star wars civilization.

Chapter 676: Quick Erase

Xue Su stared blankly at Shen Zheng, then suddenly smiled.

"Master, you still have a lot of ideas!" she said, "Let's try it now?"

"Wait!" Shen Zheng waved his hand, "I called Yi Hai. It's the first trial, don't let your level drop again."

"Okay." Xue Su laughed.

Not long after, Yi Hai came to the realm of hell under the connection of Shen Zheng's thoughts, and bowed his head respectfully by the lake: "My lord, what are your orders?" [

"Of course I still need your help." Shen Zheng smiled and took out a secret orb.It was a Poison-type Secret Realm Orb, which was extremely rare, but because it was rare, it was not precious. No one in the entire Legendary Secret Realm had a Poison-type space, so it was almost the most useless one.

"Huh?" Yi Hai turned pale with fright.The last modulation had already caused his strength to drop quite a bit, but he was lucky enough not to fall to the level of the Lord of the Galaxy. If he did it again this time, he would definitely be spared.

"Leader!" He bowed again and again in fright, "Just let me go! It is far more cost-effective to keep a king-level orb master than having an extra king who is stronger!"

"You don't have to be afraid." Shen Zheng waved his hand, "This time I'm not asking you to be an assistant blender, but to let you take the lead."

"Isn't it?" Yi Hai was taken aback, obviously not convinced.He fell in love with Xuesu and thought: No wonder you are willing to give up your beautiful maid!

"No Xue Su." Shen Zheng shook his head, "She won't be your deputy."

"But this..." Yi Hai couldn't figure it out.

Shen Zheng smiled and pointed to the lava lake: "Your deputy is here."

"Who has dived down here?" Surprised, Yi Hai scanned with his mind, and was immediately stunned.He is also the king of the star sea, and he is also a jeweler, so of course he can immediately sense the miracle in the lava lake.

"This, this, this..." He stammered, focusing on Shen Zheng, but he didn't know what to say, he could only express his shock by dancing.

"That's right." Shen Zheng smiled. "Our legendary secret realm has been transformed into a super orb master. It can create secret realm orbs out of thin air, and can quickly refine space orbs. Xue Su and I just had an idea, maybe it can help us improve the attributes of the existing secret realm orbs. erase."

"This, this, this..." Yi Hai was still too shocked to speak.

"Because this is the first experiment and there is a certain degree of danger, so I had no choice but to find you." Shen Zheng said with a smile.

Yi Hai's face turned pale again, and he thought: Well, I knew nothing good would happen to me...

"Ocean." Shen Zheng patted him on the shoulder, speaking earnestly. "Haven't you sworn to be loyal to me and the Holy League? This is an opportunity to test you."

Yi Hai grinned and broke into cold sweat for a while, thinking: If it weren't for the lock of the mind of the damn Xuanwu Holy Spirit, grandson would be willing to stay with you and serve you!

"You don't have to worry." Shen Zheng said, "I assure you, if your strength drops due to this modulation, I will take this modulated secret orb for you. So you, this is almost a It’s not a loss-making business.”

"That..." Yi Hai heaved a sigh of relief and smiled, "I should also work for our Holy League. I was just too shocked."

"That's good." Shen Zheng also smiled, and stuffed the poison-type secret realm orb into his hand. "let's start."[

After Yi Hai scolded Shen Zheng more than 1 times in his heart, he reluctantly walked to the side of the lava lake and jumped into it.This lava has terrible lethality to the lord of the galaxy, but to the king of the star sea like him, it is just like a hot spring bath.He dived under the lake and came to the bottom of the lake, but he didn't dare to approach the power concentration zone that was generating the orb of the secret realm out of thin air. Instead, he sat down slowly on the periphery, held the orb of the secret realm and hung it in front of him with the power of space, and started modulation.

After a while, his eyes couldn't help but light up, because he found that the legendary secret realm was mobilizing power at an extremely fast speed and sending it to him.With the help of this kind of power, the originally complicated process became simpler at once. With the power of this huge power, he quickly erased the original attributes of the secret realm orb. After two hours, he was done.

"Success, success!" He cheered, holding the secret orb that had no attributes, flew up from the bottom of the lake, and rushed to Shen Zheng without ignoring the magma that was stained on his body. "Leader, luckily I did not disgrace my life! And my strength has not declined! It's amazing!"

"This is great!" Shen Zheng couldn't help becoming excited, holding the secret orb that anyone can take, his eyes sparkled, "I didn't expect it to be prepared so quickly, and it wouldn't make people feel sick. Orb Master is damaged, my Legendary Secret Realm, you are such a treasure!"

Then with a wave of his hand, he took out the remaining five secret realm orbs, stuffed them all into Yi Hai's hands, and said with a smile: "Hai, then please jump down and work hard for another ten hours!"

"Ah?" Yi Hai held the five secret orbs in his hand, his eyes flashed with excitement.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" He said, and immediately turned around and jumped down again.

"Why is he so excited?" Shen Zheng couldn't help wondering.

"Happy." Xue Su smiled, "It's like a good rider gets a Maxima, the more he rides, the more he likes to ride, and he wishes he could be with the Maxima every day."

"That's a good thing." Shen Zheng smiled and nodded.

Ten hours later, Yi Hai jumped up, and the five secret orbs in his hand had also become general-purpose items without attributes.

"Now we have six more experts." Xue Su said happily, "Master, who do you plan to promote?"

"Let me think about it..." Shen Zheng thought for a moment, then smiled. "Don't think about it. I just calculated. Among our closest partners, there are exactly six people who have not advanced. Qingqing is one, Lu Qianli is one, and the other three elders of the Crimson Alliance, Zhang Minghua, Yuan Fang Yu and Lin Boyang."

"It's destiny to come here." Xue Su nodded, "What an interesting coincidence."

"Hai, you have done a great job this time." Shen Zheng said with a smile, "Go to Yingjingshou to get ten space orbs, it's a reward for you."

"Thank you, leader!" Yi Hai nodded hastily.With his strength, it took more than two months to extract a space orb, and according to the mandatory rules after he joined the Holy League, he had to hand it over to the League, so he didn't have much in stock, and ten pieces were considered one. A small fortune.

"By the way, you can keep the space orbs you concocted in the future, and you don't need to turn them in." After thinking about it, Shen Zheng gave him another big prize.

"Thank you, leader!" This made Yi Hai crazy.

"Be loyal to the Holy League, and there will be many benefits in the future." Shen Zheng said seriously.He knows that people like Yi Hai are different from his partners, they just follow him out of consideration of the situation and interests, so he should treat this kind of people with kindness and majesty, let him respect and fear him, but he can't treat his partners according to himself treated in a manner.

"Yes!" Yi Hai hastily saluted respectfully.

"Let's go, let everyone advance." Shen Zheng took Xue Su's hand, brought Yi Hai with him, and returned to the human world together.

"The two places of heaven and hell should be protected." Xue Su reminded Shen Zheng in a low voice. [

"Not bad." Shen Zheng nodded.After all, there are more than 2 galaxy masters in this legendary secret realm, not everyone Shen Zheng can understand.Moreover, as the two most important places in the secret realm, they should indeed be guarded and protected.

So he immediately summoned all the core members and came to the main hall.Everyone didn't know what happened, they all stared at Shen Zheng after they arrived, waiting for him to speak.

"There is good news that a new expert will be born among us." Shen Zheng smiled and arranged the six secret realm orbs on the table.

"A secret orb without attributes?" Sheng Haixiong was immediately taken aback. "Why are there so many suddenly?"

But Shui Qingqing and others have not yet advanced to the king of the star sea, their eyes lit up immediately, they carefully confirmed that there are six orbs in the secret realm, and there are six people who have not advanced, they couldn't help being excited, because they knew that this time they Definitely get the chance.

Shen Zheng smiled, stretched out his finger, and six secret realm orbs flew out, falling into the hands of Shui Qingqing, Zhong Tianming, Lu Qianli, Zhang Minghua, Yuan Fangyu and Lin Boyang respectively.The six held the bead that could change their fate, and the excitement in their hearts showed on their faces.

"Today Xuesu and I tried the technique of combining forces in the secret realm, but I didn't expect that this experiment would change the legendary secret realm." Shen Zheng said with a smile, "It has learned the technique of orb modulation, and now it has begun to refine the space orb by itself. , to create a secret realm orb."

"What?" Everyone was taken aback.

"I can't believe it either, but it's all true." Shen Zheng said with a smile. "A place in the heaven, which is almost the cloud layer in the center, began to automatically extract space orbs. Xue Su calculated that three pieces can be extracted in about a day; at the bottom of a lava lake in the center of hell, there are secret orbs that are automatically generated. , Its speed is relatively slow, and it may take a year to produce one. But fortunately, it does not need any secret realm, but is generated out of thin air. In addition, Yi Hai used the lava lake to erase the attributes on the secret realm orb, and only used two It can be completed within an hour, and it will not weaken his strength."

"Oh my God!" Everyone couldn't accept this lucky good thing for a while, and couldn't help but sigh.

"These two places must be protected!" Ying Aotian immediately said in a deep voice.

"That's what I mean too." Shen Zheng nodded, "Brother Ying, you should assign someone to guard the two places."

"Let us, the Holy Spirit." Guan Gu said, "After Miss Qingqing advances again, the five holy spirit tribes will be gathered in the legendary secret realm. We are not used to living with humans, and heaven and hell are ours. good place to go."

"We are quite used to being with humans." Yan Xin couldn't help grinning.

"Then Dandan will guard the heaven, and Xiao Hei and Qi Sui will guard the hell." Guan Gu said. "The remaining five little guys, change guards with us when they have nothing to do, and often go to play with Eggy, so as to save it from being lonely. How about it?"

"Okay!" The Holy Spirits nodded.

"With you guarding, I feel much more at ease." Shen Zheng smiled, looking at Shui Qingqing and the others. "Everyone, start advancing!"

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