star wars civilization.

Chapter 819: The Powerhouse of the Sand God Realm

The power of flames surged on Ming Yuebai's body, the power was overwhelming and overwhelming.From the distant unknown space, a huge force slowly descended and poured into Mingyuebai's body little by little, and the fire power on the Yanbo sword in his hand became even stronger.

"Shen Zheng." He stared at Shen Zheng, "It's time to settle the grievances between you and me. In the source world, the master of the plane who inherited my power couldn't use his full strength to help me, but here, I This step has been achieved. Just a week ago, I discovered that I could already mobilize the power behind me in the cold front world, so I waited here and did not leave, because I also think that a mere chain secret realm cannot make you disappear. I have to kill you with my own hands to be at ease!"

"A week ago?" Shen Zheng smiled.He already understood why.

A week ago, he severely injured the goddess Han Feng, causing her to fall into a deep sleep. This plane no longer has the guardian power of the creator, and the creators of other planes can naturally send power over.

"What?" Seeing Shen Zheng's disdainful face, Ming Yuebai couldn't help but get angry. [

"How do you think you got this power?" Shen Zheng sneered, "Do you think it's because of your own genius? Wrong!"

Suddenly, a wave of fire flew towards Shen Zheng, but it was Ming Yuebai who launched the attack first.

"Don't use your tongue!" Ming Yuebai snorted coldly, "Today is your death day, accept your fate!"

"What is this?" Shen Zheng shook his head and sighed. "Not enough."

Facing the overwhelming waves of fire, Shen Zheng just hit with one punch.Immediately, a huge force descended from the sky, directly extinguished the fire wave, and then quickly slammed into Mingyuebai. Mingyuebai almost swung the flame wave sword amidst exclamation, and the goddess of moonlight also waved her half-moon staff together. He exerted his strength, but was still knocked back hundreds of meters by the huge force.

"What kind of power is this!?" Ming Yuebai couldn't help but widen his eyes.

But before he could recover, another huge force hit him, and he was sent flying hundreds of meters away!

"Damn it!" he roared angrily. In the roar, the power transmitted from afar strengthened again. His body was completely covered by flames, turning into a burning man, and an unprecedented wave of flames surged on the Yanbo Sword. Juli.

"I'm going to kill you!" He whispered, his eyes burning like fire, Yanbo Sword swung forward, the flames all over his body turned into a sharp sword, and stabbed straight at Shen Zheng, the flame was the blade of the sword , and he himself is the hilt of the sword, spanning between the heaven and the earth, as if it could destroy a world's murder weapon.

"Big words." Shen Zheng shook his head slowly, and struck out with his left fist. With monstrous force, it directly flattened the sharp edge of the flame sword. He punched again with his right fist, and the huge force turned into a fist shape to attack. Slammed forward, turning the flaming giant sword into a rain of fire all over the sky!

Ming Yuebai's eyes widened, staring at Shen Zheng in a daze, unable to believe that he possessed such great power.

"No more shots?" Shen Zheng smiled, "Then I will do it instead." He raised his hand, and a huge force turned into a sword shape, stabbing towards Mingyue Bai.

"Not good!" Amidst the roar, Ming Yuebai backed away in horror, but the goddess of moonlight rushed forward and threw the full moon shield in her left hand directly.The power of flames shot out from the Yanbo sword, poured into the round moon shield, and merged with it in an instant, turning into a solid flame shield, and emitting the light of the moon.

He thought that the giant shield could resist everything, but it was obviously impossible, at least, it couldn't stop Shen Zheng.

Shen Zheng came like lightning, wielding the giant sword, directly broke through the defense of the giant shield, and flew towards Mingyuebai.

"Block it!" With a loud roar, Ming Yuebai commanded the Moonlight Goddess to come up to her.The half-moon stick emitted the brilliance of the moon, and the huge half-moon blade cut through the air.

But in front of the Sword of Juli, the half-moon blade was as powerful as it was. The moment they met, it shattered and dissipated into several light spots.The goddess of moonlight stood in front, trying to protect her master with her own body, but half of her body was smashed to pieces by the giant sword, and flew to the side.

"No!" Ming Yuebai yelled, desperately fleeing towards the distance, but he was still unable to catch up with the speed of the giant sword. In an instant, the giant sword passed by him, and he screamed wildly, spinning and flying into the sky, stopping When I got down, I saw blood dripping all over my body, and there was a huge wound on the right abdomen, with blood gushing out.

"Impossible, impossible!" He gritted his teeth and swallowed several space orbs, and the wound quickly healed, and the damaged insect spirit Moonlight Goddess also looked brand new. [

His self-esteem made him not want to run away, but he rushed towards Shen Zheng again amidst the roar.

"I have the protection of the lord of the plane!" He screamed, "I have the body of a peerless genius! I am the closest existence to the lord of the plane! No one can beat me, no such person !Shen Zheng, you must be the one who will die today!"

"If you want people to perish, you must first make them crazy." Shen Zheng laughed. "You are walking on the verge of madness, almost falling into the abyss. Let me help you, give me a hand."

He raised his hand and was about to radiate power, but Ming Yuebai's power suddenly increased.The power from the distant space turned into layered flames of tangible things, flowing down from the air, and quickly flowing into his body. He screamed wildly, swung the flame wave sword, and brought up a wave of fire, which directly hit the On Shen Zheng.

Under the impact of the scorching flames, Shen Zheng couldn't resist, and flew out directly, his whole body was burning.

"See you? This is the power behind me! Compared to it, you are nothing!" Ming Yuebai laughed, full of complacency.

He swung the Yanbo sword fiercely, and the flaming blades slashed towards Shen Zheng continuously, slashing heavily on his body, bursting out clusters of dazzling sparks. Under the strength, he could barely resist, and fell into a complete disadvantage for a while.

"Die, die!" Ming Yuebai sneered, "The source world only needs one body of creation, only one person who is qualified to step into the ranks of the master of the plane, and that is me, it must be me!"

Flames flowed from the Yanbo sword, and it stabbed directly at Shen Zheng's chest.

"Isn't it too early to be complacent?" Shen Zheng's eyes were cold, without a trace of panic, and with a shake of his body, all the flames in his body were extinguished.When he waved his hand, the Shenshen Spear appeared in his hand, he blocked it with one shot, deflected the Yanbo sword, and kicked straight up, hitting Mingyuebai's lower abdomen.

Letting out a painful murmur, Ming Yuebai did not take half a step back, gritted his teeth and punched Shen Zheng's chest violently, shaking Shen Zheng's body, and in an instant, his Yanbo sword slashed towards him , aimed at Shen Zheng's neck, with killing intent in his eyes, intending to chop off Shen Zheng's head.

Shen Zheng endured the pain, leaned over to dodge the Yanbo sword, and with a flick of the Shenshen spear, the tail of the gun hit Ming Yuebai's back like a whip, Ming Yuebai opened his mouth to spit out a large amount of blood, and flew into the sky go out.

He resisted with all his strength and stopped in the air, but at this moment Shen Zheng was in front of him again, before he could swing the Yanbo sword, Shen Zheng had already kicked him in the face, he felt a sharp pain on his face, I can't even open my eyes anymore.Then, he felt a fist hit his abdomen, causing him to bow his body in pain.

"Farewell." Shen Zheng's voice was icy cold, and the Shenshen spear stabbed straight at Ming Yuebai's head.Just this one blow will end all the long-standing turmoil, no one in the source world can contend with Shen Zheng, and no one can disrupt all of Shen Zheng's plans.

But at this moment, the Moonlight Goddess rushed forward and blocked the shot for her master. In an instant, she was directly crushed by the huge force and disappeared without a trace.

But Ming Yuebai, also wrapped in a wonderful space force, disappeared instantly.

"Shen Zheng, don't be complacent! You must have attracted the attention of Hanfeng Creator by using such a huge force! Soon, Hanfeng Creator will mobilize the power of the rules and completely suppress you!"

Ming Yuebai's unwilling voice came from all directions and finally dissipated.

Shen Zheng scanned with his mind, but couldn't find any trace of Ming Yuebai, so he could only sigh.

"Han Feng Creator?" Shen Zheng smiled lightly and whispered. "Let's talk about her after a thousand years!"

"It's amazing, it's amazing!" At this moment, there was applause, but it was Ji Yuanhuang who clapped his hands and flew closer.He stared at Shen Zheng and nodded slowly: "Whether it's you or Mingyuebai, they are all super masters that I can't reach, the god of gods among the kings of the star sea. However, even a god of gods has power Isn't it poor?"

"What do you want to say?" Shen Zheng frowned slightly. [

"What I want to say is that although you have defeated Mingyuebai, you have also suffered a lot from his attacks. You must have almost exhausted your strength at this time." Ji Yuanhuang sneered, "But my strength is not enough. A slight loss. Although I am not your opponent, I have a secret method. It is because of this secret method that I can become the real master of the Zhanjia Empire and make my empire the strongest among the sixteen empires. Do you think Do you want to get to know each other?"

He didn't ask what Shen Zheng meant, because he had already raised his hand when he finished talking about iron.There was a weird space force surging between his palms, which instantly turned into a huge and ancient portal.When the door opened slowly, a powerful aura immediately came from there.

"My Zhanjia Empire has established a friendly relationship with the Capital of the Strong, the highest authority in the Sand God Realm. This secret technique was passed on to me by the president of the Capital of the Strong, Mr. Sha Shenxu!" He shouted, " With this secret method, I can summon the strongest fighters in the capital of the strong to fight for me! Shen Zheng, you are already at the end of your battle, and it is destined to die in the hands of these strong men!"

Following his laughter, groups of tall warriors in sand-like armor flew out of it.The average height of these fighters is about four meters, they are completely giants.They have the shape of humans, but their skin is like a carapace. Their indifferent faces are between humans and turtles, with sharp edges and corners, showing strong strength and defense.

Shen Zheng could sense that the strength of these fighters was extremely powerful, almost on par with the fighters of the Holy League who had taken several orbs of the secret realm!

These soldiers came from all over the sky, and there were hundreds of thousands in number, which turned out to be a super powerful army.

"Whoever dares to disturb the purity of my allies, I will bestow upon him eternal purity!" With a deep roar, a general nearly six meters tall flew out from the portal last.

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