star wars civilization.

Chapter 684: Shocked Again

The 22 galaxy masters absorbed the secret orb in their hands with excitement at the same time.

After a short period of silence, frenzy broke out.Thoughts, the power of space, if the flood gates are opened, it will be monstrous for a while.Rising, surging in the air, like a torrent of world destruction, the tide of everyone's power spreads out like an ocean, seemingly able to submerge the entire universe.

Reaching a peak, reaching another peak, new peaks appear constantly, and new peaks are constantly climbed.There is light in everyone's eyes, illuminating the distance and the future.

From today onwards, I am no longer mediocre; from today onwards, I have stepped into the ranks of the kings of the stars and officially become the god in charge of mind and space.

From today, I will have a lifespan of hundreds of millions of years, even if several civilizations are destroyed, I will not be destroyed. [

The fluctuation of the promotion confused the power in the space and shocked everyone's hearts.Whether it is the lord of the galaxy or the top powerhouse among the kings of the star sea, they are all deeply intoxicated.

"Impossible...Unbelievable..." Zi Yuanshang murmured to himself, his gaze a little dull.

The fluctuations scattered, and after the 22 people completely absorbed the power of the secret orb, they finally all advanced and became the king of the star sea.

"Success!" They couldn't help cheering.

"Respect!" Ying Aotian also cheered loudly, "From today onwards, you are one of the top powerhouses in the universe. But there is no end to the road ahead, even the king of the star sea has different strengths, you will join the 'training' from today Battalion', the commander-in-chief personally guides you to train and forge you into a real strong man, who can survive even if you bleed on the battlefield, and send the enemy to hell!"

"Yes!" The 22 people said in unison.

"And you!" Ying Aotian looked down at the masters of the galaxy. "Cultivate hard, perform positively, and strive to become the next batch of promotions!"

"Next batch?" Zi Yuanshang couldn't help repeating these three words, looking at Qiu Jiu, with the intention of asking.

"That's right, 'the next batch'." Qiu Jiu smiled faintly, "The Holy League has this kind of power, it can manufacture Star Sea Kings in batches."

"Master Xue Su's power is so strong?" Zi Yuanshang was shocked, but then shook his head. "But no matter how strong she is, it's impossible for her to obtain the secret realms with consolidated realms in batches?"

"In a little while, you will know everything." Qiu Jiu is still keeping things secret.

This aroused Zi Yuanshang's curiosity.

At the end of the ceremony, Shen Zheng was invited to speak as usual.Shen Zheng didn't say much, he just encouraged all the galaxy masters to perform well, and at the same time encouraged the new star sea kings to work hard to improve their own strength.What surprised Zi Yuanshang again was that Shen Zheng distributed ten space orbs to each promoted King of the Star Sea.

"Isn't this too extravagant?" Even Zi Yuanshang's guards couldn't help discussing in surprise. "It's just the new king of the star sea, and each of them is given ten space orbs? We all get rewards after we have made great achievements, and it's only one or two. How much wealth does this legendary secret realm have? waste?"

"Isn't this a bit of a waste?" Zi Yuanshang couldn't help feeling distressed. "These are just new Kings of the Star Sea. They have not done any meritorious service, so they are given such a reward..."

"It's nothing to the Legendary Secret Realm." Qiu Jiu smiled faintly.

Zi Yuanshang looked at Shen Zheng suspiciously, and only hoped that the ceremony would end soon so that Shen Zheng could tell her all the secrets.

The ceremony didn't take long, and soon after, everyone disbanded and returned to their posts.And Shen Zheng came to Zi Yuanshang with the core figures of the Holy League.

"President Shen, Elder Zi Yuan is full of doubts." Qiu Jiu said with a smile. "Come and explain to her, let her see the true strength of the legendary secret realm." [

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded.Since Qiu Jiu said this, it means that Zi Yuanshang is absolutely reliable. "Please follow me."

"You stay." Zi Yuanshang ordered to his subordinates.She knew that although her people were absolutely loyal and reliable, if she didn't pay attention to avoiding them, it might cause Shen Zheng's dissatisfaction.Out of etiquette considerations, she didn't intend to bring everyone along to tell the secrets of the secret realm.

This made Shen Zheng feel good for her, he nodded and smiled at her.

Qiu Jiu and Sheng Hai Dufu did not bring their own guards, one with Qiu Yunzhi and the other with Sheng Hailong, followed Shen Zheng and flew towards the center of the heaven.Along the way, everyone saw only a few little angels flying in the sky, and the heavens were full of laughter and laughter, which made people feel refreshed.

When we got to the center, we saw the little angels forming a circle, flying around a cloud layer and singing joyful songs, forming a moving movement of heaven.

"Welcome guests." Guan Gu's huge figure slowly emerged from the sea of ​​clouds, and then Xiao Hei, Qi Sui, and Eggy emerged from the sea of ​​clouds behind him at the same time, nodding to the people who came from afar.

"Holy Spirit!?" Zi Yuanshang couldn't help but whispered, "There are as many as four?"

"Shocked?" Qiu Jiu laughed. "There are only three guardian spirits in the empire, but there are nine in the legendary secret realm."

"What?" Zi Yuanshang suspected that he had heard wrong, and looked at Qiu Jiu in surprise. "Nine?"

"In addition to the four of us, there are four remaining Holy Spirits here." Guan Gu said, "Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and even the Central Holy Spirit, but they are all complete. I don't know how to call this distinguished guest?"

"Dear Holy Spirit, I am Zi Yuanshang, the elder of the Imperial Council of Elders. It is my honor to meet you." Zi Yuanshang immediately bowed respectfully to Guan Gu.Although she has a lofty status, no matter how noble a person is, they cannot be compared with the Holy Spirit. They are the most noble existences in the universe, and they are powerful creatures born to be the head of all things.

"Hello." Guan Gu nodded slightly, "My name is Guan Gu, but I am just an old man in old age. It is not an honor to know me. These three little guys are very young, and they have nearly [-] million years to live , you make good friends with them, sometimes it is worthwhile."

"Friendship cannot be measured by interests." Zi Yuanshang said respectfully. "Furthermore, a respected old man like you, who has experienced the rise and fall of this universe for several years, is fully worthy of the title of 'sage'. It is indeed everyone's honor to meet such a living myth like you. "

"You are very good at talking." Guan Gu smiled lightly. "However, I'm not good at communicating with humans. If you have anything to say, please tell Shen Zheng. Forgive me." As he spoke, he slowly sank into the clouds.

Xiao Hei, Qi Sui, and Eggy also sank slowly.

Shen Zheng understands that Guan Gu is actually unwilling to deal with human beings more, the reason why he brought the three holy spirits out to meet Zi Yuanshang is just to increase the momentum of his holy alliance, and he can't help being even more grateful to Guan Gu in his heart.

"Grandpa Guangu has helped me a lot." He said to Zi Yuanshang, "Without his help, I would not be where I am today. Now that it lives here and takes care of itself, my biggest wish is to save more money. Strength, so that its life span continues to prolong."

"For you who have such a talented orb master, it's not difficult." Zi Yuanshang smiled.After finishing speaking, he looked at Xue Su and bowed respectfully: "Master Xue Su, I didn't know your identity before, so I'm sorry."

"Don't be so polite!" Xue Su laughed, her voice was like a silver bell, which was refreshing. "You are a friend of the master's friend, that is, the master's friend, and naturally you are also my friend. Between friends, you don't have to be so polite."

"Master... people?" Zi Yuanshang was taken aback.

"Just now one of the Xuanwu Holy Spirit, the Suzaku Holy Spirit, and Miss Xuesu are all called Shen Zheng's 'Master'." Qiu Jiu told Zi Yuanshang with his thoughts. "Don't ask why, as long as you know that they have such an inseparable relationship. So don't say anything about inviting Xuesu to join the royal court."

"Understood..." Zi Yuanshang responded with his thoughts, and couldn't help but look at Shen Zheng again with astonished eyes. [

What kind of person is this?How could it be possible to establish such a powerful secret realm shortly after being promoted, possess so many strong men, and also possess nine holy spirits at the same time?

Not to mention a genius jeweler like Xue Su, even if these nine holy spirits are randomly released, they are the targets of all major forces and even empires!

"Old Zi Yuan, you are the real friend of Patriarch Qiu." Shen Zheng said, "Then you are also my friend, Shen Zheng. I never like to hide my friends, so I will fully reveal the secrets of the legendary secret realm to you. Please ..."

As he said that, he pointed to the back of where Guan Gu disappeared, and Zi Yuanshang immediately looked over.

She slowly concentrated her thoughts and scanned there, appearing extremely cautious and polite, but when her thoughts swept over there, her expression couldn't help but change.

"How is it possible?" She exclaimed, "In the sea of ​​clouds... there are spatial orbs that are automatically generated?"

"Not bad!" Yi Hai couldn't help saying proudly behind Xue Su. "The master of our holy alliance, the master of the legendary secret realm, is as powerful as the world. The legendary secret realm he created is even more powerful than the world. Like a human being, he can master the secret method and learn the technique of refining. In the central sea of ​​clouds in the heaven world , can give birth to space orbs every day, there were only three at the beginning, but now it has doubled, and six are automatically generated every day!"

"This..." Zi Yuanshang was too surprised to speak.A secret realm that can automatically generate space orbs?How could such an existence exist in the world?

No wonder Shen Zheng was so generous, even the new King of Star Sea can reward ten space orbs!

After careful calculation, more than 100 space orbs were extracted in the legendary secret realm in a month, and it was nothing at all to reward his subordinates.

Moreover, Zi Yuanshang also knew that Shen Zheng also got [-] space orbs in the previous battle to destroy the Xinghai Sanctuary.Coupled with the continuous creation of legendary secret realms for him, the financial resources of the Holy League can surpass that of ordinary family forces in a short period of time!

"How, are you shocked?" Qiu Jiu smiled. "But it's still not the most amazing thing. Chairman Shen, are we going to hell?"

"Okay." Shen Zheng nodded slightly, leading everyone to go to the lower realm.

Still not amazing?Zi Yuanshang was full of doubts.

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