star wars civilization.

Chapter 698: War is about to happen

"Commander, there is news from the Yuexuan Empire that that vile wolf regiment has not been wiped out." The adjutant told Xue Guanglan the news with a little fear, while he was sipping a cup of old wine. year's wine.After hearing the news, he said calmly: "I don't expect that group of useless wastes to make things worse. A trap that we carefully prepared was so useless. Wastes are wastes .”

"Marshal." The adjutant swallowed. "The news said... this time Shen Zheng, the leader of the Holy League, suddenly appeared, repelled the encircling army, and rescued them."

"Shen Zheng?" The cup raised to his mouth suddenly stopped, and there was something more in Xue Guanglan's calm eyes.

"That Shen Zheng who killed my three thousand soldiers and took away the treasure of my blood family? Why is it him again!"

Immediately there was a roar, the cup was thrown to the ground, the old wine was spilled all over the floor, and the red wine flowed like blood. [

Xue Guanglan stood up. It was just a cup and a glass of wine, which could not relieve his anger. He turned around the room angrily, gnashing his teeth and staring at every decoration.The adjutant was terrified, lest the commander-in-chief would vent his anger on himself when he was unwilling to destroy these displays.

"Report!" At this moment, an officer walked in, and after saluting, he handed over a letter condensed by strong thoughts and the power of space to Xue Guanglan. "Marshal, the Marshal of the Empire has approved your plan to exterminate pirates, and the 1-strong Imperial Army is already in place!"

"That's great, that's great!" Xue Guanglan couldn't help laughing, "With this [-]-strong imperial army, let alone the small Holy League, even the big families on the border, I can You can wipe them all out! Let’s go, gather the troops, I want to lead the team myself, but I wiped out that hateful Holy League!"

"In such a hurry?" The adjutant was taken aback, "The Elite Corps just arrived, should we give them time to rest?"

"What rest?" Xue Guanglan snorted, "They are the most powerful warriors in the empire. If they get here and get tired, what kind of elite soldiers are they? Get it back before it is lost in my hands!"

"Yes!" The adjutant hurriedly responded.

Soon, a team of 3 people set off from the seventh border defense area of ​​the Holy Blood Empire and headed for the distant border.And not long after they left, a figure cut through the sky like a meteor and landed in the secret fortress of the seventh border defense area.

"Young Master!" Immediately, an officer who knew him came up to greet him and saluted respectfully.

"Where's my father?" the visitor asked.

The person who came was an extremely handsome man with charming eyes and a personable demeanor. He was the kind of prince charming who easily attracted the attention of girls.

"The commander-in-chief has just received an order from the empire to exterminate pirates, and he took a [-]-strong elite regiment transferred from the empire and [-] elite soldiers from the border defense area to the border to exterminate pirates." The officer replied respectfully.

"What kind of pirates need to use the elite soldiers of the empire?" The visitor asked in surprise.

"To be honest, it is indeed a very powerful group of pirates." The officer said, "At the beginning, we sent General Lingdi to lead a team of hundreds of people to sneak attack, but the group was wiped out; later, the Marshal sent a team of 3000 people, led by Xia Zhen The general led the team, and got the support of Master Qiyanmeng, and even..."

He said in a low voice, "I even took your Blood Family's clan treasure to break wasteland and kill the gods, but in the end it was still wiped out by the group..."

"What?" The visitor was stunned, "How is that possible? Could it be that the other party is the legendary Marshal Mingyuebai of the Holy Blood Empire?"

"No, it's just a new force." The officer responded, "This band of pirates calls themselves the Holy League, and the leader is a man named Shen Zheng. I heard..."

He lowered his voice again: "I heard that he is extremely powerful and resourceful. It was he who led a group of ferocious warriors to kill General Xia Zhen and three thousand imperial warriors, and kidnapped Desolate God and God of Desolation. Master Qiyanmeng."

"How is it possible?" The visitor frowned, "Behind this band of pirates must be the legend of the Yuexuan Empire—— Mingyuebai's support, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a powerful force!"

"Maybe." The officer grinned. [

"Shame, this is the shame of the empire! Even the good-for-nothing mystic has been captured!" The visitor roared angrily, his expression was very similar to the bloody glow when he was angry.The difference is that when he was angry, there really were flames burning in his pupils, representing some kind of power he possessed.

"Young Master, please calm down!" The officer hurriedly appeased, "It is precisely because Master Qiyanmeng was captured that the Marshal of the Empire issued the order to exterminate himself. The elimination of the pirate group is already doomed."

"But I always feel uneasy." The visitor frowned slightly. "Xia Zhen's little girl is just a sideline of ours, and she can't exert the full power of breaking the wasteland and killing the gods, but Master Qi Yanmeng is a world-renowned mystic! A mystic of his level is no more than that in the whole universe." Ten people are invincible powerhouses who can kill thousands of Star Sea Kings in an instant and trap thousands of Star Sea Kings, how could they be easily captured?"

He frowned and thought about it, and finally shook his head vigorously: "No, I must inform my mentor, Master Guang Haokong, the dean of the Imperial Academy! If he can be invited, the battle will be won!"

When the young master used some kind of secret method to contact his mentor, Zi Yuanshang was also contacting the high-level elders of the Yuexuan Empire.

Because he no longer had any trust in the border guards, Zi Yuanshang himself sent people to set up secret sentries at the border, and even sent people to sneak into the border of the Holy Blood Empire to monitor every move there.When the elite soldiers of the Holy Blood Empire arrived, the spies she deployed had already sensed the powerful aura of power, and contacted her immediately after the reconnaissance.

And soon, the spies discovered that this group of troops had directly rushed out of the headquarters of the border guards, and was heading towards the border in a mighty manner.He immediately contacted Zi Yuanshang again in horror.

Zi Yuanshang, who understood the seriousness of the problem, immediately contacted the elders.This time, the Council of Elders could no longer sit idly by, but distant waters cannot save near fires, so under the discussion of the elders, the military temporarily authorized Zi Yuanshang to mobilize troops to the fifth border defense area.

Zi Yuanshang notified Shen Zheng of the incident immediately, and immediately brought people to the headquarters of the fifth border defense area, where he met Marshal Xuan Guangbo.

"This is a thought letter from the Marshal of the Empire himself." After seeing Xuan Guangbo, Zi Yuanshang hurriedly took out the letter sent by the Marshal of the Empire across a distant space without waiting for the other party to salute and say hello to her falsely. A letter formed from a thought, sent by the power of a powerful thought.

This kind of letter method is counterfeit, because it is full of the ideas and strength of each marshal, and it is a common method for temporary authorization.

Xuan Guangbo took the letter respectfully, checked it carefully with his thoughts and senses, and after confirming that it was the order of the Marshal of the Empire, he respectfully saluted Zi Yuanshang: "My lord, all the troops in the fifth border defense area are at your disposal now." !"

"Okay!" Zi Yuanshang sneered, "This time the Holy Blood Empire is aggressively invading. According to reports, there may be tens of thousands of troops. The direction of the attack is likely to be the Holy League of the Milky Way. I want you to mobilize 2 soldiers immediately." People, guard the galaxy with me!"

"This, I'm afraid it can't be done." Xuan Guangbo frowned and smiled.

"What did you say?" Zi Yuanshang's eyes turned cold. "Xuan Guangbo, it is understandable for you to disobey my order, because although I am a veteran, I am not in charge of the army. But this time, it is the authorization issued by the Marshal of the Empire. How dare you openly disobey it? Rebellion?"

"Old man, calm down." Xuan Guangbo pretended to be sincere and fearful, "You are not in the army, and you don't know anything about the army, so I have a lot of trouble to tell! Some time ago, there was a group of our pirates. The Holy Blood Empire was attacked, and the Holy Blood Empire lodged a serious diplomatic protest against me. In order to destroy this pirate group, I have sent 1 people to encircle and suppress it. Make a claim."

"Do you think I don't know that there are at least 3 people in the border area?" Zi Yuanshang snorted coldly.

"Indeed." Xuan Guangbo nodded, "But the Elder Council assigned me an order to develop frontier resources, so I have already sent 1 people to remote areas to open up wasteland."

"What land reclamation requires 1 people? Why don't I know?" Zi Yuanshang was anxious.

"You haven't been in the royal court for a long time, so it's not surprising that you don't know about these things." Xuan Guangbo said with a smile, "You, places like the Milky Way can produce forces like the legendary secret realm, and it's hard to guarantee that no one will be covered by dust elsewhere! I have already missed the discovery of the Holy League, but I don’t dare to miss the discovery of other talents, otherwise it would be a great loss to the empire, so I actively influenced the order of the Elder Council and sent 1 people to search the Quartet.”

"Then give me the 1 people I saved!" Zi Yuanshang was anxious, with obvious anger in his voice.

"No way!" Xuan Guangbo sighed, "Master Yuan, you are not a soldier, and you don't know the importance of defense. You said that the target of the enemy's attack is the Milky Way, but what if it is not? What if it is our border guards? I sent 1 people I will give it all to you, when the enemy will attack east and west, it will be an extremely heavy blow to our Yuexuan Empire! Once the border guards are defeated, this territory will be taken away by the enemy, which is far worse than losing a holy alliance. Even more terrifying!" [

He was wearing Ziyuan clothes, with a provocative look in his eyes: "I can't take risks!"

"So, can't you give me a soldier and a general?" Zi Yuanshang's voice was full of killing intent.

"At most, I will send you a reserve brigade of a thousand people." Xuan Guangbo said, "But if you want to move these 1 people, even if the Marshal of the Empire comes in person, I will fight for it! Unless my head is wanted, otherwise I will never let the border military area fall!"

"Okay!" Zi Yuanshang gritted his teeth angrily, "Keep your 1000 people to yourself!"

With a wave of his hand, he left full of anger.

"Respectfully send off the elder!" Xuan Guangbo respectfully bowed and sent him off.

"No need!" Zi Yuanshang roared angrily.

"Hey." Xuan Guangbo only laughed when Zi Yuanshang left the headquarters of the border defense area. "Elder Zi Yuan, although you are an elder, you are only the youngest one, and you are still very young!"

"Marshal, isn't it a bit risky for us to do this?" The adjutant came over and asked without worry.

"The adults above have sent an order that we can't give her a single soldier." Xuan Guangbo's eyes showed a gloomy light. "The meaning above is to let the army of the Holy Blood Empire destroy the holy alliance, and at the same time, get rid of Zi Yuanshang. Kill two birds with one stone! When Zi Yuanshang dies, who will pursue any collaborating with the enemy? We will all be safe .”

"Understood." The adjutant sneered.

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