star wars civilization.

Chapter 700: The Wolf Clan——The Slayer

One hundred and one shadow killers, against one hundred and eight cold valley wolves.

On one side, the physique is sturdy and strong, with fierce killing intent in his eyes, like the gaze of a wolf; he roared loudly, like the howling of a wolf.

On the one hand, the figure is well-proportioned, the eyes are cold, like a cold blade; the spoken word is like the shadow of the night.

The two teams of strong men collided in the air in an instant.In an instant, the wind was surging, and the snow was shining brightly.

"Come on, these reckless enemies will use their blood to prove the strength of our shadow killers!" The captain of the shadow killer team proudly said to his subordinates. "We are special fighters known for our flexible skills and ethereal mobility like shadows. These muscular fools are only worthy of dying under our insect spirits. It is impossible..." [

Before he finished speaking, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, and opened his mouth to say nothing.

The warriors of the wolf tribe are fierce, but they are not lacking in skills.On the contrary, although they have strong muscles, they are not overdeveloped, and they don't go forward blindly like when they charge.They were nimble, agile, and cunning. Facing the shadowy man in black, they were not in a hurry to kill him, but played a game of agility and agility with them in the air.

In a moment, the first team leader felt frightened.The other party is like a ghost in the middle of the night, under the rapid movement, I, who is good at dexterity, can't touch their shadows!

What kind of fighter is this! ?He couldn't help but gasp in such awe.

And at this moment, the wolf warriors made a move.

The first one to take the shot was the wolf in the fire.Like an agile wolf, he dodged the first team leader's three stabs with sharp blades that were like a shadow, and suddenly turned around, and the mace in his hand quickly slashed across the first team leader's body.

Different from the ordinary sharp blade cutting flesh, the wolf tooth knife is full of serrations, so when it cuts through the human body, it will immediately cause severe pain. call out.

The voice seemed to be an initial order, and all the wolf warriors suddenly let go of their hands and feet, and instead of moving back and forth in the air, they swung their sabers and slashed at the enemy.

For a moment, there were screams one after another, the air was filled with splattered blood, and the blood droplets were flying in all directions, like a crimson fog, or a red flower that had just bloomed.

Far away, so beautiful, but coupled with those screams, it is so terrifying!

The captain of the Shadow Killing Team widened his eyes, unable to believe the scene before him.That was his experienced subordinate, who defeated the opponent's powerful team several times with a small number of troops.They move like a shadow, quick to assassinate, don't waste their power on the aura of ultimate moves, only pay attention to efficiency.

A blow and a stab are all blows that condense all the power. Although there is no dazzling power, it can often be fatal in one blow!

And now?These shadowy warriors are being slaughtered by another group of people!

That's right, massacre!In front of the long knives of these wolf warriors, the short blades of the shadow killers were so powerful that before they could get close to the enemy's body, the owner was cut by the opponent's long knives first.

"Support, support!" The captain of the Shadow Killing Team yelled crazily, no longer feeling complacent just now, and led the brigade to rush towards the battlefield frantically.

But it was still too late.

The warriors of the wolf tribe displayed powerful lethality and super mobility. In the air, they were like wolves pouncing on food, easily tearing apart the enemy's defenses, and cooperating with each other, they killed the shadow killers one by one. Sent to the hell of death.When the group of shadow killers arrived, the shadow killers of the first team had all turned into corpses floating in the air!

"Wolf warriors are mighty!" Sheng Haixiong took the lead in shouting from a distance, and more than 8000 people understood it, and then roared together!

"Wolf warriors are mighty!" [

The majestic roar echoed in the universe and was transmitted far away through the power of space, making the enemy's face pale and his heart tremble!

"Kill, kill them all!" The captain of the Shadow Killing Team shouted with red eyes, "Only by using their blood can we restore our dignity!"

"Kill!" The Shadow Killers could no longer remain silent and roared, but they also lost their calmness.Before it even started, it was already at a disadvantage.

In an instant, the two teams collided again.

"Kill these invaders with me!" Lang Luo roared, not afraid of the opponent's thousand-man brigade, leading his tribe into it.Where the long knife came up, blood rained down, and shadow killers one after another lost their lives in the screams under the light of his knife.

"I'll kill you!" The Shadow Killer captain roared and rushed towards the wolf, but the opponent cunningly slipped into the Shadow Killer formation, preventing the captain from getting close to him easily.

The wolf warriors fight around in the opponent's team, but they always maintain a coordinated formation and are not scattered.

However, the opponent had too many people, almost nineteen times their number. Such a huge advantage in numbers finally slowed down the soldiers' movements, and they gradually fell into a bitter fight.

"Marshal Xiong, rescue!" Shen Haixiong's warriors who had conquered the wolf tribe could no longer hold on, and immediately issued an order to Sheng Haixiong.

"Yes!" Sheng Haixiong responded, and waved his hand: "Holy alliance powerhouse, follow me!"

He took the lead and led his eleven subordinates to rush out, followed by Xue Su, Fang He, Chai Feifei, Gong Beiyang and other core members of the Holy League, and finally more than 100 new recruits Ordinary King of the Star Sea.

This team moved forward at high speed and rushed towards them, forcibly tearing a big hole in the team of shadow killers.Sheng Haixiong took the lead, slashed a bloody path with a huge sword, came to the front of the wolf, and shouted: "The leader of the alliance, the wolf warriors return to the team!"

"Yes!" Lang Luo roared from the fire, "Leader has an order, return to the team!"

Following the orderly response, the wolf warriors, led by the wolf Luo Yuhuo, and under the cover of the powerful members of the Holy League, quickly withdrew from the siege of the Shadow Killers. Under the cover, quickly fly back to the team.And a group of strong members of the Holy League retreated while killing the shadow killers who were constantly chasing them.

"Kill them, you must kill them!" The Shadow Killing Captain shouted angrily.

In this fight, they killed more than 400 shadow killers, but none of the opponents were killed!

The strength of one's own side is more than ten times that of the opponent's, but the leader of the Shadow Killing Team couldn't accept such a useless record. With red eyes, he roared angrily and led the team to rush forward, vowing to get back the lost face.

"The guys from the Shadow Killing Team can't play anymore!" The other captains couldn't help laughing.

"They charge like crazy, they will only let themselves fall into the enemy's line, and all of them will be killed!" Xue Guanglan snorted coldly, "It's too unwise! Shadow Kill Captain, return to the team!"

Along with the roar, his thoughts spread far and wide.

Captain Shadow Killer had 120 people who were not reconciled, but Xue Guanglan was the marshal of the army after all, so he gritted his teeth with red eyes and let out a roar: "Withdraw!"

"Go back!" Wolf Luo Yuhuo took the lead and shouted, and the warriors of the wolf tribe laughed and booed, and the shadow killers almost gritted their teeth in anger. [

"Xue Guanglan!" Shen Zheng shouted loudly at this moment, and slowly flew to the front of the team, looked into the distance, and smiled slightly. "I didn't expect the marshal of the frontier defense of the Holy Blood Empire to personally lead an army of tens of thousands to attack my small legendary secret realm. It's my honor!"

"Shen Zheng, don't get complacent too early!" Xue Guanglan's face was gloomy. "I undertook you twice before, this time I came prepared and vowed to conquer your legendary secret realm! Hurry up and hand over Desolation God and Master Qiyanmeng, and I can consider letting you go!" Small force."

"Since you know that Qiyanmeng is in my hands, you'd better hold back." Shen Zheng smiled, "There are no more than ten mystics like Qiyanmeng in the entire universe. For your Holy Blood Empire, That is the one and only Secret Mage who protects the country, if something goes wrong with him, you might not be able to afford it while guarding against the marshal, right?"

"Shen Zheng!" Xue Guanglan roared angrily, but it showed that Shen Zheng had just hit his sore spot. "If you are sensible, hand over the master, and I will spare you from death, and withdraw the troops immediately!"

"It's not impossible for me to hand over Master Qiyanmeng." Shen Zheng smiled calmly and gracefully. "But I have one condition."

"What condition?" Xue Guanglan asked.

"I don't want this to turn into a war between the two countries." Shen Zheng said, "Although you sent troops to attack my legendary secret realm twice, to be honest, it didn't bring me any losses. I intend to minimize the big incident , trivialized."

"That's right." Xue Guanglan nodded, "This is the attitude of a mature ruler! You hand over Master Qiyanmeng and our clan's Desolation God, everything is easy to talk about. What are your conditions?"

"Let's stop fighting like before, it will only increase the hatred between the two sides, and then I just want to release Master Qi Yanmeng, I'm afraid my brothers will not agree." Shen Zheng said, "We each choose a team Among the elites, let's compete together. The winner is the winner of this war. If we win, you will immediately lead the team back to the Holy Blood Empire; Master release."

"This..." Xue Guanglan hesitated slightly.

"If Marshal Blood disagrees, then let's fight." Shen Zheng smiled, "But, even if Marshal Blood can level the legendary secret realm, he might not be able to take away the living Qiyanmeng!"

"Marshal, this kid is looking for a way to admit defeat." A captain of an elite regiment whispered. "He knew he couldn't beat us, but he refused to admit defeat directly, so he came up with such an idea. He was really afraid that we would destroy his little power."

"But I always feel that there is a taste of conspiracy in it." Xue Guanglan hesitated.

"So what if it's a conspiracy?" The other captain said, "Just think of us as warming up first. After the contest is over, no matter what the result is, isn't it just a matter of time before we want to kill them?"

"The best result is that we win the master back." The captain of the secret team said slowly. "At that time, Shen Zheng will not have any bargaining chips in his hand. If we want to level the legendary secret realm, we will be able to level it!"

"Okay!" A cold murderous intent flashed in Xue Guanglan's eyes. "Shen Zheng, I agree!"

In an instant, deep smiles appeared on the faces of both of them.

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