star wars civilization.

Chapter 822: The Big Sweep

After Shen Zheng under the protection of an army of hundreds of thousands, lightly killed a great emperor who was selected by Ji Yuanhuang, the emperor meeting of Hanfeng Realm was held as scheduled under the auspices of Ji Yuanhuang.The impact of that incident was extremely far-reaching, making all the great emperors realize a serious problem-the Creator no longer protected them.

Regardless of whether it was hearsay or sent someone to inquire, all the great emperors who got the news of Shen Zheng have reached a consensus-Shen Zheng is now basically equivalent to the spokesperson of the Creator, because the power he uses is the creation of the world. God's power of the Lord.

In this way, he is an enemy in this plane, and no one, any force, or any country can contend against him.

After weighing the pros and cons, all the great emperors made a choice - to participate in the emperor meeting held by Shen Zheng.

The meeting was held in the imperial capital of the Zhanjia Empire and was presided over by Ji Yuanhuang.Although all the great emperors were dissatisfied with him because of this, and felt that he was a traitor in the Hanfeng world, they all dared to be angry and dare not speak out. Instead, they showed more kindness and respect than usual after seeing him. Let Ji Yuanhuang's wounded heart get a little comfort. [

He suddenly discovered that there seemed to be nothing wrong with submitting to Shen Zheng like this.

It stands to reason that such a meeting should be grand and grand, but in fact it is quite low-key.The great emperors even brought only a few personal guards, each of them was like a man visiting a widow's house in the middle of the night, for fear of being discovered by others.

At this time, counting Ji Yuanhuang and the new emperor who has gained power from the empire that lost the emperor, the sixteen emperors of the Hanfeng Realm gathered in the council hall, sitting quietly on chairs, waiting for Shen Zheng Open your mouth.

Shen Zheng looked at the great emperors with a kind expression, and smiled slightly: "I don't like to be wordy. Let's make a long story short. Everyone, Elder Ji Yuanhuang should have told you all of my two requests? Does anyone have any objections? "

All the great emperors you and me, I you, and then shook their heads together.

"Very good." Everyone shook their heads, and Shen Zheng nodded. "This is the attitude of sitting down and talking. As long as you are willing to sit down and talk, you can talk about anything. If you feel superior to me and don't want to talk to me, I have nothing to do."

He spread his hands and smiled faintly, but everyone present understood what "there is no way" meant.They couldn't help looking at the new emperor together, and the new emperor nodded and smiled at Shen Zheng in fear.

"Then let's talk about it, everyone." Shen Zheng leaned back on the chair. "What are you going to do next?"

"Our country will definitely not contact the Holy Demon Realm or anyone who is an enemy of the Source Realm." An empire said firmly. "We will regard such a guy as an enemy. Once we find it, we will kill him immediately, and we will never tolerate it!"

"That's right!" The other great emperor nodded, "We are determined to only support one plane of the source world, and only establish a true ally relationship with the source world!"

Several other great emperors also said similar things one after another.

"Very good." Shen Zheng nodded slowly, "In this way, we are naturally friends. But don't forget the first point I mentioned."

"It's like this." The new emperor said nervously, "In order to express our friendly one-way to the source world, and to apologize to the envoy of God because of what happened before, so we plan... are we going to do this— —We will donate 400 million Frost Orbs and [-] Shenmang Orbs. My lord, are you satisfied?"

"What about you?" Shen Zheng was happy in his heart, but he didn't answer on the surface, he only looked at the other great emperors.

"We are willing to donate 300 million Ice Orbs and [-] Shenmang Orbs to the source world's fight against the invaders." A great emperor said, staring at the newcomer fiercely.He didn't intend to hand over so much at first, but the new emperor made a big donation. If he donated too little, I'm afraid that Shen Zheng would immediately turn his back on him and change his empire to a new emperor.

"We are willing to donate 280 million Ice Orbs and [-] Shenmang Orbs." A great emperor said tremblingly. "Master Envoy, please forgive me, we are not a big empire like theirs, and our financial resources are really limited..."

"Maybe your empire will be limited if you change to a monarch." Shen Zheng looked at him, smiling lightly, as if joking, but it almost scared the emperor so much that he peed his pants.

"My lord, our country has donated so much!" He hurriedly waved his hands, "Three million ice orbs, forty thousand divine light orbs!"

"We are too!" The great emperors rushed to say, with a very generous tone, but there was heartache in their eyes. [

"We..." Ji Yuanhuang said with some reluctance. "We donate 450 million Frozen Orbs and [-] Shenmang Orbs."

Shen Zheng smiled.

This time I came to Hanfeng Realm, the harvest was really great: more than 5000 million Frost Orbs were harvested, and nearly 70 Shenmang Orbs were harvested.

The family of the Holy League has turned over a few more times, and it has become a complete nouveau riche.With this huge wealth, Shen Zheng can increase the strength of the warriors of the Holy League by several levels, and it is enough to arm all the countries in the world of origin that are willing to fight against the invaders with him.

"Thank you for your hard work." Shen Zheng nodded and said.

"No hard work, no hard work!" All the great emperors held back their anger, but they could only smile and nod to Shen Zheng.

"So, have you brought all the things?" Shen Zheng asked with a smile.

"This..." Many great emperors hesitated and said with a smile on their faces. "I brought a part of it, but I can't raise all of it for a while, can you give me some grace, let us go back and prepare for it?"

Of course Shen Zheng knew that they didn't intend to donate so much at the beginning, so the amount of treasure they brought was not enough, so he didn't care, and waved his hand: "Then go back and raise money, I'm also in a hurry to use it!"


All the great emperors left immediately, and within half a day, they returned here one by one, and handed over the promised donations to Shen Zheng.Seeing these treasures, Shen Zheng was overjoyed.

"Don't worry, I'm not a greedy person." Shen Zheng said to every emperor. "I also know that this is already a painful amount for you, and I will not limit the search."

Although the emperors didn't quite believe it, they could only express their belief on the surface.

After sending the great emperors away one by one, Shen Zheng received a sufficient number of orbs from Ji Yuanhuang and stored them all on a floating island in the secret realm of water and fire.

Everything here is basically over, Shen Zheng doesn't want to delay any longer, and intends to return here.Ji Yuanhuang pretended to stay for a while, and then pretended to send him off for a while. After Shen Zheng completely entered the hyperspace and went away, he cursed angrily: "Is God blind? He's a ****!"

Shen Zheng walked all the way towards the door of space.Now he is eager to return to the Legendary Secret Realm and give these treasures to everyone to make everyone excited for a while, and he is even more eager to tell everyone the good news that the Great Chain Secret Realm will establish a space channel with the Legendary Secret Realm to make everyone happy.

But at this moment, a tyrannical force suddenly destroyed the hyperspace in front of him, he couldn't help frowning, and stopped abruptly.

He is not unfamiliar with this force, the scorching air that surges like a sea of ​​fire is radiated from Yanbo Sword.


Shen Zheng sneered.You escaped before, but this time you will not have such good luck again.I didn't go looking for you, but you came to your door by yourself, just right!

In an instant, his thoughts captured Mingyuebai's place, and he turned into a stream of light, and flew towards that place. Not long after, he saw Mingyuebai standing in a sea of ​​stars.

"Shen Zheng, I was grateful for your care a few days ago." Mingyue looked at him whitely, smiling lightly, with a gleam of confidence in her eyes. "Thanks to your suppression, I broke through my limit again and got more support from the Creator. Today, I will never lose to you again." [

"I've always wondered when the matter between us can be settled, it's over now." Shen Zheng looked at him and smiled lightly. "Ming Yuebai, you can choose a cemetery nearby. After you die, I will bury you there, of course, if you still have a corpse."

"Your arrogance will be the reason for your downfall." Ming Yuebai frowned. "Shen Zheng, haven't you noticed? As your strength continues to grow, so does your arrogance. Do you really think you have become a god? Become the master of the plane?"

"Mingyuebai, you don't need to play psychological warfare." Shen Zheng shook his head, "For me, that doesn't make any sense. My heart is upright and my body is upright, so I'm not afraid of any oblique light projection. But you are different. You betray yourself The motherland, betraying your own plane, just to seek self-interest, no matter how much you beautify your shame, you will have a sense of shame in your inner subconscious. That shame will make it impossible for you to beat me in psychological warfare .”

"You are such a sharp guy." Ming Yuebai slowly raised the Yanbo sword in his hand, "To be honest, I am really reluctant to kill you. But... I don't choose!"

In an instant, a huge force came from a distant space, turned into a billowing fire wave, and descended on Ming Yuebai.There was also fire burning in his eyes, the fire seemed to turn into a real flame, burning straight towards Shen Zheng.

Shen Zheng shifted his body slightly, and when he raised his hand, the Yanshen Spear flew out of the worm nucleus and landed on his hand.The huge force on the gun surged, and the power fragments joined forces with Shen Zheng, and the holy magic armor also turned into golden crystals and flew out, covering Shen Zheng's whole body.

In an instant, he completed the joint force with the Water and Fire Secret Realm, and faced Mingyuebai with the most peak posture.

Wave after wave of the Creator's power came to him across space from the distant Great Chain Secret Realm, for him to use and to drive.In an instant, he seemed to have transformed into the master of the cold front world, grasping the supreme power, and confronting Mingyuebai.

"Shen Zheng, today is your death day!" Ming Yuebai said loudly, and the Moonlight Goddess appeared beside him.

"I will return this to you verbatim." Shen Zheng smiled slightly, and the Holy Spirit boy appeared beside him with the moon knife on his back.

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