star wars civilization.

Chapter 622: Great Popularity

Entering the city, what I saw was a peaceful and quiet scene. |^The whole city is full of green trees, flowers and grass, full of pastoral style.There are all kinds of men and women walking through it, coexisting harmoniously with the natural scene.

Shen Zheng found that most of the people here are only at the level of the master of the galaxy, and the king of the star sea is rare.

His arrival did not attract many people's attention. Most people just glanced at it and then went on to do their own business—or trimming flowers and plants, or cleaning the streets, or delivering supplies, or practicing with others. .

Under the leadership of the captain, Shen Zheng came all the way to a high tower.The tower is not round, but has seven corners, which has a special shape, but it stands tall and has its own momentum.

"This is the elder's house in this city." The captain pointed to the tower and said. "plz follow me."[

Shen Zheng nodded, and followed the captain to the tower gate.The gate is tall and majestic, but it does not give people a sense of oppression, which Shen Zheng appreciates.

The two guards guarding the gate are also the king of the star sea, but Shen Zheng feels that their strength is weaker than the captain.After the captain stepped forward to explain his purpose, one of the guards reported to the inner guard with his mind, and then the inner guard reported to the head guard, and finally reported to the elder.

After that, the order was passed down step by step, and the gate guards let the two of them in.

When they came to the tower, the captain led Shen Zheng all the way up to the top of the tower.The entire top floor is a hall, which is open on several sides, and there is a breeze flowing in the room.The hall is surrounded by panoramas, and the fragrance of flowers and plants is overflowing, just like the outdoor nature.

A man in Chinese clothes sat cross-legged in the middle, as if he was meditating, at this moment he slowly opened his eyes and looked at Shen Zheng.The captain came forward and bowed: "Elder Yun, this is Shen Zheng from White Wolf Star, who has just been promoted to King of the Star Sea."

"Did you just get promoted?" The elder looked Shen Zheng up and down, then stood up suddenly, and nodded kindly. "I can't see your strength, maybe you are stronger than me?"

"Better than you?" The captain was a little astonished, and looked at Shen Zheng with a little more respect.

"You are too much." Shen Zheng just smiled lightly.

"Shen Zheng, right? My name is Sheng Haiyun." The elder said with a smile, "You can call me Elder Yun. Although you are strong, you have just been promoted, and you don't know anything about the King of Star Sea's power. Let's go, Let me tell you while we go to the main city."

"Thank you." Shen Zheng nodded.

This Elder Sheng Haiyun's attitude was kind, without airs at all, which made Shen Zheng's favor for Shenghai Shenzhou even more.

The captain retreated, and Sheng Haiyun took Shen Zheng's hand, and flew out of the tower with him, heading towards the central main city.While flying, he carefully talked about various rules and customs in the clan. |^

In fact, Shen Zheng had heard Qiu Yunzhi tell him about these things before, but at this time the other party was full of enthusiasm, and he was embarrassed to interrupt, so he listened to it again, just to deepen his impression and understanding.

Not long after arriving at the main city, the guards saw that it was Sheng Haiyun, so they did not stop him and let him enter with Shen Zheng.Sheng Haiyun fell to the ground and stopped flying, but walked with Shen Zheng to a tall tower in the east of the city.

Along the way, Shen Zheng discovered that everyone in this city is the king of the star sea, and everyone below this level.And the environment in the city is similar to that of Sheng Haiyun's city guard. There are flowers and grass, green trees and birds and animals everywhere, as if the city is a garden, and the garden is a city.

The high tower that arrived had the same style as Sheng Haiyun's elder's house, but it was more majestic.When flying here before, Shen Zheng saw a total of six such pagodas, which were distributed in various parts of the city, so it can be seen that there should be six elders in the main city.

After another report from the guards, Sheng Haiyun led Shen Zheng into the tower, all the way to the top floor.Opening the door and entering, Shen Zheng found that it was almost exactly the same as the tower of Sheng Haiyun, except that there were some huge bookcases filled with books, and a man was standing in front of a bookcase, putting the books in his hand back into it, Seeing the two people coming in, they immediately greeted them with a smile.

"Brother Yun, don't you just need to pass on a thought message yourself? Why let the people below report it layer by layer." He smiled and said to Sheng Haiyun.

"Rules are rules." Sheng Haiyun smiled, "You are the elder of the main city, and I should respect you." [

"They're all my own people, so why are you so polite." The other party smiled, and turned his gaze to Shen Zheng. "Is this the new Star Sea King?"

"White Wolf Star, Shen Zheng." Shen Zheng saluted slightly.The elder's attitude and temperament also made him feel kind and fond of him.

"You don't need to be so polite." The other party smiled, "My name is Sheng Hailong, you can just call me Elder Long. Huh?"

As he said that, he was startled suddenly, and looked at Shen Zheng in surprise, as if he saw some monster.

"Brother Long, what's the matter?" Sheng Haiyun was taken aback and hurriedly asked.

"Unbelievable!" Sheng Hailong repeatedly sighed, "Good boy, actually brought the secret realm with you?"

"Pocket secret realm?" Sheng Haiyun was taken aback, and couldn't help staring at Shen Zheng. "It is said that the mobile secret realm can only be created by the top powerhouses of the Holy Spirit family. How could it be possible..."

"I can't be wrong." Sheng Hailong stared into Shen Zheng's eyes, with a questioning look in his eyes.

"I do have a secret realm with me." Shen Zheng smiled awkwardly, "It's a secret realm of water and fire created by a Suzaku holy spirit."

"Suzaku Holy Spirit?" Sheng Hailong looked excitedly, "You...where did you find this Suzaku Holy Spirit relic?"

"It's not a relic." Shen Zheng couldn't help smiling. "It was created by a good friend of mine. It's called Eggy. It was originally a Suzaku worm, but it was only recently that it evolved into a Suzaku holy spirit."

"Unbelievable, incredible!" Sheng Hailong exclaimed repeatedly. "Shen Zheng, I have an unfeeling request, can you let me go in and see this Vermillion Bird Holy Spirit?"

"No problem." Shen Zheng smiled, and with the flow of thoughts, he had already passed on the power of space that can open the secret realm to the two elders.

If you want to enter the secret realm, you need to use great power to break through the space restriction, or you need to get the owner's permission.The so-called permission is to grant the other party the power of space that enters it. This power of space is like a key.

It's just that it is impossible for Shen Zheng to give the key to the two of them forever like opening his secret paradise to the strong on the earth. The power of this space is only enough for them to enter once.

After the Water and Fire Secret Realm took shape, Shen Zheng let Shen Ying, Xue Su and others enter the Water and Fire Secret Realm to live.This place is just like the real world, and the environment is much better than in the insect core space, and everyone is happy to live here.And Eggy and Xiao Hei fight and fight in the secret realm every day, having a great time, and it is much more comfortable than when they were confined in the basalt worm nucleus.

When the three of them entered the secret realm, the two elders looked around and couldn't help sighing.

"The Suzaku Secret Realm should always be dominated by the world of flames." Sheng Hailong sighed, "I don't think there is a side tide here... Eh? Isn't that a basalt worm?"

He looked into the sky and saw Eggy waving its fire wings, chasing and playing with Xiao Hei in the air, his eyes could not help showing surprise.

"Shen Zheng, not only do you have friends of the Vermilion Bird and the Holy Spirit, but you also have... and basalt insects?" Sheng Haiyun was amazed.

"Everyone, come here and meet the two elders." Shen Zheng smiled, his thoughts flowed through the crowd.A group of people greeted them immediately, and greeted the two elders politely, while Shen Zheng introduced them.

When they saw the five members of the snow group, the two elders widened their eyes with expressions of disbelief. [

"This is..." Sheng Hailong was a little excited, "Is this the Holy Spirit family?"

"Yes." Xue Su nodded and smiled, "The five of them were discovered by Zhong Tianming, the Lord of the White Wolf, during his travels. Perhaps due to the influence of Qingqing, the worm's legacy, all four of them turned into human forms. That's it. , it’s a pity that I can’t restore my original strength for the time being.”

"It's not a pity, it's not a pity at all." Yan Xin waved her hand, "That's not the case, we haven't seen Sister Xuesu yet."

"Yes, yes!" The other four rushed to respond.

Sheng Hailong and Sheng Haiyun looked at each other with excitement in each other's eyes.

"Welcome to the two elders." At this moment Dandan flew over with Xiao Hei, spread his fire wings in the air, and nodded to the two.

"I've seen the Holy Spirit of Suzaku." The two elders were so flattered that they saluted Eggy at the same time, which made Eggy startled, and couldn't help asking Shen Zheng: "Master, do they have something to ask of you? Why are there so many salutes. "

"Master?" Sheng Hailong was startled, and stared at Shen Zheng.

"It likes to call it that way, and I can't change it." Shen Zheng smiled, "Actually, we are friends and partners."

The two elders chuckled, disapproving at all in their hearts, they both confirmed that Eggy must be Shen Zheng's servant.It is a great honor to have a servant of the Holy Spirit, and the two elders are very envious.And when they thought that Shen Zheng was about to join the Holy Sea Shenzhou, whether it was Eggy or the five great holy spirit veins, they would all be members of their own clan, and the two of them were very excited.

"Let's go out and talk." Sheng Hailong said to Shen Zheng after greeting everyone with a smile.

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded, and the three of them left the secret realm of water and fire, and returned to the hall on the top floor of the high tower of the elders' courtyard.

"Shen Zheng, I think you must have had many adventures." Sheng Hailong said, "Otherwise you would not have such a strong team. Although that basalt worm is still only the lord of the galaxy, I can sense that it has limited abilities. If there is an opportunity, I am afraid that it will evolve into the Xuanwu Holy Spirit just like this Suzaku Holy Spirit."

"That's exactly what I'm working on." Shen Zheng nodded.

"You came to this clan, of course to join, right?" Sheng Hailong asked cautiously.

"Of course." Shen Zheng nodded. "I'm afraid that the Shenghai Shenzhou clan is unwilling to absorb outsiders."

"How can there be such a thing!" Sheng Hailong laughed, and there was a sense of joy in the laughter. "It's rare that someone like you is willing to join. We're too happy, how could we refuse? Besides, you are also a compatriot in the territory of your clan. Although you are not of the blood of your clan, with your strength, you can still get the position of elder. "

"However, you are a newcomer after all, and you still have to learn some things." Sheng Haiyun said. "I'm not as strong as Brother Long, so I didn't sense the secret realm on your body, but someone as strong as Brother Long can easily sense it. You have to use your strength to hide it, otherwise, wherever you go, you will be able to sense it. They are all coveted.”

"So that's how it is." Shen Zheng nodded, thinking in his heart: the veteran strong is indeed not simple, although the strength may not be as good as mine, but technically they are much better than me, so we should humbly ask them for advice.

"There will be opportunities in the future, let's communicate more." Sheng Hailong said with a smile, "Now I will tell you the way to hide the aura of the secret realm first, so as to save you from being jealous wherever you go."

"Thank you very much." Shen Zheng nodded and smiled, and Sheng Hailong motioned him to sit down, and began to speak carefully.

Seeing that the two had a good conversation, Sheng Haiyun resigned and left.He couldn't help laughing when he thought that there would be another strong man like this in the clan, and more importantly, he would have a member of the Holy Spirit.

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