star wars civilization.

Chapter 816: Brilliant Victory

"Do not."

A familiar voice came, and then, the crystals of numbers condensed into the image of the chilling goddess, flying in front of Shen Zheng, smiling faintly at him.

"The lord of the plane, is it so easy to be killed by you?" She said with a smile, "Besides, I am here to protect her - if she dies, I will no longer exist, of course not Let you kill her."

"So, I was busy for nothing?" Shen Zheng smiled.

"Of course not." The Goddess of Cold Heart said, "With my help this time, with the help of the power of the lord of the other world, you have really injured her. I am afraid that in the next thousand years, she will not be able to exert her power again, and she can only fall into Rest in deep sleep." [

"Is it safe for a thousand years?" Shen Zheng nodded slowly, "In this way, the threat of the Cold Front Realm in this plane war will become extremely small."

"That's right." The Goddess of Cold Heart nodded slowly, "Without the lord of the plane opening a large space channel, those human beings can only rely on the channel of the Holy Demon Realm to make a transfer, not to mention the time and effort, and they can't send many soldiers to go there."

"Can't you use your power to seal the space passage?" Shen Zheng asked.

"I can't do it." The Goddess of Cold Heart slowly shook her head, "I'm just a thought, and I have to rely on the body of Tiliang's patron saint to exert my power in this secret realm, let alone affect outside the secret realm. This matter has already This is over, let's go and purify the blood glow crystal elf who was infected by another me with evil energy."

As he said that, the scattered crystals of Goddess Hanxin danced around, and soon re-condensed the body of Tilian's patron saint scattered around into shape, entered it by himself, and flew towards the kingdom of the blood-glowed crystal spirit together with Shen Zheng.

In the kingdom of blood glow and crystal spirit, everyone looked around in a daze.They didn't know what happened just now, they only knew that outsiders came to fight with the remnant of Tilian's patron saint, and then they disappeared suddenly, while the palace was razed to the ground.

At this moment, Shen Zheng's figure flew towards him, scaring the blood-glow elves to scream. King Luanwu immediately pulled the other two rulers to issue orders to the soldiers, asking them to attack Shen Zheng.

But at this moment, they came to the patron saint of Ti Liang who followed Shen Zheng.

"Tiliang Guardian God!?" Elder Qiong Lang exclaimed. " has it changed into a complete form?"

The patron saint of Tirian didn't say anything, it scanned down with its puppet's cold eyes, and slowly raised its hands.Immediately, countless crystal dusts emanated from its body, forming a thick mist of crystals, enveloping the entire kingdom of blood-glowing crystal spirits, while another part of the mist flew into the distance.

"There are still some blood-glowing crystal spirits who are not in the country." The voice of the Goddess of Cold Heart sounded in Shen Zheng's mind. "I want to purify them too."

"You are really thoughtful." Shen Zheng nodded in approval.

At this time, the kings in his secret realm of water and fire regained consciousness. They looked out through the sky in astonishment. Although they didn't know what happened just now, they also knew that Shen Zheng had solved the battle and was saving his compatriots.

This thick fog shrouded the bloody crystal spirit kingdom for several hours, and then dispersed.When it dissipated, the three rulers of the blood glow elves hugged each other, crying endlessly.

"What have we done!" King Luanwu cried, "It is unforgivable for us to hurt our own compatriots and do such evil things!"

"We should apologize with death!" General Ling Yu said firmly, and at the same time drew out the gun from his waist and pointed it at his head.

"Stop!" Shen Zheng yelled, the three of them were numb from the shock, and the gun in Ling Yu's hand fell to the ground.

With a wave of his hand, Shen Zheng invited all the kings from the Water and Fire Secret Realm, put them on the ground of the ruined palace, and met with the three rulers of the Blood Glow Crystal Spirit.

"Your Majesty Luan Wu, you can't do this." Baiwei was the first to rush forward and grabbed Luan Wu's hand. "You are inclined to become demons because you were infected by evil demons. We already know that. Now, the Lord God has defeated the demons and purified you. You are one of us again! We have lost too much. Many compatriots, I don’t want to see anyone die.”[

"Yes." Mang Fei, the king of the sky elves, nodded, "You are also victims, and we will not blame you."

"That's right!" The kings expressed their opinions one by one, expressing their forgiveness to the Blood Glow Crystal Spirit Clan.

"Thank you everyone, thank you everyone!" Luan Wu cried until his nose burst into tears, "From now on, the blood-glowed elves will definitely serve you all and make up for the mistakes we made!" After speaking, he began to cry again.

Shen Zheng felt very sorry, sat down on the side and didn't bother them, letting them cry.But the Goddess of Chilling, who resided in the body of Ti Liang's patron saint, couldn't wait any longer.

"My people." She spoke in her own voice, and the figure of the guardian deity of Tirian also began to change, turning into the appearance of the chilling goddess.

"It's a god!" Several kings exclaimed, kneeling on the ground piously with the surrounding blood glow elves, saluting to the chilling goddess.

"My envoy comes from the distant source world." The Goddess of Cold Heart said, "His plane is being threatened by demons, but in this case, he still obeyed my call and came to our world to save us He has helped us privately, and now it is time for us to repay him. Listen, I order you to send the best master craftsmen and crystal craftsmen to join the forces of God Envoy Shen Zheng as a thank you , thrive there, and serve him from generation to generation!"

"Yes! Follow your will!" The seven kings said in unison.

Slowly nodding, the Goddess of Cold Heart released power through the body of Ti Liang's patron saint. The power spread in all directions, and all the crystals contaminated by it surged like water, and gradually condensed and evolved into a new palace.It didn't take long for everything destroyed by the battle to recover, leaving no trace of being destroyed.

Then, she mobilized the power of the Creator in the secret realm and injected it into the Shenshen Spear, so that the already exhausted power of the Creator of Hanfeng was replenished again.In this way, Shen Zheng's Yan Shen Spear has the power of the four creators Xuexuan, Shengmo, Hanfeng, and the real body of the unknown instructor.

It's just that Shen Zheng didn't dare to easily try to combine all these forces with himself.At that time, there was only one more power of Hanfeng Creator, and he could no longer control it. At this time, there was another huge force. If he tried that kind of thing again, the Shenshen Spear might have a big problem at the moment of trying. .

"Shen Zheng, thank you." The Goddess of Cold Heart said, "From now on, the door to the Great Chain Secret Realm of the Cold Front Realm will always be open for you. I will open a passage here, leading directly to your legendary secret realm. All the power here will It is for your free use, as long as you are in the Cold Front Realm, you can absorb the power of the Great Chain Secret Realm as much as possible for your use in battle."

As she said that, power surged up in her body again, part of it flew into the distance, and part of it poured into Shen Zheng's body.Shen Zheng felt that a map of an idea came in, and a detailed map of the Great Chain Secret Realm was born in his mind, but it was as magical as the secret method of flattening the maze that the elves said, but it was even better.

In a mysterious human area on the map, a gate of space is slowly opening.That door was still in its infancy and could not lead anywhere.

But the power injected into his body by the Goddess of Cold Heart contained a kind of wonderful space power, which seemed to have a connection with that door from afar.

"Release this power on your space channel leading to my world, and that channel will change its opening position in the cold front world, and automatically connect with the space door I just established." The goddess of cold heart said, gradually The ground sank, and Tiliang's patron saint slowly returned to the appearance of a mighty man.

"My people, don't forget to thank your benefactor..." Her voice faded away, and all the elves bowed their heads reverently.

The Tilian Patronus did not split apart this time, but stood there quietly, as if waiting for something.

"Let's contact our respective armies now!" Mang Fei said at this time, "The blood glow elves still have some troops besieging our country outside, in order to prevent people who don't know the truth from fighting with them again, we have to make early preparations .”

"I will release all the imprisoned compatriots immediately." Luan Wu, the king of blood glow crystal spirit, said shamelessly.

Soon, everything unfolded in an orderly manner.The blood-glow elves who besieged the countries also recovered their kind hearts at this time, and they withdrew their troops one after another after receiving the order. The entire elves world was full of joy, and all the elves were celebrating the end of the war.

"My lord envoy, this is Jia Jia, the Great Elder of our country." Wang Ying, the magical crystal spirit, also led a gray-haired old man to Shen Zheng. "He is the most famous manufacturing master in the spirit world. According to the will of God, he will become your subordinate and serve you in the future." [

"Thank you for saving our crystal world!" Jia Jia bowed to Shen Zheng with tears of excitement, but Shen Zheng immediately stopped him with the power of space.

"Master, there is no need to be so polite." Shen Zheng smiled. "From now on, you will be a member of the Holy League. All members of the Holy League are my partners, not subordinates."

"Elder Jia Jia has sixteen disciples." Ying Yi said, "They are also first-class manufacturing masters. After I return to China, I will immediately gather them and join you. You saved their father The same mentor, they will be full of gratitude to you, and will serve you wholeheartedly."

"Our country will transfer 1000 people to become your subordinates." Baiwei, the king of the elf of the earth, said, "The power we have is not enough to fight like you, but we can collect crystals in secret realms, and create The power of the world lord. And these are the best materials for making all powerful weapons."

"We will also send people!" Other kings also expressed their wishes.

"Thank you everyone!" Shen Zheng couldn't help but get excited as he looked at the crowd.He faintly felt that the day when he had a more powerful army was not far away.

This trip to the Cold Front Realm was really worth it. Not only did we eliminate an enemy who was a huge threat, but we also gained a group of very reliable and powerful friends!

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