star wars civilization.

Chapter 679: The momentum is like a rainbow

"Enemy attack?" Sheng Hai Dufu's expression darkened.

"I really know how to pick the time." Qiu Jiu smiled lightly.

Both of them looked at Shen Zheng, their eyes seemed to say: "These people we brought here are not decorations."

"How many people are there?" Although Shen Zheng could scan the distance with his mind immediately, he still asked Fang He.Fang He is the reconnaissance and monitoring officer appointed by him, and he must show enough respect to him.

"More than 100 people." Fang He replied. "However, I sensed a very powerful aura. The worm formation had no effect in front of them, but one of them made a move, and it was broken in an instant." [

"It was originally only used to guard against Xiao Xiao." Shen Zheng smiled, "It can't guard against the real strong at all."

"If there are only more than 100 people..." Qiu Yunzhi's Shen Zheng said, "Why don't you let the recruits experience it?"

"Not right." Ying Aotian shook his head resolutely. "They are not only recruits, but also the creators of a new batch of secret realms. Losing one person is a loss of a secret realm orb, and it is permanent."

"That's right." Qiu Yunzhi nodded immediately and smiled apologetically. "I forgot about that."

"Jingshou, we are all warriors who have already contributed the orbs of the secret realm." At this time, someone from the first batch of mass-produced Star Sea Kings stood up. "We don't have this kind of problem, let's go! We are eager to prove our strength!"

"That's right, only in actual combat can you master your strength the fastest!" Another person said.

"We ask you to fight!" The rest of the people also stepped forward to ask for orders.

"I can agree, but you must be in a group of three and fight against an enemy together. You must always remember one thing." Ying Aotian said slowly, "Although you have reached the top of your strength, it is not the same. The most powerful people in the level. It is true that you who have advanced through the use of secret orbs are stronger than ordinary people who have advanced, but the secret orbs you use are not powerful secrets that have been consolidated for thousands of years, and your enemies are by no means ordinary. pirates."

"Yes!" Everyone said in unison.

"You have a good housekeeper." Shenghai Dufu quietly said to Shen Zheng with his mind.

"Xiongshuai." Ying Aotian turned to Sheng Haixiong, "I ask the nine holy spirits to guard the legendary secret realm with me. Because this is our root, no matter what the situation, we must do a good job of protection. How to mobilize the rest, Whatever you want."

"Okay!" Sheng Haixiong nodded and turned to everyone. "Master Xue Su, Master Yi Hai, you are special talents, not suitable for fighting on the battlefield, please stay and guard together in the secret realm; Fang He, the reconnaissance and monitoring officer, please use your power in the secret realm, and pay attention to the movements around the galaxy at any time; newcomers 22 people, stay in the secret realm to practice and consolidate the realm; the rest, follow me to fight!"


"You have a good general." Qiu Jiu looked at Shen Zheng and smiled faintly.

At this time, Sheng Haixiong turned to Shen Zheng and the two Patriarchs, and smiled slightly: "As for the President and the two Patriarchs, you can do whatever you want. I have no right to command you."

All three couldn't help laughing.

"Soldiers of Autumn Sky Light, listen up." Qiu Jiu turned to his guards, "We and the Holy League are good allies, this time it's time for us to show our friendship, don't embarrass me."

"Yes!" More than 50 guard soldiers straightened their chests.

"Soldiers of Shenghai Shenzhou." Shenghai Dufu turned to his guards, "You must do your best to kill the enemy, understand?" [

"Understood!" The voices of more than fifty guard soldiers on his side were high.

"The strength of your two big families alone may be enough to wipe out this invader." Shen Zheng smiled. "Our members of the Holy League can't lose to you, so don't compete with us then."

"This is the specific situation." Shenghai Dufu smiled boldly.

"Let's go." Sheng Haixiong said loudly, "This time, we don't need to use any tactics. Let us use our powerful strength to attack from the outside of our homeland and wipe out this group of daring guys!"

"Kill!" Several soldiers shouted loudly, including [-] galaxy masters.Although they couldn't participate in this battle in person, they couldn't help being excited seeing their partners who were members of their ranks not long ago have this opportunity.They know that in the near future, they will also have such an opportunity.

They cheer for their partners, and they are also expressing their firm confidence in the future.

"The Holy League is a great place." Feeling the aura of the lords of those galaxies, Qiu Jiu couldn't help but secretly nodded.

"Minister Huo, why are you so ungrateful?" In the sea of ​​stars, on the outer edge of the Milky Way, Lingdi, the border guard of the Holy Blood Empire who had just easily broken through the worm formation and entered the interior of the Milky Way, asked Huo Yuanxing with a mocking smile.

"Nothing." Huo Yuanxing shook his head. "I just have a bad feeling."

"Not a good hunch?" Lingdi smiled. "Do you think there will suddenly be hundreds more Kings of the Star Sea in this holy alliance?"

"Of course not." When Huo Yuanxing arrived at the arrogant Lingdi, it was as if he had returned to his original self.He hated such an arrogant guy, but he knew that his fate was tied to this guy.

"It's better to be careful." He said, "I have fought against the guys from the Holy League, and they are unbelievably strong. I think we still brought too few people this time."

"Less?" Lingdi smiled. "Leading these one hundred warriors, it is enough to raid a frontier family's power. To deal with a small legendary secret realm with less than a hundred Kings of the Star Sea, how can you say that it is too few?"

He deliberately raised his voice, using the power of space to allow all his subordinates to hear these words.

"It's ridiculous, the head of the fire division thinks we are those ordinary soldiers?"

"That's right! We are the elite among the elite, and we are the personal guard of the Marshal!"

"If any one of us is singled out, it is enough to serve as an elder in an ordinary family force!"

"We are an indestructible torrent of steel that can drown everything in an instant!"

The soldiers couldn't help shouting one by one, shouting one after another.

"Chief Huo, just wait." Lingdi sneered, with a strong look of contempt in her eyes. "I will personally take off that Shen Zheng's head and play with it like a ball; I will personally capture that beautiful jeweler and bring her back to our border guard headquarters. And these powerful fighters I lead will tear Crack the body of every holy alliance member, let them experience the horror of hell!"

"Of course I would like to see that kind of scene." Huo Yuanxing sighed. "only……"

For some reason, the uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense, because he found more and more that everything was more and more like the time he led the team here.The current Lingdi is the same as him back then. [

"Just what?" Lingdi snorted, "If Chief Huo is afraid in your heart, then wait for us outside the Milky Way!"

"Alright." Huo Yuanxing unexpectedly nodded in agreement, and after blurting out these words, he couldn't help but regret: What's wrong with me?How could you be so ashamed in front of them?

Lingdi was also taken aback, but then laughed: "Okay, Chief Huo, you came with the team this time, and you were meant to be a guide. Now we can find the legendary secret realm, and your role is almost useless. .Let’s leave things like fighting to someone who is better at it!”

A hundred soldiers couldn't help laughing.

Huo Yuanxing's face was flushed, and there was a faint anger in his heart, not only towards those who laughed at him, but also towards himself.But for some reason, a deep fear made him want to ignore the other party's taunts and flee to a safe place.

After a while, that kind of unreasonable fear finally made him make a move that even he himself felt shameful. He silently bowed to the other party.

"Good luck to everyone," he said.Then turned around, flew towards the way it came from, and left the Milky Way in a short time.

"This..." Lingdi looked at his background, and couldn't even think of any words to mock him for a moment.

"Brave guy!"

"Useless trash!"

"What is this? This kind of person can still serve as the minister of a major league branch? It's ridiculous!"

The soldiers discussed.

Lingdi couldn't help but frown.He knew that as the minister of an alliance branch, he could never be a simple fool.Even if it is a simple idiot, to be able to hold this position, it must be someone with a powerful force.He is no stranger to Huo Yuanxing, and he has some understanding of its power. He knows that it is a real strong man whose power is no less than his own.

What made this strong man show so many abnormalities?

"There is a problem, there is definitely a problem." He frowned and whispered, but couldn't think of what the problem was for a while.

"There is an enemy attack!" At this moment, the idea came from the pathfinder soldiers tens of thousands of kilometers ahead. "A large-scale enemy is approaching us!"

"Move forward immediately and attack!" Lingdi had no time to think about Huoyuanxing at this moment, the blood of the soldier was boiling in his body, and the killing intent generated by several battles on the battlefield instantly occupied his mind.He pointed forward and roared loudly.

The strong team accelerated instantly and caught up with the five teammates flying ahead in a very short time. Everyone gathered together and immediately formed a battle formation.

"Actually, there is no need to be so cautious." Some people in the team couldn't help but communicate with their companions. "Based on the strength of this holy alliance, we can rush up and beat them casually, which is enough to wipe them out."

"After all, we are a regular army." The companion smiled and said, "This is also a lesson for the so-called forces of these mobs, so that they can understand how far behind us in terms of strength. I think they are in this formation. In the end, I am afraid that half of the fighting power will be scared off, right?"

They looked at each other and smiled, feeling relaxed.And this situation can be seen everywhere in the entire team.

They all agree that this will be a one-sided battle.

In fact, this will indeed be a one-sided battle, but the direction of the fall is not quite the same as what they thought.After a while, they will understand, but by then, it will be too late...

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