star wars civilization.

Chapter 668: Head of Frontier Guard

It is exciting to meet family and friends.

Seeing Chai Feifei's change, Chai Jingtian was so excited that he didn't know what to say, but Ke Yunmiao couldn't help but shed tears when he saw that his daughter had become the king of the star sea.

The five relics of the Holy Spirit also met with their relatives who raised them, and they were all very excited.It's just that the water is clear and the water travels far, and I am extremely embarrassed: "Grandpa, I am only the master of the galaxy..."

"That's not bad." Shui Xingyuan said with a smile, "I believe that as long as you stay by Shen Zheng's side, sooner or later, you will become the king of the star sea."

"That's true." Shui Qingqing smiled. [

A group of people stayed in heaven for a long time, talking about all kinds of things after the farewell.Among them, Liang Long and Feng Yu witnessed Shen Zheng transforming from an ordinary person into a plant planter, and then witnessed him becoming a stronger person all the way. The excitement and joy in their hearts were more and deeper than others.And Wu Ximing and Ding Yuqing once lived and died with Shen Zheng, and their feelings for Shen Zheng are not inferior to the two.

Shen Zheng chatted with them for a long time, the more he chatted with emotion, the more tears filled his eyes.

"Time is running out." After a long time, Shen Zheng's thought entered everyone's mind. "I'm going to go back and see you all in person when I'm doing chores here. It's better to hurry up and take the space orb."

As he spoke, he raised his hand, and in the flow of space power, one after another space orbs appeared out of thin air and flew into everyone's hands.Everyone held the orb exuding a powerful aura, all cautiously.

"Everyone, as long as you take this orb, you can be promoted to be the lord of the galaxy." Shen Zheng said, "As for the king of the star sea that Grandpa Guan Gu just mentioned, I can't satisfy everyone for the time being. After all, the orb of the secret realm is extremely precious." Secret treasure, although I have the strength to protect it, you cannot. I am afraid that if one or several of you suddenly become the king of the star sea, it will cause other forces to covet it, so I dare not attack the legendary secret realm, but go to Harassing you will bring you disaster."

"It is a great fortune to be promoted to the Lord of the Galaxy." Ke Yunmiao smiled, "Are we still so greedy?"

"Then please absorb the space orb." Shen Zheng nodded slowly.

Everyone was excited and slowly absorbed the space orb in their hands, but after a long time, there was no movement.

"Okay, no matter how long the gathering is, there will be a time of separation." Guan Gu said slowly, "Now you are just embodied ideas, but you can still return to your body with the power given to you by the space orb. At that time , the power of the Space Orb will explode in full force, and you will immediately advance. So when you come back and wake up, you must immediately suppress the power, find a suitable place, and then start to advance."

"Thank you for your advice." Everyone didn't dare to treat Guan Gu as casually as they did to Shen Zheng, and hastily bowed to salute.

"Everyone, goodbye!" Shen Zheng waved vigorously.

Chai Feifei bid farewell to her father even more reluctantly, but Chai Jingtian smiled: "My original decision was indeed right. Feifei, follow Shen Zheng well, I believe your future will be brighter!"

Ke Yunmiao and Shen Ying just looked at each other for a long time.The relationship between this pair of father and daughter is extremely mysterious, and there seems to be some estrangement if they say they are close, and if they are not close, the connection between each other's blood is so close that they can't help but feel warm when they see each other.

"Take care." Ke Yunmiao finally had only this sentence.

Shen Ying nodded vigorously: "You too."

After saying goodbye, Guan Gu finally released the power, and everyone's thoughts returned to his body instantly with the power of the huge space orb.

"Don't worry." Guan Gu said to Shen Zheng at this time, "I have already planted a chain of thoughts on them. If there is any danger to them, I will know the first time, and then I will notify you to protect them."

"Thank you very much." Shen Zheng respectfully greeted Guan Gu.

On that day, the White Wolf Star suddenly became lively, and powerful power fluctuations surged in [-] places. In one day, [-] galaxy masters were born on this planet, and some of them were directly promoted to three. order. [

For a moment, the miracle of the White Wolf star shocked the entire Lingguang galaxy, and even the top powerhouses in the galaxy couldn't help but congratulate the White Wolf star with caution and awe.

So, there was a lot of excitement on the White Wolf Star.

And the same is true on the distant other star, Wu Ximing was promoted to the master of the peak galaxy, and Ding Yuqing was also promoted to the master of the second-level galaxy. For a while, this small planet possessed the power of the galaxy.

But this is no longer Shen Zheng's concern.

Not long after everyone left heaven, Shen Zheng also returned to the world with a trace of joy.And at this moment, Sheng Haixiong rushed over with a solemn expression.

"What's wrong?" Shen Zheng intuitively felt that something big had happened.

"Bu Wenluo, head of the border regiment of the Imperial Border Guard, is here in person." Sheng Haixiong said in a deep voice.

"Border Guard Army? Border Guard Regiment?" Shen Zheng was at a loss.Only then did Sheng Haixiong realize that the lord leader had advanced too quickly, but he didn't know much about the entire Xinghai power.

"We are located at the border between our Yuexuan Empire and the Holy Blood Empire." Sheng Haixiong explained, "It is the border guards of the empire who are in charge here. And our specific location happens to belong to Bu Wenluo. He is under the jurisdiction of the Border Guard Regiment. He came suddenly, and I don’t know if he wants to investigate our power situation, or has other actions. It may be related to the light of the autumn sky and the Xinghai Sanctuary.”

At this time, Ying Aotian who received the contact from Sheng Haixiong's mind also flew over, but put forward different opinions.

"Maybe it's because of Miss Xuesu, or Yi Hai." He said.

"Old Ying, you mean... Orb Master?" Sheng Haixiong was taken aback.

"Yes." Ying Aotian nodded. "We destroyed the orb group, maybe someone from the upper echelon of the empire will intervene, and the head of the frontier guard is naturally obliged to investigate in person. And we have a jewel master like Xue Su among us, and the upper echelon of the empire will not fail to act after they know about it. "

"Anyway, you'll know when you meet the head of the frontier guard." Shen Zheng nodded.

"Leader." Sheng Haixiong exhorted in a low voice, "For a big family like Qiu Kongzhiguang, the head of the frontier guard is also a high-ranking official who cannot be offended. We must deal with it carefully."

"Be careful." Shen Zheng nodded, "But no matter who it is, if he is arrogant and intends to harm us, even if he is the lord of the empire, we will not shrink back."

"As long as you don't engage in meaningless conflicts." Ying Aotian said.

Sheng Haixiong also warned: "That's right. Although he is not worth mentioning, he represents the power of the empire, and we should not ignore it."

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded. "Then let all the kings of the Star Sea come out to welcome him. As for the others, just do their own business."

Ying Aotian immediately complied, and soon, all the kings of the star sea gathered together.Others are fine, Qi Fei is on the sidelines commanding his team of subordinates arrogantly: "Let me tell you, guys like you who have never seen the big world, today is the time of the sky, give me spirit Be careful, don't lose face to our Holy League!"

Then he immediately told his subordinates with his mind: "Have you seen those subordinates of Xiongshuai? You were beaten to the ground when you were beaten. Now we are a family, and we can no longer fight to the death, but we have to get back what we were punished at the beginning. Don’t you want to save face? Just look for it in this aura! Let our aura overwhelm them and others, our team is the elite of the Holy League!"

These words were effective, this group of rabble immediately got excited, their eyes were wide open, they were all naked, their chests were raised high, and others were curious for a while, wondering what they were doing. [

Under the leadership of Shen Zheng, a group of people came to the entrance of the secret realm and opened the secret realm.

A moment later, a hundred-man brigade came from outside and appeared in the secret realm.The team is all composed of kings of the star sea, and the queue is neat. The team members are wearing the same exquisite military uniform, and their faces are cold and expressionless, like killing machines one by one.

The officer leading the team also had a face as cold as a zombie, slowly moved forward, and said in a loud voice: "Yuexuan Empire, Star Sea Defense Force Fifth Border Defense District, Head of the Third Frontier Defense Regiment, Mr. Bu Wenluo is here! !"

At this time, a brown-haired man in a military uniform flew out of the team slowly, with a proud and false smile on his face, nodding to everyone.

"I didn't expect there to be such a large-scale secret force in such a remote place. As the governor of this star sea, I am late, please forgive me." He is expressing kindness, but he speaks in a tone that others don't feel kind.

"Master, hello." Sheng Haixiong greeted him and bowed.

"Are you the master of this secret realm?" Bu Wen, the head of the group, hugged Sheng Haixiong, and suddenly felt that he looked familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"No." Sheng Haixiong shook his head. "I'm just the commander-in-chief of the Holy League."

"Then it's him?" Bu Wenluo found that Ying Aotian was also slowly welcoming him.

"I am the leader of the legendary secret realm." Ying Aotian bowed and saluted.

This title was Xue Su's idea.Shen Zheng believed that Sheng Haixiong had outstanding military talents and should be a generalissimo, but Ying Aotian's position was not easy to determine, so Xue Su came up with this "leader of the state" in a blink of an eye, which not only showed his status , without conflicting with Shen Zheng's status as the leader.

"Oh, your secret realm is quite charming." Bu Wenluo laughed.

"What dog eyesight." Chai Feifei couldn't help but whispered in Shen Ying's ear, "Can't he sense Big Brother Shen's breath?"

"Brother concealed his strength on purpose." Shen Ying responded in a low voice.

"I don't think this Buwenluo is a good thing." Yan Xin whispered aside.

"Never mind him." Gong Beiyang snorted, "What kind of frontier defense regiment, the strength of our leader, plus the three major forces, the Light of the Autumn Sky, the Holy Sea Shenzhou, he has to weigh the border defense regiment alone."

"You misunderstood." Ying Aotian smiled faintly at this time, "The head of the state is just in charge of all things in this secret realm. The real master of the secret realm is the leader of our holy alliance."

Said, turned sideways and pointed at Shen Zheng: "This is the leader of our holy alliance, Mr. Shen Zheng."

While speaking, deliberately use a respectful tone.

"Holy League?" Bu Wenluo frowned slightly, looking at Shen Zheng, trying to sense the other party's breath, but found nothing.But he didn't care.To him, the head of a small secret realm power, it's no big deal.However, the tone of this secret realm force is really serious, and they dare to call themselves "Alliance".

"I only know that there are two major alliances in the empire, but I don't know when there will be a third." He smiled, with a hint of sarcasm in his smile.

After four weeks, he asked, "Is that all your members?"

"There are still about [-] galaxy masters." Shen Zheng answered calmly. "As for the King of the Star Sea, that's all."

"I can't even match the number of my own team, how dare I call myself 'Meng'?" Bu Wenluo laughed again.

"The head of the group came to visit, and I don't know why?" Shen Zheng didn't care, and asked in a deep voice.

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