star wars civilization.

Chapter 828: The First Batch of Holy Guardians

"The elites of our ice world have all been killed. It is meaningless to pursue who is responsible at this time." Bingzhen said, "What we need now is a plan that can make up for everything. Shen Shenshi has powerful power, And with the help of the god of the cold front world, he signed an irrevocable covenant with us and has become our reliable partner."

The eleven great emperors were all very surprised when they heard this.

"We want to get the power of the source world to make us more perfect." Bingzhen said, "but if we rely on war, there are many difficulties. First, we don't have a direct channel to the source world, so we can't mobilize the army attack; second, if we rely on the help of other planes, we will be blackmailed; third, even if the first two are not a problem, there are currently at least three planes attacking the source world, and all of them are stronger than each other. , and won't get much benefit, but may become someone else's pawn and serve as cannon fodder. Therefore, war is not the best way."

"That's right." Shen Zheng nodded, "But what if you think about it differently? You can be allies in the source world, and you can directly enter the source world through me and get everything you want. The price is just not with us. For the enemy, and to help us at critical moments."

All the great emperors couldn't help discussing in private. [

"Think about it." Bingzhen said, "During the freezing period every million years, we can only shrink back into the secret realm, unable to act or enjoy, and must resist the cold outside with all our strength. For this reason, We are eager to gain the power of the source world and change our world. But do we really know how to do it?"

Everyone was silent.

"We don't know." Bingzhen said, "But Shen Zheng is an envoy of God, a person who can really use the power of God at will. With his help, I think everything is possible. At least, all of us high-level people can During the icing period, Shen Zheng will be taken to live in the source world collectively, so that we don’t have to experience the century-long loneliness. You must know that, as the people of the ice world, if we escape the test of God in this way , will eventually arouse the wrath of the gods, so even if we find another plane by ourselves, we can't escape. But it's different with Shen Shenshi, he can use the power of gods, and he can completely help a few of us escape from the ice world. The wrath of God."

Everyone was a little excited.

Shen Zheng has heard Bingzhen's introduction before, in the ice world, every 100 million years, there will be a century of icing period, at that time everything in the star sea will be frozen, even the stars will no longer emit heat, all Creatures will die, and only those above the level of the Lord of the Galaxy can hide in the secret realm to hide.

But that evasion also has a huge price, you have to use your strength to resist the cold, otherwise you will be frozen to death.

This process will last for hundreds of years.A hundred years of loneliness is everyone's nightmare.

The same is true of these great emperors.Although they have great power and power, facing the century-old freezing period, they can only use their strength to protect themselves quietly like ordinary strong men.

If there is a place, if there is such a person, let them spend this century of freezing safely, of course they are willing.

"Besides, even if we send troops to support the war, only the soldiers will die." Bing looked at them and threw out the last bait. "You will always be the ones who sit high on the throne, command everything, and don't have to go to war in person."

The last psychological defense line of the great emperors also collapsed.

"Eldest Queen, you are the spokesperson of the Ice God and the master of the ice world, and everything is up to you." Said the oldest emperor.

"Yes." The other great emperors nodded one after another.

Bing really looked at Shen Zheng, and smiled faintly.

"Since this is the case, our ice world will formally form an alliance with the source world." Bingzhen said, "Everyone, although the enthronement ceremony has been abandoned halfway, the fact that I am the great queen will not change. The most important thing at present is not to repeat this. The ceremony, but about the battle of the planes. I decided to go to the source world first, feel the power of the source world, and prepare for everyone to enter in the future."

After speaking, she stood up. After weighing the pros and cons, the emperors did not stop her, but sent them off together.

The commander of the Ice Mysterious Realm sent a hundred priestesses to serve and twenty soldiers to protect.In fact, it is protection, but it is just a form. Everyone knows that if these 20 people are thrown into the vast ocean of another world, they will be submerged in an instant.

What's more, he still invested in the plane of Shen Zheng, the envoy of God.With one effort, dozens of plane elites were wiped out, so what are 20 people in this area?

At most, it is a guard of honor, showing the noble status of the Great Queen. [

Under Bingzhen's order, the Mysterious Ice Realm sent a team to establish a military base in the rift valley of the desolate planet where the gate of space was preserved, to protect the gate of space.

At the same time, Bingzhen also sent a team to protect the elves and started the work of collecting the power of the Creator.Although the soldiers of the ice world didn't know what the queen was doing, they didn't dare to ask questions.

Not long after, the collection work was completed, and the queen's personal guard followed Shen Zheng and the eldest queen with strong curiosity, and came to the kingdom of elves through the gate of space.As soon as he arrived in the Jingling Kingdom, Bingzhen became excited, asked Shen Zheng to arrange the personal guards for the benefit, and ran to Master Jiajia like a gust of wind, and started a design research together.

At this time, the holy magic armor also began to recover gradually, and because Shen Zheng could provide a large amount of power at any time, its recovery speed was also constantly accelerating.A month later, it had completely returned to its original appearance.After Bingzhen noticed the Holy Demon Armor, he couldn't help but started to study it curiously. As a result, together with Master Jia Jia, he found a way to speed up the recovery of the Holy Demon Armor. With the power of God that Shen Zheng could mobilize, together After some modifications, the power of the holy magic armor has been improved.

And when the Holy Demon Armor was restored, a new power of the Holy Demon Creator was born in it. After the surprise, Master Bingzhen and Master Jia Jia directed the elves to start extracting the power of the Creator from the Holy Demon Armor. In the end, it was discovered that the Holy Demon Armor can cross all planes and directly extract the power of the Holy Demon Creator from the Holy Demon Realm. Therefore, even if it is damaged to the point where only a single golden crystal remains, it can be restored.

In this way, a group of people began to study again, increasing the speed and quantity of the Holy Demon Armor, allowing the elves to directly use the Holy Demon Armor as a mine to collect a large amount of the original power of the Holy Demon Creator.

In this way, they have the power of the creators of the four planes of Xuexuan, Hanfeng, Ice Realm, and Saint Demon Realm at hand, which is more than enough to make the new artifact.

After pacifying the Cold Front Realm and winning over the Ice Realm, Shen Zheng has gained a lot this time.He originally planned to go on to explore the last door of space, but Bingzhen gave him a suggestion that moved his heart.

"Who knows which plane is behind that door?" Bingzhen said. "What if it's a plane full of hostility, or even the Holy Demon Realm? Now you don't have the super artifact of the God Gun, and you can't use the divine power of Hanfeng Creator at will in other planes. What's the situation? It's quite unfavorable to you. So I suggest you not to be so impatient. The plane war will not break out tomorrow, and you have to be prepared to go out for an adventure."

"Yes." Master Jiajia seemed to have discussed it with Bingzhen, and nodded in agreement. "My lord envoy, you'd better wait for our new artifact to be manufactured before setting off. This will give you some confidence."

"Alright." Shen Zheng nodded, "But if it takes a year or so to make it, I can't wait."

"It won't take so long." Bingzhen smiled. "With my great queen here, coupled with the genius of Master Jia Jia, and the crystallization of the power of the masters of the four planes, I believe that this artifact will be created soon."

"How fast?" Shen Zheng couldn't help asking.

"In fact, the most difficult part of making this kind of artifact with the power of the creator is the power collection and stance." Master Jia Jia said truthfully, "but fortunately we have the elves. They are simply amazing !Not only can you find the most difficult to find the power of God, but you can also crystallize it directly during the collection process. In this way, the power of God becomes a power that can be used directly, without the process of transformation and refining, it can be said , can save 90.00% of the time at nine point nine!"

"Saving so much time?" Shen Zheng was taken aback.

"Now I understand why the holy demons are so hasty to destroy the elves." Master Jia Jia sighed, "They are really too powerful!"

Shen Zheng spoke thoroughly, but his heart was full of excitement.

It turns out that there is another side to the strength of the elves!In this way, wouldn't it be faster to mass-produce quasi-sacred weapons in the future?

When he said this idea, he immediately got unanimous affirmation from Master Bingzhen and Jia Jia.Hearing this, Shen Zheng felt that he had to calm down, otherwise he would be so excited.

It is said that it saved 90.00% of the time at nine point nine, but in the end it took nearly half a year for this artifact to be manufactured.

The past six months have not been spent on making this artifact.In fact, the manufacture of the artifact is mainly carried out by Master Jiajia, Bingzhen, and the master's fourteen disciples. All the other crystal craftsmen, under the leadership of the other two disciples, concentrate their efforts on manufacturing the holy guardian.During the past six months, the craftsmen worked tirelessly, and finally made great achievements, producing 180 holy guardians, an average of one per day.

After seeing the powerful power of these holy guardians, Bingzhen was dumbfounded. [

Although they are not as good as the top eleven elites in the ice world, but compared with the other dozens of elites who were killed by Shen Zheng that day, they are even better than that!

What does this mean?This means that as long as there are no accidents, Shen Zheng's arsenal can produce a powerful army at the rate of one plane-level elite per day!

"Shen Zheng!" Bingzhen pulled Shen Zheng's sleeve at that time, his face was excited as if he had met a young girl's hooligan, and Shen Zheng was taken aback.

"You...what are you going to do?"

"For me to help you so much, you have to give me a part of the holy guardian!" Bingzhen cried excitedly, "Even if it is to compensate for the loss you caused us that day, you have to pay me a part of it!" !"

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Shen Zheng wiped his sweat, and then smiled.

"As long as you are willing to help me design and manufacture artifacts and manage the arsenal, everything is easy to talk about. Isn't it the holy guardian? From now on, as long as you ask, you can have as much as you want."

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