star wars civilization.

Chapter 804: Great Chain Secret Realm

"When I was practicing a secret technique, I accidentally made a mistake." Shen Zheng said with emotion, "And then I got this sequelae..."

As he spoke, he took off the helmet of the Holy Demon Armor, revealing his head.

It was a terrifying face, which had completely lost the appearance of a human face, and was occupied by muscles twisted like tree roots and constantly surging black energy, and even the facial features were no longer clear.However, the outline of the head of the holy demon clan can be roughly seen.

Just showing it slightly, Shen Zheng folded the helmet and covered his head and face again.

After that, the power of transformation of the demon armor also quietly withdrew. [

"Sorry." Ji He showed an apology.

"It's okay." Shen Zheng pretended to be a little sad and waved his hands. "It's not important. I came this time, and everyone in the family didn't know about it. It can be said that it was a private action of mine. However, it can bring huge benefits to me and the Zhanjia Empire."

"Please tell me." Ji He showed great interest.

The holy demon armor is an artifact of the holy demon royal family, and it is an irreplaceable proof. Anyone who sees Shen Zheng now will only think that he is a member of the holy demon royal family.

No one would think that a strong person could snatch the Holy Demon Armor and use it to impersonate the Holy Demon Royal Family.

"Our clan began planning a big move thousands of years ago." Shen Zheng said in a low voice, "It was an action against the Xuexuan Realm that helped the Origin Realm fight against our clan 42 years ago."

Ji He's eyes lit up, showing a curious and slightly excited expression, from which it can be seen that he really did not know about this action.

"Forgive me for the specific details." Shen Zheng pretended to be mysterious, "I was sent to the Xuexuan Realm, where I spent thousands of years building a huge empire and began to conquer the Quartet. But the family gave me The task, however, is not like that, but only to kill the little elves in the Xuexuan Realm, and to destroy the holy beasts as much as possible."

"This is a hard job." Jihe couldn't help but sigh.

"Yes." Shen Zheng also sighed. "For thousands of years, I have lived alone in the Xuexuan Realm. Although I have hundreds of thousands of subordinates, those bastards of mixed blood cannot be regarded as my clansmen. Gradually, I figured out one thing—— In fact, this action is not just a chore. Human beings in the Xuexuan Realm are weaker than humans, and holy beasts are powerful, but their number is limited. As long as I seize the opportunity, I might not be able to unify the Xuexuan Realm and become the master of the world!"

"That's unlikely, right?" Ji He was also moved when he heard it, but he still asked hesitantly. "Xuexuan Realm is not the Origin Realm, there is a Creator guarding it, if you do this..."

"I'm just hiding behind the scenes." Shen Zheng said slyly. "This is the cleverness of our race - we mixed the blood of the holy demon with the human blood of the Xuexuan Realm to create a new race that possesses the human substance of the Xuexuan Realm, so we can completely deceive the creator of the Xuexuan Realm .”

"There is such a method?" Ji He couldn't help exclaiming.

"Of course." Shen Zheng pretended to be proud. "However, the focus of the family is on the battle of the source world. For them, my actions are meaningless. Instead, they are worried that I will attract the attention of the creator of Xuexuan and ruin their plans. , so I won’t get any support. I came here this time just to find allies who can help me in the world of friends, and the number one among me is the Zhanjia Empire. Commander, if you can help me If I provide enough support, I can show my strengths and annex the Xuexuan Realm, and at that time, the benefits of the Zhanjia Empire will also be indispensable."

"It's a good thing!" Ji He nodded affirmatively, bowing his head and thinking deeply.After a while, he raised his head and said with a smile. "But how can our country support you? Think we can't send troops to the Xuexuan Realm, right?"

"Of course it's financial support." Shen Zheng said.

"This is not easy to handle." Jihe said. "You know, after all, I'm just a generalissimo, not the lord of a country. Although that idiot is not worth mentioning, he still holds the royal power in name. And I'm not sure if this is an investment that can benefit the empire... ..."

"Then how does the Generalissimo plan?" Shen Zheng felt that it was not easy to cheat money from here, and he began to think about the countermeasures.

His initial plan was to "sweep" the Sixteen Empires as the holy demon royal family, defraud them of a large amount of wealth, and use this wealth to support the war against foreign invasion in the source world.But at this moment, he realized that it is really difficult to let those who cannot enter the Xuexuan Realm in person and participate in the war pay wealth for invisible benefits. [

Or, just simply make a big fuss in the cold front world?

That doesn't make any sense, no matter how strong I am, I'm just one person, even if it can cause damage, to the whole plane, that kind of damage is nothing more than a small wound like a broken skin.meaningless.

"Let's do this." Jihe said, "Whether it's from the royal family of the Holy Demon Realm or your own intention, it is our honor to find help from the Zhanjia Empire. Although we are currently unable to provide assistance directly, but I can give you some help."

"Oh?" Shen Zheng stared at Ji He.

"You should know the most mysterious sacred place in our Hanfeng Realm, right?" Ji He asked with a smile.

Shen Zheng frowned slightly, and was thinking about how to answer. Ji He had already said to himself: "The Great Chain Secret Realm has always been only open to members of the royal families of various countries, but you are a friend of the Friends of the World, and you plan to bring a lot of benefits to our Zhanjia Empire. So I decided to..."

He smiled lightly: "I can make an exception and help you enter the big chain secret realm. As for what benefits you can get from it, that is your own luck. But I can guarantee that I will never disappoint you."

"Then, what does your country want from me?" Shen Zheng's heart moved, and he pretended to ask.

"The method of mixing blood." Ji He laughed. "Compared with wealth, this kind of technology is more exciting to me. If you can provide me with this secret method, then I can help you enter the deep layer of the Great Chain Secret Realm. There are more amazing treasures and adventures there, I believe you There will be surprises."

"I have heard about the secret realm of the big chain, but I don't know much about it." Shen Zheng asked intentionally.

"That is a secret realm that has existed since the birth of our plane." Jihe said, "It is a secret realm created by our great creator when he created this world. The reason why it is called the Great Chain The secret realm, because it is not composed of a simple secret realm, but composed of several secret realms, overlapping and connecting spaces. If there is no guidance from the high-level powerhouses of our empire, even the powerhouses in the cold front world will get lost immediately after entering it , Don’t think about it again. This secret realm is full of the power of the Creator, and after hundreds of millions of years of changes, these powers have evolved into different treasures, which everyone dreams of.”

"Then, I will trouble the Generalissimo." Shen Zheng couldn't help being a little tempted. "I can't provide you with that kind of secret method now, but please believe that I will try my best to do it for you."

"It doesn't matter." Jihe said with a smile, "I believe that after you go in once, you will be fascinated, and you will be more interested in the depths of the big chain secret realm. At that time, you don't need me to urge you, you will bring the secret method yourself and come to exchange with me Into the deep right now."

"Okay." The more he said this, the stronger the curiosity in Shen Zheng's heart, he couldn't help but want to go immediately, what's so amazing about this big chain of secret realms.

"Please sit down, I'll be back after I make some arrangements." Ji He stood up and left quickly.After about an hour or so, he came back again, leading Shen Zheng to leave the royal city, and came to a tall temple near the royal city.The two entered the interior of the temple and came to a large hall. There was no other arrangement in the hall, except for a huge triangular gate.

A clergyman came over and saluted respectfully. Ji He waved his hand: "Open the passage to the secret realm of the Great Chain."

"Yes!" Dozens of priests surrounded the giant triangular gate together, slowly releasing some kind of secret technique.The power of thought and space spread in the air, gradually forming a power that Shen Zhengfa understood, and that power slowly filled the giant triangular door, and soon after, the huge door slowly opened, revealing a distorted space.

There, there is light, flame, and various blurred colors. Ji He strode forward, came to the door, and nodded to Shen Zheng.Shen Zheng followed his footsteps and entered that space together.

In that space, the images of the two were also distorted, and the judgment of position and distance began to become meaningless.Ji He didn't speak, but just walked forward, and Shen Zheng walked much slower than him under the extremely unaccustomed circumstances, but finally walked out of that space with him.

After leaving the distorted space, Shen Zheng found himself in another similar hall, with a huge triangular door behind him, surrounded by a group of priests, who were using some kind of secret technique.If it weren't for these clergymen who were indeed not the group just now, Shen Zheng would really suspect that he had walked back to the temple just now.

"This is just a shortcut for us near the secret realm of the big chain. We have to fly a certain distance before we can get there." Ji He ignored the priests and led Shen Zheng away.

Shen Zheng discovered that this temple was located in a small secret realm. After leaving this secret realm, the two of them entered the hyperspace and flew for about half an hour before arriving at the most mysterious place in the Cold Front Realm. [

"We've arrived." Ji He led Shen Zheng out of the hyperspace, into an absolutely empty universe.

It was the first time for Shen Zheng to see this kind of cosmic space looking forward, it was an endless void of darkness, there was no starlight, no stars, no existence, even energy and breath did not exist.Looking back, the world behind me is shining with stars, full of meteorites, asteroids, galaxies, black holes and nebulae, and there are cosmic winds moving, energy and breath floating.

"It's really amazing." Shen Zheng turned his head to look at the real void beside him, and couldn't help sighing.

"Of course." Ji He smiled. "There is no space door leading to this place from the major royal families, and no one can find the individual location of the Great Chain Secret Realm. This is the foundation of the Sixteenth Empire's royal family rewarded by the Creator Lord to maintain the national destiny at the beginning of the establishment of the Sixteenth Empire. ah."

Then I have to go in and have a good time.Shen Zheng thought to himself.

"Please follow me." Ji He led Shen Zheng, and slowly moved forward, slowly sinking into the void.Shen Zheng felt as if he had entered another world, and when he looked back, there was nothingness behind him.

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