star wars civilization.

Chapter 833: Official Contest

The third round, the fourth round, the fifth round...

After round after round of comparisons, Shen Zheng progressed steadily all the way.Except for the two unlucky guys at the beginning, the rest of Shen Zheng just slapped them in the face and admitted defeat, and did not kill a single person.

In this way, although he won all the way to the end, he didn't stand out, and he didn't attract much attention.

The entire competition lasted for several days, and after the audition, the top [-], top [-], and top [-] were successively determined.

The top [-] contestants are all great, all of them are elites of big families, characters with powerful strength, at least they can get the position of junior generals in the army and lead an army. [

The top [-] and top [-] also have their own arrangements, and they are basically officers in the army.The rest of the senior eliminations will leave or be incorporated into the lower echelon of officers according to their own wishes.And most of the losers in the audition can only be ordinary soldiers even if they join the army.

But even ordinary soldiers, these people are willing to be, because the huge temptation of the source world is there, making them forget the horror of death, and only think of the benefits of entering it.

The army has opened its doors and will not reject such people, but they are not incorporated into the regular army echelon of the army, but another "volunteer army" has been established.

In Shen Zhenglai, the so-called "Volunteer Army" is nothing more than the Holy Demon Cannon Fodder Squad, which has no future at all and only a dead end. At the beginning of its establishment, it existed for the sake of sacrifice.

He really felt sorry for these excited-looking guys.

The battle for the top twenty will soon begin.Different from the previous auditions, the battle for the top [-] was very solemn, and it was directly launched in the largest and most well-arranged martial arts secret realm outside the imperial capital.Here is a solid land, high heaven and earth, high mountains and great rivers, and more importantly, a comfortable viewing area, and drinks and food are provided at any time.

Before the battle begins, there is a grand opening ceremony.There were beauties dancing hotly, and salutes were fired, creating a lively atmosphere.And those high-up viewing areas were all empty, and the princes and nobles watching the battle and the contestants all stood on the ground, quietly looking at the high stage where singing and dancing performances were taking place, waiting for something.

After the performance, a group of royal guards walked out slowly in golden heavy armor.Surrounded by them, a tall, mighty, muscular man wearing a golden battle armor, who gave the impression of a God of War, came slowly.

He has a pair of long horns, born towards the sky, sharp and sharp, as if it can directly pierce the sky.His eyes are full of majesty, not angry but majestic, his eyes are sharp and sharp, and a touch of red glows from time to time.Anyone who saw the red light couldn't help but bow their heads in fear.

Behind his armor, there is a fan-shaped sword armor composed of sword blades, like a peacock spreading its tail.That is an incredible artifact in the Demon Empire, called "Hundred Killing Sword".

This person is the supreme ruler of the Demon Empire, the unrivaled powerhouse in the empire, the Great Emperor Moyun Zhanjun.

He walked forward slowly, stood on the high stage of martial arts performance, lowered his head slowly, and looked down.

Below, all the princes and nobles and contestants bowed respectfully, and someone took the lead in shouting: "Long live Your Majesty!"

"Long live Your Majesty!" Everyone said in unison.

Shen Zheng had no choice but to follow suit, using that hoarse voice to make a low voice.In this kind of place and at this kind of time, he didn't want to show his flaws by cheating on trivial things.

Just shout it, it's just a joke, it's a joke.

"Pingshen." Moyun Zhanjun uttered a resounding voice, drowning out all the voices of the crowd.Based on this move, Shen Zheng knew that his strength was stronger than his own, and he was probably on par with himself.

Worthy of being the emperor of a country!Shen Zheng couldn't help sighing.

The "quality" of the great emperors of the Holy Demon Realm is naturally higher than those of other planes.Because the entire Holy Demon Realm is a unified alliance, managed by the Holy Demon royal family, but there have been only two empires since ancient times.Those who can manage these two great empires must naturally be the top powerhouses in the entire plane. [

Facing such a person, Shen Zheng felt that he should keep a low profile, and it was best not to attract his attention.

"Everyone." Moyun Zhanjun spoke slowly. "42 years, 42 years have passed! 42 years ago, for our happiness, our predecessors, fearless of hardships and sacrifices, went to the source world to strive for a longer life span and more Opportunity, strive for greater power! They left their lives in that distant hometown, and shed the last drop of blood for us. Although in the end, because a master of the plane was born in the source world, the effect of his great power They made us lose in the end, but their great will will never die and remain in our hearts forever!"

"Eternal immortality, always keep in mind!" Groups of spectators and contestants raised their arms and shouted excitedly.

"Time has passed, and in a blink of an eye we have come to our time!" Moyun Zhanjun said loudly, "The unfinished business of our predecessors 42 years ago has fallen on our shoulders! What should we do? Let the people of future generations Laugh at our cowardice, or let future generations appreciate our strength and greatness, and thank us from generation to generation for giving them a chance to improve? Tell me, do you choose the former or the latter?"

"The latter!" Everyone shouted excitedly.

"Go to the source world and take everything that should belong to us!" Someone yelled, and it quickly aroused people's enthusiasm, and everyone yelled like this.

Moyun Zhanjun nodded in satisfaction, and slowly raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Our martial arts competition today is to select the strongest man in our demon empire to go to the holy demon imperial court to participate in the competition for the position of commander of the expeditionary army. The purpose of our martial arts competition is not to kill each other, but to Choosing the real strong will make this expedition a success!" He said loudly, "But in order to choose the real strong, the false friendship must be temporarily put aside! Fighters, you are the most important to your opponents. Respect is to give full play! Don't be afraid of death, don't be afraid of bleeding, only the strong who walk out of the sea of ​​blood are the real strong! What we want is such a strong! Do you understand?"

"Understood!" The roar shook the entire secret realm.

"Okay!" Moyun Zhanjun's eyes flashed red. "I announce that the competition for the right to participate will begin immediately!"

Immediately, everyone in the secret realm cheered.

Shen Zheng roared, yelled, and cheered, and then flew up to the viewing area in the air with all the contestants.Those princes and nobles came to the viewing area in the sky on the other side, where there was a more luxurious arrangement, while the Great Emperor Moyun Zhanjun, surrounded by the royal guards, came to the highest sky of the entire secret realm, and sat in the morning. Throne in the air ready.

The game, just start.

In addition to the twenty strong men selected from the major families of the people, the Imperial Army also sent twenty strong men.Today's game will be played between these 40 people.Because of the importance of the competition, it is not like before, several pairs of people fight together in different venues, but in each game, only one pair of players competes.

Shen Zheng sat quietly in the viewing area, observing carefully.In the blink of an eye, the matches were over, the winners raised their arms and shouted with blood, while the losers fell in a pool of blood and could no longer make any sound.Moyun Zhanjun's words were like a shot of stimulant, which made all the players feel murderous. When the battle started, they would attack with all their strength and desperately.

There is no battle in which the loser can retreat unscathed.All the holy demons fought endlessly with each other as if they had met their enemies.

And Moyun Zhanjun high in the sky smiled with satisfaction after seeing all this.

Shen Zheng frowned slightly.

The emperor of the Demon Race is indeed a "devil"!

He was silent, just observing, and slowly but finally it was his turn to fight.After receiving the notification, he stood up slowly, flew down slowly, and stood on the ground that had been destroyed by the battle into a pile of rocks and a big pit.

"I thought who my opponent was, but it turned out to be that famous blind man." His opponent also flew down slowly.

The man has a tall body, which seems not inferior to Moyun Zhanjun; he also has golden shining armor, which is as exquisite as a handicraft, and the decorations on it are embossed beast patterns, lifelike. [

The man was holding a big axe in his hand, and there were ripples of power flowing on the axe, showing that it was no small thing.

"Burning Demon Starfield, representative of Baisheng Family, Baisheng Tianfeng, against Explosive Starfield, representative of Zhan Zhou Family, Zhan Zhoumeng!" The referee loudly announced the families and names of both sides, and then announced the start of the match.

"Baisheng family?" Many nobles began to discuss, "Have you never heard of such a family?"

"It must be the kind of family that has declined, it's not worth mentioning."

"However, it's not easy to survive until now, and I think it will not be an ordinary character."

"I heard that this Baishengtian Peak is a strange person. He made a mistake during his cultivation, and his face was completely destroyed, and his eyes were also blind."

"The Zhan Zhou family is a great nobleman in the Explosive Demon Starfield. This Zhan Zhou Meng is also a powerful genius in the family. It's unfair to fight against such a disabled person! If he wins, he will be disgraceful, and if he loses Even more disgraceful."

The nobles talked a lot, but in general, they all liked Zhan Zhoumeng.

Zhan Zhoumeng looked at Shen Zheng coldly with contempt on his face, and smiled: "Baisheng Tianfeng, for the sake of you being a disabled person, I mercifully advise you: Give up. With your current The achievements you have made are enough to serve as a general, and you can be satisfied. Your family is a famous family in a remote area. With someone like you, you can already shine. Don't learn from those losers before, die! How pitiful? If you die, there will be nothing left."

"Why do I always meet chatty guys?" Shen Zheng frowned.Of course, with his face covered by the holy demon armor, no matter how much he frowned, the other party would not know.However, the other party could hear his tone.

"You are looking for death on your own." Zhan Zhoumeng's face darkened, and he slowly raised the big ax in his hand. "In this case, I will fulfill you. I will cut off your limbs first, and then slowly divide your body into several pieces. During this process, I guarantee that you will never die."

"Short!" Shen Zheng snorted coldly, and rushed over directly.

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