star wars civilization.

Chapter 825: Hijacking the Great Queen

"How to do?"

Seeing the eldest queen being taken away by Shen Zheng, the eleven great emperors were anxious, but they didn't dare to chase after them. They gritted their teeth and clenched their fists, but they didn't know what to do.

"Don't be impulsive!" An elderly emperor said, "The big queen has a lot to do with her, and she has the power to communicate with the ice god. She must not lose it! That person from the source world is so powerful, he will not be a fool, he should understand the big The importance of the queen. If he dares to hurt the big queen, it will cause the wrath of the gods. He should measure it."

"But... shall we just wait like this?" You Dadi frowned.

"Scatter immediately." The elder emperor said, "Each go back to their respective countries, mobilize all their strength, search the entire plane, and when they find people from the source world, don't make a fuss, just keep an eye on them carefully, and then we'll make a long-term plan." [

"Okay." All the great emperors nodded slowly.

At this time, suddenly a great emperor punched the ground in anger.

"Damn it, damn it!" He cursed angrily, "Eleven generals, eleven elites of the ice world with the strongest power! Just like that..."

Everyone fell into silence.Today, the ice world has suffered a huge loss, and this incident will definitely be recorded in the annals of history and become an eternal shame for the people of the ice world.

Holding the eldest queen hostage, Shen Zheng flew away from the secret realm, and then headed towards the star sea nearby.

"Where do you want to go?" The eldest queen sneered. "No matter where you flee, you will not be able to escape the fate of being hunted. Unless you let me go and cooperate with me honestly, then you will not only get me, but also the entire ice world and the source world."

"Stop dreaming." Shen Zheng said coldly. "You think I'm the kind of person who will be fooled by **?"

The eldest queen smiled faintly, noncommittal.

Shen Zheng flew all the way, found a desolate star field, landed on a huge planet of life, hidden in a rift valley on the planet, and then brought the big queen into the secret realm of water and fire.

"Pocket secret realm?" The big queen's eyes lit up, "The power of the source world is good. I have only heard of such a convenient thing, and I know it is really a good thing after experiencing it. In this way, I am afraid no one will be able to find it." Got you and me. What do you want to do next?"

Shen Zheng stood there quietly, thinking carefully.Whether there is a space channel in this plane that can lead to the cold front world, he does not know, even if there is, with his own strength, it is absolutely impossible to find it in a short time.But if he wants to leave, it is not impossible.

The Goddess of Cold Heart transmitted part of the power of the space gate to his body. As long as he released this power and attached it to the space gate, he would be able to form a chain with the core of the Great Chain Secret Realm, the space of the Crystal Kingdom. Doors that connect with each other.

And in the Water and Fire Secret Realm, there is a shortcut to the Legendary Secret Realm.Although it is not a space channel between planes, it can also be transformed into a space door if blessed with the power of space of the Goddess of Cold Heart.In that way, he can quickly return to the Great Chain Secret Realm of the Cold Front Realm, and then return to the Source Realm.

But it's a pity to give up this ice world just like that.Especially people on this plane are full of greedy desires for the source world, so ignoring the past like this may be a hidden danger in the future.If Ming Yuebai can open the channel of this plane, maybe a permanent door of space can be established. In this way, people from the ice world will eventually join the war of planes.

Now the situation is very clear, Ming Yuebai just wants to make the war between the planes more intense, so that he can take advantage of the chaos, fish in troubled waters, and realize his wish.Therefore, he will not easily let go of such an available plane.

Shen Zheng couldn't help looking at the Eldest Queen, his heart moved, he vaguely felt that the Eldest Queen should be a key person, if she was controlled, people in the ice world would not dare to act rashly, just like today.

The eldest queen vaguely felt a chill, and couldn't help shivering.She stared at Shen Zheng, a trace of fear surged in her heart.

"What are you going to do?" She asked Shen Zheng in a panic.

"Take you to the source world." Shen Zheng said calmly, "Aren't you eager to go there?" [

"Are you serious?" The eldest queen was stunned.She couldn't believe that Shen Zheng would let her just go to that desired plane.

"What are you doing lying to you?" Shen Zheng sneered. "Obviously, you are a person who is worshiped as a god by everyone in the entire plane. From this, it can be seen that you must possess some extraordinary power, or a secret that is important to the entire plane. For the sake of the source world An Ning, I can't let you go just yet."

As he spoke, he pulled up the big queen, and took her to fly towards the shortcut in the water and fire secret realm.The eldest queen frowned, thinking of ways to deal with Shen Zheng, but for a while there was nothing she could do.She could feel that Shen Zheng's thoughts were always tied to her body, and Shen Zheng could sense any changes in her immediately.And in front of an expert like Shen Zheng, if she couldn't recover her full strength, she would have a good chance of winning, but if she wanted to take any power-recovering treasures under his nose, she would have no chance.

She could only bear with it, Ren Chenzheng pulled her to fly around.

Soon, Shen Zheng brought her to a floating island.The fast passage is in the center of the island. Shen Zheng watched the passage, took a deep breath, and released the power of the Goddess of Cold Heart with a wave of his hand.

"Impossible!" The eldest queen suddenly exclaimed, she stared blankly at Shen Zheng, her hands began to tremble. "You... are you the master of the plane?"

"Why do you know?" Shen Zheng asked instead.

"What you used just now is obviously the power of a god." The eldest queen said, "I am more familiar with the power of a god, so I can't be mistaken."

"Know how powerful I am, just be honest, don't imagine that you can resist me." Shen Zheng smiled lightly, and turned his head to look at the shortcut channel that was undergoing transformation by the power of the divine space.

The Eldest Queen looked at Shen Zheng full of fear, and she didn't dare to use any power at will.

After a long time, the fast passage completely turned into a door of space, Shen Zheng smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and pulled the big queen over.Shocked by this divine power, the Queen did not dare to resist at all, so she had to follow Shen Zheng into the gate of space, and after a while of flying, she came to the kingdom of Jingling, near Shen Zheng's arsenal.

"Is this the source world?" The eldest queen stared wide-eyed in astonishment, looking around.

"No, this is the Hanfeng Realm." Shen Zheng said to the Queen, his voice was full of confidence.Here, he is a demigod, an existence that is absolutely bullish, even more awesome than in his hometown, the source world, so naturally he has a poor self-confidence.

"God Envoy, you are back!" Immediately, a busy Jingling greeted Shen Zheng, and Shen Zheng greeted them with a smile, but his thoughts spread around and contacted the seven Jingling emperors.

After master Jiajia studied and understood the structure of the patron saint of Tiliang, the patron saint of Tiliang was split into eight parts. Among them, the heart of the patron saint of Tiliang was enshrined in the collective temple of the Seven Kingdoms, and the remaining seven pieces Then they entered the bodies of the seven kings respectively, and were integrated with their organs and preserved.

Now, Shen Zheng is calling these kings, let them gather together again, and wake up the patron saint of Ti Liang, so that he can quickly contact the chilling goddess.

Not long after, a huge force surged from the collective temple in the distance, Shen Zheng nodded, and pulled the big queen to fly there together.

"I..." The eldest queen wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth while flying, and wiped her blood-stained ice crystal robe. "After all, I am the most powerful person in power in a plane, and you let me appear in front of outsiders like this? This is too rude."

"Here." Shen Zheng stretched out his hand, took out two space orbs, and flew in front of the big queen. "Swallow it, it can instantly replenish your strength and restore your injuries."

"Aren't you afraid of my resistance?" The eldest queen asked tentatively.

"You can try." Shen Zheng smiled calmly.This kind of laughter made the eldest queen dare not try to deal with him lightly, but obediently swallowed the space orb, and instantly recovered her strength and healed the wound.The ice crystal robe on her body also flashed a little bit of crystal light, and slowly returned to its original shape, and the blood stains on it were scattered and disappeared.

Soon, Shen Zheng took her to the collective temple, where the seven kings were already waiting, and the patron saint of Tilian had been successfully combined, only one heart was missing. [

Shen Zheng personally put the heart of Tiliang's patron saint into that body, and at the same time called out to the goddess of chilling heart with his thoughts.After a while, the body of Tiliang's patron saint gradually changed into a woman's form, and her face changed into that of the Goddess of Chilling Heart.

"Shen Zheng, you're back again?" Goddess Hanxin asked with a smile, "Has the space passage on the source world been completed yet?"

The eldest queen was completely stunned. While feeling the divine aura emanating from the goddess of cold heart, she couldn't help clasping her hands together, and lowered her head respectfully.She is someone who can communicate with the power of the lord of the plane, and she has a deeper awe of such a god.

"No." Shen Zheng shook his head and sighed. "Something went wrong. I was deceived. While chasing and killing the enemy, I broke into a place called the Ice Realm, disrupted the enthronement ceremony of the Queen of the Ice Realm, and was hunted down by the entire plane. I have no choice but to take this big queen captive."

"I can sense the evil in her heart." The Goddess of Cold Heart sized up the Queen and frowned suddenly. "She is the same as the other me, eager to occupy the source world, kill creatures, and satisfy her lust."

The eldest queen turned pale with fright. She felt that she couldn't hide the secrets in her heart in front of this god, and she backed away in horror, at a loss.

"Not bad." Shen Zheng nodded. "I also noticed this, so I took her captive. Everyone in the ice world was afraid that I would hurt the big queen. When I hijacked her, no one dared to act rashly. Therefore, I felt that if I could always Control him, even if people in the ice world are capable, they will not dare to easily attack the source world."

"Are you going to imprison me for a long time?" The eldest queen felt a little fear.

"She is very strong." Han Xin said to the big queen. "Unless you are by her side all the time, she will surely escape and bring you great disaster."

"This..." Shen Zheng was a little embarrassed.

Can we just let the tiger go back to the mountain?

"I can help you." The Goddess Hanxin laughed as if she had understood Shen Zheng's intentions.

The eldest queen felt that the smile was so terrifying, she couldn't help shivering a few times.

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