star wars civilization.

Chapter 663: The Desperado

After crossing the long hyperspace passage, Shen Zheng finally returned to the earth. He couldn't wait to break through the hyperspace and come out, looking at the blue planet, ready to fly over immediately and enter the secret realm to advance Ying Aotian.

At that time, with the support of Ying Aotian and Sheng Haixiong, he can leave the Legendary Secret Realm without worrying about anything.

But in an instant, he felt something was wrong, and an uneasy atmosphere made him frown slightly.

Did something happen again?

His thoughts immediately spread out, and he instantly "saw" the battle that was taking place on the earth - more than 50 kings of the star sea were fighting fiercely with the people on their side led by Sheng Haixiong. [

Fang He, Zuo Qiuyan, plus Sheng Haixiong's 12 Shenghai Shenzhou fighters, there are only 14 people in total. Facing an enemy attack that is almost four times the number of their own, they don't seem panicked and form a formation. Formed and assisted each other, they firmly gained the upper hand, making the opponent back again and again.

"Who is so bold, dare to come to our holy alliance to make trouble!" Shen Zheng frowned, and a loud roar spread all over the place.

"The lord is back!" Sheng Haixiong shouted loudly when he came to Shen Zheng. "Brothers, are you still not doing well?"

"Captain, when the lord is away, the brothers are not bad!" Some soldiers laughed loudly.It can be seen that everyone played very easily.

"Leader?" Shen Zheng was startled. "When did you give me such a title?"

"Leader?" The enemies were also startled, the leader looked back, and couldn't help being overjoyed to see Shen Zheng coming alone.

"Great opportunity!" He said to the subordinates beside him, "You take a few people there immediately, and take him down as quickly as possible! With him as a hostage, there will be nothing for these infinitely strong guys!"

"Yes!" The subordinate nodded, called the nine people beside him, formed a group of ten, and flew towards Shen Zheng.

"Other people, block me!" The leader shouted, "We can't let them break through and join that person!"

"Yes!" The crowd roared, swarming forward desperately to block them.

Everyone is happy, you, me, me, you, you can't help shaking your head and laughing, which makes the leader of this group of people confused for a while: what do they mean by this?Could it be that they have long wanted to commit rebellion but have no chance, so they just let me get rid of their leader so that they can seize power?

Just when he was puzzled, that subordinate had already led the team to rush in front of Shen Zheng, roared and swung the insect spirit sword in his hand, and slashed at Shen Zheng.

At this moment, a scene that he will never forget for a lifetime appeared in front of his eyes. He was horrified that Shen Zheng didn't call out the insect spirit, but just met it with his fist.

Fist against knife?Is he crazy?

The bearer couldn't help but widen his eyes, and in an instant, the knife and the fist collided, but the imagined scene of the knife splitting the fist and splashing blood everywhere did not appear.

The long knife split at the point of contact with the fist, and the fragments flew away.The saber-wielder couldn't hold back his momentum, he moved forward and bumped himself into Shen Zheng's arms.Shen Zheng dodged, and wiped his neck with both hands, causing the swordsman's head to rotate 180 degrees, and his body trembled and fell to the ground.

what! ?

The leader's eyes widened in horror, and his opened mouth couldn't close anymore.

Is it hallucination?This is an illusion, right? [

When he was surprised, Sheng Haixiong and others laughed.

"Overestimating one's abilities!" Zuo Qiuyan sneered, his eyes full of sarcasm.

The other nine people who rushed towards Shen Zheng were also dumbfounded.The sword wielder is the strongest among them, and one of the best players in the team. How could such a person be killed by a person who didn't call out the insect spirit with his physical fist to smash the insect spirit with one move?

Are you kidding me?Is the dream from last night still not waking up?

When they fell into a daze, Shen Zheng had already shot forward and kicked one person in the chest.The man's chest immediately sunken inward, his bones and flesh were shattered.

When his body was still leaning backwards, before he could fall in the future, Shen Zheng had already used the power of this kick to shoot at another person, and punched him in the chest. The huge fist force directly shattered the other person's internal organs. The opponent bent back, and a lot of blood spurted out from his mouth.

And a drop splashed on Shen Zheng's body, because he had already moved towards another person like lightning, and when he shot, it was another one-hit kill.

In an instant, just by meeting each other, Shen Zheng had already killed four people.

"Fight it!" The remaining six people were red-eyed, and under the leadership of a brave man, they brandished the insect spirit weapon to kill Shen Zheng, completely reckless.

Shen Zheng frowned slightly.

It can be concluded that these kings of the star sea are not the kind of mob. Under the circumstances of Shen Zheng's display of such great strength, they can still fight desperately regardless of their lives. They are obviously bloodthirsty warriors who have been battle-tested.

Who are they?A member of a family?

Could it be that the remnants of Xinghai Sanctuary came here to seek revenge on me?Impossible, they don't know this place at all.Moreover, they were never so brave and bloodthirsty, otherwise they would not have taken the Xinghai Sanctuary so easily in the previous battle.

Amidst his doubts, he decided to stay alive.But with one's own strength, it is easy to kill these six people, but it is difficult to capture them alive.Without any further hesitation, he summoned the Holy Spirit Child and shot at the same time as himself.

In the blink of an eye, the two killed a strong enemy each like lightning, while the other four were still roaring and rushing forward, Shen Zheng gave him a wink, and the Holy Spirit boy immediately raised his hand and punched twice, Two white snakes shot out from his arms, tightly entwining the last two.

But he and Shen Zheng rushed to the other two, killed them with three punches and two kicks.

The power of the white snake entangled those two people tightly, and they kept struggling while roaring, but they couldn't break free no matter what.At this time, Shen Zheng had already used part of the power of the secret realm for a quick victory, so although it was only a one-meter-long white snake that entangled them, the power was astonishingly great.

"There's a big battle, why don't you call us?" Guan Gu's figure suddenly appeared beside him, and then Dan Dan, Xiao Hei, Yan Xin, Shi Lanfeng, and the newly joined Qi Sui all appeared quickly, but He couldn't help but rushed out from the secret realm of water and fire.

Although Qi has injuries on her body, at this level, as long as she has enough strength, no matter how serious the injury is, she can recover quickly.What's more, Shen Zheng got [-] space orbs, so he can give Qi a random one, and his strength will be fully replenished.

"My God!?" The leader of the opponent couldn't help but exclaimed. "Holy Spirit! They belong to the Holy Spirit family! There are... there are as many as six of them!?"

He felt that either he was crazy or the world was crazy.

It is usually difficult to find the extinct Holy Spirit, but at this time six of them appeared in one go. Whoever it was, would be sweating from fright, suspecting that he had hallucinations. [

But Guan Gu and other holy spirit powerhouses immediately proved to everyone with terrifying power that they did not have hallucinations.

Yan Xin and Shi Lanfeng had both transformed into the form of the holy spirit at this time, and amidst the huge power turbulence, a vacuum wind blade and a huge pillar of fire were emitted.The power of wind and fire surged among the enemy group. Immediately, several strong men were trapped in the sea of ​​flames, turned into fire men, fell while struggling, or were directly dismembered by the wind blade, turning into pieces of flesh and blood and falling on the ground.

"Withdraw, withdraw!" The leader roared frantically, and flew towards the sky first.He knew that this was a battle that was destined to have no good results, and he regretted why he brought his troops here to die in the first place.

"Damn it!" he gritted his teeth, "How can they be so strong? This kind of strong can form a force like me alone, how can they all gather together? This is obviously just a new small force, why? Will it be more terrifying than those big families?"

He couldn't understand.

"Run?" Shen Zheng smiled coldly after controlling the two guys who were entangled by the white snake. "Can you run away?"

"Can't run away!" Dandan and Shi Lanfeng uttered a loud and long cry together. During the sound, the two firebirds pierced through the sky like red lightning, and in a moment they had arrived in front of the fleeing people, blocking the way .

"Comparing the speed with our natural fast people, what are you kidding!" Eggy said proudly, but Shi Lanfeng just spewed out a pillar of fire, forcing the leader to retreat, and the people around the leader didn't have time Dodging, he was immediately burned into a ball of scorched black.

"We have to work harder!" Sheng Haixiong roared, and everyone immediately shot with all their strength.The other party, having lost their will to fight, flew towards the sky one after another, trying to escape.

But on the battlefield, the more people only think about surviving and escaping, the faster they die.Under the pursuit of Sheng Haixiong and others, and the interception of all the holy spirits, none of the more than 50 strong men could leave alive, and they were all buried on the surface.Although the leader was brave, he was burnt to ashes within a few moves under the combined attack of Dandan and Shi Lanfeng.

Their corpses fell, immediately attracting the biting and gnawing of countless powerful creatures on the earth.Under the influence of the instructor for a long time, they already possess powerful power and simple wisdom, and after Shen Zheng fully established the legendary secret realm, the creatures on the earth are even more closely connected together by a kind of physical force.

It is said that the huge power of thought that the secret realms radiate all the time makes their wisdom go a step further, and they have mutual induction with the secret realms. Once foreign enemies invade, they will immediately fight against each other.

But the Star Sea Kings are too strong after all, they are far from opponents they can fight against, so they can only roar on the ground to cheer for their own people.At this time, these corpses fell, but it happened to give them a channel to vent, so they rushed over, tore them apart, and swallowed them.

The flesh and blood of the Star Sea King is undoubtedly the best nourishment for them.After eating the flesh and blood of the king of the star sea, some of the lower-level fighting creatures even showed signs of being promoted.

These aggressors, stealing chickens can't make money, but they have contributed to the prosperity of the earth with their own lives. I really don't know if they are here to rob or help the poor.

But that leader was extremely fierce, although he was quite frightened by Shen Zheng, but when it came time to risk his life, he still dared to risk his life.He swung a pair of long hooks with endless moves, which even made Sheng Haixiong unable to get close for a while.

"Calm down." Shen Zheng's voice sounded cold, the holy spirit boy flew forward, and before the hooks touched him, he had already punched the leader in the face.

Immediately, half of his face flew into the air, and the body of the leader trembled a few times before he also fell down.

It was immediately eaten up by the fighting creatures below.

"Are you all right?" Shen Zheng asked with concern.

"It's okay." Fang He rushed over and replied with a blushing smile. "This group of guys is fierce, but their strength is not very good. If you don't come back, we will beat them away in a short time. It's just that we can't wipe them all out."

"Leader, your strength..." Sheng Haixiong stared at him with astonishment. "Why does it seem to have doubled again?"

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