star wars civilization.

Chapter 598: The Final Battle

Both sides of the battle stopped, and everyone also stopped, and gradually spread out towards the distance. |^

"Don't use the Holy Spirit Realm?" Lin Ya asked.

"Otherwise, I wouldn't choose this vast sea as my battlefield." Shen Zheng nodded.

"That's what I mean too." Lin Ya said, "It's best to do it in advance, so that we can save time and effort. Our contest should be based on pure killing. It's not about who is stronger, who is weaker, or who is stronger. The level of technology is only about winning or losing without the help of external forces."

"President Lin really can't rely on external force?" Shen Zheng smiled, as if mocking. [

"Master Shen, can you guarantee that you won't borrow any external force?" Lin Ya's dark eyes revealed a cold light.

"There are many ways to borrow." Shen Zheng said. "Work hard on your own, and let others help you to increase your strength. This is one thing; work hard on your own, and let others suppress the opponent so that the opponent can't use it with all its strength. Which is better? Or, in other words, Which one is noble and which one is despicable?"

"Nobility and despicableness are things to come." Lin Ya said in a cold voice, "The most important thing in front of us is victory or defeat. The winner lives and the loser dies. The living will live and shine in all directions; the dead will die and their souls will return to the earth. Soon after, The dead will be forgotten. Right, wrong, noble, and mean, they are just the inconspicuous waves of history. Who will hold them accountable?"

"What you said made me realize something." Shen Zheng nodded, "Ignore others and stick to your own principles, that's all. If you go the wrong way, or go the right way, the end will be known naturally."

"The end of you and me is life and death." Lin Ya suddenly laughed, a sinister smile.If you want to describe it, it seems that only the face of the devil can be compared with it.

"Undead?" Shen Zheng smiled.

"Undead!" Lin Ya raised his hand, a red light flashed in his palm, and the insect spirit weapon broke out. It turned out to be a hair-like filament, flying in his palm, twisting in the air, like water plants dancing in the water .

Shen Zheng raised his hand, a white light flashed, and the blood spirit whip danced in the air like a spirit snake in his hand.

The white light emanates from the body, which is soft and gives people a sense of nobility.Two forces, one water and one fire, flew out from the basalt worm core, injected white light, merged with it, and turned into a body of light to envelop Shen Zheng.The breath was instantly stronger than before, and scattered to the surrounding space, causing space turmoil.

"Is this the secret technique?" Ji Yujing stared in astonishment, with astonishment in his eyes.

Zuo Qiuyan frowned, Gong Beiyang was surprised, Ying Aotian had an expression on his face, but his eyes flashed.

Different, already completely different, compared to that time, he was a different person.At that time, he used this secret method, but barely reached the peak of the first-order galaxy master, but now... I am afraid that even if he is below me, he is about the same. |^What happened during this time?

He looked at Qiu Yunzhi, and couldn't help but attribute everything to her.He didn't understand why she possessed such power that Shen Zheng could reach this level in less than half a year.

Another question was also generated in his mind.The source of the doubt was the other party in the decisive battle—Lin Ya.

Lin Ya, originally the weakest of the leaders of the six major alliances, was not looked down upon by anyone, but in just half a year, he made rapid progress, faintly reaching the peak level of the second-order galaxy leader.If it's an upright battle, Gong Beiyang might not even be his opponent.

And what kind of person, what kind of power, can make him change like this?

Ying Aotian is puzzled, the fruit of thinking.But he faintly felt that there seemed to be a drastic change quietly taking place on the earth. Although his level was enough to rule the earth, he still couldn't fight against the force leading the change.

Not even induction.

Suddenly, he developed a small sense of inferiority complex.This kind of feeling, in the excitement after successful insect planting for the first time, I sometimes hear the legend of the insect controller; after desperately becoming an insect controller, I sometimes hear that the peak far away from me belongs to the lord of the plane. [

But he was not depressed because of this, but was born with joy.

Knowing the insufficiency is a progress; knowing the insufficiency and working hard is a great progress.Only by knowing our own insignificance can we pursue greater greatness.

Before the two fought, they had already affected the people around them.

Before the two of them fought, some kind of power had already swept across the world.In the darkness, in the light, the two people slowly moved this force, like a whirlpool, like a strong wind, like a giant beast, galloping and stirring on the earth.The different control methods of the two people make this power generate two paths, which oppose each other and are comparable.

"You finally shot directly." In the light, the instructor's whole body was full of light. "Then I will have no reservations. I am not for destruction, but for protection. The power of the rules will be inclined to you. And you will be defeated!"

"The power is very strong." In the darkness, the whole body was covered by the robe, and the person hidden in the darkness sneered. "But it can't stop me. On the contrary, if I capture you, you will eventually become part of my power."

"The time has come." Lin Ya whispered softly, a kind of viscous force began to be released, and the surrounding space became like glue, making people feel trapped and uneasy.

He no longer waited, like a hunter whose prey had already arrived, never letting go of the momentary opportunity.When he moved, he moved with all his strength, people were like lightning, he arrived in a flash, and the silk was like a soul-entangled thread, winding towards Shen Zheng's neck.If you are entangled, it will be like cutting your neck with a sharp knife.

Shen Zheng's eyes flowed like water, not concentrating on one point, he seemed to be staring at all directions, and it seemed that nothing caught his eyes.He also moved, his wrist trembled, the blood spirit whip twisted like a snake, and the whip tip hit the silk, knocking away the weaker silk with ingenious strength.

The power of femininity against the power of femininity is evenly matched.

The silk retracts, the palm strikes out, and the viscous force driven by the left palm hits Shen Zheng, a few silk-like spaces are formed around the palm, and the offense and defense are integrated.

The power of the second world spread and turned into a space like a glove, Shen Zheng also threw out his left fist and collided with the opponent.During the collision of space and space, Shen Zheng felt as if he had punched into a slime quagmire with his fist, and there were layers of cobweb-like things wrapped around his fist, which made him feel very bad.

Lin Ya also felt bad.He felt that his power was divided by several kinds of power, he couldn't exert his original power at all, he was easily destroyed, and he didn't have an advantage at all.

Is it equal in strength?

Through this secret method, he can possess the power of the second-order galaxy master to devour and destroy space.My space power doesn't take advantage of him.

But... so what?

The strength of the two fists exploded, and each retreated backward.

Sneering, waving his hands, blood threads danced in the air, forming a strange shape, like a flower, like the sun, like a snowflake.The viscous power of space spread out in all directions, making the world seem to be suffocated by it.

Lin Ya bowed, and suddenly flew forward, the viscous space blocked all the surrounding space power, swallowed it, and shattered it.The future, immediately hindered a little bit, his speed suddenly increased.

The opponent's sudden speed increase made Shen Zheng unable to react in time, but he was not panicked.The white light danced, and the blood spirit whip danced like a white snake, forming a dizzying spiral in the rotation, wrapping each other layer by layer.

Lin Ya ignored it.As if losing his mind, he just rushed like an angry bull, only seeing his opponent's figure, and nothing else.The spiral of white light wrapped around him, but was blocked by viscous force, and the white light immediately shattered the viscous space.

But it can't destroy the master of space power. [

Under the guidance of the bloodshot flower, Lin Ya rushed into the spiral, watching the white light entanglement, moving the bloody flower forward.The flower of blood, like a flower under the sun in midsummer, suddenly bloomed, and the huge force propped up the spiral white light, hitting Shen Zheng's chest directly.

The white light shrank, and the blood spirit whip was like a flexible long snake. It suddenly coiled up and strangled the blood flower with all its strength.The power of the second world began to devour it, and at the same time devoured it with all its strength to destroy the opponent's power of space.The huge blooming power was almost completely eliminated.

But the last splash of blood still hit Shen Zheng's chest.While his body was trembling, Shen Zheng flew back, and the corner of his mouth in the body of light overflowed with blood.

"Sure enough."

Whispering, his eyes flashed, and he locked on to Lin Ya who once again strengthened his strength to kill him after a successful blow.Shaking his hands, the blood spirit whip danced in the air, and suddenly it became straight, as hard as gold and stone, and instantly turned into a sharp spear, shooting like lightning, piercing straight towards the forest cliff.

Stopping the hand, the blood thread turned into a blooming shape again, like a flower, like the sun, like all shapes that radiate power from the center.The bloodshot is sharp, but the viscous force protects the outside, like a needle hidden in cotton, and a knife's edge covered by gauze.

The white light collided with the blood, and in an instant, the sharp white light easily broke through the defense of the blood flower, and with the power of the second world concentrated at one point, it separated the viscous force layer by layer, and then collided with the sharp blood thread.The tremendous power, behind the movement, makes the spear's edge move forward, and the bloodshot flower cannot stop it.

With a sneer, Lin Ya backed away, the thread of blood never retreating, and wrapped around the blood spirit whip like a spider's thread around a giant pillar, using soft force to overcome rigidity.The viscous power came into play, reducing the momentum of the Blood Spirit Whip and gradually stopping it.And when it stopped, it was time for Lin Ya to counterattack.

Lin Ya smiled, his eyes fixed on Shen Zheng's chest, which was his target when he counterattacked.This time, he was sure to break through all defenses with one blow, and stab blood into Shen Zheng's heart.

Suddenly, a white light flashed.

The blood spirit whip suddenly turned into a soft long whip, tightly entangled with the blood thread while twisting, and separated by combining the blood thread.When Shen Zheng swung his fist, the power of wind and thunder fused together, bringing out a burst of fire, piercing through the air and turning into an arrow, and shot at Lin Ya's chest.

Lin Ya never expected such a change, and immediately fell for it.But a strong man is a strong man. When he was in danger, the viscous force burst out suddenly, concentrating and protecting the victim's chest.

Although the arrow still hit his chest, it only shook his body and failed to break it open.

But just this shock had already caused his blood to churn, and a smear of blood came down his mouth quietly.

"Tie." Ying Aotian stood in the distance, talking to himself slowly. "It's a fierce attack and defense. If I were either of them... I'm afraid it would be the same situation. They are very strong."

"What kind of secret technique did that person use to make you so strong?" Looking at Lin Ya, Shen Zheng didn't speak, but a voice came out of his mind and entered Lin Ya's mind.

"What secret method did that person use to make you so strong?" Lin Ya didn't speak, and the sound of thoughts flowed into Shen Zheng's mind.

"There is no way to escape justice in the world." Shen Zheng smiled, "That person used despicable means to limit my power. When it explodes, it will definitely shake the world. But it may be beneficial to me. If you are encouraged by him, I'm afraid..."

No more talking, leaving room for Lin Ya's self-imagination.So, it is a bigger blow.

"Don't come here." Lin Ya snorted coldly, "If you are provocative, die."

Move your body.

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