star wars civilization.

Chapter 641: The Method of Removing Attributes

"What exactly does this mean?" Shen Zheng asked puzzled. |^

"To put it simply, the Xuanwu Holy Spirit is not fatally wounded, it's just that old age and excessive use of force make the body weak rapidly. As long as Miss Xuesu modulates the secret realm of the Xuanwu Holy Spirit into a secret realm orb, and then gives it to the Xuanwu Holy Spirit, then This unfavorable state of weakness can be eliminated. And the Xuanwu Holy Spirit itself has a very long lifespan, although the strength will not increase, but it will continue to live well." Sheng Haixiong explained.

"Great!" Shen Zheng couldn't help but get excited. "Then what are you waiting for? Xue Su, let's start!"

"Okay!" Xue Su also became excited.This was the moment when she felt the importance of this identity the most since she became a jeweler.

"Don't worry." Sheng Haixiong said, "Senior Xuanwu Holy Spirit's vitality is already very weak, we must temporarily control its state. All our Kings of the Star Sea must take turns to send power to it to ensure that its vitality will not stop. It will be cut off." [

"It's easy to handle, but it's just hard work for everyone. Senior Xuanwu Holy Spirit, please go to the water and fire secret realm with me to rest first." Shen Zheng said, "Xiao Hei is also inside."

"Okay, okay!" Xuanwu Holy Spirit nodded with a smile, "I miss this child too."

After inviting the Xuanwu Holy Spirit into the secret realm, Shen Zheng and others left the Xuanwu secret realm. Shen Zheng and Sheng Haixiong stood guard to prevent Xue Su from being disturbed, while Xue Su concentrated on using her abilities and began to modulate the Xuanwu secret realm.The others entered the water and fire secret realm together, arranged the order, and took turns supporting the life of the Xuanwu Holy Spirit with their own strength.

Xue Su slowly adjusted, Shen Zheng and Sheng Haixiong stared around without saying a word.At this time, Xiao Hei's thoughts came from the secret realm of water and fire: "Master, come and persuade Grandpa Guangu! It is too stubborn."

"Grandpa Guan Gu?" Shen Zheng was startled.

"It's Grandpa Xuanwu Holy Spirit." Xiao Hei responded, "It told me that its name is Guan Gu."

"So that's the case." Shen Zheng nodded, "What's wrong with it?"

" insists on making me take this orb of the Xuanwu Secret Realm." Xiao Hei said awkwardly, "but then it won't be saved."

"Why is that?" Shen Zheng was stunned, and after greeting Sheng Haixiong, he entered the Water and Fire Secret Realm and came to Xiao Hei's side.

At this time, Xiao Hei was resting on a floating island with Xuanwu Holy Spirit Guan Gu, while Eggy stood aside, injecting powerful power into Guan Gu's body to maintain its life.The others knew that Guan Guhe was talking with Xiao Hei, so they all stayed away from him.

"Master!" As soon as Xiao Hei saw Shen Zheng, he immediately called him, Eggy's eyes also showed joy, and he said to Shen Zheng with his thoughts: "Master, please persuade Grandpa, it won't listen to what we say.|^ "

"Why are you back?" Xuanwu Holy Spirit Guan Gu was slightly surprised.

"Isn't it because of you?" There was a trace of reproach in Shen Zheng's tone.

"Me?" Guan Gu vaguely sensed something, his eyes shifted to Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei hurriedly lowered his head, like a child who was found out for doing something wrong.

"Don't blame it." Shen Zheng said, "Senior Guan Gu, I didn't understand just now, but now I suddenly understand. You want to give up your own life and use your secret realm to fulfill Xiao Hei, right?"

"What's the use of old life?" Guan Gu smiled with a calm expression. "Instead of lingering on and wasting treasures, it's better to help the younger generation. I can't do anything to revitalize the Xuanwu clan, but it is still young and has a long way to go. I use my power in the secret realm to take a step forward and have What's wrong? Shen Zheng, this is a matter of my clan, so you don't have to worry about it."

"No." Shen Zheng shook his head decisively.

"Why not?" Guan Gu was angry. "Don't look at you for saving me, but I've saved you before. I don't owe you favors, and I won't agree to you if you want to force me. I'll do it arbitrarily. When the orb in the secret realm is complete, I will give it to Xiao Hei." , let it be promoted to the king of the star sea, and become the real basaltic holy spirit!"

"Then have you thought about how it feels?" Shen Zheng's tone was reproachful. "Relying on your devotion to reach the Star Sea King realm, will it be happy?" [

"Whether you are happy is one thing, but whether you can revive the Xuanwu clan is another." Guan Gu looked solemnly. "The Holy Spirit family was originally the most powerful race in the universe, living and multiplying, and dominating the star sea. But since the strange catastrophe in ancient times, almost all the Holy Spirits have disappeared in the long river of history. I can survive by luck only because I He was the weak member of the clan, and was injured at the time, so he couldn't catch up with the so-called grand event... Let's not talk about this, in short, it and my life belong not only to us, but also to the entire race. We must Sacrifice for the race."

As he spoke, he turned to Xiao Hei: "For the sake of the Xuanwu clan, I would even give up my life. What is it if you bear the pain and guilt of losing a loved one?"

Shen Zheng couldn't help being dumbfounded.He didn't expect that Guan Gu's love for Xiao Hei was not only because of fellowship, but more because of his determination to revive the Xuanwu clan.Speaking of this point, if he persuaded him again, he was afraid that Guan Gu would turn his back on him, so he could only let out a long sigh.

Let's wait for Xuesu to concoct the orb of the secret realm.

"Shen Zheng." Seeing that he no longer persisted, Guan Gu's expression softened. "Although one of the people around you is a descendant of our clan, he is too much influenced by the Holy Spirit of the Insect, and he is no longer a member of our clan. The same is true for the other three Holy Spirits. If you meet the other three in the future The Holy Spirit of the Holy Spirit family, don’t think that you can rely on the three of them to get closer to them. Because the Holy Spirit family will not recognize this kind of humanized siblings. Although they will treat them better than humans, they will not treat Xiao Hei like I did. generally."

"Understood." Shen Zheng nodded, "Thank you for your reminder."

Guan Gu nodded in satisfaction, with a smile in his eyes.

Xiaohei and Dandan lowered their heads sadly.

This time Xuesu's preparation of the Xuanwu Secret Realm was not as labor-saving as the previous one. It took her nearly 20 hours, or more than [-] days, to complete the preparation, turning the Xuanwu Secret Realm into a ball of light, which was in the palm of her hand. middle.

"How is it?" Shen Zheng went up to meet him and asked with concern.

"Of course it succeeded." Xue Su smiled, but her face was pale and her eyes dimmed. She fell into Shen Zheng's arms and almost passed out.

Shen Zheng hastily took out a space orb and stuffed it into Xue Su's hand.Xue Su didn't refuse either, she held it in her hand and began to absorb it.

"I didn't expect it to take so long this time." Shen Zheng said.

"This Xuanwu secret realm has existed for more than a million years." Xue Su said, "It is certainly difficult to prepare it. But the more it is like this, the greater its power, and the senior Xuanwu Holy Spirit will definitely be able to regain its vitality."

"It's just that Grandpa Guangu insisted that Xiao Hei take it to evolve into a real Xuanwu Holy Spirit." Shen Zheng sighed, "It oppresses me with the righteousness of revitalizing the Xuanwu clan, so I can't force it. What do you say? What to do?"

"Grandpa Guangu?" Xue Su asked suspiciously.

"It's Senior Xuanwu Holy Spirit." Shen Zheng said, "The Holy Spirit also has a name, and it's called Guangu. I followed Xiao Hei's name and called it Grandpa Guangu. It wants to revitalize the Xuanwu clan, so it would rather It is very difficult to give up your own life and let Xiao Hei advance. Xue Su, please help me find a way."

"Wait!" Xue Su suddenly increased her strength, and the space orb she held in her hand immediately turned into power and flowed into her body, bringing her back to life.She looked at Shen Zheng, vaguely excited: "Actually, there is another way to remove the attribute of the secret space!"

"What?" Shen Zheng was stunned, followed by surprise. "Is there really such a method?"

"Of course." Xue Su smiled. "The space of the secret realm was created by the king of the star sea, and the power of the king of the star sea is not restricted by any attributes. It is mainly composed of ideas and the power of space. It is the purest energy body. The secret realm will have special attributes, but It was caused by the immature power when the king of the star sea created it. Or because he missed the past, he deliberately shaped it into the attribute of space power that he was good at when he was still the master of the galaxy. If you want to change it when modulating it, you should change it Got it."

"It would be nice if you said it earlier, I don't have to worry so much." Shen Zheng smiled.

"Because this is almost impossible." Xue Su said, "It requires two orb masters to prepare together, one main and one auxiliary. The leading orb master controls the overall situation, and the assistant changes the attributes of the secret realm. But once the orb A teacher is a rare talent, and secondly... the supporter will lose some power in the end, and his strength will drop sharply, or he will fall back to the realm of the master of the galaxy.” [

"In this way, no one would be willing to be an assistant..." Shen Zheng couldn't help frowning.

"Yes!" Xue Su smiled, pointing at herself. "Isn't this ready-made? In this way, we only need to find another orb master to lead the preparation."

"Xue Su..." Shen Zheng looked at Xue Su, his eyes flickering. "You... you have lost too much like this!"

"I'm not afraid." Xue Su said with a smile, "I have you, and you have great luck. I think it won't be long before you can get the orb of the secret realm again and let me advance. Or I can practice hard in the legendary realm , it may recover in a short time.”

"Xue Su, have you really thought about it?" Shen Zheng asked.

"Grandpa Guan Gu not only saved you, but also saved me." Xue Su looked at Shen Zheng, "I have your blood in my body, and my life is closely linked with yours. I am your other Although it seems that this connection has been cut off for a clone now, but...but at least I was the one who was helped by Grandpa Guan Gu before. I can't just watch it go away like this."

"Damn it!" Shen Zheng punched himself, "It would be great if I was also a jeweler!"

"Don't say silly things." Xue Su smiled, holding up a secret secret orb of the dark system. "We still have an orb in our hand, we just need to find another orb master, and then we can start to make it. At that time, remove its attributes, and then give it to Xiao Hei, and Xiao Hei can also be promoted to be the king of the star sea." Guan Gu After Grandpa knows this, he will not refuse to live."

"Xue Su, thank you." Shen Zheng held Xue Su's hand tightly.

"What are you being polite to me?" Xue Su smiled. "It's just that you have to hide this matter from Grandpa Guangu for me. Otherwise, it will definitely refuse."

Only then did Sheng Haixiong fly over from a distance and asked, "Should it be successful?"

"Yes." Xue Su stuffed the dark space orb into Shen Zheng's hand, and took out the orb of the Xuanwu Secret Realm that he had just prepared.

A water-type orb.

"Great!" Sheng Haixiong couldn't help laughing. "Let's go find Senior Xuanwu Holy Spirit!"

Shen Zheng showed worry.

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