star wars civilization.

Chapter 686: The Great Army Attacks

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than two months since Zi Yuanshang left.In the past two months, the Holy League has added 44 Star Sea Kings, and the number of Star Sea Kings in non-core teams has reached 130.Although this is only a small team compared to the real powerful family forces, it is already a leap compared to the previous strength of the Holy League.

Moreover, although these kings of the star sea use the secret realm orbs that are not stable to advance, they are still much higher than the normal self-promoting kings of the star sea, and with strict training, they can reach levels similar to those of Lu Qianli, Zhong Tianming, or the old crimson. The level of the five elders of the alliance is a matter of time.

Not only them, but even other powerful core members did not stop practicing.They know that the Legendary Secret Realm is like a big tempting cake, and sooner or later someone will know its secret and can't help but take a bite.In order to defend their homeland, they must become stronger.

Another harvest is that the first secret orb concocted by the legendary secret realm was finally born in the hell lava lake.This secret orb does not have any attributes, but it seems to contain several attributes faintly, which are somewhat similar to the power of the cosmic source insect.

In this way, there will be one more person for each batch of promotions in the future. [

From now on, it is said that a secret orb will be born in the secret realm every six months, and the number of promotions will increase by one person every six months, and this will never stop until all the lords of the galaxy are promoted to the powerful king of the star sea.

How powerful is a force with more than 2 Star Sea Kings?

I am afraid that even the empire will pay more respect to him.

But the fate in the dark seems to be unwilling to let the Holy League go smoothly.

On this day, Zi Yuanshang, accompanied by Qiu Jiu, came to the Legendary Secret Realm in person.Shen Zheng instinctively sensed that something big was going to happen.

And not long after, Shenghai Dufu came and rushed over, but he was notified by Qiu Jiu.

"I didn't find any evidence that the frontier guards colluded with the Holy Blood Empire." Zi Yuanshang cut to the point, "So we can't move these guys in the fifth border defense zone. However, there was a breakthrough in the interrogation of Huo Yuanxing, the head of the Shenhuo Alliance branch. He I have revealed several other big figures in the Alliance who are connected with the Holy Blood Empire. I meant to arrest them directly, but some elders in the Council of Elders strongly opposed them, so now I can only monitor them secretly. But I got A piece of news—the frontier marshal Xue Guanglan of the Seventh Frontier District of the Holy Blood Empire felt ashamed because of the last defeat, so he specially summoned his capable general Xia Zhen to lead the brigade to destroy the legendary secret realm."

"What?" Shen Zheng frowned slightly, "They are too courageous, this is already a war of aggression. What would the elders say?"

"Yes." Zi Yuanshang nodded heavily. "The biggest problem now is the Council of Elders. I made a request to send troops to support and intercept the other party's invading army, but some elders rejected my request on the grounds of insufficient evidence."

"How could this be?" Shen Ying couldn't help but said, "This is not about our family in the legendary secret realm, but it is related to the border defense of the empire's border."

"We really don't have enough evidence." Zi Yuan sighed naively, "All this is just a verbal message brought by the other party's messenger, and the guy committed suicide immediately after falling into our hands. Based on one-sided words, I really There is no way to persuade other elders."

"The elders will have problems." Ying Aotian said firmly.

"I think so too." Zi Yuanshang nodded, "Now, there may be someone in the upper echelons of the empire who is involved with the Holy Blood Empire. But there is no evidence, so I can't help them. Although I have a high ranking in the Council of Elders, But the qualifications are the lowest, and she is the only woman, so she can't compete with them."

"It's impossible for everyone to cooperate with the enemy." Shen Zheng said after thinking, "But as long as there is one, you can secretly use various reasons for internal fighting to make others suppress people who are really a threat to the Holy Blood Empire. Gotta find this black sheep."

"Yeah." Zi Yuanshang nodded, "But after the Shenhuo Alliance incident, that guy should be more cautious, and it will be even more difficult to catch evidence. So I think, this time the small The war of aggression is an opportunity. If you capture the opponent's general, you may be able to get the most convincing evidence."

"Okay!" Shen Zheng nodded. "It is said that although the power of the secret realm is weak, they are not afraid of these shameless people. Come on, this is a chance to train soldiers."

"The Light of the Autumn Sky will fully support it." Qiu Jiu said, "This is not only a matter of the Holy League family, it also concerns us."

"Holy Sea Shenzhou will also give full support." Sheng Hai Dufu smiled brightly, "Let those guys come, we Yuexuan experts will let them know that from ancient times to the present, invaders will not have good results!"

"I will also call a group of strong people from our Ziguang Xinghui." Zi Yuanshang said. "This time is not only to support the Holy League, but also to defeat the invaders and find out the traitors of the empire. This is a major event, because of the traitor, we cannot rely on the official power of the empire, we can only rely on everyone and me to work together. "[

"Don't worry." Shen Zheng smiled, "We must let them go back and forth!"

The defensive layout will start immediately from this day.

Qiu Kongzhiguang and Shenghai Shenzhou each mobilized a thousand kings of the star sea to the earth, and Zi Yuanshang also mobilized a thousand powerful fighters. With 3000 troops, plus the superpowers of the Holy League, their strength is already comparable to that of a family, and there is no need to be afraid of the enemy's invaders.

The whole strategy was formulated by Zi Yuanshang himself, and Shen Zheng led the core team to lurk on Mars, which is the closest to the earth, as a mobile strike force, while Ying Aotian stayed in the legendary secret realm with ordinary star sea kings as a defense Unpredictable retention power.People from Qiukongzhiguang and Shenghaishenzhou ambushed in the outer asteroid belt as a trap.The fighters of Ziguang Xinghui met the enemies on the outskirts of the solar system, scouted the number and strength of the enemies, and after killing a certain number of enemies, pretended to be defeated and fled, luring the enemies into the asteroid belt's ambush circle, and killed them all in one fell swoop. Take it down.

It took several days for this arrangement, and after the arrangement was completed, all the people in the ambush were restrained, while Fang He and Ying Aotian were in the legendary secret realm, mobilizing the power of the secret realm, forming a powerful force in the entire galaxy The limitation of ideas and space makes it easy to generate hyperspace methods, and shields the scanning power of ideas to the maximum extent. Only Fang He can rely on the legendary secret realm to grasp all the movements in the galaxy.

Time passed gradually, and half a month later, there was finally movement in the outer reaches of the Milky Way.

"Enemy attack!" In the legendary secret realm, Fang He relied on the power of the secret realm to spread his thoughts in all directions.Everyone immediately entered a fighting state.

A huge team gradually appeared on the outskirts of the galaxy, easily broke through the defensive insect formation, and entered the galaxy.This team is composed of 10,000 kings of the star sea, and in front, there are [-]+ powerful galaxy master-level Zerg.These Zergs were like a terrifying tide of death, wandering in front of and around the army's ranks, forming countless insect formations for protection.

In the eyes of the king of the star sea, the bugs at the master level of the galaxy are not worth mentioning, but if the difference in the number is too large, under the exhaustive attack, the general king of the star sea may also fall.

In the army, the main function of these bugs is not to kill the king of the star sea, but to entangle them. Facing so many bugs, even if they don't attack, it may take a long time to kill them. Break out of their encirclement.

At this time, the kings of the star sea will take action with the help of the insect servants, and easily kill the surrounded enemies.

They are cheap cannon fodder death squads.

These guys attach great importance to these attacks!Zi Yuanshang, who was at the forefront, frowned slightly when he saw the opponent's formation.

In terms of the number of Star Sea Kings, the opponent already has an advantage, and with the addition of these bugs, the battle will become very difficult.In a frontal battle, the chances of victory are extremely small, and only this method of ambush and surprise attack can defeat it.Zi Yuanshang smiled secretly, proud of the tactics he had formulated.

In the middle of the enemy team, there is a long-haired woman with a fierce face.She was wearing silver shining light armor and a long flowing skirt.The armor symbolizes the cruel battle, and the long robe represents the tenderness of the woman. The two contradictory clothing are integrated into one body, but it gives her a unique temperament.

Beside her was a man in a fiery red robe.His cheeks were thin, his eyes were cold, and his face was proud, as if he was the only one respected in the world.

"Master Qiyanmeng, we have entered the Milky Way." The woman in silver armor said respectfully to the man. "In a short time, we will be able to reach that legendary secret realm."

"General Xia Zhen, don't worry." The man called Qi Yanmeng snorted coldly, "A small secret realm can be easily destroyed without a huge army like you. .This time your mission can be [-]% successful, and we will win a big victory."

"Thank you, Master." The silver-armored woman was Xia Zhen, the general of the Sacred Blood Empire. At this time, she smiled respectfully and explained in a low voice. "Actually, you are invited here this time, master, not mainly to deal with the legendary secret realm, but the other two allies of this secret realm, the Light of the Autumn Sky and the Holy Sea Shenzhou. The legendary secret realm is just a new small secret realm, so there is nothing to worry about , but according to the news that the general received, they have these two border families as their backup. If not, General Lingdi would not have fallen into the enemy's hands."

"Why don't we capture the heads of these two great families and exchange them for the Lingdi General?" Qi Yanmeng said unhappily. "Don't worry, I will leave this matter to me. What kind of bullshit family power is worth nothing in front of me!"

"With you here, we will surely win this battle." Xia Zhen smiled lightly.

At this moment, a team had quietly moved forward, gradually approaching their team.Immediately, a scout sent an idea: "General, there is an enemy attack!" [

"It's just in time!" Xia Zhen sneered, "We came in with great fanfare, just to lure them out to fight us head-on! I have said long ago that these strong men of big families think they are strong, but they don't understand the meaning of war. Tactical strategy, only know that the gathering of the brigades is like fighting each other on the street. Listen up, everyone, immediately arrange the battle formation!"

"Don't be so troublesome." Qi Yanmeng stared at the front, "Didn't you notice? The opponent turned out to be a thousand-man brigade, which means..."

"This is the army of a certain family!" Xia Zhen's eyes lit up.

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