star wars civilization.

Chapter 842: So-so

The giant horse was three meters high, and it was unstoppable when it rushed forward. The powerful force made Shen Zheng faintly startled. He didn't dare to confront it head-on, and immediately dodged to the side.

But the galloping giant horse suddenly put its front feet on the ground, raised its two hind legs, twisted its body, and kicked two legs to the side like a human master.Its speed was so fast that Shen Zheng couldn't change his moves to dodge at all, so he could only shout loudly and defend with all his strength.

A huge shield was formed in front of Shen Zheng, and the two hooves kicked it directly, causing the huge shield to vibrate and sway, cracks spread all over the shield instantly, and the solid shield shattered with a bang, turning into energy and scattering.

Shen Zheng couldn't help frowning slightly.

At this time, he is working with the Water and Fire Secret Realm, the power of the Holy Demon Armor, and the power of the two creators in the Meteor God Knife are also combined with his power. Although he is not at his peak state, it is still powerful. The green fire giant horse can actually kick and shatter the defensive shield formed by his strength, its strength is extraordinary. [

Shen Zheng didn't dare to underestimate these giant horses anymore, and immediately focused on his strength, he swung the Meteor Sword, turned into a streamer, and slashed straight at one of them.

The giant green fire horse let out a long hiss, opened its mouth and spewed out a cloud of green fire, it came like a cannonball and hit the Meteor God Knife.But the powerful force on the saber broke the green fire in an instant, and then slashed at the neck of the green fire giant horse. After a roll, he actually stood up.

Shen Zheng was shocked to find that his knife cut a wound a few centimeters deep, but failed to cut off the horse's head.

What a strong horse!

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and the power of another creator flowed from the Meteor God Knife, and merged with his power.With a loud roar, he held a knife to meet the herd of giant blue fire horses who had already turned around and rushed towards him.With icy eyes, he locked on the first horse, and swung the Meteor God Saber violently.

A streak of light turned into a blade of great power, slashed out in the air, and directly cut the green fire giant horse in half, separated its body from the center, and fell to the two sides, splashing blood and internal organs all over the ground.

The rest of the green fire giant horses immediately neighed in fear, ignored the corpse of the slain companion, and the companion with the neck injury, rushed into the nearby forest on their own, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Shen Zheng searched the forest with his thoughts, but he was surprised to find that the power of his thoughts was also greatly restricted in this face, and he could only scan a range of hundreds of meters around him. He wanted to check further away, but It can't be done.

The injured horse struggled to stand up, but its body was still trembling. It looked at Shen Zheng with panicked eyes, and wanted to gallop, but it was no longer possible.

Shen Zheng couldn't help being a little surprised, according to the strength of these giant green fire horses, even the strongest of the Lords of the Star Sea would be hard opponents, but it's really strange that they don't have the minimum self-healing ability.

He moved forward slowly, and the giant horse backed away in horror, as if it was afraid that he would kill him.Shen Zheng couldn't help smiling, put away the Meteor God Knife, and sent a friendly message with his thoughts. At the same time, he pulled out a Holy Spirit Stone from the Holy Demon Realm from the space worm core, and wanted to use the power of space to carry it there, but found that it was only It could be sent more than ten meters away, so I had to stretch out my finger and bring it to the front of the green fire giant horse with great strength.

The giant green fire horse hesitated at first, but felt the friendly thoughts from Shen Zheng, finally opened its mouth and swallowed the Holy Spirit Stone in one gulp.After a while, streaks of blue flames surged from its body, and the wound on its neck healed quickly, without leaving even a drop of blood.

The giant horse twisted its neck in astonishment, and when it found that it had regained its strength, it screamed excitedly, jumped a few times, and then there was a gentle light in its eyes, and slowly walked in front of Shen Zheng.Shen Zheng stretched out his hand to it, and it stuck out its tongue, gently licking Shen Zheng's hand.

Shen Zheng felt a burst of coolness coming from his hand, and at the same time, there was a little bit of divine power.That power is about the same as the power that envelops this face. It is because this horse can absorb the power of God for its own use, that's why it is so powerful.

Giant horses are not intelligent creatures. Although they also have spirituality, they are also animal spirituality.Naturally, Shen Zheng wouldn't kill them just because they attacked him just now, he just thought it was the instinct of animals to protect their territory, of course he didn't care.He came forward, stretched out and stroked the neck of the giant horse, and the giant horse rubbed its head meekly against his body.

What will happen if you give it a secret orb?

Shen Zheng's heart suddenly moved, and he searched the worm nucleus, but found that he did not have a secret realm orb on his body, but instead had a god stone from the Xuexuan Realm, a holy magic crystal from the Holy Demon Realm, and a divine glow orb from the Cold Front Realm.After thinking for a while, he took out the spirit stones from the Xuexuan Realm one by one, and handed them to Juma's mouth.

The giant horse swallowed the spirit stone without any hesitation this time.After a while, a blue flame ignited on its body, and the flame blazed out, exuding a powerful horse's power. The giant horse itself was startled, and took a few steps back in fear, as if it was afraid of being burned. Same as Shen Zheng.

After a short period of astonishment, the giant horse became excited again. It let go of its four hooves, ran quickly, jumped up suddenly, flew in the air for a while, a distance of [-] meters, and then fell to the ground.It hissed excitedly and rushed towards Shen Zheng. [

But at this moment, a giant tiger with a length of ten meters suddenly leaped out of the forest on the other side, and a series of sharp vigor was driven around it, like a series of cold blades, rushing towards it. moving.It let out a roar that shook the sky, and with cold air flowing in its eyes, it slowly walked towards the giant green fire horse.

The giant green fire horse showed a frightened expression, but after taking two steps back, it gritted its teeth and stood still.

Shen Zheng couldn't help being startled, he faintly felt that the giant green fire horse was afraid that after it got out of the way, the giant tiger would come and hurt him in the rear, so he suppressed the fear in his heart and stood in front to protect himself.He couldn't help being moved in his heart, and had a strong affection for this creature who knew how to reciprocate.

The giant tiger came forward slowly with a low voice. The giant blue fire horse trembled slightly, and finally screamed wildly. It opened its mouth and sprayed two blue fireballs, shooting towards the giant tiger.A deep sound came from the giant tiger's throat. With one mouthful, a wind blade flew towards it, knocking out the two blue fireballs in an instant, but the wind blade was not damaged much, and it was still coming towards the blue fire giant horse , chopped on its chest.

While neighing in pain, the giant blue fire horse retreated, a terrifying chest appeared on its chest, and blood sprayed forward from the wound.

Shen Zheng frowned, lifted the Meteor Sword and galloped forward, blocking the green fire giant horse, pointing the knife at the giant tiger.

But at this moment, an unexpected scene happened. The green fire giant horse, which had no self-healing ability, recovered quickly from the wound on its chest. , but no longer feel any pain.After a brief surprise, the giant green fire horse couldn't help but get excited, with a long hiss, jumped over Shen Zheng, and rushed towards the giant tiger.

The giant tiger roared angrily, as if it was angry because its dignity was challenged. It jumped up suddenly and met the giant horse in the air. On the horse's body and neck, several wounds with deep visible bones were torn.

But the giant blue fire horse also opened its mouth, and bit one of its front legs fiercely, a large mass of flesh and blood was directly bitten off, causing the giant tiger to growl in pain, and hit the ground after landing. Get out and barely stand up.

But the giant green fire horse fell directly to the ground, panting for breath.The wounds it suffered were all fatal, and although the wounds had begun to recover at this time, the wounds on the neck remained basically unchanged.

Shen Zheng hurriedly took out another giant power stone from the Xuexuan Realm, and put it directly into its mouth.After it swallowed forcefully, the injuries all over its body disappeared in a short while, and it immediately jumped up with a long hiss.

But the giant tiger staggered because of the severe injury to its front leg.It looked at the giant green fire horse in surprise, as if it couldn't believe that the guy who was supposed to be caught dead by itself turned out to be alive and well again, so it couldn't help but let out a strange cry, sprayed out two wind blades, and went towards the giant blue fire horse .

The green fire giant leaped up vigorously, dodged a wind blade, but was cut a big blood hole in the side by the second one.Before it was replaced, it had already collapsed due to severe pain and injuries, but at this time, its strength surged slightly, and the wounds that were not considered serious injuries healed quickly. Suddenly, the two hind hoofs kicked out in turn, kicking the shocked giant tiger into the air, and slammed into the giant tree behind.

In any other plane, the tree would have been shattered due to being unable to withstand the impact of the King of the Star Sea, but the giant tree here only shook a few times, but it was the giant tiger that broke its back. , screamed and fell to the ground, struggling to get up, but the broken spine could no longer bear its weight, and it could only collapse into mud, struggling on the ground.

The giant green fire horse cheered as a winner, and ran around Shen Zheng excitedly.The speed at which it sprinted was twice as fast as that of Shen Zheng running here, and Shen Zheng couldn't help but feel dazzled for a while.

But that giant tiger showed sad eyes and moaned in pain, looking very pitiful.

These ignorant creatures are just adhering to the nature bestowed by nature to survive and prey. There is no distinction between good and evil. Predators are not evil, and those who are eaten are not innocent. They are just the laws of nature. Arrangement only.Therefore, looking at the painful giant tiger, Shen Zheng couldn't help feeling compassionate, and after sending out his thoughts to signal the giant horse to stop, he walked slowly in front of the giant tiger.

The giant tiger looked at him vigilantly, and let out a deep roar, but the roar had lost all confidence, and it seemed to be begging for mercy.

Shen Zheng stared at its eyes, and slowly conveyed its friendly thoughts. The giant tiger stared blankly at him, gradually stopped roaring, and finally wailed like begging for mercy.

Shen Zheng slowly took out a giant power stone, stretched out his hand and brought it to the mouth of the giant tiger, the giant tiger touched him, and then the giant power stone, feeling Shen Zheng's friendly thoughts, slowly stretched out his tongue, and rolled the giant power stone into his mouth.Not long after, the sound of joint movement came from its body, and it suddenly jumped up and let out a roar.

The giant blue fire horse was startled, and immediately opened its eyes, ready to attack the giant tiger, but at this moment, the giant tiger docilely fell down in front of Shen Zheng, sticking out its tongue and licking Shen Zheng's hand.

Shen Zheng was happy. [

The creatures in this plane are really cute.

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