star wars civilization.

Chapter 628: Secret Treasure in the Icicle

With a wave of his hand, a small spatial fluctuation surged, Shen Zheng controlled the power of space, and took out twelve space orbs from the space worm core. _!~;

"Space Orb?" Yun Guiqing's eyes lit up, "You still brought such a good thing?"

"You have been fighting fiercely for a long time, quickly absorb these orbs." Shen Zheng waved his hand, and twelve space orbs flew in front of the twelve people.

"This..." Sheng Haixiong was startled, then waved his hand. "My lord, I can't take it. Space orbs are so precious that only the real top experts among the Kings of the Star Sea can refine them. Besides, it takes several years to refine each one. How can we... "

"It will take so long?" Shen Zheng was really taken aback, and only then did he understand the profound love of Sheng Hailong.Thinking that when he asked about the refining time before, Sheng Hailong didn't say anything clearly, but he was afraid that he would be embarrassed to accept it, and he couldn't help feeling warm again. [

Although there are many evil people in the world, there are even more good people.Regardless of whether it is a mortal or a god above the sky, there are good and bad among them.There are evil people who want to harm others, and there are good people who really help others, but they cannot be generalized!

"My lord, didn't you refine this yourself?" Sheng Hailong was startled.

"Elder Long and Elder Xing from the main city sent me off." When Shen Zheng said this, he was somewhat embarrassed.

"You have such a good relationship with the two elders?" Sheng Haixiong was taken aback. "As far as I know, their most proud children can only get one when they have made great achievements. This thing can Instantly replenishing the strength of the King of the Star Sea, it can even increase the potential of those below the King of the Star Sea, it is a treasure!"

"I will repay the kindness of the two elders in the future." Shen Zheng nodded. "But you'd better accept it. As you said, this place is more dangerous, and I won't hide it from everyone. I'm injured, and I still rely on your protection."

"Understood." Sheng Haixiong was not pretentious, nodded after hearing the words, and directly reached out to hold it, absorbing the space orb into his body.The remaining 11 people followed suit and accepted him one after another.In an instant, the 12 people were alive and well, and their exhaustion disappeared.

"You really are a bold person." Yun Guiqing smiled and patted Shen Zheng's shoulder, "I didn't miss you as a friend."

Shen Zheng smiled: "I still have three left, would you like one?"

"Not for now." Yun Guiqing shook his head. "I still have two on me. I'd better keep these for you. I see that your worm spirit boy is also extremely powerful. Maybe at some critical moment, you still have to take action."

"That's good." Shen Zheng nodded, not too wordy. "Let's go."

A group of people continued to go deep into the secret realm under his leadership. |^The road was tortuous along the way, but Shen Zheng couldn't be trapped; Iceland was constantly attacking, but it was nothing in front of the thirteen kings of the star sea beside Shen Zheng.

In order to prevent everyone from worrying, Shen Zheng deliberately sent the matter of twelve more helpers into the Water and Fire Secret Realm with his thoughts, and when everyone heard about it, their worries gradually faded away.

With so many Star Sea Kings forming a team, and with Shen Zheng's secret technique to ensure that they won't get lost in circles, there is almost nothing to worry about.

"Strange, why is the frequency of attacks in Iceland not as high as when I came here?" Yun Guiqing asked doubtfully while flying.

"Maybe you just circled around somewhere before." Shen Zheng said.

"Well, it's very possible!" Yun Guiqing sighed, "This secret realm seems to be specially prepared for you. You are in danger here, but if it were someone else, I'm afraid it would be miserable."

Shen Zheng couldn't help smiling, and couldn't help thinking in his heart: Is it because of the power of fate again?

Can't help but be fascinated: When you reach the level of the master of the plane, you can control the power of rules and manipulate the fate of others. That is the real realm of God!I don't know what will the world look like in my eyes?

Not long after, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up—everyone saw that there was a huge Iceland in front of them.The island almost occupied half of the sky, giving people a strong sense of shock. Yun Guiqing couldn't help but sigh: "What a big island! But why does it seem to appear suddenly?" [

"Yeah, it's so big, we should be able to see it in advance." Sheng Haixiong couldn't help but nodded.

"I have a feeling." Shen Zheng looked at the island, "There is a force on the island that attracts me."

"I feel it too." Yun Guiqing also nodded slowly.

"Then let's go there." Sheng Haixiong looked excited. "Maybe that's the center of the secret realm, where the secret treasure is hidden!"

"The closer you are to the target, the more careful you should be." Shen Zheng urged.

"Yes!" The 12 people said in unison, bowing their heads respectfully.

"Congratulations, you have received a good team." Yun Guiqing smiled and communicated with Shen Zheng with his thoughts. "They are the elite of the elite, and they are obviously honest and loyal people. You didn't save them in vain."

"It's not for anything to save people." Shen Zheng replied with a smile, "Did you think about it a lot when you saved me?"

"That's true." Yun Guiqing smiled.

"Let's go." Shen Zheng pointed forward, leading everyone to fly to Iceland and land on it.

This Iceland has a strange shape, its top and bottom are cone-shaped, but the middle layer is open, so everyone can only land on the middle layer, but they can't fly to the top like normal Iceland, condescending to see everything.

The middle zone is full of icebergs.The mountains are like dense forests, with layers upon layers, all of which have the same appearance, not to mention the power to distort the space, even if they don't, everywhere they look is exactly the same, and people can't help but get lost in it.

Looking around, in the middle of the middle layer of the island, there is a huge icicle, which connects the upper and lower cones, so that the island will not be split.Shen Zheng felt that the force of attraction was coming from the icicle, so he led everyone to fly there.

Along the way, the space was distorted extremely severely, almost turning every step of the way, Shen Zheng had to slow down and constantly readjust the angle.

After traveling for thousands of hours, I finally came to the front of the icicle.There were no enemies along the way, and everyone was just hurrying, but because the road was long, they felt even more tired.After finally coming here, everyone let out a sigh of relief.

"Why don't we fly over to a few small ice islands, let's move around." Sheng Haixiong couldn't help but mutter.

Looking at the huge icicle, Shen Zheng walked forward slowly, stretched out his hand to touch it, and felt his hand was cold.He felt that all the power of space distortion came from this icicle, so it can be seen that this icicle is the real core of the secret realm.

He slowly released the power of space, but the power couldn't seep into it, and with the power of his mind, it was still work.

It seems that there is only a strong attack.He thought about it, and slowly backed away. The holy spirit boy appeared in a flash, let out a burst of cute laughter, stared at the icicle, and suddenly jumped up.A meter-long white snake surrounded him, and he burst out with great strength in an instant, punching the icicle with a fist.

In an instant, the sky shook, and the surrounding space violently turbulent. A dozen kings of the star sea, god-like beings, couldn't resist the turbulent power. For a while, they were like boats in the wind and waves, heaving up and down, unable to stabilize stature.

The holy spirit boy seemed to have used up all his strength during this blow, and disappeared instantly, but Shen Zheng felt a severe loss of strength, and hurriedly took out a space orb to absorb it, and his strength recovered instantly.

Amidst the loud noise, the giant pillar finally shattered, and the giant island was split into two halves. The upper end tilted, fell downwards, and smashed into the sea, stirring up waves, while the lower half gradually flew towards a higher place. It seems to be flying away from this secret realm. [

But after flying for a certain distance, it stopped again.It seems that this is the height it should reach, and it was only because of the oppression of the upper half of the island before that it could not reach it.

Shen Zheng stabilized his mind, stared at the inside of the broken icicle, and vaguely saw some light.He flew over cautiously, and what he saw was a black scepter.

Stretching out his hand and holding the scepter in his hand, he probed with the power of his mind, but he couldn't find anything.This scepter seems to be an ordinary metal stick, without any power fluctuations, without any secrets.

But he knew that things would never be so simple.

Suddenly, he found a little light flickering on the top of the scepter, and he couldn't help but take a closer look, but at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and a light suddenly flashed from that spot, piercing Shen Zheng's mind.

A figure suddenly appeared from the side air, swung a long knife as fierce as electricity, and stabbed at Shen Zheng!

But at this moment, Shen Zheng was motionless as if he had turned into a statue!

"Be careful!" Sheng Haixiong roared, and flew towards him.But someone was one step ahead of him.

A golden light flashed, and Yun Guiqing had already rushed over, blocking Shen Zheng's body.The golden armor surged violently, turned into a big sword, and slammed into the attacker's long knife.

"It's useless!" A sneer came from the mouth, and for a moment, Yun Guiqing had an illusion, as if facing him was not a person, but a misty fog.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure in the fog, it turned out to be Yun Shikong!

"Shi Kong!" He screamed, and hastily retracted his sword, but at this moment, he felt a sharp pain in his chest.

"Bastard!" Sheng Haixiong roared, swung his huge sword, and rushed over with his companions, but in an instant, he also felt that he was surrounded by a fog, lost himself for a while, and didn't know where he was. I don't know what to do.

At this time, Shen Zheng stood there in a daze, with a blank face.His eyes were empty, as if he had lost his life.

"Bring it." The sneak attacker smiled triumphantly, wrapped in a cloud of fog, stretched out his hand and snatched the scepter from Shen Zheng's hand, and swung the long knife in a gesture to chop.

But at this moment, a burst of fluctuations surged, and a flame shot out from beside Shen Zheng, and a loud cry shook all directions.The attacker was taken aback, turned around and ran away, and disappeared into the air in an instant, without a trace.

While the flames were rising, Eggy appeared beside Shen Zheng, protecting Shen Zheng, calling anxiously: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Zheng's eyes were still blank.

His thoughts have completely sunk into his heart.There, he saw a ray of light that broke through the protective power of his mind and quickly reached the depths of his mind.The light slammed into it fiercely, and it was hitting the restraining force of a worm holy emperor.

In an instant, the two merged into one.

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