star wars civilization.

Chapter 682: Zi Yuanshang Veteran

Lingdi shivered involuntarily.

"We were just surveying the border!" He resisted stubbornly, "and then we were besieged by you! It was you who disregarded the relationship between the two countries and attacked our survey team of the Holy Blood Empire! It was you who wanted to provoke the two countries. War! If you are sensible, let me go, and I can make big things smaller, otherwise just wait for my Holy Blood Empire to go to war with your Yuexuan Empire!"

"Do you think us stupid, or yourself stupid?" Sheng Haixiong snorted coldly, "Leader, just leave him to me."

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded slightly, "This kind of person who lies with open eyes does not need to be treated as a strong person."

"General Lingdi must have heard of the three major tortures of our Shenghai Shenzhou?" Shenghai Dufu smiled heartily. "Xiong Shuai was the city lord of the outer city of my Shenghai family back then, and he often needed to enforce the law to punish criminals. He is naturally very good at these three punishments. General Lingdi, I advise you to confess now—why did you attack here? Who is the traitor?" [

"How dare you!" Lingdi roared, "I am the dignified frontier general of the Holy Blood Empire. You, a small force, dare to lynch me? This will rise to diplomacy... ah!"

Before he could finish speaking, Sheng Haixiong had brought eleven of his subordinates together to imprison him with the power of space, quickly pumped the power into his body, and began the soul-splitting punishment.Sheng Haixiong carefully controlled the degree of punishment, not only to prevent Lingdi's thoughts from collapsing due to the punishment, but also to allow him to experience the greatest pain.

Lingdi's body stretched into a large character in the air, like a prisoner who has been electrocuted. His eyes are wide open, and his mouth is difficult to close. It gives people the impression that the eyeballs will burst out at any time, and the mouth will collapse at any time due to over-expansion. tearing feeling.

After a long time, Sheng Haixiong withdrew his strength, Lingdi fell to the ground and curled up into a ball.His whole body was shaking and convulsing, and it took a long time before he could start to breathe.He sucked in the power of space, trying to repair the manipulation he suffered, but the damage to his thoughts could not be repaired with the power of space.

"How about it, do you want to try it again?" Sheng Haixiong asked coldly.The voice is as cold as the judge of hell, without a trace of human emotion.

"I...I..." Lingdi seemed unable to speak, but Sheng Haixiong sensed with his mind that he was brewing strength at the moment.

"Looking for death!" His eyes turned cold, and he wrapped the flute with great force again. This time, what he used was not the punishment of splitting the soul, but the punishment of splitting the body.

"Ah!" The screams sounded immediately, and this time the spirit flute didn't stretch its limbs like before, staring and opening its mouth without making a sound, but rolled all over the ground, screaming in pain. The incomparable pain from the video made him just want to end everything as soon as possible.

"It's very strong." Sheng Haixiong sneered, "Then let you taste the taste of mixing the two punishments together!"

He controlled the power with exquisite techniques, and added the power of the soul cracking punishment to Lingdi's body. Immediately, this pretending strong general collapsed, screaming in constant convulsions and tumbling: "I... I... say! I say!"

Sheng Haixiong deliberately continued for a while, and then slowly stopped, Lingdi immediately collapsed on the ground like mud, panting desperately.

"Speak!" Sheng Haixiong's voice was full of threats. Lingdi did not hear death from it, but heard the torment of hell that was more terrifying than death.He trembled from body to soul.

"We came here to capture the beautiful jeweler in the legendary secret realm and dedicate it to the empire to make a great contribution." He said with difficulty, "The person who informed us was the fifth border branch of the Shenhuo Alliance in your country." Chief, Huo Yuanxing. This damn guy, told us that the Legendary Secret Realm is a new small force that is easy to defeat...but I didn't expect..."

"Shenhuo Alliance?" Qiu Jiu and Sheng Hai Dufu were both taken aback, their expressions became serious.

Shen Zheng's heart moved: "Huo Yuanxing? Did he lead a team to attack our place before?"

"I don't know about that..." Lingdi gritted his teeth, "But that damned guy seems to know your strength, so he quit the galaxy from the very beginning. You send people to catch you now, maybe you can still catch them he."

"Search immediately!" Sheng Haixiong ordered immediately, and several of his subordinates nodded and left.

"Lord Shen, the matter this time is too big." Sheng Hai Dufu communicated with Shen Zheng with his thoughts. "The strongest forces in our Yuexuan Empire are the two major alliances, Shenhuo and Sharp Blade. They are powerful non-governmental forces second only to the official empire, and they are also the two pillars of the empire. If they are involved in this matter, it will be a shock. It's a big deal."

Qiu Jiu also sent a thought: "This matter has involved the Shenhuo Alliance, it is no longer a trivial matter that we can handle, and we can't take it lightly. I suggest that the spirit flute be handed over to the high-level of the empire, and they will handle it." [

Of course, Shen Zheng could understand the stakes.If the Shenhuo Alliance betrayed the Yuexuan Empire, it would be a major event that would shake the foundation of the country, and indeed it could not be dealt with lightly.

"Okay." He nodded. "There are two laborers in this matter."

"It should be said that there is Patriarch Laoqiu." Shenghai Dufu smiled heartily. "Patriarch Qiu has the ability to communicate with the higher-ups of the empire. I... Hey, a small frontier family force dare not take on such a heavy responsibility."

Shen Zheng couldn't help looking at Qiu Jiu in surprise, but the latter just smiled lightly.

"I'll notify Elder Zi Yuan right now." He said slowly. "As for Lingdi, I will personally escort him to the royal court."

"I'm sorry." Shen Zheng was curious, but he didn't ask.

He gradually understood why Qiu Jiu dared to annihilate his family by relying on the Xinghai Sanctuary, but he didn't receive any decent punishment afterwards.

If someone like Bu Wenluo can enforce the law impartially, Shen Zheng absolutely does not believe it.The reason why he didn't embarrass the Qiu family was because the Qiu family was in the upper echelon of the empire and had acquaintances.

Soon after, the men sent by Sheng Haixiong returned with success.This is also expected.

Without further ado, Qiu Jiu set off immediately, carrying the flute to the imperial court, while Shenghai Dufu went back to spread the news, saying that this battle was a great victory in annihilating all the invading pirates .The intention is to paralyze the Holy Blood Empire and the Shenhuo Alliance, making them think that their plot has not been exposed.

On the other hand, Shen Zheng began to step up the consolidation of the power of the secret realm.A month later, the 22 new star sea kings successfully cooperated with Xue Su and Yi Hai to create another 22 secret realm orbs, and cultivated a new batch of star sea kings.

All the new powerhouses have joined the "Military Training Camp" organized by Sheng Haixiong, learning how to use various powers from the veteran King of Star Sea, fighting with their companions and higher powerhouses, and sharpening their martial skills.Sheng Haixiong assigns different positions to each person according to their different abilities. Gradually, the prototype of an army has emerged.

Another month later, 22 new secret orbs were released, and the new promotion was also selected by Ying Aotian.The promotion ceremony was about to start, but Qiu Jiu sent a message, wanting to postpone the promotion for a few days, because there will be a high-ranking person from the empire to visit.

Shen Zheng understands that Qiu Jiu wants to show himself in front of the big man, and he can arrange it like this, which fully shows that this big man will not be jealous of the power of the legendary secret realm, but will pay more attention to it. Alliance has great benefits.

He immediately agreed.

Three days later, Qiu Jiu came.

Along with him, besides Qiu Yunzhi, there was also a beautiful woman.

It was a woman with elegant temperament and elegant manners.She was wearing a light green dress, floating like a fairy, not at all inferior to Qiu Yunzhi.And the faint melancholy that often flashes in her eyes makes her even more endearing and endearing.

With her came a centurion.Although there were only a hundred of them, each of them was obviously a top-level powerhouse who had experienced many battles, and the aura they exuded was far beyond that of Qiu Jiu's 50-member guard.

Shen Zheng felt that if they were to fight with Lingdi's team of one hundred people, they might be able to wipe out Lingdi's team with only half the number.

"Welcome." Shen Zheng, who had been prepared for a long time, led the team to greet him, showing a friendly smile.

"Let me introduce you." Qiu Jiu had a rare tender look in his eyes, "This is Zi Yuanshang, the elder of the elders' association of my Yuexuan Empire."

"Hello, Elder Zi Yuan." Shen Zheng bowed slightly, with all the courtesy.

"Hello." Under the leadership of Ying Aotian, the rest of the strong men greeted Zi Yuanshang together.

"Hello, everyone." Zi Yuanshang smiled gracefully, nodded, and glanced at everyone. "I heard Patriarch Qiu said that there are a lot of talents in the Holy League. I met you today, and it is true. Master Shen is even more restrained. Even I can't understand it. I am really a master of masters."

"Old Ziyuan praised you absurdly." Shen Zheng responded lightly.

"Mr. Zi Yuan came to investigate the matter of the Holy Blood Empire," Qiu Jiu said. "Huo Yuanxing, the head of the Shenhuo Alliance's fifth border defense division, has been arrested by the elders. He has confessed the secret collusion between the Shenhuo alliance and the Holy Blood Empire. Elder Zi came here this time mainly to investigate the border defense of the fifth border defense area. The question of whether they are also in collusion with the Holy Blood Empire."

"The matter of border defense should not be underestimated." Zi Yuanshang said, "If there are military generals colluding with the enemy outside of the Shenhuo Alliance, it will be a disaster for the country. Therefore, the elders will attach great importance to this matter, so they will send me Come and investigate for yourself."

"The Council of Elders of the Empire is an authority second only to the Great Emperor's court. It is composed of six elders. Among them, Elder Zi ranks third." Qiu Jiu said, "She has great power to speak and can make decisions. There are many important events. Leader Shen must perform well in front of her, which will be of great benefit to the future of the Holy League."

Zi Yuanshang took a look at Qiu Jiu, and smiled faintly: "What is the third place, bragging for me."

Shen Zheng looked at the two of them, vaguely feeling that there seemed to be some ambiguous relationship between them.But Zi Yuanshang looked at Qiu Jiu with a flash of sadness, which made him a little curious.

"Patriarch of the Holy Sea Shenzhou, the Holy Sea alone has returned!"

At this time, a heroic voice sounded, and Sheng Haidufu and Sheng Hailong, surrounded by 50 guards, entered the legendary secret realm and came before everyone.

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