star wars civilization.

Chapter 645: Group Destruction

The holy spirit boy moved to the gray cat's side in the chaos of the battle, and when it turned around, it punched its head hard. |^

At this time, Shen Zheng, imitating the way those people from Baozhu Group trapped the holy spirit boy, used the power of mind and space to trap the gray cat, making it unable to disappear and escape.

The weight of the holy spirit boy's fist is obvious to all.After the gray cat received this punch, a big dent appeared on its cheek, and the screams resounded in all directions.

The holy spirit boy didn't intend to stop. After he succeeded with one punch, there were continuous fists and feet like rain, and elbows and knees like wind.The gray cat's huge body was shaking in the air, and it was knocked back and forth by the huge force of the holy spirit boy.

"Bastard!" Yi Hai yelled, desperately commanding the gray cat to fight back with his mind, but all the movements he made in his panic were useless. [

"Your opponent is me." With a mocking smile on his face, Shen Zheng rushed towards him suddenly.Yi Hai was shocked, and had to keep an eye on the battlefield between the gray cat and the holy spirit boy while flying back. At the same time, he was surprised that Shen Zheng didn't need to control the holy spirit boy, and the insect spirit could fight by itself.

"Can you escape?" Shen Zheng smiled, quickly caught up with Yi Hai, raised his hand, and several ice snakes shot out from Xuanwu Ice Soul, attacking Yi Hai.These snakes all possessed the power of the King of the Star Sea, but for Yi Hai, they were still too weak. He smashed the ice snakes one after another with a wave of his hand.

But Shen Zheng had already taken the opportunity to get close, and when he had just smashed the last ice snake, Shen Zheng kicked him in the stomach.

A painful feeling spread all over his body, Yi Hai bent down in pain, his stomach was overwhelmed, and he didn't have the strength to fight back for a while.

"We can't just keep watching." In the team of the Lord of the Galaxy, Ying Aotian suddenly spread his thoughts. "We can't give all the responsibility for the battle to the strong. Although we are weak, we still have some strength. We have more than 2 people, and this strength is also a torrent!"

"That's right!" Shu Yi Nian responded, and more than 2 people were excited.

"Shoot!" At Ying Aotian's order, more than 2 space giants rose into the sky, and instantly attacked the kings of the star sea in the sky orb group.The power of ten, hundred, or even thousand ways may make them feel threatened, but there are more than 2 ways, but they must not be underestimated.

Especially when they themselves have been killed by Shen Zheng's many Xinghai kings and powerhouses!

Immediately, many members of the orb group were attacked, although they were not seriously injured, but it caused them great pain, and they were entangled by a group of strong men, but they couldn't turn around to attack the lords of these galaxies. The battle quickly turned to one side.

At this time, the Holy Spirit Boy had already beaten the gray cat to the skin, and the screams could no longer be heard. |^The figure of the boy jumped up and rode on the back of the gray cat, his fists rained down, once, twice, ten times... After dozens of punches, the gray cat finally lay down softly, No more struggling and resisting, and a cry for mercy.

The holy spirit boy stopped.

"Stop beating!" Yi Hai also let out a miserable howl in pain.

At this time, he was hit by Shen Zheng like a sandbag, his whole body was bruised, and his moves were not fatal.If Shen Zheng wants to keep him, of course he won't kill him.This person is of great use.

The jeweler now!Isn't this the kind of guy who is hard to find now?In front of him, there was one who came to his door by himself, so there was no reason to kill it easily.

"Kneel down!" Shen Zheng yelled, Yi Hai trembled all over, and fell to his knees.

His heart had collapsed under Shen Zheng's psychological warfare; his body had also succumbed to Shen Zheng's punches.At this moment, Yi Hai had regained his fighting spirit, and there was nothing else in his heart except fear.

He suddenly had an illusion, as if he had returned to his childhood, kneeling in front of his father and being beaten and scolded when he made a mistake.Yes, that's the fear, that's the fear.He completely collapsed, tears were rolling in his eyes, and he didn't dare to resist at all.

In the air, the battle gradually calmed down.Corpses fell to the ground one after another, they were members of the Orb Group.Under the powerful offensive of Shen Zheng's side, they fell and died one by one. There are only a dozen or so people left in the team of more than 70 people, and they just shrink their defenses and continue to resist.

"Miss Yunzhi, don't kill me!" Suddenly, a loud cry came, but it was a person who had the light of Qiu Yun's insect spirit fairy in his body, and called out Qiu Yunzhi's name while struggling. [

"Who are you, how do you know my name?" Qiu Yun was stunned, and immediately threw the streamer, wrapped around the man's waist and pulled him in front of him.

"Miss Yunzhi, I am a member of the Light of Autumn Sky, and I am from the outskirts of Lingcheng. I was ordered to be an undercover agent in the Orb Group to monitor every move of the Orb Group. You ran away from home and finally cultivated the realm of the King of the Star Sea. Congratulations!" the man said. While using his strength to defend himself desperately, while speaking respectfully, he did not struggle, nor did he take the opportunity to attack Qiu Yunzhi.

Although the words were short, they were enough to give Qiu Yun's judgment.She was absolutely sure that this person was a member of Autumn Sky Light.Immediately, her thoughts flowed, and Fairy Chong Ling took back that ray of light, and the man's body quickly returned to normal under the nourishment of strength, and he let out a sigh of relief.

"Why didn't you say it sooner?" Qiu Yun's eyes were cold and reproachful.

"I... I took it as a chance." The man smiled awkwardly. "I thought that the Baozhu Group had a lot of people, maybe they could still fight out. My task is to monitor them, so...but now you see..."

He pointed to Shen Zheng: "The leader of the Baozhu Group, Yi Hai, has already surrendered, and there are only a dozen or so members left in the group. It is obvious that the group is about to be wiped out. I just...Miss Yunzhi, congratulations on your birth Goddess of Autumn!"

There was a hint of pride in Qiu Yunzhi's eyes, and he nodded: "You just stay on the sidelines, if there is any abnormality, you will definitely be suspicious!"

"Yes!" The man saluted respectfully and stood with his hands down. There was no wave of strength on his body, like someone who gave up resistance and waited to die.

Not long after, the last few members of the Baozhu Group also died under the hands of everyone, and the great battle disappeared.

"Why are you bothering?" Shen Zheng looked at Yi Hai and smiled faintly. "For the eight secret realms that I couldn't get at all, I lost everything in the end."

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!" Yi Hai yelled in horror, "I am a dignified jeweler, and I have connections with the high-level empire. If you kill me, they will not let you go..."

"Shut up." Shen Zheng's voice was cold and low, but it had the power of thunder, which made Yi Hai shut up immediately.

Looking up, seeing a member of the Pearl Group respectfully standing beside Qiu Yunzhi, Shen Zheng was startled.Qiu Yunzhi felt his gaze, turned his head to look, and smiled slightly: "This is the undercover agent sent by my clan Qiu Kongzhiguang to the Orb Group."

"Someone told me that I was an undercover agent during the battle just now." At this moment Eggy opened his mouth, "It's someone from some kind of family. Anyway, it's not a family we know. I care so much about him, so I just burned it."

"Ah!" Yan Xin turned into a human form, but suddenly screamed. "Brother Shen, it's not good, is there also an undercover agent from Shenghai Shenzhou here?"

"No." Sheng Haixiong shook his head. "I, Shenghai Shenzhou, never like to use this kind of method. Besides, even if he uses it, he will definitely find a way to rescue the four kings who are left behind after seeing that they are his own people."

"That's good." Yan Xin let out a long breath, "Otherwise, how painful it would be to accidentally kill one of your own people!"

"Let's talk. Who is the person who hired you?" Shen Zheng looked at Yi Hai, and his voice was steady but cold.Yi Hai felt a biting cold wind and couldn't help shivering.

"I don't know, I really don't know." He explained anxiously, "He just contacted me with the power of his mind."

"So, you believe him?" Shen Zheng frowned. "Is this too big a joke?"

"No, no!" Yi Hai hurriedly explained, "Although he only contacted me with his thoughts, he really brought my thoughts into the eight secret realms, and he can easily suppress my thoughts. He is a truly powerful master ,so……"

"So you are obsessed with ghosts?" Shen Zheng snorted coldly. "Do you know who that man is?" [

"This..." Yi Hai blinked for a long time, apparently not understanding what Shen Zheng meant by asking.Is he asking himself who that person is, or is he saying he knows who that person is?Yi Hai hesitated a little, for fear of making Shen Zheng angry if he answered wrongly.

"This idiot." Eggy fell beside Shen Zheng and couldn't help laughing.

"He's scared." Yan Xin also fell to the side, laughing.

"That's the Holy Emperor of the Loch." Shen Zheng said, "The current King of the Loch Clan."

"Holy Spirit?" Yi Hai trembled even more.He wasn't very bright, but he was aware of something.

"The worms are good at controlling." Shen Zheng said, "The holy emperor's mind control is naturally stronger, and creating illusions is their good skill. The eight secret realms you have seen are good, and his mind pressure on you is also good. Well, it's just an illusion when you lost yourself. You thought it was real, and I was wiped out because of this kind of mirage, I really don't deserve it for you."

Yi Hai gritted his teeth, his face was full of pain, and he didn't know if it was because of the pain in his body, the pain in his heart, or both.

"How to deal with this guy?" Shi Lanfeng asked from the side.

"Scare him to death." Xue Su's thoughts flowed into everyone's mind quietly, and everyone knew it.

"Bake it and eat it." Before anyone else could speak, Eggy said something astonishing. Everyone looked at it together and gave it a thumbs up, expressing that no one could be more scary than it.

Yi Hai shuddered and fell to the ground, looking at Eggy in horror.

"It seems to be a good choice." Shen Zheng nodded slowly.

"Don't!" Yi Hai's scream shook the whole world.

"Everyone, everyone!" he shouted, "I'm an orb master anyway, a rare talent, it would be a pity to be eaten by the Holy Spirit. Why don't I help you prepare a batch of secret realm orbs, or space orbs to atone for your sins?" ?”

"It sounds like a good choice." Shen Zheng nodded, "I'm a little bit embarrassed."

What's so embarrassing! ?Yi Hai yelled angrily in his heart, his nose was about to crooked.

"Master, then spare his life." Xue Su smiled sweetly. "Although the secret realm is hard to find, it would be great to have more space orbs."

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