star wars civilization.

Chapter 671: Three-Party Alliance

The ferocious giant tiger closed its mouth and bit it, but the bite was empty.The holy spirit boy dodged it deftly, and returned a punch.

The Moon White Tiger wasn't weak either, and immediately turned its head to dodge.In the distance, Bu Wenluo, who was controlling the Moon White Tiger, couldn't help but sneer: It's okay to be hit by this little fist.

With his mind moving, the Yuebai tiger leaped forward sideways, with a long tail like a steel whip, sweeping and whipping, the target was the waist and abdomen of the holy spirit boy.

The holy spirit boy turned around in the air, dodged the tiger's tail during the spin, stretched out his hand and grabbed the tiger's tail in his hand, pulled hard, and immediately moved forward, splitting his legs and about to ride on the tiger's back.

The little mouse is flexible! [

Bu Wenluo snorted coldly, and with a thought, the Yuebai tiger turned around, flicked its long tail, and threw the holy spirit boy aside.

The front claws are sharp, with a hint of cold light, the moon-white tiger follows the turn, and raises its claws to grab the holy spirit boy.The sharp claws, like steel knives, seem to be able to tear apart everything in the world.

The holy spirit boy let out a series of lovely laughter, as if playing with a big cat, he dexterously moved between the moon white tiger's claws, and wrapped his arms around the moon white tiger's neck.

"Bite!" Bu Wenluo became ruthless for a while, commanding the Yuebai tiger to turn its head, and opened its mouth to bite the holy spirit boy.

But this nimble boy turned over and walked up around the moon white tiger's neck, and finally rode on it, with his legs wrapped around the moon white tiger's neck, no matter how it jumped and rolled, he couldn't shake it off, as if he was playing The game of riding a bull is average, with laughter all the way.

"The holy spirit boy is really having fun!" Shui Qingqing couldn't help clapping her hands and laughing.

"How long can this tiger last?" Chai Feifei said. "Don't just play for a while and spit foam, it will spoil our spirit boy's interest."

Bu Wenluo's nose was about to crooked with anger, he let out a loud roar, his eyes widened.The power of thought surged like a sea tide, and in an instant, a powerful aura surged from the Moon White Tiger, like a hurricane, making the holy spirit boy sway.

"Be honest!" Shen Zheng sternly shouted, the power of his thoughts and the momentum of the tide just condensed into a single line and spread, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the holy spirit boy.

He raised his fist and slammed it down, hitting the moon-white tiger with a thud. The giant tiger staggered above the clouds, and the hurricane around it became weaker.The holy spirit boy kept punching the Yuebai tiger's head with two small fists. After more than a dozen punches, the Yuebai tiger was already dizzy. No matter how much strength Ren Buwenluo strengthened, he couldn't exert his power. The hurricane around him dissipative shape.

Bu Wenluo's face turned pale for a moment.

But the holy spirit boy didn't intend to stop. Under the continuous pounding of his fists, the Moon White Tiger's body swayed and gradually became limp. It struggled vigorously in mid-air and let out a deep roar, but it no longer had the strength to resist.

Bu Wenluo was so angry that he almost vomited blood, but he knew that if this continued, his insect spirit might not escape the doom of being destroyed, so he hurriedly used his power to dissipate the moon-white tiger so that he could recover himself.

But he didn't expect that Shen Zheng actually blessed a confinement force on the battlefield, causing the insect spirit to dissipate and withdraw. He was so angry that he wanted to yell, but in the end he endured it and could only yell: "Okay, stop! I won't fight!" Already!"

"What do you mean no more?" Shenghai Dufu asked with a smile. "Are you admitting defeat?"

"I..." Bu Wenluo blushed, unable to utter that sentence no matter what.But looking at the moon-white tiger whose movements were getting slower and slower, he knew that if he didn't admit defeat, he might lose more than just face.

"I admit defeat!" he yelled angrily. "Shen Zheng, immediately remove the power of space confinement!"

"Don't worry." Shen Zheng smiled lightly, "My holy spirit boy is just a child, he doesn't have much strength, he can't beat your tiger to death."

Just kidding, the power of confinement was removed.Immediately, the moon-white tiger turned into a beam of light and dissipated into the air, while its main body had already returned to Bu Wenluo's body. [

Although the insect spirit was saved, Bu Wenluo was not at all happy.He stared at the holy spirit boy, full of unwillingness in his heart.

How can such a small body exert such a strong force?The Moon White Tiger was like a big cat in front of him, unable to exert its power at all, this is too unbelievable!

How could this damned Shen Zheng have such a strong power?No wonder he was so confident about fighting me.I thought he cooperated with Qiukong Zhiguang to destroy Xinghai Sanctuary, and he just took advantage of his relationship with Qiukong Zhiguang to fight against the wind and take advantage of it. But now, in that battle, he was indeed a main force!

I am younger than this person, which is the reason for today's defeat and embarrassment.

Okay, Shen Zheng, I remember you.Today's shame will be doubled in the future!

He snorted coldly, turned around, and waved at his guards: "Let's go!"

"Won't Tuan Zhang stay for a while longer?" Sheng Hai Dufu smiled and persuaded him to stay.

"I still want to go to the Light of the Autumn Sky, and to the Xinghai Sanctuary!" Bu Wenluo said angrily, "Investigating this major event of the two clans' struggle is my top priority right now! Hmph, don't let What kind of handle did I catch, otherwise those guys who violated the laws of the empire will not escape the death penalty after all!"

With that said, he led the crowd away angrily.

"Marshal Xiong, help me see the head of the regiment." Shen Zheng smiled and nodded to Sheng Haixiong. With a smirk on his face, Sheng Haixiong led his eleven subordinates to chase after him.

"Leader, walk slowly, I have to guide you! If you wander around in our secret realm and accidentally bump into the female family's residence, it will be bad, and it will damage your reputation if it spreads." ah!"

Sheng Haixiong is usually serious, but he didn't expect to be very good at hurting people. Bu Wenluo was so angry that his nose was crooked, and he couldn't refute, so he had to stop and wait for him to lead him all the way out of heaven and into the world , and then go to the exit of the secret realm.

"Tell Shen Zheng to wait carefully for me!" Before leaving, he yelled at Sheng Haixiong angrily.

"Yes." Sheng Haixiong saluted respectfully. "I must tell the lord to wait for you to challenge and avenge your shame."

Bu Wenluo refuted no, and no refuted, no, he waved his hand angrily, and left.

"Arrogant boy, I must let you understand what is power and what is strength!" When he left the legendary secret realm, he still couldn't help gritting his teeth and talking to himself.

Inside the secret realm, in the human palace, Shen Zheng and Shenghai Dufu sat down together.On Shen Zheng's side, except for the very close family and friends, the rest of the people retreated, and the hall seemed a little deserted for a while.

"You still have too few people here." Shenghai Dufu looked around and couldn't help but sigh. "Do you want me to send a group of people over?"

"Thank you Patriarch Shenghai, I don't need it for now." Shen Zheng smiled slightly.

"Soldiers are good, not many?" Shenghai Dufu also laughed.After the two laughed together for a while, Shen Zheng asked with a smile: "Why did Patriarch Shenghai come in person?"

"I went out to practice some time ago, and I didn't expect such a big event to happen in the clan." Shenghai Dufu sighed. "It was supposed to be an extra powerful elder in the clan, but it turned out like this. I have already punished the elder Ji and took away his real power. I hope you can forgive me. I hope Xiaoxiong and the others will be our elders. We are still a family."

"That's right." Shen Zheng nodded, already understood the meaning of Shenghai Dufu. "Although Sheng Haiji made things difficult for me, and he did not hesitate to harm the interests of the clan for his own sake, which chilled me, but other than him, everyone else felt the awe-inspiring spirit of Sheng Hai Shenzhou. Therefore, I Although independent, it does not count as breaking away from the Holy Sea Shenzhou.”[

"With your words, I feel at ease." Shenghai Dufu said with a smile. "I've heard about the matter of the Light of the Autumn Sky and the Xinghai Sanctuary. I have some kind of friendship with Qiu Jiu. I've already been there. He told me everything about you. I just can't believe it." , There are such powerful people in the world, that's why I deliberately challenged Bu Wenluo to compete with you, to see your strength, please forgive me, President Shen."

"Nothing." Shen Zheng shook his head.

"I thought Qiu Jiu was exaggerating, but I didn't expect him to be reserved." Sheng Hai Dufu sighed. "If it was on the battlefield, the insect spirits of Buwenluo would have been wiped out by you at this moment. You didn't use the secret method of joining forces in the secret realm just now, but you managed to get rid of a border guard so easily in a short while. Du Fu is ashamed of his own strength."

"Patriarch Shenghai is too modest." Shen Zheng shook his head.

"I'm here for two things this time." Shenghai Dufu was obviously not someone who likes to go around in circles, so he went straight to the point. "One is to formally establish an alliance with you, and the other is to testify for the Light of the Autumn Sky. I hope that the three of us can form an alliance to watch each other. I don't know what Shen Meng wants to do?"

"Okay!" Shen Zheng nodded. "My hometown is the White Wolf Star. I am a citizen under the rule of the Holy Sea Shenzhou. No matter what, we are a family. And the relationship between the light of the autumn sky and me is needless to say. If the three of us can unite , and there is no need to be afraid of people like Xinghai Sanctuary or Bu Wenluo."

"That's exactly what I mean." Shenghai Dufu had a look of joy in his eyes. "The three of us are united, and the border guards of the Empire dare not ignore us. Like this Xinghai Sanctuary, if the three parties come forward together, the border guards will definitely let this matter go. At most, they will punish Qiukong Zhiguang with some space orbs. .”

"That's the best." Shen Zheng nodded.

"That's right." Sheng Haidu replied, "I heard from Qiu Jiu that he wants to establish a fast track with your legendary secret realm, but until now, there is still no movement from your side, and he asked me to ask you Woolen cloth."

"It's because I've been too busy recently, so I forgot it for a while." Shen Zheng couldn't help but smile shamelessly.

"Since we want to unite in one place, we need to open up a channel." Shenghai Dufu said, "These three families are united as one, advancing and retreating together, and ordinary forces dare not touch us again."

"Okay!" Shen Zheng smiled. "Patriarch Shenghai, please come with me, and I will take you to find a suitable place. First, we will establish a passage between us and the Light of the Autumn Sky, and then establish a passage with the Holy Sea Shenzhou."

"We will be a family from now on." Sheng Hai Dufu smiled boldly, and stretched out his hand, Shen Zheng also smiled, stretched out his hand to hold him tightly.

He knew that in this sea of ​​stars, he already had a solid foundation.

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