star wars civilization.

Chapter 652: Cooperate from inside to outside

Gently raising his hand, he stopped the crowd's voice with a noble posture, Qiu Yunzhi smiled faintly, quite a leader.

"It's too early to call me the head of the palace." She said, "After all, the ceremony has not yet been held. You should call me Miss Yunzhi."

"Yes!" The 200 people said in unison.

"Miss Yunzhi, let's go on our way." Qiu Lei said with a smile.

"Okay." Qiu Yunzhi nodded slowly. [

"Mr. Shen Zheng, are you going with me?" Qiu Lei asked with a smile. "After all, you are Miss Yunzhi's friend, and this time is the most important event in Miss Yunzhi's life. Without you present, it seems..."

"Don't worry, I'm going naturally." Shen Zheng nodded slightly. "Let's go."

"Okay, let's go!" Qiu Wenji said at this moment, and the whole team flew over immediately, forming a circular array, surrounded by four people. The space power of 200 people works together to form a "room" composed of energy. Four people are in four comfortable chairs. After sitting on them, they don't need to use their own strength. Driven by these two hundred kings of the star sea, Entered the hyperspace, all the way forward.

Along the way, Qiu Lei kept laughing and accosting the two of them, from the south of the sky to the north of the earth, the scope of chatting was extensive.But Qiu Wenji just pretended to smile and didn't make a sound.

Shen Zheng had a vague feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell for a while.

Moving forward in this way, it gradually moved away from the earth and approached the sphere of influence of the light of the autumn sky.

At this moment, there was a sudden turmoil in the hyperspace, and turbulent currents rose up in all directions, surrounding the entire "House of Space". The two hundred kings of the Star Sea were shocked, and immediately put their full attention on alert, and surrounded the four central areas. People are protected.

"What's going on?" Qiu Lei couldn't help frowning.

In an instant, hundreds of Star Sea Kings rushed out of the turbulent current.These strong men were all covered with armor, even their faces were covered, and they came to kill one by one, and surrounded the team.

"Enemy attack!" Someone shouted in the middle of the queue.

"Bastard!" Qiu Wenji frowned, "Where did the lunatics come from, dare to attack our Qiukongzhiguang team?"

The other party didn't respond, but just charged over, colliding with the entire team immediately.The Kings of the Star Sea on the outskirts of Autumn Sky Light immediately fought against these people.These people's moves are all killer moves, obviously with the intention of destroying the entire team.

"Defend with all your strength!" Qiu Lei yelled, "Don't let the enemy come in and hurt Miss Yunzhi!"

After finishing speaking, he turned to Shen Zheng and Qiu Yunzhi: "Don't worry, you two, although we are not as strong as each other, with the strength of the four of us and these elite fighters, we can still fight a bloody road. Danger."

"Could it be someone from Xinghai Sanctuary?" Qiu Yunzhi frowned, "This place is not far from my clan's territory, so we should call our clansmen to come to support us."

"The clan is busy with the grand ceremony, so I'm afraid there are no people." Qiu Lei said, "Besides, it's not good to cause turmoil in the clan on such a day. Let's stick to it."

On the periphery of the team, the fighting was fierce. These comers were all very skilled and powerful. In the first day of the confrontation, they killed more than a dozen kings of the star sea on the periphery, and the rest fought back before barely blocking them.Qiu Yunzhi couldn't help looking over anxiously, and said in a low voice: "No, we have to do it, otherwise the clansman will suffer too much loss!"

Saying that, the Goddess of Autumn has been summoned and flew to the outer battlefield.

Shen Zheng felt that something was wrong, he didn't release the holy spirit boy, but watched the surroundings vigilantly, but pretended to be concentrating on watching the battle situation outside. [

Just when the Goddess of Autumn flew to the outer area, a sudden change occurred—a powerful force was suddenly generated in the outer area, which imprisoned the Goddess of Autumn, so that she could not quickly withdraw from the body of Qiu Yun, but could only return by fighting with her own strength.But at this time, the built-in Autumn Sky Light Warrior suddenly also went out to kill.

The target they killed was not the incoming enemy, but their own companions!

"What's going on?" Qiu Yunzhi couldn't help being stunned, but at this moment, a murderous intent flashed in Qiu Wenji's eyes, and he suddenly raised his hand and called out the domineering and thick spear.

"Die!" With a roar, Qiu Wenji's spear brought forth terrifying power, and stabbed towards Qiu Yun's heart.

"Shameless!" Shen Zheng, who seemed to be looking at the surroundings in a daze, suddenly roared, turned around and kicked out, hitting Qiu Wenji's spear.The power of one kick surpassed that of the long spear, and the long spear was kicked off the track in one stroke. Qiu Wenji was also shaken, his body trembled, and the long spear almost fell out of his hand.

Why is it so powerful?He couldn't help but startled.

At this time, Qiu Lei also suddenly put away that smiling face, and opened his hand to call out a long-handled sword in his hand. Amidst the surge of power, the sword slashed straight at Shen Zheng's back, intending to strike Shen Zheng with a single blow. Levy split in half.

As the holy light flickered, the Holy Spirit Boy broke out of his body, and several white snakes circled around him, indicating that he had exhausted his strength.He punched hard and hit the blade of the big knife. The blade only left a shallow mark on his small fist, and it was immediately swung high by the force of the fist.

Amidst the sound of laughter, the holy spirit boy jumped up, and as he waved his hands, several white snakes flew out.

Why is it so powerful?Qiu Lei felt such amazement in his heart, he backed up, and danced the sword into a whirlwind. The white snake shattered upon hitting it, but his palms were also a little numb from the shock.

"Not good!" He yelled, retreating faster, commanding several Kings of the Star Sea to charge up, blocking the Holy Spirit Boy for himself.

"Be careful, Yunzhi, these two guys are responsible for all this!" Shen Zheng yelled sharply, he shot forward and kicked Qiu Wenji.As the power of space flowed, a circular cage was formed around it, trapping Qiu Wenji.

"Break!" Qiu Wenji roared, and the big gun danced, instantly shattering the bondage of space, but Shen Zheng had already been deceived by his stature.He couldn't help being shocked.

Shen Zheng's power gave him a huge shock. He dared not fight Shen Zheng again, and immediately flew back. The back of the spear suddenly turned into a tide, wrapping him, but it formed a A pair of armor, but the front part of the spear flew out alone, stabbing at Shen Zheng.

Shen Zheng had no choice but to stop, and slammed his fist sideways, hitting the gun, sending half of the spear flying.The long spear flew in the air, twirled and flew back to Qiu Wenji's hand, and turned into a big spear again.Qiu Wenji exhaled in a deep voice, and the big gun suddenly became dozens of times bigger, turning into a huge gun and stabbing at Shen Zheng.

At the same time, the power of ice radiated in all directions, trying to wrap Shen Zheng up.

The power of the flame immediately gushed out from Shen Zheng's body, melting the ice in an instant, and Shen Zheng dodged facing the giant gun, and five streamers flew around him, turning into five holy spirits.

Guan Gu, Eggy, Xiao Hei, Yan Xin, Shi Lanfeng!

"Damn it, you still have a helper?" Qiu Wenji gritted his teeth.

"I originally wanted to let the five great holy spirits come out together at the Yunzhi celebration to boost momentum." Shen Zheng's voice was cold, "I didn't expect it to be used here."

"What a thief!" Guan Gu roared, his body immediately turned into a [-]-meter giant, and the other four holy spirits also changed together, their huge bodies immediately blocked the fierce battle outside.

Qiu Wenji's face showed horror, and he couldn't help but retreat.But after another measure, the number of one's own side is far superior to the opponent's, so how can there be any reason to retreat?Immediately, thoughts flowed, and he called his subordinates to come to rescue him. [

This time, among the 100 Star Sea Kings, the [-] people in the inner circle were all from Qiu Wenji. They cooperated with the foreign enemy and killed the [-] people in the outer circle in almost an instant. Only ten people remained. Several powerful fighters wandered around, struggling to support, and eventually all died.

After receiving the order at this time, these people immediately turned around and came towards Shen Zheng and Qiu Yunzhi.

Qiu Yunzhi's face was gloomy, and he shouted loudly: "Bold! Do you know what you are doing? You will become the sinners of Qiukong Zhiguang, and will be engraved on the shame pillar of the temple forever!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" A king of the star sea grinned, "We only listen to the orders of the master of the palace, what is your side blood!"

As he spoke, he swung his big sword and killed Xiao Hei who was blocking the outside.

"What are you clamoring for?" Xiao Hei snorted coldly, the Xuanwu snake suddenly opened its mouth and bit the void, and the king of the star sea had to dodge to the side with all its defense, but before he could stop, the Xuanwu turtle also opened its mouth and bit , half of his body immediately spattered blood, and he couldn't help screaming.

Before the cry was over, a jet of water spewed out from the snake's mouth, which hit him immediately, freezing him into a ball of solid ice, and then exploded to pieces with a bang.

On the other side, the goddess of autumn was trapped by dozens of kings of the star sea, and could only radiate the light of autumn sky under the control of Qiu Yun's thoughts.But the light of the autumn sky was really fierce, and it was almost impossible to defend. In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen kings of the star sea were shot, and their bodies withered continuously, losing their fighting power.

But she was trapped by the force field, but she couldn't return to Qiu Yunzhi's side to protect her. Qiu Yunzhi could only rely on Shen Zheng to protect her, and controlled the goddess of autumn to deal with the enemy.

In contrast, the Holy Spirit boy is much more powerful, without Shen Zheng's command at all, as if he has the will, fighting with all his strength, has pushed Qiu Lei to a desperate situation.

"Kill!" Qiu Leihong focused his eyes, and retreated rapidly, constantly slashing the sword into the void, but using the technique of attacking through the air.But the holy spirit boy is powerful, and the power of the space around him surges, completely blocking the opponent's space attack.

The air attack seems powerful, and it can kill people thousands of miles away, but that is only for those whose strength is lower than their own.If the strength of the two is equal, one side only needs to deploy the space defense force field, and the attacking side's space attack will have no effect at all. Only when one's own strength is far superior to the opponent can he break through the space force field and hit the enemy directly, just like Xiao Heifang.

The longer the distance, the less effective the air attack will be.At such a close distance, if the strength of the two sides is similar, the air attack can still play a role in restraining them, but Nai Shengling Boy is much stronger than Qiu Lei.

"Father, what's the matter with your information?" Qiu Lei was anxious, and shouted at Qiu Wenji with his mind. "How can this Shen Zheng be so strong?"

"How do I know he's so powerful? It's completely beyond common sense!" Qiu Wenji was also forced by Shen Zheng at this time to feel dangerous, and was furious.

However, hundreds of star sea masters from the periphery came to cover up and kill them. Although the five holy spirits resisted with all their strength, the enemy was so powerful that they could barely block it for a while.

Although Shen Zheng and the holy spirit boy are powerful, but because of the large number of people, the other party does not come into direct contact with them, they are just fighting, and Shen Zheng has to protect Qiu Yunzhi. tie.

After a long time, I'm afraid it will be a defeat in the end.

Shen Zheng couldn't help but his thoughts flowed, carefully observing the surroundings, looking for a breakthrough.

You can't fight, you can only withdraw!

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