star wars civilization.

Chapter 626: Prince Dongyun

Shen Zheng just didn't have any sense of the troll behind him. If this man hadn't appeared, he might have been poisoned. |^The other party has the grace to save his life, he has no reason not to believe it, and immediately leaps away.

The Holy Spirit Boy also rose up to protect him.

The man shouted loudly, and the huge ax soared several times in the air, becoming almost half the size of this Iceland, and smashed down hard in the air.

In an instant, countless icemen were born from the ice island, flew out, and faced the giant axe, but these few forces were completely unable to stop the momentum of the giant axe, and when the giant ax fell, they were all smashed into ice slag and scattered.

The giant ax slammed into the Iceland, and there was a loud noise immediately, and the Iceland cracked instantly.The giant ax sank, and Iceland was completely divided into two halves, falling into the sea below. [

In the air, the remaining icemen screamed, and they also exploded one after another, falling into the sea.

"Thank you." Shen Zheng waited for the man to put away the giant axe, then flew forward and saluted solemnly.

"What are you being polite about?" The man smiled heartily, hugged his son in front of him, and pointed at Shen Zheng. "Call Uncle."

"Hello, Uncle!" The boy was very well-behaved, and his voice was full of childish cuteness. Shen Zheng liked it very much, nodded and smiled: "Hello. What's your name?"

"My name is Yunshikong!" the boy said with a smile, not shy at all, but very generous.

His father smiled heartily and nodded, "My name is Yun Guiqing. What's your name?"

"Shen Zheng." Shen Zheng responded.

At this time, everyone flew over and gathered around Shen Zheng.Everyone didn't see the scene where Yun Guiqing rescued Shen Zheng, but saw him help Shen Zheng smash Iceland with a huge axe, so they knew they were friends, so they all smiled.

Shen Zheng introduced everyone to Yun Guiqing one by one. Yun Guiqing didn't put on airs just because everyone was only the master of the galaxy.

"Wow, that aunt is so beautiful!" Yun Shikong stared at Qiu Yunzhi with his big eyes, and when he saw Xue Su, he shouted again: "This aunt is so beautiful too! They both look like Like a fairy!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, you guys are really smiling." Eggy flew over at this moment.When that Iceland was broken, it also stopped trembling and returned to normal. Everyone saw it, so they gathered around to look at it without worry.Only Xiao Hei scolded it in the past, saying that it was hindered at the critical moment.

It was also embarrassed, so it didn't fly over until then, trying to intervene while everyone was laughing, so as not to be outnumbered.

"Yo, Eggy, aren't you cold?" Shui Qingqing couldn't help laughing and making fun of it. |^

Eggy blushed unceasingly, but fortunately it had flames as its feathers, no one would be able to tell if it blushed several times.

"This... I don't know what's going on." It said a little annoyed. "That jet of water isn't very powerful, but after hitting me, I'm full of energy, but I'm cold, so cold that I'm not even clear about my sanity. Master, please scold me."

"What did I scold you for?" Shen Zheng smiled, but then his face became serious, and he turned to Yun Guiqing.

"Brother Yun, I think this secret realm is a bit weird. I wonder if you can see it?"

"I think so too, but I can't tell what's wrong." Yun Guiqing nodded, "I think, maybe it's because there are big secrets and great opportunities here. The more so, the more I want to find out. clear."[

At this time, Yun Shikong had already jumped out of his arms, and ran over to play with Qiu Yunzhi and Xue Su. He looked at his son with a loving smile on his face: "Shikong's power is also biased towards water. It's a pity... "

Shen Zheng looked around, the surroundings were peaceful, only the sound of water flow, and no dangerous breath.

"Don't be afraid." Yun Guiqing smiled, "This is still the outskirts of the secret realm, at most there will be an Iceland like that just now. As long as the Iceland is destroyed, everything will be broken. I tried, as long as I keep stopping here, every few hours Only then will an Icelandic attack fly in. But if you go deeper, the interval will be even shorter."

"It seems that Brother Yun has been here for a while?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Yes." Yun Guiqing nodded, "I'm afraid it has been more than two months. It's just that the closer to the center, the more times and numbers of Iceland appear, and there are some problems with the space. I was already close to the center. , but inexplicably flew back to the periphery again. Turning around, I ran into you. Seeing that you were in danger, I shot. I haven’t seen the same kind for a long time, so kind.”

As he spoke, he couldn't help laughing.

"Shi Kong is really cute. By the way, where is Big Brother Yun from?" Shen Zheng looked at Yun Shikong. This kid is extremely cute. He has already played with everyone. Everyone is attracted by him and stays with him. No one came to disturb him chatting with Yun Guiqing.Eggy and Xiao Hei also had a crush on this kid, and they all surrounded him to accompany him.

"Maybe you haven't heard of my hometown." Yun Guiqing smiled heartily, "It's at the other end of the distant universe, and it hardly communicates with this place. It's called Dongyun Empire, and it's a huge secret realm empire."

"Why did you leave your hometown and come to such a distant place?" Shen Zheng suddenly remembered the years when he left his hometown, and couldn't help asking.

"To find opportunities." Yun Guiqing sighed. "To tell you the truth, I am the prince of Dongyun Empire."

"So it's His Highness." Shen Zheng smiled faintly.

"Your highness." Yun Guiqing shook his head, "The harem of the Dongyun Empire is strictly hierarchical. Below the queen, there are four levels: imperial concubine, side concubine, side concubine, and concubine servant. My mother is only a concubine servant, with a low status and I died young. I was not favored by my father, and I have always been looked down upon by those so-called direct descendants. In the end, I had to leave the empire and come out to find opportunities. I am not for me, but for Shikong."

As he spoke, he couldn't help looking at his son with affection in his eyes.

"So that's how it is." Shen Zheng couldn't help sighing, looking at Qiu Yunzhi.

"Her fate is also similar to yours." He said, "She was also born in a big power, but she was a sideline, despised by others, and she wanted to find a chance to return to glory and leave her hometown. I also had such an experience. But my background is not as noble as yours, I am just a wage earner in the mortal world."

Immediately, he briefly talked about his recent experience.

"You are honest." Yun Guiqing smiled. "I like such honest people."

"I am honest because you are honest." Shen Zheng smiled, "I think you are a friend worth making."

"It was like old friends at first sight?" Yun Guiqing smiled.

"It's like old friends at first sight." Shen Zheng nodded. "And without you today, I might die."

"Don't talk about that." Yun Guiqing waved his hand, "It's not wise for you to bring so many friends here. It's too dangerous for them."

"These are my relatives and close friends. Wherever I go, they will naturally go there." Shen Zheng said. "Fortunately, I have balls—that is, the portable secret realm created by the Holy Spirit of Suzaku, where they can live in peace." [

"Pocket Secret Realm!" Yun Guiqing couldn't help sighing, "It's really a good thing, it's very convenient.

Then he smiled again: "Since we know each other by fate, why don't we explore the secrets of this secret realm together. I always feel that there must be a huge treasure hidden in it. But at the same time, there is also a huge danger. The power of your thoughts is still affected. You are trapped, and your partners are the lord of the galaxy, the strongest Suzaku Holy Spirit, but the power seems to be restrained everywhere here, it is better to walk with me."

"Alright." Shen Zheng nodded.Yun Guiqing is a hearty person, speaks directly, without beating around the bush, but he is the type that Shen Zheng admires and likes.Walking with such a person, he only felt happy in his heart.

"Everyone, this is not a place to play." Shen Zheng said loudly to the people playing with Yun Shikong. "Everyone, why don't you go back to Dandan's water and fire secret realm. Shikong, you can go too, it's much more fun than here, let Dandan and Xiaohei have fun with you."

"Dad, is it okay?" Yun Shikong looked excited.

"Go." Yun Guiqing smiled and waved his hand, Yun Shikong shouted joyfully, and followed everyone into the secret realm of water and fire.In an instant, only Shen Zheng and Yun Guiqing were left here.

"There is one thing I don't quite understand." Shen Zheng looked at Yun Guiqing, "How could you have such a young son?"

"I understand what you mean." Yun Guiqing smiled, "A person who can reach the level of King of the Star Sea must be at least a thousand years old. It is impossible to have such a young son, right?"

"Just curious, don't answer if it's inconvenient." Shen Zheng smiled.

"It's nothing inconvenient." Yun Guiqing shook his head, his expression momentarily gloomy. "He looks like a child, but his actual age is more than 1000 years old."

"What?" Shen Zheng was taken aback, completely unable to understand.

"It was his mother's intentional secret method that suppressed his growth, so that his mind and power remained in the realm of the lord of the galaxy. His body and mind were also affected by this, and he remained at the age of ten." Yun Gui Qing smiled wryly.

"Why?" Shen Zheng vaguely felt that there was a very complicated process hidden in it.

"Because someone murdered his mother." Yun Guiqing revealed a look of pain in his eyes. "At that time, Shi Kong was ten years old."

Shen Zheng listened quietly without interrupting.He knew that there must be a painful past here.

"I've been working very hard." Yun Guiqing said, "I just want to win my breath and become the strongest among the princes in the future, so that people can't underestimate me and win glory for my mother. But the harder I work, Those concubines and princes became more hostile to me, and finally developed to try their best to harm me. I didn't know it at first, but... I escaped, but Shi Kong's mother was seriously injured."

He was silent for a while, as if trying to get rid of the pain in his heart.After a long time, he spoke again.

"Before she died, she sealed Shi Kong with a secret method, so that he would always be a child of about ten years old. It was because of love. She told me that the power of this secret method was like blocking the exit of a big river. In the end, only There are two possibilities: one is to accumulate power to a certain level and then erupt, making a person instantly become a superpower among the Kings of the Star Sea, which is enough to become a blockbuster and stand proud of the world; the other is to maintain this power forever until the end of life."

As he spoke, he smiled wryly: "But the advantage is that the life span can be extended to the same length as the king of the star sea. In this way, if he can't be promoted to the king of the star sea in the future, he can always be with me and won't let me be sent away in vain. He's a black-haired man. And in this way, others will think that Shi Kong has no chance, so they won't come to harm him."

"What a meticulous thought." Shen Zheng couldn't help but sigh. "It's really hard for her kind mother's heart, the love of a good wife..."

"Let's not talk about this." Yun Guiqing wiped away tears. "I have to focus on the future. Brother Shen, this secret realm is very strange. I heard that the nearby forces have sent many Star Sea Kings, but they all disappeared here. So be careful."

"Yes." Shen Zheng nodded.

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