star wars civilization.

Chapter 658: Chenxing Yuhong

While the thoughts were flowing, Qiu Jiu made a move. _!~;

The huge power of thought immediately enveloped Chen Xingye, Chen Xingye's complexion changed drastically, and he immediately resisted with the power of thought, but this resistance only lasted for a moment before being disintegrated.A feeling of terror instantly filled Chen Xingye's heart, and he couldn't help trembling.

At this time, the power of space flowed rapidly, wrapping him layer by layer.Qiu Jiu raised his hand expressively, and controlled the huge force.In an instant, Chen Xingye's flesh and blood burst as if cut and twisted by thousands of steel knives.

And the powerful force of thoughts oppressed his thoughts, and cut his soul like a sword, making him experience double ultimate pain.

Under this kind of pain, he couldn't even scream, and his whole body straightened up, convulsing violently.Pea-sized beads of sweat gushed out of the pores along with blood beads, and his eyes were so wide that it seemed that they would fall out at any time. [

After a long time, Qiu Jiu gathered his strength, his face was cold, and his voice was serious: "I'll ask again, where is Qiu Lei?"

"In my... tower... the basement floor..." Chen Xingye panted, his body was still trembling, and he spoke with difficulty.

He was very stubborn just now, but he confessed immediately after receiving this punishment, which shows how terrible this punishment is.

Qiu Jiu nodded slowly, clenched his fist suddenly, the power of mind and space erupted in an all-round way, and in an instant, Chen Xingye's body was blown into fine dust, wrapped in the power of space, flying in all directions.

Shen Zheng looked at Qiu Jiu and couldn't help thinking of Qiu Yunzhi's evaluation.

Then he remembered the sentence he asked him out of curiosity during the action: "Why doesn't Patriarch Qiu have any children? Don't you worry that no one will inherit your position in the future?"

"I'm afraid that the master's son will give birth to a heart of inheritance, so I would rather be alone." He said so. "The head of the family is the leader of the whole family, and he must maintain an absolute heart of justice. If he has his own blood, it is unavoidable to be partial to him. I still have the emotions of mortals, and I can't avoid customs. It would be a misfortune for the entire Autumn Sky Light to take charge of the entire clan. I did this to let everyone in the clan understand that as long as they work hard enough and are good enough, they have the possibility to become the next generation of Patriarchs."

Shen Zheng couldn't help being filled with emotion.Maybe what Qiu Jiu did is not right, but at least it shows that this person has all selfish intentions.His ideal and ambition is the prosperity of the whole family.As for himself, he was completely excluded from his interests.

Such a person is the best king and the most suitable leader.

But at this time, he started to torture others, without moving his eyebrows, killing people with a wave of his hands, his expression was even more serious. |^ This is another criterion for a high-ranking king.

Thinking about Ying Aotian again, it seems that he also has this kind of potential.Shen Zheng couldn't help but shook his head and smiled: I am suitable to be a behind-the-scenes helper, but I am not suitable to be the master of a big force.Well, if the Holy League develops in the future, I think this kind of thing should be left to Ying Aotian and Sheng Haixiong.It's not bad for me to be just a spiritual leader.

While thinking wildly, Qiu Jiu had already nodded to him, he naturally understood the meaning, and immediately left the secret realm of water and fire.Chen Jiguang, who was watching the door outside, let out a long breath: "Did you ask?"

"Exactly." Shen Zheng nodded, "Let's go."

The two left the big house and came outside.A guard came over in the corridor, and Chen Jiguang immediately said: "Elder Ye wants us to go downstairs to do something, and at the same time tell you that he is a little tired and needs to rest, so don't disturb him."

"Yes!" The guards nodded in response.

The two went down all the way, and the guards they met knew that they had just met Chen Xingye, so they didn't stop them.But when he reached the basement level, there were guards blocking him. Chen Jiguang boldly yelled a few words, saying that he came here at the order of Chen Xingye, and the guards stopped blocking him.

The two went down to the first floor, Shen Zheng immediately searched with his mind, and found Qiu Lei in a short while.Immediately came out of the room and knocked lightly on the door.Not long after, the door opened slowly, and Qiu Lei's voice came from inside: "What's the matter?"

"Mr. Qiu." Chen Jiguang came in first, and said respectfully. "Elder Ye, please go up."

"Okay." Qiu Lei smiled and stood up.At this time, he was sitting in the room reading a book, with a look of boredom, and it seemed that he was extremely depressed. [

But as soon as he stood up, he saw Shen Zheng behind Chen Jiguang.People in Xinghai Sanctuary couldn't recognize Shen Zheng, but he recognized him clearly, and immediately screamed.

But before the cries ceased, the Holy Spirit Boy flew over and punched him in the chest.Caught off guard, he was knocked to the ground before he even had time to make a defensive move.Shen Zhengfei stepped forward, held him down, and brought him into the secret realm of water and fire.

Inside the secret realm, Qiu Lei looked around, seeing such a situation, he was scared out of his wits, knelt down in front of Qiu Jiu, and kept shouting: "Patriarch, I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Turning towards Qiu Yunzhi again, he kowtowed and said, "My lord, it was my father who was blinded by power and insisted on killing you. I didn't agree with it, but my father's order was hard to break, so I did something wrong."

"Then why do you hide in Xinghai Sanctuary?" Qiu Yunzhi's face was cold, not because of his assassination, but because Qiu Lei wanted to satisfy his own selfish desire with the interests of the whole family.

"I was captured by them." Qiu Lei said hastily, "They thought I was a direct bloodline of the Qiu family and could use me to plot against the family head, so they imprisoned me here..."

"Enough." Qiu Jiu slowly shook his head, "I already know everything. You are also being used by them."

"Yes, yes!" Qiu Lei nodded hastily.

"Xinghai Sanctuary, in accordance with the laws of the empire, sent people to assassinate Qiu Yunzhi, the head of our clan, and imprisoned our clan's direct bloodlines. Their intentions were wrong. With these alone, no one can stop me, Qiukong Zhiguang, from taking revenge on them!" Qiu Jiu said. Turning his head, he said loudly to the four thousand strong men behind him.

"Destroy Xinghai Sanctuary, and swear to kill Chen Xingyuhong!" The 4000 people spoke in unison, and their voice shook the sky.

Qiu Lei's face turned pale.

"Mr. Shen, please send someone to guard this person." Qiu Jiu smiled at Shen Zheng and pointed to Qiu Lei.Shen Zheng nodded, and summoned Eggy in his mind, asking it to take Qiu Lei away and guard it together with the rest of the Holy Spirit.Qiu Lei's face was ashen, knowing that this time he was completely finished, but it seemed that Qiu Jiu deliberately used himself as an excuse to destroy the Xinghai Sanctuary, so he would spare his life.

It's not bad to be able to survive.He sighed to himself.

"Do it!" Qiu Jiu sternly shouted, leading the four thousand Star Sea Kings out of the secret realm.

"Shen Zheng, I don't need to work on you this time." Qiu Yunzhi smiled at Shen Zheng before flying out of the secret realm.

"No." Shen Zheng shook his head, "I have to protect you."

"Am I that weak?" Qiu Yunzhi smiled.

"For me, fighting the strong is also a kind of experience." Shen Zheng also smiled.

The two laughed and flew out.

More than 4000 people flew out for the first time and entered the bottom floor of the Elder's House. Qiu Jiu took the lead, and amidst the surging force, he immediately shattered the entire tower of the Elder's House and flew out in all directions.A group of kings of the star sea, led by him, quickly rushed to the Patriarch's Hall in the center of the main city.

All the guards in the main city were dumbfounded. They never imagined that there would be so many strong men rushing out of the city independently. Those who reacted quickly knew how to rush to fight, and those who reacted slowly were immediately killed by the strong men rushing over. .

Under Qiu Jiu's leadership, Qiu Kongzhiguang's team moved like lightning, they didn't aim at killing, they only cleared away the guards blocking the way ahead, and advanced at full speed, they soon arrived in front of the Patriarch's Hall, surrounded them heavily, and killed them in. . [

The defense force in the Patriarch's Hall is not strong, because no one of the forces will think that an enemy can suddenly kill here.Most of the more than 200 guards were to show the status of the Patriarch, and the honor guards outside the hall were all relatively low in combat effectiveness within the clan, but those who had received the most etiquette training could not stop the four thousand tigers and wolves at all.

In almost a moment, the guards were wiped out.

"Where can a madman be so bold!"

With a roar, accompanied by extremely powerful thoughts, two figures soared out of the main hall. In the distance, twelve figures came from different directions in the city, but they were the other elders of the main city and the masters of the elders. They rushed over to the rescue together.But when they saw the formation of four thousand troops, these people were discouraged before fighting.

The powerful power of thought spread far away, and these elders and the city couldn't help but slow down, calling other elders, city lords and guards of the outer city in the clan to come to rescue, but they didn't dare to go there first to die.

Qiu Jiu commanded in an orderly manner, sent out a large number of soldiers to guard the four directions, preventing other guards in the main city and people from outside the city from rushing in, and he only brought a dozen people to surround the two people in the air.

Among the two, one was known by Shen Zheng, and that was Chen Xingyue, the daughter of the Patriarch of Xinghai Sanctuary.The other person is dressed in a gorgeous robe, quite a leader, his face is very similar to Chen Xingyue, he is Chen Xingyue's father, Chen Xingyu Hongyi, the Patriarch of Xinghai Sanctuary.

"Qiu Jiu!" Chen Xing Yuhong couldn't help being shocked when he saw the four thousand army.He knew the details of the Light of the Autumn Sky, and knew that this was almost all the main force of the Light of the Autumn Sky, and they must have the heart to destroy the Xinghai Sanctuary when they came here in full force.He was frightened and angry, and couldn't help shouting.

"What do you mean? Aren't you afraid that the laws and regulations of the empire will destroy your light in the autumn sky?"

"Chenxing Yuhong!" Qiu Jiu yelled loudly, the voice spread in all directions, but it was not as clear as it was in the light of the autumn sky during the celebration, it could clearly reach the ears of everyone in the secret realm.Shen Zheng couldn't help but feel a little curious that this is the time when he is about to shock the whole territory, why did Qiu Jiu keep his voice down?

On the contrary, it was Chen Xing Yuhong's voice that spread in all directions, and Shen Zheng felt that these words must have reached the ears of everyone in the secret realm.

He couldn't help but move in his heart: Could it be that this is not their own power, but the power of the secret realm?They only achieved this step with the help of the power of the secret realm. If they left their own secret realm, it would be impossible?

Then during the battle, can we also borrow power from the secret realm in this way?

He couldn't help being moved in his heart, and he felt like experimenting.

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