star wars civilization.

Chapter 636: Changes in the Earth Homeland

Several elders looked at him together. _!~;

"Since there is no free outer city, I would like to apply for a trip." Shen Zheng said, "After all, I have just advanced, and my grasp of strength still needs to be improved. So I want to practice more to consolidate my realm. And Xue Su , She has just mastered the orb modulation technique and needs more practice, I want to find the secret realm in the universe."

Several elders communicated with each other, and it was uncertain for a while.

"Okay." Sheng Hailiefeng said, "I agree with Elder Shen's idea."

"What are you thinking?" Sheng Hailong couldn't help asking quietly with his thoughts. [

"That's exactly what I think." Shen Zheng replied with his thoughts, "And before the Patriarch returns, Sheng Haiji will inevitably have trouble again. I will avoid it temporarily to avoid escalating the conflict with him."

"Understood." Sheng Hailong nodded. "So, do as you wish."

He turned to everyone: "Everyone, I also think Elder Shen's choice is good. Anyway, there is no extra city for him to take charge of, why not let him go out for a trip. Maybe, with his luck, he can bring my family greater good."

"Then it's settled like this." Sheng Haixing agreed.

In the end, except for Sheng Hai's ambiguous statement, the rest of the elders nodded in agreement.

"Thank you." Shen Zheng saluted, turned around and left, Xue Su and Sheng Haixiong followed.Sheng Hailong also followed out.

"Create an idea connection with me." St. Hailong said as he walked. "What's the matter, we can exchange news."

Mind connection is equivalent to Shen Zheng using Internet Eyes with his friends in the past. After the connection is established, he can communicate with his mind at any time across the vast universe and star sea, and it will not have any impact on other aspects.This knowledge was also shared by Sheng Hailong and Shen Zheng before.

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded, and soon the two established a mental connection.Sheng Hailong sent Shen Zheng all the way to the outer exit of the secret realm.

In a secret realm like the Holy Sea Shenzhou, it is impossible for anyone to enter and exit at will, but there are fixed entrances and exits.Except for those entrances and exits, there is no way to directly use space power to escape from any place.Sheng Hailong sent him to the exit, and solemnly told Sheng Haixiong and others: "Miss Xuesu has a different status now, you must be careful to protect her, so that no accidents will happen."

Turning to Shen Zheng again: "In case of any danger, please contact me with your thoughts immediately, and I will take people there as soon as possible."

"Thank you." Shen Zheng smiled, bid farewell to Sheng Hailong and left the Shenghai Shenzhou. |^

"Public, what are your specific plans?" Sheng Haixiong asked. "If it's about exploring the secret realm, I have quite a lot of experience. Before I was promoted to the city lord, I served as the captain of the expedition team."

"Very good." Shen Zheng nodded, "But this is not in a hurry. I'm afraid it's not an easy task to find a secret place, right?"

"It's possible to get something within a few years." Sheng Haixiong laughed.

"The reason why I left is not because I want to practice." Shen Zheng told everyone honestly, "I just don't like to participate in this kind of power struggle. I prefer to get together with good friends and live happily. "

Everyone couldn't help being a little surprised, Sheng Haixiong said: "A person like you who is indifferent to fame and fortune is really rare among the kings of the star sea."

"It's just that you have lived in power for too long, and your horizons have not broadened." Shen Zheng smiled, "There must be many such people."

"So what are your plans?" Sheng Haixiong asked. [

"I advanced too fast, and I still don't understand a lot of knowledge." Shen Zheng smiled, "I just learned something about the secret realm through Xuesu recently. I used to build a secret realm on a planet called Earth, relying on a dying secret realm." The new secret realm is no different from the secret realm that created itself completely, so I can no longer create a secret realm elsewhere, so it has become my permanent residence. Many of my friends have stayed there, and I want to go back there."

"Anyway, no matter where you go, we will always follow you." Sheng Haixiong smiled slightly, his gaze firm.The same is true for the remaining 11 people.

"Okay, then let's go!" Shen Zheng nodded, waved his hand, and wanted to create an eternal turbulent flow, leading directly to the turbulent flow channel he created outside the earth.

"Have you built a fast track over there?" Sheng Haixiong asked.

"You mean the turbulent flow entrance, right? Yes." Shen Zheng nodded and stopped moving.He realized that Sheng Haixiong asked at this time, most likely because he felt that his current behavior was inappropriate.

"Then you'd better build another turbulent flow entrance in the secret realm. We call that a fast channel." Sheng Haixiong said. "This is because you have a portable secret realm created by the Holy Spirit of Suzaku. Setting the entrance in the secret realm is equivalent to bringing a portable door to space. You can also set a 'door lock' to prevent others from entering by mistake."

"This is interesting." Shen Zheng became interested. "Can you tell me carefully."

"No problem." Sheng Haixiong nodded and began to explain.While listening, Shen Zheng led everyone into the hyperspace and moved forward. He gradually mastered this skill along the way, and then entered the secret realm of water and fire, trying to build a turbulent flow entrance, and using the power of his mind to increase the flow. "Lock".

Afterwards, he entered the channel, and soon after, he emerged from the turbulent flow he had created and came near the earth.

He couldn't help but feel that it was strange that he came here from the entrance of the passage in the Water and Fire Secret Realm, and that the Water and Fire Secret Realm was his personal secret realm, so he followed him through this passage to come here.But the other passageway is in the water and fire secret realm. The water and fire secret realm means that he has drilled into a passage inside himself and came here. Because that passage is still inside the water and fire secret realm, he also came here...

The more he thought about it, the more he felt confused, and the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't understand the principle of space transformation. He couldn't help shaking his head and sighing: the power of space seems simple, but it is not simple in reality.In fact, the King of the Star Sea is far from being able to fully understand and master it.

good.he thought to himself.To become the master of the plane, isn't it to create a new space?Isn't it the understanding of the power of space that has reached its peak?

To really reach that step, it seems that we must pay more attention to the power of space, and we can't just feel that the power of mind is convenient, but ignore the continued cultivation of the power of space.

He was the only one who entered the fast passage, so naturally he was the only one who appeared here, and the rest stayed in the secret realm. Although they followed, they were still in the secret realm.

He shook his head, stopped thinking about the wonderful meaning of space, and after "locking" this turbulent flow gate, he flew straight towards the earth and arrived on the earth soon.

On the earth, there is a vibrant scene.Some of the Zerg races who were transferred by the Holy Emperor of the Worm at the beginning fled in a panic after that battle, and some regained their free will because they lost the control of the Holy Emperor of the Worm, and settled down on the earth.

No creature is willing to destroy the environment in which they live, so they stopped killing when they first came, and took the earth as their home to live in.As a result, the earth has become a place inhabited by powerful insect races. There are countless powerful existences at the master level of the galaxy, but it is a paradise for the strong to hunt insects.

Sensing the changes of the entire earth with his thoughts, Shen Zheng couldn't help but smile slightly, and said to himself: "The ancient home, you can become my real home. Since then, in the vast universe, I finally have a fixed home, which will last forever. Change, no longer drift."

With infinite emotion, his figure flashed and entered the secret realm of heaven.

As soon as he entered, he felt a jump in his heart, his thoughts flowed while frowning, and he immediately discovered that something important had happened in the secret realm of heaven.

In the air, those cute little angels fled in all directions, with horrified expressions on their faces, and when they saw Shen Zheng's return, these angels transformed with the power of his thoughts immediately gathered around him, whimpering and crying .

These angels are not real creatures, but the power of space and the power of ideas that they radiate. They don't have real wisdom, but they can generate simple perception and interaction with the surrounding things.Shen Zheng knew that something terrible must have happened, otherwise these little angels would not be like this. [

How could something go wrong?He frowned, and the power of his thoughts spread, instantly grasping the situation of the entire secret realm.

A place in the distance is the central area of ​​the entire secret realm, where the power of ideas and the power of space are the strongest.At this time, there are thirteen masters of second-order galaxies and two masters of third-order galaxies who are entrenched here, practicing quietly.Shen Zheng had never seen these people before, and he didn't know where they came from.

However, all the powerful people on the earth did not know where they went.

Shen Zheng couldn't help frowning.

At this time, a second-order galaxy master seemed to have some insight, and slowly opened his eyes.With a wave of hands, the power of space flows, and a first-order galaxy master appears out of thin air.As soon as the master of this level of galaxy appeared, he let out a roar, waved his hand recklessly to call out the insect spirit weapon, and attacked the master of the second-level galaxy.

The master of the second-order galaxy smiled and raised his hand, and a force of space tore the arm of the master of the first-order galaxy into the air.

"You'd better be honest." The Lord of the second-order galaxy sneered, "I have some insights in my cultivation. If I use you to practice moves, you can practice moves with me. I can guarantee that you will die quickly. Otherwise, just slow down. Slowly tore you."

"Madman!" The first-order galaxy master endured the pain and roared angrily. "You bastards, you invaded the secret realm of heaven while my Lord of the Earth was away. When our Lord of the Earth returns, you will all be wiped out!"

He was extremely angry, a crazy red light flashed in his eyes, and suddenly his whole body concentrated on one point, and he actually burst his body, fighting for death.

"That's what I want!" The master of the second-order galaxy nodded slightly. When he waved his hand, the power of space surged up and turned into the power of the holy spirit world, enveloping the explosion wave in reverse, and slowly guiding its changes. The light of perception is revealed, and it is actually used to practice moves.

Lord of the Earth?Shen Zheng was startled, who is that?

Could it be me?

At this time, a third-order galaxy master also opened his eyes, and looked back at the second-order galaxy master. The man immediately smiled and bowed his head respectfully: "My lord, have you also realized something?"

"Exactly." The lord of the third-order galaxy nodded, and with a wave of his hand, a person appeared out of thin air.

Shen Zheng's eyes turned cold, and a wave of overwhelming anger surged wildly.

There are more than 2 strong people on earth, and he doesn't know everyone.But the top powerhouses are no more than those few people, but he recognizes them all.

At this time, it was Zuo Qiuyan who appeared out of thin air.

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