star wars civilization.

Chapter 613: Qiu Yunzhi's Secret Technique

Thoughts flowed across the entire earth, and instantly spread into the minds of all creatures, whether it was beasts on earth or powerful zerg from outer space, they trembled and bowed their heads at the same time at that moment, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. _!~;

And all human beings are equally afraid in the surprise.

"You're back?"

At this moment, a thought suddenly entered Shen Zheng's mind. The voice was unfamiliar, but Shen Zheng felt that it was somewhat familiar.

Suddenly, he thought of a person, a long-haired man who was in the deepest part of the crimson vortex and possessed great power. [

"Sacred King of Worms?"

As soon as his mind moved, a powerful force had penetrated into his body. Caught off guard, his mind and body vibrated at the same time, and huge pain spread throughout his body instantly.

Fresh blood gushes out from the skin of the whole body, sprays to the outside world, and turns into a thick mist.Shen Zheng snorted and fell towards the ground.

But before he fell, a powerful mental impact had already shot out. The Holy Spirit Boy was inside his body, protecting his heart and brain with all his strength, so that the impact could not hurt his two vital organs.

A scream came, it was not a real voice, but an idea.Shen Zheng felt that his counterattack hit something accurately, and the thing burst and dissipated instantly.

he died?No, he wouldn't die so easily, but he must have been badly wounded.

The strength of the instructor, plus my strength, the two forces act on him successively, no matter how strong he is, he will eventually fall.

Before Shen Zheng fell to the ground, a knowing smile appeared on his face.


"Shen Zheng!"

The two calls sounded almost at the same time, and there was a turbulent flow in the air, and Qiu Yunzhi and Xue Su flew out of the turbulent flow at the same time, behind them were the other four second-order galaxy masters.

Xue Su saw Shen Zheng on the ground for the first time, her face paled immediately, she flew down, hugged him into her arms, and called out loudly, but Shen Zheng had already closed his eyes tightly, his breath was weak, and he didn't respond.

Qiu Yunzhi frowned and breathed with the power of thoughts, but the thoughts entered Shen Zheng's mind.

"He..." Ying Aotian also landed beside Shen Zheng, looking at Shen Zheng, with a look of horror in his eyes. "What realm has he reached? I can't even understand it. Could it be... how is it possible?"

"How could he be injured?" Gong Beiyang was shocked, not knowing why.

"His aura is weakening." Xue Su raised her head, her eyes filled with tears. |^ "Guys, who can save him?"

"How to save?" Ji Yujing asked anxiously. "Miss Xuesu, tell me, we will do it right away."

"I..." Xue Su's eyes were blank, she looked down at Shen Zheng, and burst into tears. "I don't know, I don't know how to save the master... I still have the spiritual connection with him, but the power connection is broken, and I can no longer increase his power as his power changes. Now I have tried my best to save him ..."

"Don't cry." Qiu Yunzhi bent down and put his hands on Shen Zheng's chest. "His worm spirit protected his heart and brain, so although his injury was severe, it was not healed illegally. Everyone, help me protect my surroundings, I have a solution."[

Ying Aotian's eyes flashed, and he nodded: "I understand. Fairy Qiu is..."

"Yes." Qiu Yunzhi nodded.

Ying Aotian smiled: "Miss Xuesu, don't be afraid, Fairy Qiu has her own way. Everyone, we are scattered around, don't guard the surroundings, and don't let any force attack Shen Zheng."

"Understood." The other three nodded, flew in different directions, stood quietly in the air, and expanded their power of thought.

"The power of restriction on the earth is gone." Zuo Qiuyan's thoughts were thrown into Ji Yujing's mind, "The power of our thoughts can already cover the entire earth. I didn't sense anything, how about you?"

"Same." Ji Yujing responded. "But don't be careless. The force that attacked Shen Zheng just now was born out of thin air, and disappeared in a flash. It is no longer something we can sense in advance. Let's take precautions."

He couldn't help looking at Gong Beiyang, and questioned with his mind in doubt: "Gong Beiyang, what does Ying Aotian mean?"

"Shen Zheng's power has reached the point where you and I can't understand." Gong Beiyang's expression was not very good, as if he was stimulated by Shen Zheng's power.But he still answered truthfully, and did not put on the airs of the annoying son-in-law in the past. "However, Fairy Qiu seems to have a way to heal his injury. It can only mean that Fairy Qiu has had this kind of experience in the past, or there is some treasure that can heal this kind of injury. Then, it means that Fairy Qiu once lived in a place full of such injuries. A place for the strong."

"I understand." Ji Yujing nodded, "I heard that the real dominant power in the universe is the huge family, alliance or empire formed by the Kings of the Star Sea living in the secret realm. Fairy Qiu should come from such power?"

"Yes." Gong Beiyang nodded.

"Amazing." Ji Yujing couldn't help but sigh. "No wonder she doesn't bother to form any forces, because in her eyes, the righteous forces are just the house wine of the weak..."

When several people were exchanging ideas, Qiu Yunzhi had already sat down slowly beside Xue Su who was holding Shen Zheng in his arms.

"Miss Qiu, are you sure?" Xue Su's voice trembled and she was more nervous.

"Not sure." Qiu Yunzhi shook his head. "He has reached this level and has become an unattainable god. Mortals cannot heal the wounds of gods."

"Then..." Xue Su trembled.

"But I have a secret method, which can temporarily restore his strength, so that he can heal his own injuries." Qiu Yunzhi smiled lightly.

"Then there will be Miss Laoqiu." Xue Su burst into laughter.

"Shen Zheng is also my friend." Qiu Yunzhi looked at Shen Zheng with complicated eyes.She raised her hand slowly, and there was a red light shining inside her body, which was where the lungs were.The red light flashed a few times, gradually moved along the lungs to the arm, then moved to the palm, and finally turned into a ball of bloody light, surging in the palm of her hand.

"Miss Qiu!" Xue Su's body shook, "You...your secret technique..."

"I am willing." Qiu Yunzhi looked at Xue Su, smiled lightly, and had firm eyes. "Hold him tight, don't waste my hard work..."

As he said, the blood-red light in his hand flickered, gradually flew towards Shen Zheng, and merged into Shen Zheng's body.The red light does not disappear after entering the body, and the flickering position can be seen from Shen Zheng's body.It circulated continuously in Shen Zheng's body, after traveling all over the body, it gradually stayed at the heart, and after a sudden flash, it was no longer visible.

But Shen Zheng suddenly opened his eyes and took a long breath.That breath was not air, but the power of space everywhere on the earth, and even the power of thoughts hidden in various parts of the earth, then poured into Shen Zheng's mouth and nose. [

"It's so dangerous!" He exhaled slowly, his complexion gradually recovered, and he shook his head and sighed.

"Master, that's great!" Xue Su wept with joy, hugged Shen Zheng tightly and cried and laughed.

Qiu Yunzhi's face was pale, looking at Shen Zheng, his eyes were full of relief.

"It was you who saved me?" Shen Zheng patted Xue Su's hand, slowly sat up straight by himself, looked at Qiu Yunzhi with doubt in his eyes.

"Master, Miss Qiu..." Xue Su choked with sobs, "In order to save you, she... put her insect spirit...into your body and fused it into your insect spirit."

"What?" Shen Zheng trembled.

He didn't know what kind of secret method this was, but he knew that the insect spirit, as the master's second life, was inseparable from the master.According to Qiu Yunzhi's realm, the insect spirit has been deeply rooted in the body and cannot be separated, and once separated, it will take away huge power.

That is the power of the source, not the simple power of space.

At this time, Qiu Yunzhi has fallen below the realm of the master of the galaxy and has become a peak star master.

From the master of the second-order galaxy to the realm of the star master, the huge gap is like going from heaven to hell.What's even more frightening is that Qiu Yunzhi will have the opportunity to advance again in this life because he has given up the insect spirit that is connected to him by flesh and blood and mind.

"Yunzhi, how could you..." Shen Zheng looked excited, his hands trembling.

"She... unexpectedly made it this far..." Yuan Kong and Ying Aotian turned their heads, looked at Qiu Yunzhi, and let out a long sigh. "I understand, you are not a speculator with a unique vision, you have really taken a fancy to Shen Zheng, it is..."

He didn't finish, just let out another long sigh.

Zuo Qiuyan also stared at Qiu Yunzhi in a daze, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Gong Beiyang and Ji Yujing were also silent and sighed in their hearts.

"What is the master of the galaxy in the real star sea world?" Qiu Yun said with a smile, "Exchanging a master of the galaxy for a king of the star sea is a very good deal."

"How can life be calculated like this?" Shen Zheng pulled Qiu Yunzhi to stand up, his eyes flickered and he was emotional.

"Sister Yun, from now on I will treat you with all my heart as if I were my master." Xue Su said firmly. "You are my second master!"

"Don't say that!" Qiu Yunzhi hurriedly waved his hands, "How can I afford it?" Looking at Shen Zheng, she smiled faintly. "In my whole life, I have only been ridiculed by people who said I was useful. Now, I have finally done something useful. This thing has value, and that's enough."

While speaking, her blue hair gradually began to change, no longer as soft as water, but gradually became the color of frost and snow.

Shen Zheng's eyes turned cold, he was excited, and immediately waved his hands.The surging force surged into Qiuyun's body, and the long hair became black and smooth again, and the traces of the vicissitudes of time that were about to appear disappeared instantly.

"Why are you bothering?" Qiu Yunzhi shook his head and smiled. "If you can keep this skin for a while, you can't keep him forever."

"As long as it lasts." Shen Zheng's voice was low but irresistible.Raising his hand, he took out a holy spirit crystal from the space worm nucleus. "Yunzhi, I know this thing can't bring you back to the state of the lord of the galaxy, but at least it can keep you in this state."

Raising his hand, he took out the worm nucleus from his chest and stuffed it into Qiuyun's hand.

"I have more than a thousand holy spirit crystals here, you take care of them," he said.

"Why bother?" Qiu Yunzhi shook his head.

"Yunzhi, listen well." Shen Zheng's voice was clear and clear, piercing the sky. "I swear today that no matter what, I will restore you to your original state! If you break this oath..."

"Don't!" Qiu Yunzhi panicked and wanted to break Shen Zheng's oath, but Shen Zheng had already said loudly:

"If you break this oath, you will be punished by heaven and earth!"

Qiu Yunzhi's tears could not be held back, and burst out of his eyes.

But at this time, Shen Zheng's body suddenly trembled.

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