star wars civilization.

Chapter 836: Provoking the 2 Clans

On the third day, residents began to appear in the opposite castle, and Shen Zheng, who had been staring there, immediately noticed a few of them.

Those residents are the contestants of the Holy Clan Empire. In addition to the ten contestants, there are also the leader and members of the royal guard.Of course those people couldn't catch Shen Zheng's eyes, what he focused on was one of the ten contestants.

This person has long flowing hair and a handsome face. He is definitely a girl killer type of person.He was wearing a white robe embellished with black patterns, and he looked elegant.

But this is naturally not where Shen Zheng pays attention to him.

The person's eyes were cold and calm, as if staring at him for a long time, it made people feel drowsy.His whole body faintly exudes an aura that is different from that of a warrior. As the elder brother of a super talented great mystic mage, Shen Zheng is no stranger to this kind of aura, it is exactly the aura of a mystic mage. [

And on the fingers of this man's left hand, there is something that attracts Shen Zheng's attention.It was a black ring, although it looked inconspicuous on the surface, but Shen Zheng could clearly sense the aura of the divine weapon.

Moreover, he also sensed the power of the creator of the Holy Demon Realm from it.This is enough to show that this artifact is the type that can use the power of the Holy Demon Creator.

This is a good thing.Shen Zheng stared at the man's hand, but in an instant, the man had a feeling and turned his head to look this way.Thanks to Shen Zheng sitting here with several Demon Race contestants, he was not noticed.

The man greeted the demon contestants, showed a contemptuous smile, and entered the castle with everyone.

In Shen Zheng's eyes, that contemptuous smile made him laugh.

Come on, this is a good opportunity.

Not long after, someone from the opposite castle also came out. Shen Zheng took a quick look, and he could tell from the clothes that only six of them were contestants.He was on his side, and besides the royal guards, there were five people including himself.

He calculated carefully - although he didn't know how powerful the Holy Race Emperor was, at least the Demon Race Emperor was almost equal to him.Moreover, the other party must have more powerful methods in his own plane, and it is meaningless to assassinate the two of them, because the Holy Demon family is in charge of the entire plane.

After all, my own strength is limited, and it is impossible to cause huge damage to the Holy Demon Realm, but if I assassinate the strongest elite of the two races, and then kill the Holy Demon Emperor, it will be enough to form a fatal blow to the Holy Demon Realm, at least Let them have no time to deal with the source world.

In this way, the time of the big battle can be delayed again, and Shen Zheng will be given enough time to create an army with quasi-sacred weapons.At that time, he can completely pre-emptively lead the army to attack the Holy Demon Realm, and burn the flames of war to the homeland of these invaders.

Then the source world will become safer, and the people will not be harmed by the war.

It's done.Shen Zheng thought to himself, and poked a player beside him.

"Help me the expressions of this group of guys." Shen Zheng said, "I feel that their intentions are not good, and there is a sense of ridicule. Are they with us?"

"That's right." The player sized up the opponent for a while, then snorted. "Don't pay attention to them, these idiots of the saint race, the guys who don't have much fighting power, always think that they are so great and can't afford us demons. Just treat them as idiots."

"But their thoughts are too annoying." Shen Zheng snorted, suddenly laughed, and whispered to everyone: "Brothers, how about I go and tease them?"

"Okay." Someone booed.

Shen Zheng smiled, stood up slowly, held a glass of wine, and walked slowly towards the table where the Saint Race players were sitting opposite.

"What does this guy want to do?" A saint race player noticed Shen Zheng and couldn't help frowning slightly.

"This guy from the Demon Race is so strange." Another contestant said, "Why does he keep wearing his helmet and refuses to take it off?"[

"I have some gossip." Another contestant said, "I heard that one of the top ten in the selection contest for the demons this time came from a small family in a remote village. It is said that he almost died because of a problem with his cultivation. Falling off, the result is very ugly and blind."

"Interesting." One of the contestants laughed, "The Demon Empire is too low-quality. Even this disabled person is sent out. Is there really no talent?"

With that said, the group of people laughed.

Shen Zheng heard all this in his ears, but pretended not to hear it, and slowly came to the front, raised the wine glass in his hand: "Everyone, are you all masters in the Holy Race Empire? It's a pleasure to meet you. I Its name is Baisheng Tianfeng, and it is a member of a small family in the demon clan. This time, it was lucky to win the eighth place in the top ten, and came to participate in the finals.

"What do you want to say?" a Saint Race contestant interrupted him impatiently. "Do you want us to be merciful in the competition? In that case, you can save it. The rules of the competition do not allow you to kill your opponent. You can rest assured."

"No, no, no." Shen Zheng waved his hands hastily, "I didn't mean that. What I mean is that we demons don't pay attention to the bastards of your saints at all, so even a low-level person like me doesn't care. Sent. Because we are sure that even a man like me can take down a lot of you with ease."

"What did you say?" Several Saint race contestants stared, and one of them even jumped up.

"Blind man of the demon race, do you want to court death?" The man roared angrily, and as soon as he raised his hand, a stream of mana entangled between his fingers, quickly drawing a pattern in the air.

The Holy Demon Realm is probably the most similar plane to the Source Realm, and even the use of secret methods is so similar.Shen Zheng smiled lightly.

Seeing that Shen Ying had used the secret method many times, he naturally knew the weakness of the secret master, which was speed.

There is no way for the mystic master to use the secret method as quickly as the martial arts masters launch the ultimate move, but must go through the process of drawing a diagram.Really powerful mystics will practice some simple secrets that can be cast instantly or silently, and use them in sudden battles to contain the enemy and give themselves time to draw a powerful pattern.Like Shen Ying, he directly arranged the graphic array on the insect spirit weapon, so that he could easily launch a powerful attack instantly.

But this guy in front of him is obviously not a master, and he doesn't have the ability and wisdom to draw a pattern on a weapon.

Shen Zheng couldn't help laughing, and immediately punched him.The power of the punch was surging, and it directly shocked several saint race players around to fly out, and the guy who was drawing, before finishing the secret technique, had already been punched by Shen Zheng and broke his nose, screaming and raising blood spots all the way, Flew backwards and fell to the ground.

"You, you can kill one with one punch." Shen Zheng held the wine glass in his other hand, raised his hand at the fallen Saint Race players, took a sip, and turned his head to make a gesture at his "teammates". Victory gesture.

There was a burst of laughter immediately.

"The contestants of the Holy Race are really good!" Someone shouted, "The handicapped among us can easily knock down one of us with one punch, which is too good!"

"Bastard!" With roars, the contestants of the Saint Race climbed up one by one, powerful magic power surged from their bodies, and they stared at Shen Zheng. "Boy, you are looking for death!"

The royal guards on their side also stared at Shen Zheng with rounded eyes, and all raised their hands to call out their weapons.

"Kill you, I'm going to kill you!" The guy whose nose was broken by Shen Zheng's punch got up, wiped it with his hand, and the nose returned to its original shape.He jumped up angrily, and stretched out his hand to draw the secret magic pattern in the air.

"It's ridiculous." Shen Zheng laughed, and suddenly punched out again.This punch was extremely fast, although the surrounding royal guards were all prepared, but the force of the punch hit the face of the saint race player in an instant, and hit his nose into the face again, and he flew away with a whoosh. far away.

"Bold!" The surrounding saint race players were angry, one of them immediately raised his hand, a ray of light flashed, turned into a sharp claw, and grabbed Shen Zheng head-on.

Shen Zheng sensed it, the attack power of this sharp claw was astonishing, almost as strong as the fourth or fifth among the demon players, he immediately pretended to be invincible, let out a cry, and let the sharp claw grab his body , and then deliberately controlled the change of the holy demon armor, giving birth to cracks, and the person screamed and fell to the ground. [

"Waste is waste!" The man snorted coldly, "How dare you show off the power of your demons in front of us? This is courting death!"

"What are you talking about?" On the other side, the four Demon Race contestants all stood up sullenly and strode towards this side.The bands and singers in the middle saw conflicts on both sides, and they all ran away in fright.

The four came to the front, stood still slowly, and stared at the saint race players with cold eyes.They didn't have much friendship with Shen Zheng, but they felt that this guy had been flattering themselves for the past few days, and if they didn't stand up for him at this critical moment, it would appear that they were dishonest.

And although they looked down on this "Hundred Sacred Heavenly Peak", he was also a member of the Demon Empire and their compatriot after all.Seeing their compatriots being bullied by outsiders, if they just sit back and ignore them, it would be like being slapped in the face and silenced.

"You have heard what I said clearly." The saint race player said proudly. "Your blind companions, if you want to taste this kind of taste, I am happy to accompany you!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and there was already a magic staff in his hand, with mana flowing on it, it seemed that he could unleash a powerful attack at any time.

And the other saint race players also summoned the insect spirit weapon and drew a pattern in the air, obviously not as good as this person.

"Brothers, they are too strong, let's forget about it." Shen Zheng climbed up with difficulty at this time, stopping in front of his teammates to dissuade them.

"Get out! The guy who shamed our demons!" The teammates couldn't help becoming annoyed when they saw it. One of them grabbed Shen Zheng, threw him aside, waved out the insect spirit weapon, and sneered at the other party.

"Boys of the Holy Clan, do you think it's great to know the secret technique? The real strong is the one who uses weapons and guns to fight the enemy sword to sword, not a coward who hides behind the army and is protected! "

"Looking for death!" The strongest saint race player roared, and with a wave of the staff in his hand, a sharper claw came out of the air and grabbed the demon race player.

The Mozu player roared, and waved his big knife to meet him, but he was not able to match the power of the sharp claws, and was immediately slapped to the ground, with a shocking gash on his back.

"Bastard, do you saints want to kill someone?" Immediately, someone yelled, waving their weapons and rushing towards them.

"People from the Demon Race, come out! The Saint Race has bullied us to such an extent, don't hold back, go ahead, kill them!"

There was a roaring sound.

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