star wars civilization.

Chapter 844: Senior, Absolute Senior

Ma Wang stared at Xiao Qing, with disbelief in his eyes.It retreated slowly, and kept retreating, until it retreated to a sufficient distance, and then rushed towards it.Its whole body was ignited with blue flames, which erupted in an instant, and the whole horse instantly turned into a flame-shaped giant horse, bringing the blue flames all over the sky, and rushed straight forward!

The tough grass blades on the ground were also ignited, and the solid ground was also stepped out of pits one by one.Ma Wang rushed forward with such vigor that even Shen Zheng in the distance could sense the power of his blow.

Xiao Qing looked at Ma Wang quietly.

It didn't choose to open its mouth to spew fireballs to reduce the opponent's momentum, nor did it choose to accelerate to collide with the opponent.It just stood there, exuding the confidence of its mighty ratio.

It was getting closer and closer, the sound of the hooves shook the eardrums like thunder, and the heat from the flames had already started to burn her cheeks sorely, but Xiaoqing still didn't move! [

Just as Ma Wang rushed forward and saw that they were about to collide, Xiao Qing moved.It turned around abruptly, raised its two hind hooves quickly, the rear half of its body flew into the air, and its two front hooves stepped into the ground like iron pillars. The flame light in its eyes erupted instantly, and the flames on its four hooves Rise up.

A blue light surged from its body, it was a blue flame condensed to the limit, forming a fire like light.The fire flowed on its body, and instantly concentrated on its four hooves. It let out a long hiss suddenly, and all four legs exerted strength!

In an instant, the pair of thick hind legs kicked back, and the fiery hind hooves directly hit the horse king's chest, and the horse king who came with great power was shocked , was kicked high and flew away, falling on the grass in the distance.

With a bang, the huge body directly smashed a hole in the ground, and Ma Wang fell into the hole, his eyes lost his mind, and he couldn't stop spitting out blood from his half-open mouth, and a pair of deeply sunken hooves were clearly visible on his chest. India, sternum crushed, muscle erosion!

There was a sound of horses, and all the horses backed away in terror, looking at the defeated king and at the new victor.

Xiaoqing landed on her heels, turned around slowly, the light in her eyes gradually narrowed, and raised her head to the sky and let out a long hiss!

The sound spread far away from the center of the grassland, startling several birds and beasts on the grassland instantly flying up, screaming continuously.

Immediately, the tens of thousands of horses raised their heads at the same time, neighing along with it, and the sound of the horse's cry was carried by the wind, even the mighty beasts could not help being terrified when they heard it And retreat.

Xiao Qing suppressed her excitement, but quickly ran to Ma Wang's place, bowed her head, turned to Shen Zheng, and yelled at Shen Zheng.Shen Zheng immediately understood what it was thinking, and hurried over, input his own power into Mawang's body, and helped it heal its injuries. After it regained consciousness, he took out another Xuexuan Spiritual Stone and sent it to Mawang's mouth side.

Ma Wang looked at Xiaoqing with respect in his eyes, Xiaoqing neighed softly as he looked at it, Ma Wang opened his mouth and swallowed the spirit stone.In a moment, Ma Wang's wounds began to heal automatically, and soon after, it turned over and stood up. At this time, Shen Zheng sent another Xuexuan Power Stone, and it immediately recovered all its strength after swallowing it. Still as handsome as ever.

After the astonishment passed, Ma Wang's gaze towards Shen Zheng also became more docile, he lowered his head and rubbed against his chest, Shen Zheng patted its head friendly, and then stroked its long neck, it just bowed its head docilely, Did not resist.

Looking up at the tens of thousands of giant horses, Shen Zheng couldn't help but smile.

The harvest this time is too great. It is simply a gift from heaven to directly get tens of thousands of green fire giant horses whose strength is directly comparable to that of the holy guardian.

No, it should be said that it was the generosity of the Holy Demon Emperor.

After smiling, Shen Zheng turned his gaze to the distance again, to the giant tiger standing in the grass in the distance, he couldn't help thinking about the giant tiger again.

But tigers are different beasts from horses, and I don't know if tigers in this plane are different from those in the source world, and live in groups.

Xiaoqing subdued the horse group and became the new king of the horse group. The old horse king was convinced by its strength and obeyed its orders honestly.The horses saw Xiaoqing's strength with their own eyes, and they didn't dare to resist, and honestly regarded him as the king.Xiaoqing was happy, so she had a good time on the grassland, and the horses followed the new horse king to run wildly on the grassland, criss-crossing in all directions.Those old, weak, sick and disabled horses all surpassed ordinary giant horses in strength at this time, and they also joined the herd and galloped along with them, feeling very unhappy.

Shen Zheng went alone and found Juhu.Seeing the momentum of the horses, the giant tiger didn't dare to go over. Under Shen Zheng's comfort, he let Shen Zheng ride and ran towards the horses.Before he got close, he was discovered by the horses. The horses were startled at first, and the old horse king instinctively let out a long hiss, trying to lead the horses away, but the horses hesitated for a moment, but did not move. Only then did he remember that he was no longer the king, so he couldn't help bowing his head in shame.

But Xiaoqing let out a long neigh, which was full of confidence and arrogance, which attracted the horses to become stronger for a while, neighing together, frightening the giant tiger to fall to the ground, not daring to move forward. [

Shen Zheng couldn't help laughing out loud.

At this moment, a strange gust of wind suddenly blew out from the deep mountain on the other side of the grassland. Whether it was a giant tiger or a herd of horses, their eyes immediately became dignified, and they looked up at the deep mountain over there.

Shen Zheng was curious in his heart, and felt with his mind, but because the distance was too far, he couldn't sense anything. He couldn't get to the situation there either by listening with his ears or with his eyes.

In this plane, even the king of the star sea has become similar to ordinary people in these aspects, as if he has fallen from a god to a mortal creature.

After a while, there was a black spot in the direction of the deep mountain, which was getting bigger and bigger, and it was quickly moving towards the center of the grassland.The giant tiger and the herd of horses were all ready to fight, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.Not long after, Shen Zheng cleared the black spot, and it turned out to be a giant eagle 20 meters long with its wings spread out.

The giant eagle's gaze was as sharp as a knife, as if it had the attack power of the mind, which made people feel chills all over their bodies and couldn't move for a while.The feathers all over its body shone with a metallic luster, as if it were made of black iron.

The giant eagle flew close in an instant, opened its mouth and let out a long howl, and then swooped down to attack the horses.

At this time Xiaoqing stood up and let out a long hiss. In its neighing, it was originally intimidating by the giant eagle's aura, and was a little afraid of the horses retreating, so it cheered up and let out a long hiss.Afterwards, under the leadership of Xiaoqing, ten thousand giant horses opened their mouths to the sky together, spewing out green fireballs one after another.For a moment, like a salvo of thousands of flames, thousands of fireballs rose into the sky, which was spectacular.

Not to be outdone, the giant tiger spit out a more powerful wind blade and slashed at the giant eagle.

Surprise was revealed in the giant eagle's eyes, and it spun around in the air suddenly. With its claws, it brought up a storm and scattered the fireball and wind blade flying in the front. A menacing fireball.

Thousands of fireballs rushed straight into the sky, crashed into the chaotic "sky", and then disappeared.Shen Zheng looked up at the sky, but he didn't hear the explosion for a long time, and felt as if the sky had eaten up these fireballs.

The giant eagle hovered in the air without falling down, while the horses and giant tigers stared at it, changing directions constantly to prevent it from swooping down and attacking suddenly.

"Is the one below human?"

At this moment, a voice came from the back of the giant eagle. Although it was not clear because it was too far away, Shen Zheng still jumped in his heart, and hurriedly shouted: "Are the humans above talking?"

There was also a surprise call in the air, and then someone yelled: "These guys who never know how to fight against the strong in groups, actually know how to gather crowds to attack. Could it be that you commanded them?"

"Probably." Shen Zheng responded loudly, and then sent his thoughts to Xiaoqing and Juhu, telling them to stop attacking.Xiaoqing immediately neighed at the group of horses, and the group of horses lowered their heads, no longer posing as if they were going to attack the air.

"I'm coming down now, I won't attack, and you let them restrain themselves." A voice came from the air again.

"No problem!" Shen Zheng shouted loudly.

Not long after, the giant eagle circled and landed.As if afraid of causing the horses to misunderstand, the giant eagle deliberately landed hundreds of meters away from the horses, landed carefully, gathered its iron wings and walked towards this side.Although it is majestic in the sky, when it walks on the ground, it is not as good as a chicken that is used to walking on the ground. It looks very clumsy, and Xiaoqing can't help but let out a mocking cry.

When he got close, Shen Zheng finally realized that the giant eagle's feathers were indeed made of black iron, which was extremely hard.And on the back of the giant eagle was a human being.

Shen Zheng couldn't help but widen his eyes, because he clearly felt that what flowed on the human body was the standard source world aura!

This man has big worried eyes and a sharp face, which is a standard image of a tough guy.He was wearing a pair of trousers made of animal skin, with bare feet, half of his upper body was covered with animal skin clothing, and most of his chest was exposed.He is muscular, majestic, and clear-eyed. He is the kind of hearty man.And his hair is very individual, long and uncombed, like a lion's mane. [

Seeing Shen Zheng, that person was also surprised.At this time, Shen Zheng had already put away the holy demon armor, and he was wearing ordinary clothes. Although it was a style that was unfamiliar to this man, that face and the aura emanating from his body would not make the man feel ashamed. After admitting his mistake, the man couldn't help exclaiming: "Are you from the source world?"

And at this time, Shen Zheng couldn't help asking the same thing: "Are you from the source world?"

The two looked at each other for a moment, and couldn't help becoming excited. One rushed forward, the other jumped off the eagle's back, hugged each other and laughed loudly.

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it!" The two yelled together.

"I didn't expect to meet compatriots from the source world again here, so happy!" Shen Zheng exclaimed.

"I didn't expect to see my compatriots again in my lifetime, what a surprise!" the man yelled.

Then, he separated from Shen Zheng abruptly, looked at Shen Zheng with surprise on his face: "Young man, you are very powerful!"

"Can you sense my power?" Shen Zheng was taken aback. You know, he hides his power instinctively. Even the most powerful master in the world can't detect how strong he is.

"What's so difficult about it?" The man smiled, "Although you deliberately hid it, but the technique is too clumsy, I can sense it with a little concentration."

Then, he was a little puzzled: "Young man, you are so strong, why are you so poor at even the most superficial method of hiding your strength? What's the reason?"

"Superficial?" Shen Zheng grinned, "This is a hidden ability within the reach of human beings within several planes. How dare you say superficial?"

"This..." The man showed a surprised expression, and then hurriedly asked: "Young man, do you mean that after the war between the planes, we have weakened to such an extent?"

Shen Zheng looked at him, but was startled.

"Could it be that you... were... imprisoned here before the Plane War?"

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