star wars civilization.

Chapter 602: Dissolution of the Alliance

The blood shot back into Lin Ya's hands, twisting and acting like a wronged child in the palm of his hand. |^Lin Ya gritted his teeth, and expelled a heavy breath from his nose.

"Your strength..." he gritted his teeth.

"My strength is enough to kill you." Shen Zheng interrupted him coldly, his eyes full of contempt. "Lin Ya, I admire Ying Aotian, even Long Tianmo who was killed by me. But you..."

He laughed: "There is really nothing worthy of my respect. You are powerful, but that strength is not obtained by your own struggle. You and the person behind you wanted to take my life, but in the end, you failed to harm others, but yourself. You It's ridiculous, it's sad."

"Shut up." Lin Ya's voice was low, and the yellow dust in his eyes turned into balls. [

Bloodshots swelled in his palm and evolved again, not just a dozen, but dozens.They danced and twisted crazily, turning into weird and terrifying multi-clawed octopuses, howling thrillingly, flying in the air, and pounced on Shen Zheng.

"Shen Zheng, you must die." Lin Ya's eyes flashed coldly.

That kind of power was flowing and boiling in Shen Zheng's body.It was about to break out restlessly, but Shen Zhengfa tried to keep it.

He didn't want to release it just because he wanted to take this opportunity to study it well so that he could truly master it.But unfortunately, it cannot be done.That power doesn't depend on his thoughts, it surges on its own, and finally can't control it.

He could only sigh softly, and slowly raised his hand.

The white snake raised its head, spit out the letter, stared at the oncoming octopus, and suddenly opened its mouth to bite into the void.

Bloody rays of light splashed in all directions, and in a blink of an eye, a terrifying hole appeared on the giant octopus. It screamed and struggled, as if it wanted to avoid the invisible enemy.

The white snake opened its mouth and bit into the void again.

Holes appeared on the octopus again, and red light flew in all directions. It only twisted a few times before it shattered into a streak of blood that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye, floating in the air.

"Impossible!" At that moment, Ying Aotian's eyes turned red and his expression was excited. "It's impossible for him to exert this kind of power. It belongs to the power of the peak powerhouse. How can he use it across levels?"

Gong Beiyang also widened his eyes, while Ji Yujing and Zuo Qiuyan looked at the white snake in horror.They felt fear from the bottom of their hearts, and Shen Zheng in their eyes seemed to have changed into a god of death - an existence that could take their lives away at any time.

"Am I crazy, or is this world crazy?" Zuo Qiuyan murmured.

In the far sky, Qiu Yunzhi showed a gratified smile. |^

"No wonder you are so determined." She smiled. "It turns out that you have mastered this power again. Very well, such you, among the second-order galaxy masters, will become an enemy."

Lin Ya trembled.

The yellow light in his eyes began to weaken, and the feeling of mastering great power gradually faded away.He could feel himself weakening rapidly, and he realized that the power behind him might have disappeared.His face was pale, and he realized that this was his last chance, if he didn't fight for his life, he would have another chance to fight for his life.

Roaring, as if people have gone crazy.He rushed forward, his strength surged like a volcano about to erupt.Everyone looked at him like this, and felt that he was about to die with Shen Zheng.

Shen Zheng remained silent, his gaze locked on Lin Ya like lightning.He just raised his hand, moving slowly, as if he wanted to pick the fruit from the tree, but everyone knew that what he wanted to pick was Lin Ya's life.

The white snake moved with Shen Zheng's hand, opened its mouth in the air, and bit down hard on the person in the void in front of it.Fresh blood immediately spurted from Lin Ya's chest. The terrifying blood hole indicated that Lin Ya's life had come to an end, and no force could save it. [

With the sound of screams, Lin Ya struggled, like a frog hit by an electric current, his limbs danced wildly, and his eyes were distracted.The white snake stood up and swept its tail across the void, but there was a huge sound coming from Lin Ya. The powerful force hit Lin Ya through the air, and he couldn't resist it. His mouth was like a fountain spitting out blood rain, and he spun and flew into the distance.

Amidst the loud noise of the impact, people also faintly heard the sound of bones smashing and internal organs breaking.Lin Ya's body was flying in the air, and the power of his thoughts no longer worked, and dissipated in the air. His body was like a naked baby, which could be scanned by anyone with the power of his thoughts at will.People found that Lin Ya's heartbeat could no longer be heard.

"He's dead." Ji Yujing took a deep breath, his voice trembling.

"Dead." Zuo Qiuyan repeated in a daze, as if absent-minded.

Gong Beiyang remained silent, Ying Aotian slightly shook his head and sighed: "Everyone, the earth forces will be reshuffled in the future, so you must be prepared."

Everyone talked, looked up at Qiu Yunzhi who was far away, and suddenly felt that Qiu Yunzhi was really wise. He chose to work with the humble Shen Zheng at first, but now, he has become the one who has gained the most.

Shen Zheng sighed, not for Lin Ya's death and his own victory, but for the feeling of controlling the giant force, which gradually disappeared with the sweeping of the white snake's long tail and the end of Lin Ya's life, and fell asleep in him In the depths of my heart, it seems that I will never wake up easily again.

This is a step-level magical skill, if mastered, it will become an absolute enemy among the second-level galaxy masters.

What a pity, what a pity.

"You won." Qiu Yunzhi flew over and stood beside him with a smile on his face.It was joy and excitement from the bottom of my heart.

"Thank you for your hell-style training." Shen Zheng smiled.Qiu Yunzhi shook his head.

"No, my guidance is just an aid." She dared not take credit for it. "Mostly your own genius. You're a monster."

After finishing speaking, she smiled, not hiding her admiration for Shen Zheng at all.

Shen Zheng looked towards Yuan Kong, where the leaders of the four major alliances were as dull as statues.

Ying Aotian was the first to regain his composure, and looked at everyone: "Let's go there, we will eventually face such a Shen Zheng, and no one can avoid it." As he said, he flew away first, and the other three had different moods, and also Fly to Shen Zheng.

"Congratulations." Coming closer, Ying Aotian nodded first.

"Thank you." Shen Zheng smiled indifferently, and nodded in return.

Those three people flew over, they didn't know what to say, they pretended to smile and nodded, and only congratulated them.Shen Zheng responded indifferently, and finally his eyes fell on Ying Aotian.Ying Aotian knows that as the No.1 of the masters of the alliance, he will naturally have to bear something, and he has no intention of escaping.

"What's President Shen's plan going forward?" he asked. "Once Lin Ya dies, the Lin Ya League will be useless. Will Leader Shen accept it?"

"If I say 'yes', what does leader Ying think?" Shen Zheng asked.

"I will try my best to fight with you." Ying Aotian said directly. "The power displayed by Leader Shen just now is already close to that of Fairy Qiu and me. If we fight, the outcome is in between. But Leader Shen can display the power of cross-level, using the space attack of the third-level galaxy lord , I am definitely not an opponent. Looking at the earth, leader Shen is already an unstoppable character. You can do whatever you want. This is the rule of the world of the strong."

"Then, I will take over Lin Yameng." Shen Zheng nodded, "It will no longer be called Lin Yameng from now on."

"That's the branch of the Holy League, right?" Gong Beiyang interrupted with a smirk.He felt that he would have to face Shen Zheng in the future, so it was better to break the embarrassment at this time, so that he could meet and talk in the future.

"Yes, yes." Ji Yujing also understood this reason, with a false smile, and nodded in response.Zuo Qiuyan was not a fool either, she hastily followed suit, not daring to lag behind.

"No." Shen Zheng shook his head. "I'll dismiss it."

"Disband?" Ying Aotian was also startled.

Qiu Yunzhi just looked at Shen Zheng without saying a word, everything was up to him.It seems that he supports Shen Zheng's decision without asking the reason.

"Yes." Shen Zheng nodded, "Not only the Linya League, but even the Holy League will be disbanded."

Gong Beiyang, Ji Yujing, and Zuo Qiuyan looked at each other with astonishment on their faces, unable to figure out Shen Zheng's intentions, only felt that he was either crazy or trying to test.

"Why?" Ying Aotian asked.There was surprise in his eyes, but more curiosity.

"Staying in a different place, do you all hope that stronger people can give you a chance?" Shen Zheng glanced at everyone. "Compare your heart to your heart, if the resources for promotion are monopolized by a stronger person, how do you feel?"

"This is the law of the strong world." Ji Yujing couldn't help but speak. "The strong prey on the weak..."

"That's not the law of the world of the strong." Shen Zheng shook his head, "That's the law of the jungle. People are not beasts, why should they act according to the laws of beasts? There may be injustice in this matter, you and I may have been unfair because of injustice, Why spread this kind of injustice again? The earth’s resources are already abundant enough. Less than a month or two after the death of the master-level Zerg of the galaxy, there will be new bugs to advance and replenish, and we have hundreds of years of life , relying on such inexhaustible resources, everyone has the hope of advancing. Why do you have to be greedy and monopolize other people's hope of advancing?"

Ying Aotian remained silent, while the others frowned deeply.

"I will not rely on force to force others." Shen Zheng said, "Everyone has their own principles and way of life. Forcing others to act according to their own principles is just another kind of dictatorship and monopoly. Since I want to oppose dictatorship and Monopoly, of course, should start with myself. Restraining myself and implementing my principles are my own business. Therefore, I only disband the two major alliances of the Holy League and the Linya League. Freely hunt and kill Zerg in the Continental Bug Farm."

He looked at everyone: "If everyone also disbands the alliance, then you can go to the insect farms on these two continents to hunt insects. Otherwise, please don't be greedy. I will no longer make any transactions with them."

"I understand." Ying Aotian nodded, "Starting from today, the Aotian League will also be disbanded."

He smiled, facing Shen Zheng under the astonished eyes of everyone, his expression was indifferent: "Mr. Shen, so, I can also freely hunt insects in the insect farms of these two continents, and trade with you, right?"

"Naturally." Shen Zheng smiled and nodded.

"Okay." Ying Aotian smiled, without further words, turned to Gong Beiyang and the others.

"I keep my word. Starting today, the Aotian League will be officially disbanded. My rules are the same as those of Leader Shen. Everyone, if you also disband the alliance, you can naturally go to Eurasia to hunt insects. Otherwise, please take care of your own insect farm."

After finishing speaking, the person soared into the sky and flew away in an instant.

"Everyone, I won't accompany you any longer." Shen Zheng smiled and nodded at Qiu Yunzhi, and the two also headed towards Oceania.

"Crazy, all crazy!" Gong Beiyang said to himself in amazement.

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