star wars civilization.

Chapter 660: The Formation of Breaking Laws

Chen Xing Yuhong hugged Chen Xingyue with one hand, and slowly raised the thunder cannon with the other. _!~; Powerful power surged around him, rolling into his body.In an instant, his eyes were full of brilliance, and others could no longer see the whites and pupils of his eyes, but only two bright eyes, and dared not look directly at them.

"Qiu Jiu, today I will let you back and forth!" Chen Xing Yu Hong let out a furious roar, concentrating his energy on the Thunder Cannon.

"Concentrate on dealing with him, otherwise we are no match for him." Qiu Jiu's thoughts flowed into the minds of Qiu Yunzhi and Shen Zheng, but on the surface he sneered: "You are far from our match, get ready to die!"

"Then let you see the power of my Xinghai Sanctuary!" Chen Xingyuhong roared, and the thunder cannon suddenly roared, several thunders flashed from the barrel, and a ball of fire flew out, pulling Wan Daolei Mang formed a large formation of thunder and fire in the air and shot towards the three of them.

So fast!Shen Zheng couldn't help being surprised.This fireball is so powerful that it is frightening. Although the holy spirit boy is strong, Shen Zheng dare not let him step forward to resist. In the flow of thoughts, the holy spirit boy has flown to the side of Martial God Qiuguang according to his will. [

At this time, the Goddess of Autumn came to the other side of Martial God Qiuguang, pointing her finger at the fireball, the light on it flickered endlessly, gradually brewing and becoming stronger and stronger.

Wushen Qiuguang slowly raised the great sword with dead leaves and held it high.The bleak cold wind gathers on the blade of the dead leaves and rises into the sky, like a giant sword between heaven and earth.

The holy spirit boy is surrounded by white snakes, like a living armor. Although he doesn't have any earth-shattering aura, his clear eyes are full of fear, full of confidence, and give people a sense of security.

The three big insect spirits, facing that fireball, shot one after another!

Amidst the roar, the dead leaf sword slashed down, and the huge blade-like hurricane slashed down, slashing heavily on the fireball. For a moment, the artillery fluttered, and the thunder light twisted and danced in all directions, and the wind and fire launched a fierce contest.

But this kind of contest only lasted for a moment, and the winner was decided after the defeat.The fireball and thunder light easily shattered the giant blade of the wind, broke through all constraints, and continued to move forward.

At this time, the Goddess of Autumn tapped her finger lightly, and the light of the autumn sky that had been brewing for a long time shot out immediately, hitting the sphere of fire and thunder and quickly enveloping it.

Layers of dead leaves were formed in the light of the autumn sky and penetrated into the thunder cannon, but they could only block the cannon for a while. In a short while, those dead leaves were burned to ashes, and the cannon slowly Rushing forward, it seems that he has broken through the shackles of the light of the autumn sky.

At this time, the holy spirit boy suddenly let out a loud shout, and punched forward violently.In an instant, the white snakes all over his body quickly concentrated on the punch, and with the punch flew out, a huge white snake formed in the air, opened its huge mouth to reveal its thick white teeth, and slammed into it fiercely. _!~;

As soon as the cannon escaped from the restraint of the light in the autumn sky, it bumped into the white snake, and immediately shook again.The power of the White Snake has no special attributes, but it is superior in strength. It is like a giant's punch, causing the cannon to shake violently and fly backwards several meters away.

Qiu Jiu's eyes could not help but froze.

Both his and Qiu Yunzhi's attacks could only make the cannon slightly stagnant, but Shen Zheng Holy Spirit boy's blow from a distance could send the cannon flying backwards. I can see clearly.

He couldn't help but quietly looked at Shen Zheng, and couldn't help sighing in his heart: How could such a strong person be born in the world?It seems that my previous decision was indeed correct.This person must be our friend, never our enemy!

Looking at Qiu Yunzhi again, he couldn't help but smile slightly.

Could Shen Zheng become an enemy?No, as long as Qiu Yunzhi is in the light of the autumn sky, even if other people in the light of the autumn sky do something wrong to Shen Zheng, he will never take the anger of the whole family.

But the situation in front of him did not allow him to think too much about things related to the battle.

Although the cannon was knocked back several meters by the white snake, it rushed forward with stronger force, rushed through the light of the autumn sky, directly smashed through the white snake, and continued to shoot forward.

"Be careful!" Qiu Jiu shouted to remind his companions, commanding the Martial God of Qiu to dodge aside.Qiu Yunzhi and Shen Zheng also retreated separately, and the Goddess of Autumn and the Holy Spirit Boy danced flexibly in the air, avoiding the cannonball.

The cannon flew straight and fell into the crowd that was fighting fiercely in the distance behind the three of them.In an instant, a huge explosion resounded through the sky and the earth, flames galloped and roared like demons, and thunder formed a chain, beating people in all directions like whips.The screams sounded, and several people were injured by the lightning whip, groaning in pain, and the strong people living in the center of the explosion, without the slightest resistance, were directly smashed into dust and burned into ashes! [

With just one blow, more than a dozen kings of the star sea were wiped out, and dozens of people were injured!

"Aren't you very arrogant?" Chen Xingyu Hong roared, "Come on, come on!"

He roared triumphantly, and his voice spread to every corner of the Xinghai Sanctuary: "Strong fighters of the Xinghai Sanctuary, the enemy dares to invade my home, we will let them come alive and turn into ashes! Kill me! Have a copy! The Patriarch is here, none of them can escape! Surround them, kill them all, and let the light of the autumn sky disappear into the sea of ​​stars!"

"I'm afraid you don't have that ability!" Qiu Jiu yelled loudly, and the Martial God of Autumn swung the great sword of withered leaves, creating a whirlwind.During the rotation, the storm soared into the sky, turned into a storm that seemed capable of destroying all living things on the earth, and swept towards Chen Xingyu.

"It's not worth mentioning!" Chen Xingyuhong sneered, "Qiu Jiu, if we fought in the sea of ​​stars, I might still be afraid of you, but if you come to my territory by yourself, you will die!"

Raising his hand, the thundering cannon roared, a thundering cannon flew out, slammed into the center of the storm, and there was a bang, the thunder spread and danced in all directions, and the flame burst into a scorching air current, the huge storm was easily resolved.

"Go to hell!" Chen Xingyuhong yelled, and the Thunder Cannon fired again, this time the Thunder Cannon flew towards Qiu Yunzhi.

"I've destroyed your Autumn Sky Light and killed your Autumn Goddess. Let's see how arrogant your Qiu family is!"

"What a breath!" Qiu Yunzhi snarled, and the Goddess of Autumn lightly tapped her finger, and shot out three beams of light from the autumn sky, hitting the thunder cannons one by one in the air, wrapping them layer by layer.In an instant, a huge force began to infiltrate into the Thunder Cannon, and the thunder and fire on the surface of the Thunder Cannon immediately turned into fine dust, withered and scattered like flowers.

But the power of this cannon is too strong, even though one-third of its shell was stripped by the three rays of autumn sky light, it still broke through and hit the goddess of autumn.

"Be careful!" Shen Zheng yelled loudly, protecting himself from the autumn clouds, while the boy of the Holy Spirit put on the armor of the white snake again, flew to the Goddess of Autumn, waved his small fists one after another, and punched forward six times in a row.

With six punches, six white snakes fluttered out, and each of them condensed into a huge white snake, which slammed into the cannon fiercely.

Six white snakes, six great forces, hit the cannon again and again, and flew back more than ten meters.Although the cannon then moved forward at a faster speed, Qiu Yunzhi and the Goddess of Autumn had been given time to dodge during this slowdown. All the soldiers of the Qiu family also quickly dodged. The shelling only blasted a huge crater in the ground of the main city.

"Damn it!" Chen Xingyu Hong snorted coldly, staring at Shen Zheng, so angry that he was dying.

How come Qiu Jiu is so lucky to befriend such a strong man?

"Where is the personal guard?" Qiu Jiu didn't panic in the face of Chen Xing Yuhong's secret realm, after two rounds of probing, his thoughts flowed into the soldiers of the light of Qiukong.Immediately, a hundred powerful fighters flew over and lined up in front of him.

"Form the formation and activate the secret method!" Qiu Jiu's eyes were full of confidence, Shen Zheng couldn't help but wonder: what kind of secret method is he going to use?

"Yes!" Hundreds of warriors nodded at the same time, and immediately formed a large circular formation. Each two formed a group of fifty groups, holding each other with one hand, combining each other's thoughts and space power, and the opponent's connected together.Then, reach out the other hand and shake it with someone from another nearby group.

In this way, in a short while, these 100 people formed a connected circular formation. Immediately, a huge power of thought and space rose up and gradually spread towards the surroundings.

"You want to deal with me with the big formation of breaking the law?" Chen Xingyu Hong sneered, "I'll blow you up with one shot!" As he said, he raised his arm and aimed at the hundred-man formation.

"The Palace of Clouds, Mr. Shen, this is a secret method specially used to break the joint force of the secret realm, called the Formation of Breaking Laws." Qiu Jiu thought, "After it works, it will be able to block the power of the joint force in the secret realm, making Chen Xingyu Hong Fazai borrows the power of the secret realm. But it takes a period of time to accumulate power, so before the formation is completed, the three of us must hold back Chen Xing Yuhong and prevent him from attacking the formation!"

"It's quite difficult." Shen Zheng nodded, without saying anything more, the holy spirit boy had already shot out, dancing in the air like a nimble swallow, and quickly approached Chenxing Yuhong. [

Chen Xing Yuhong was about to fire the cannon, but saw the holy spirit boy flying towards him, and immediately raised his arm to aim at the holy spirit boy, but the holy spirit boy was too fast, dancing and flying in the air, so he couldn't aim for a while.He snorted coldly, ignored him, and suddenly stretched out his arms to point at the formation.

"Kill!" Shen Zheng yelled sharply, and the Holy Spirit Boy immediately took the opportunity to fly down and punch Chen Xing Yuhong.

"You've been fooled!" Chen Xingyu Hong grinned sinisterly, with a ferocious face, he turned his arm and pointed the muzzle at the holy spirit boy. At the same time, he used the power of space to form a prison, allowing Shen Zhengfa to take back the holy spirit boy through dissipation.

"Die!" He roared triumphantly, and the thunder cannon on his arm immediately made a loud noise!

In the blink of an eye, a thunder cannon hit hard, and it was about to hit the holy spirit boy!

"No!" Qiu Yunzhi let out a terrified cry, trying to mobilize the goddess of autumn to rescue, but it was already too late.

At that moment, Shen Zheng sensed extreme danger in his heart, as if his life was falling into the abyss of hell nearby, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, and his mind erupted with unprecedented power!

In his mind, there is a power that does not belong to him. That power used to be his enemy, but it was assimilated and absorbed by his mind.

That was the power of the holy spirit of the worm, stored in the scepter in the secret realm of the water system, which once helped him dissolve the lock of the mind of the holy emperor of the worm.

Now, when he was in danger, that force suddenly generated an idea in his mind.

His eyes widened instantly, revealing a look of joy.

I understand, it turns out to be like this!

At this moment, the cannon and the Holy Spirit Boy collided in the air, and there was a deafening roar immediately, and the flames and thunder light dazzled the sky for a while!

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