star wars civilization.

Chapter 605: The Insect Swarm Covering the Earth

Standing in the quiet room, Shen Zheng raised his hand slightly, and the power of space lifted a space worm core and flew in front of him. _!~; Waved again, a thousand holy spirit crystals flew out, scattered around his body, moving around, like a nine-day starry sky.

With a soft sigh, Shen Zheng cast his eyes on the ground.

For half a year, he kept trying to sense the secret realm of light deep in the earth, but he still got nothing.The instructor seemed to have left, and he no longer had any contact with him.

Perhaps, this is the root of all changes?

He guessed, but wasn't sure. [

Is it because the guide thinks that the appointment of the earth has been exhausted, so he reminds me to leave in this way?

Or, is it the mysterious power behind Lin Ya that started to stir up trouble again?

Without reminders, everything can only be survival, trekking and exploring in the unpredictable fog of fate, no one will provide you with guidance.

If this bug swarm is an opportunity, if you leave at this time, you will miss the best opportunity; if this is just a disaster, if you stay at this time, you will be putting yourself to death.

In any case, this place should not be easily given up.

he thinks.

Even if it is a disaster, is it not another kind of opportunity?People who have absorbed enormous power on the earth, don't they just need such a fierce battle for baptism?

In this way, that formidable power will truly be integrated with the martial arts and with oneself, and only then will one truly become a strong person.

Concentrating distracting thoughts, he spread out his power, connected with each holy spirit crystal, and began to modulate.

Three days later, all human beings on the earth were concentrated on the island, with more than 2 people in number.Although the island is not big, it is also considered vast, and it can easily accommodate even 10 people.It's just that Shen Zheng's simple palace seems a bit small compared to the 2-odd number.

But no one dared to enter the palace directly. After everyone arrived, they all searched for a place to rest in the forest outside the palace, waiting for the big event to happen.

"All gathered, let's start." In the palace, Ying Aotian stood in front of his hands behind his back, his mind swept the outside world, and turned his head to say to Shen Zheng.

"Okay. Please send a message to let everyone gather in the newly built square." Shen Zheng nodded.

Qiu Yunzhi and the four former allies radiated the power of thoughts together, and after a while, everyone gathered on a flat square in front of the palace.

Surrounded by the crowd, Shen Zheng flew out of the palace and hovered in the air in front of the square. |^Everyone looked up, as if looking up to a god, with pious eyes.

"Everyone." Ying Aotian opened the mouth for Shen Zheng. "Presumably everyone has discovered that the earth's insect resources are about to be exhausted. If this continues, the earth will no longer be our paradise. No one knows why this is the case, but some people have sensed that a huge swarm of insects is coming to the earth. Form a package."

A "wrapping trend" made many people feel cold.

"This may be an opportunity, or it may be a disaster." He said, "So, Shen Zheng gathered everyone here to ask if you would like to stay and take risks, or leave."

After a moment of silence, more than 2 people suddenly started discussing, and their voices were like flying insects.After a long time, it gradually stopped. [

"Let's talk about it." Ying Aotian looked at Shen Zheng.

Shen Zheng nodded and flew forward for a certain distance.

"Time is running out." He said in a deep voice, and his voice spread to every corner of the crowd.Occasionally, those who were still discussing could not help but stop and listen to their words.

"As Mr. Ying said, people can predict whether it is an opportunity or a disaster." He said, "so please make your own choice."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and the space power surged, and more than 2 prepared Holy Spirit crystals flew out of the space worm core.

"The crystallization of the holy spirit!" Many people in the crowd became excited with red eyes.Those are the pinnacle star masters.They have longed for such a treasure for a long time, but with their strength, it is difficult to obtain such a thing. With the exhaustion of earth worm resources, obtaining such a thing has become a dream.

With the spread of space power, the holy spirit crystals were divided into the hands of everyone present.People couldn't believe it, but they still reached out to pick it up.Looking at the crystal clear and smooth oval crystal in their hands, the eyes of the peak star masters reflected fanaticism.

"Everyone, even if it is an opportunity this time, it is also an opportunity full of danger." Shen Zheng said, "As the same kind, we should unite as one at this time and fight against the Zerg together. Therefore, Fairy Qiu and the four former alliance leaders have contributed The holy spirit crystals they have stored are proposed to be prepared by me and distributed equally to everyone. The purpose is to make all the peak star masters advance to the masters of the galaxy and increase the strength of human beings to fight against the Zerg."

Below, everyone was in an uproar.

Although when the crystals flew into their hands, they already vaguely had such a guess, but they didn't dare to believe it.This is too big, and the kindness is too deep, the pinnacle star masters can't believe that Shen Zheng can do it.

But he did.

Moreover, he did not take credit for it, but frankly confessed the source of the crystallization and gave the credit to Qiu Yunzhi and the four alliance leaders.

Such a character made everyone present admire him.Even a person like Gong Beiyang couldn't help but nod secretly, deeply feeling that he wouldn't suffer from being in the company of someone like Shen Zheng.

"Time is running out." Shen Zheng looked at everyone, "Masters of the galaxy, this holy spirit crystal may not be enough to increase your strength, but for the sake of fairness, I will still share one with you as a reward, and please take care of it The peak star masters who are about to upgrade their power breakthroughs; all peak star masters, quickly find a quiet place and take the boost."

"Thank you Mr. Shen Zheng! Thank you Fairy Qiu! Thank you four lords!"

I don't know who took the lead, everyone looked up at the sky and shouted loudly.The lowest peak star master among them is also a person who has already begun to contact the power of thoughts. One person takes the lead, and everyone responds, but there is no need to rehearse in advance, and they can still speak in unison.

After a while, the crowd dispersed, and the few galaxy masters lowered their bodies. According to Shen Zheng, they each protected a group of peak star masters, looking for places to absorb the holy spirit crystals to advance.For a moment, the power of space surged everywhere in the vast sea, as if the whole world was boiling.

After a few hours, this kind of fluctuation subsided, and more than [-] people on the earth are now in the realm of the master of the galaxy.

"Everyone." Ying Aotian's thought diffused into everyone's heart. "Don't be stingy, the veteran lords of the galaxy, guide the new people to get familiar with this power. Soon, they will be your comrades-in-arms. Don't hide your secrets, let them become as powerful as you, so that you can survive more hope."

Thus, a lively teaching movement began.No one hides secrets at such a time, and everyone is desperately sharing their thoughts and experiences with everyone.For a time, not only the new masters of the galaxy benefited, but even the veteran powerhouses were exchanging ideas, further gaining insight and improvement.

Looking at this lively scene, Ji Yujing was filled with emotion, which turned into a long sigh.

"Who would have imagined that one day the human beings on earth would be so united and harmonious?"[

Zuo Qiuyan looked at Shen Zheng.

"Everything started because of him..."

"Stop sighing." Gong Beiyang snorted coldly. "Don't hide your secrets anymore, let's communicate."

"I didn't expect the leader of the palace alliance to have such an open mind." Qiu Yun smiled.

"Stop mocking me." Gong Beiyang just smiled awkwardly facing Qiu Yunzhi. "As the leader said, it is cruel to oneself to hide one's privacy at this time. The stronger the people around us, the greater our hope of surviving."

"Then, let me share my experience with you." Qiu Yunzhi nodded and smiled.

Gong Beiyang felt that he had earned something.

Time passed in the constant communication and practice of everyone.A few days later, Shen Zheng sent out a powerful idea and gathered everyone together.

"It's coming." The thought entered everyone's mind, and everyone nervously looked up at the sky.

The place is as calm as a lake, with floating white clouds and a gentle breeze, just a piece of blue sky.

But after a few minutes, the sky began to change color, as if dark clouds were coming from outside the sky, trying to cover the entire earth.

"Xiaoying, follow me closely." Shen Zheng gently took his sister's hand.

"No." Shen Ying broke free unexpectedly and shook her head.She looked at Shen Zheng with firm eyes.

"Brother, I said before that I don't want to be your burden. I have been working hard, and now I have finally reached the peak of the first-order galaxy lord. I am not weak, I will not be a sister who drags you down, but your strong comrade-in-arms .”

She said, with a smile in her eyes.

"Who said you are a burden?" Shen Zheng's eyes were as gentle as water. "You are the closest person in this world, and you are the biggest motivation for me to move forward. Promise me, don't try to be brave, otherwise, even if I kill all the Zergs and set foot on a higher peak, it will be meaningless."

"En." Shen Ying's pretty face flushed slightly, and she gently squeezed her brother's hand tightly.

"Don't worry, Master." Xue Su smiled sweetly, "The Snow Team will protect her well."

"We will too." Fang He and Chai Feifei flew to Shen Ying's side.

"Look at you, as if I'm so weak." Shen Ying smiled, "These days, I hunted Zerg together with you, and fought with all kinds of strong people. I am no longer the weak girl I used to be. I will have Actual actions will prove it to you.”

"Here we come!" Ying Aotian's voice was low, but it reached everyone's ears.Everyone looked up to the sky and saw that the "dark cloud" was approaching, and the color of the sky was getting darker and darker. Finally, a huge worm broke through the atmosphere and entered the earth. Countless black spots began to appear in the sky, as if a high Rain falling from the sky.

The pure white clouds were smashed to pieces, and ferocious giants appeared in front of them.Everyone's eyes were cold, and the idea of ​​killing poked surged around them.

A moment later, dense black spots appeared in the sky as far as the eye could see. They were huge and powerful Zerg races, which came from outer space, rushed into the earth, fell on the ground, and began to wreak havoc.The creatures on the earth screamed and wailed under the impact of these killers, and were killed one after another.

And even more Zerg races screamed and rushed towards Shen Zheng's island.

"Everyone, kill!"

Shen Zheng looked at the sky and let out a loud roar.

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