization.

Chapter 584: Lin Ya's Challenge

There are more than a dozen people flying from the sky, the first three are the masters of the galaxy, and the remaining dozen are all peak star masters. They follow in a neat line, like a guard of honor. |^The meaning of their following is not to protect, but to show their majesty.

Everyone is in the uniform of the Linya League. The two first-order galaxy masters wear elder clothes, which are different from the peak star masters. The man they follow is different from them, and looks more gorgeous and noble.

The man was partly distributed, with hair hanging down in front of his forehead. He had an oval face with fair skin and a straight bridge of nose.His eyes are blocked by sunglasses, making it impossible to form an overall impression of his appearance.But just looking at the rest of the body, it gives people a feminine and feminine beauty, and the tightly closed mouth makes people feel that he is too cold.

"He is Lin Ya." Qiu Yunzhi whispered, "The master of Lin Ya League."

"Like a cold beauty." Shen Zheng smiled faintly. [

"If he hears this, he will definitely fight you hard." Qiu Yun smiled, "He has a feminine beauty, but he is most afraid of others saying that. If you want to anger him, this is a good way."

"What do I do to provoke him when I'm idle?" Shen Zheng shook his head.

"Isn't this the way to treat guests?" Lin Ya said slowly in the air. "When Fairy Qiu came to our Linya League, I personally greeted her and led the crowd to line up."

"You know, this is not my island." Qiu Yunzhi's smile was as warm as the spring breeze, and it was able to dissolve all hostility. "That's why I can't decide."

Shen Zheng took a look at her, and felt that what she said was very suspicious of stirring up a rift between Lin Ya and himself.

When the strong man arrived, the reason for his arrival was unknown, Shen Zheng and his companions stopped their work, stood up and looked up at the sky, secretly preparing for the situation.The free people sensed the change in the atmosphere, and moved to the corners one after another, watching from the sidelines.

"What advice does League Leader Lin have?" Shen Zheng said loudly, "You might as well come down first and talk later. My place is different from Linya League. I have such a beautiful palace, but only a simple big house. If you don't mind, please talk inside."

"No need." Lin Ya waved his hand, his cold face frightened the free man below. "If it's convenient, please ask Mr. Shen to speak in the air. I'd rather let our conversation be heard by everyone."

"Mr. Lin is a guest from afar. Although it is said that the guest should do as the host does, but in order to express the host's hospitality, it is not allowed for you to turn the guest into the host." Shen Zheng smiled and rose into the air.

Qiu Yunzhi followed closely beside him, exhorting in a low voice: "It's not good to come here, but to make too many enemies is good. Adapt to the situation yourself."

Shen Zheng nodded, but did not answer.

Shen Ying frowned on the ground and looked at it, thinking in his heart that he would fly high into the sky with his brother and face the strong outsiders side by side.But she knew she wasn't qualified.

Xuesu came slowly, stood beside her, and gently took her hand: "There is nothing to worry about, sister Qiu is here.|^"

"En." Shen Ying nodded in response, but the unwillingness in her heart was even stronger.

"Don't be so petty." Chai Feifei took her other hand and whispered in her ear. "Look at how generous Xuesu is. Don't lose out on this."

Although Shen Ying knew that she had restrained her voice with the power of space so that no third person would hear it, she couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and winked at Chai Feifei.

"Why leader Lin came here, please tell me directly." In the air, Shen Zheng faced Lin Ya, his eyes were clear and unchanged, afraid of anger.

"The last time Mr. Shen Zheng came to my Lin Ya League, I didn't know." Lin Ya's expression was cold and his voice was calm. "It's a pity that I missed the opportunity to have a meeting with the influential man. So I came here specially to meet Mr. Shen Zheng."

"Just to see each other?" Shen Zheng smiled, "I thought the leader of an alliance should be someone who doesn't like to beat around the bush and gossip."

He could read the language of brainwaves, and he could read the hostility exuded by Lin Ya.Since he came here with hostility, there's no point in pretending to be courteous.Be direct, and both parties will be happy.

"Very good." Lin Ya nodded, "Actually, I'm not a person who likes to beat around the bush, I just want to give Fairy Qiu some face. I'm here today to ask a question: Are you Fairy Qiu's dog, or Fairy Qiu's person?"

"Leader Lin didn't use his words well, it seems that he came here with hostility." Shen Zheng's gaze remained unchanged, and his voice remained clear. "You don't seem to be a person who is good at beating dumb fans, and cursing people in the street doesn't seem to be in line with your noble status. I think you should speak calmly. It's not a bad thing for you or me."

"It really is someone." Lin Ya sneered, "Fairy Qiu, I just want to ask you: Are you making deals with free people from all over the world, or is he Shen Zheng?"

"What's the difference?" Qiu Yunzhi asked with a smile.

Lin Ya's face changed slightly, with just this one sentence, he could already hear Qiu Yun's meaning that Shen Zheng and her were already on the same side, had common interests, shared honor and humiliation.

"Qiu Xianzi never likes to form gangs, what's wrong this time?" Lin Ya's face was cold.

"I don't need others to take care of my affairs, right?" Qiu Yunzhi shook his head, "Leader Lin just needs to take care of his own affairs. What I want is up to you, and no one can control it."

"Couldn't Fairy Qiu fall in love with this kid?" Lin Ya sneered, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

Shen Ying's heart tightened on the ground, and he couldn't help glaring at Lin Ya.

"That's also related to you, right?" Qiu Yunzhi didn't get angry, but just smiled like a spring breeze, which seemed to ease the cold atmosphere brought by Lin Ya.

"The reason why League Leader Lin came here has not been clarified until now." Shen Zheng shook his head, "I don't know if you usually manage Lin Ya League in this way. If so, then why Lin Ya League is at the end of the six major alliances? I already have the answer."

Lin Ya shifted his gaze, and smiled coldly: "Don't use your words. Shen Zheng, Fairy Qiu supports you in trading with free people. For her sake, we acquiesced. But since we want to join the earth society, we must You must follow the rules of the earth society. You have reduced the modulation reward so much, it is obviously an enemy of the six major alliances on purpose."

"Trading has its own trading rules." Shen Zheng shook his head, "Free trade, the one with high quality and low price wins. You can't compare with me, so you are angry, and you can only blame yourself for your poor modulation skills."

"The holy spirit crystals you concocted are indeed divine." Lin Ya said, "but the quality should be higher and the price should be higher. This is the reason why all boats rise with the tide. If you say that you do not follow the rules of the earth, but follow the rules of the transaction, then you should also increase the remuneration for the preparation. As you're doing, you're obviously against the Big Six."

Turning to Qiu Yunzhi, Lin Ya's eyes were not friendly: "Fairy Qiu, it seems that even you should respect the interests of the six major alliances and not suppress them like this. Let alone this kid who just arrived?"

"Just tell me what you want to do." Qiu Yun said what he said.

"It's good to have what you say." Lin Ya smiled slightly, "Shen Zheng, I want you to raise the modulation reward to 90.00%."

"Ten percent higher than you?" Shen Zheng frowned.

"Not bad." Lin Ya said confidently. "Since the quality of the holy spirit crystals you concoct is higher, the price should also be higher. And you should limit the number of concoctions per month, so that you can compete fairly with the six major alliances."

"Fair?" Shen Zheng smiled. "The six major alliances control all the best insect farms on earth, but they are talking about fairness at this time? Well, if you want this kind of fairness, I can give it to you, but the premise is that the six major alliances open the insect farms so that free people can Feel free to enter and exit the insect hunters to obtain crystals."

Down below, the free people were excited.If the two powers compete, if everyone can benefit, it will be a good thing. [

"Shen Zheng, I came here with sincerity, but unfortunately I couldn't get your sincerity." Lin Ya took off his sunglasses, revealing his cold eyes.The eyes are the heart, the heart is opened, and the whole face immediately gives people a new feeling.

"Leader Lin plucked his eyes, so he has more feminine beauty." Shen Zheng smiled faintly, as if to compliment.

Lin Ya's eyes changed, as cold as a knife, as if about to pierce Shen Zheng's chest.Shen Zheng felt the pain of cutting out his heart, but it was far worse than the feeling when Ying Aotian stared at him before.

Shen Zheng can bear the pressure brought by Ying Aotian, let alone Lin Ya.He smiled lightly, his eyes were calm, and he looked humble and polite.

"In this case, I must seek justice from you on behalf of the six major alliances." Lin Ya said in a deep voice, with a terrifying murderous intent in his voice.All the free people on the ground felt chills when they heard the sound, and felt like they were fighting a cold war.

"Forget about the six alliances." Shen Zheng shook his head, "Leader Lin, you can only represent yourself, don't just represent others. If the five leaders have any opinions, they will naturally come to me. But so far , I only saw you alone."

"You are too arrogant." Lin Ya snorted coldly.

"I'm not arrogant, it's just that you are used to seeing people who are humble and dare not disobey you, and you have developed a bad habit." Shen Zheng shook his head and smiled.

"I won't let others say that I sell others." Lin Ya's voice returned to calm, "Shen Zheng, I, the leader of the Lin Ya League, challenge you. If you dare not fight me, then your deal will be terminated. Get out of the earth; if you lose to me, then agree to the request I just made, trade fairly, and not compete with the six major alliances; if you win, the six major alliances will not trouble you again."

"You can't represent the six major alliances." Shen Zheng's eyes were calm and his voice was calm. "If I agree to you, I can only convince you, and don't bother me anymore."

"Lin Ya, that's enough." Qiu Yunzhi's face was slightly cold, like dark clouds covering the sun, which made the viewers feel depressed.

"Fairy Qiu." Lin Ya put on the sunglasses again, hiding her gaze behind the mirror. "If you want to form an alliance, our six major alliances will naturally support it. But even your alliance should act according to the rules. You can't dominate the other six alliances and ruin the benefits of the other six alliances; if you don't plan to establish power, then This is a matter between me and Shen Zheng, and it has nothing to do with Fairy Qiu."

"Shen Zheng." He stared at Shen Zheng, "Do you dare or not? If you don't dare, get lost!"

"What are you, you dare to talk to my master like this?" Xue Su let go of Shen Ying's hand and flew high into the sky, standing beside Shen Zheng, glaring at Lin Ya.

For a moment, it is like flowers blooming in the sky, attracting the attention of countless lights.She and Qiu Yun are like flowers, like a bright moon, standing in the sky at the same time, it is a bewildering beauty, and Lin Ya's murderous aura can't help but stagnate.

Shen Ying was envious for a while, gritted her teeth and mustered up the courage, and wanted to fly into the sky, but was held back by Fang He.

"Xiaoying, no." Fang He shook his head and whispered. "You are different from them. You are Shen Zheng's relatives. If you are known by the strong, I'm afraid they will make up their minds to use you to deal with Shen Zheng, which will cause trouble for him instead."

"I..." Shen Ying was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, she lowered her head dejectedly.

No matter how good others have a good relationship with Shen Zheng, they are not close to her. If there is really a strong person who wants to plot against Shen Zheng, she will be the only protagonist in the plot.Fang He was right, her relationship with Shen Zheng should not be revealed in front of powerful enemies.

She could only bow her head silently, feeling unwilling.

"Shen Zheng, I'm asking you." Lin Ya shifted his gaze from Xue Su back to Shen Zheng, and asked in a deep voice.

"Nothing to dare." Shen Zheng nodded coldly. "But not now."

"When?" Lin Ya's eyes flickered, and his killing intent flowed.

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