star wars civilization.

Chapter 655: Rescue Xuanwu Holy Spirit

I stayed in the light of the autumn sky for a few more days, mainly because Qiu Yunzhi wanted to meet the representatives of the Chinese family, and at the same time, he also wanted to meet people from the nearby big families who came to congratulate him. _!~; In such a busy way, there is no time to stop.In the end, Qiu Yunzhi said to Shen Zheng with embarrassment: "Why don't you go back and build the channel first. After the channel is established, everything will be convenient. I don't know how long you will have to wait here with me."

"Alright." Shen Zheng smiled, "You finally got home, and you should stay for a while. Don't rush back, I'll go first."

When he left, it was naturally another grand farewell.Qiu Jiu personally sent him out of the secret realm, repeatedly reassuring Shen Zheng that he would definitely take good care of Qiu Yunzhi.

After taking his farewell and leaving, Shen Zheng didn't call any of his companions to come out from the secret realm of water and fire to accompany him, but flew towards the earth alone.He also had a kind of expectation——expectation that Qiu Lei would lie in ambush nearby, and come out to attack when he saw himself alone, so that he could arrest him and bring him to justice.

Unfortunately, he didn't get what he wanted, and he didn't meet anyone until he left the sphere of influence of Qiu Kongzhiguang. [

Nai sighed and had no choice but to go towards the earth with all his strength.

But just after flying not far away, a thought came from the Water and Fire Secret Realm, it was Guan Gu: "Son, stop!"

"What's wrong?" Shen Zheng hurriedly stopped and asked with his mind.

"I sensed an idea message calling for help." Guan Gu said, Shen Zheng felt that it was a little excited. "It's a distress message from members of my clan!"

"Did you feel right?" Shen Zheng was taken aback.The Holy Spirit family is almost extinct in the universe. How could there be a sudden distress message from the Xuanwu Holy Spirit in such a place?

"It can't be wrong." Guan Gu said excitedly, "My target is too big, so I won't come out. You humans are small in stature, follow my guidance quickly, and you must save it!"

"Understood, don't worry." Shen Zheng nodded, without further ado, followed the direction indicated by Guan Gu, and quietly chased him all the way.

After sneaking carefully for a long time, he finally sensed a group of people in the hyperspace ahead, hurrying towards one direction.It was a team of Star Sea Kings, a total of 30 people, several of them were injured, and the injuries were not serious. Although they couldn't see anything on the surface, they could sense the weakening of their aura.

Others seem to be somewhat injured, but not serious.

Among these people, there is a basalt holy spirit, which is slightly bigger than Xiao Hei, and is imprisoned by everyone with great power. _!~; Its breath was very weak, as if it had been seriously injured.

"That's it!" Guan Gu exclaimed excitedly, "The child was beaten up like this by them, these hateful humans! Child, we must save it, for sure!"

"Have you asked what's going on with it?" Shen Zheng asked Guan Gu seeing that there were a large number of people on the other side, and there were several experts among them, and he didn't dare to contact the Xuanwu Holy Spirit with his own thoughts.

"I asked." Guan Gu said, "It is a descendant of an old holy spirit who did not participate in the war like me in ancient times. And it was discovered by humans, and finally captured by these people, forcing it to be the guardian holy spirit. These hateful humans!"

"I understand." Shen Zheng nodded, "I will quickly approach them, and when the time comes, everyone will attack together, first defeat the strongest among them, and the others will be easy to deal with."

"Okay." Guan Gu nodded, and couldn't help accumulating huge strength in the secret realm, as if wishing to kill everyone on the other side with one blow.

Shen Zheng quietly sneaked over, and after being optimistic about the opponent's position, he suddenly waved his hand to create a turbulent flow, entered the outer hyperspace from the turbulent flow, and chased him with all his strength, created another turbulent flow, and flew in. Immediately appeared on the side of the team.

As soon as the turbulent flow started, the team was already on alert. The kings of the star sea shouted loudly, each summoned their insect spirit weapons, and made preparations for battle.

As soon as Shen Zheng appeared, he didn't say a word, but first shouted: "Which family are you from? Why did you invade my territory?"

"Bold!" One person shouted loudly, "This is obviously the territory of my Xinghai Sanctuary, who are you?" [

"People who block the road and rob!" Shen Zheng laughed loudly, his thoughts flowed, and the five holy spirits in the water and fire secret realm came out to attack everyone, and his holy spirit boy suddenly appeared, and attacked the strongest king of the star sea on the other side, and He attacked another master.

The sudden appearance of the five holy spirits stunned everyone. No one thought that one day so many holy spirits would appear in front of them at the same time.This stunned, immediately missed the best time to counterattack, and the five holy spirits are ready to go, and they have already made desperate preparations. Five people were killed.

Amidst the screams of his companions, the other party's eyes were also red, and he shouted to line up to meet Shen Zheng's side.

But the holy spirit boy had already reached the center of the formation, with a few punches, he forced the strongest man in the team back again and again, and Shen Zheng also forced the other strong man away.

The Basalt Holy Spirit Qi Sui, who was imprisoned in the center, immediately shot out excited light when he saw this, and when everyone was facing the enemy, the power of confinement was weakened, and he immediately roared, and the whole body surged with great force, and the imprisoned power He smashed through, and sprayed water arrows randomly towards the surroundings with all his strength. For a while, several Star Sea Kings were hit, and two of them were seriously injured. After being hit by the arrows, they screamed and twitched.Although the other four held on, they had almost no strength to fight back.

With just this one move, the opponent lost 11 people, almost half of them.The remaining 19 people rushed to the battle, and before they could organize any decent counterattack, there was already a scream, but it was the holy spirit boy who knocked the strongest man's sword into the air, killing him with one punch.

Shen Zheng was not far behind here, relying on the harassment of the Xuanwu Ice Soul, when the opponent was distracted, he punched the opponent's chest several times in a row, causing the opponent to vomit blood, and floated in the air dying. The holy spirit boy who came over hit the back of the head with a blow, and his head was shattered to death.

"I'll kill you!" Qi Sui seemed to have suffered a lot of humiliation, and was extremely angry in his heart. Now he could finally vent, roaring recklessly, attacking the enemies around him with all his strength.Although its breath was weak, it had a terrifying momentum when it was desperately killing people. The man only resisted a few times before he was bitten on the chest by the Black Tortoise Snake. Bloody arrows spewed out from his chest, and he struggled and screamed in pain.

The dying man also aroused even greater strength, he swung his knife with red eyes, and was about to slash at Qi Sui.And Qi Sui had exhausted all her strength at this time, and had no power to dodge at all.

"Xiao Hei, go and help it!" Guan Gu was clearly not far away, but ordered Xiao Hei to go over with his thoughts.Although Xiao Hei was puzzled, he rushed over immediately, bumped into the Star Sea King, knocked him flying, and died of broken bones.

"How are you?" Seeing his compatriot's weak appearance, Xiao Hei couldn't help becoming worried, and hurriedly injected his own strength into the other person's body to help heal his pain.

"Thank you!" Qi Sui nodded gratefully, the mad killing intent in her eyes still persisted, and she wanted to attack other enemies, but was stopped by Xiao Hei.

"You're seriously injured, so don't use your strength rashly. Otherwise, something really happened, and we saved you for nothing?" Xiao Hei said seriously, "There are not many remaining compatriots of our Xuanwu clan, so you have to cherish you Your own life is what matters. You and I don’t live for ourselves, but for the entire Xuanwu clan.”

"Oh, I see." Qi Sui looked at Xiao Hei, nodded slowly, and the madness in her eyes gradually dissipated.

Xiao Hei couldn't help laughing.

Shen Zheng and the Holy Spirit boy were almost unstoppable when they attacked together, but when several Holy Spirits attacked with all their strength, their power became poor.Not long after, the battle was coming to an end. Only the four powerful Kings of the Star Sea were still resisting with all their strength, but they had already reached a dead end.

"Wait!" One of the people who fought against the holy spirit boy couldn't help but yelled in horror when he saw that he was invincible. "I remembered, the person who possesses the five great holy spirits, you are Shen Zheng, a friend of Qiu Yunzhi, who holds the Light of the Autumn Sky!"

"Not bad!" Shen Zheng sneered.

"I have no grudge against you, why do you want to kill us?" the man shouted.

"And resentment?" Shen Zheng snorted. "Think about your two young ladies, Chen Xingyue and Chen Xingyang, who coveted my Holy Spirit partner and wanted to snatch it. Do you think this is resentment? Now you kidnap the Xuanwu Holy Spirit regardless of the wishes of the Xuanwu Holy Spirit. This is another new thing. Resentment."

In an instant, the Holy Spirit Boy kicked out a few kicks, kicking the man's long sword away. The man's arm was in severe pain, and he tried his best to resist. Seeing the Holy Spirit Boy's punch, he hurriedly shouted: "Stop! Shen Zheng, please forgive me!" Fate, I can tell you a big secret!"

Hearing this, Shen Zheng had a thought, and the holy spirit boy stopped immediately, his fists were condensed in front of the opponent, and he was just a hair away from being hit on him.The other party was so frightened that he was sweating coldly, but he didn't dare to move rashly. He just stood upright and waited until the holy spirit boy slowly retracted his fists before he let out a long breath. [

"We are also willing to tell the secret, please don't kill us!" The three people who were still resisting also shouted.

"We don't need so many people!" Guan Gu roared, and rushed over with a roar, three water jets sprayed continuously, and finally crushed one of them.

The remaining two people also died under the attack of Dan Dan, Yan Xin and Shi Lanfeng.

"Speak." Shen Zheng stared at the survivor, "If you are lying to me, I guarantee that you will die worse than them. If you really tell me useful secrets, I promise, I will let you go way of life."

"You mean what you say?" the other party asked in horror.

"We, the Holy Spirit family, never lie." Guan Gu said in a deep voice, "I'm here to assure you on behalf of them, as long as it's a really useful secret, we can let you live."

"You guys don't know how to play language games?" The other party was alert, "For example, if you really don't want to kill me, but cut off my legs, or cripple my strength or something."

"Bah!" Eggy spat, "Do you think our noble Holy Spirit is a lowly and despicable human being like you?"

"I can guarantee." Shen Zheng said, "I will let you live intact."

"Okay." The other party gritted his teeth.Although he didn't dare to trust Shen Zheng and the others, but now, he has no other choice.

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