star wars civilization.

Chapter 851: Fighting the Fire Demon Together

The Fire Demon is six meters tall, and his whole body is composed of flames, which are extremely condensed, almost like a high-heat magma.It stretched out a pair of long arms, hitting Shen Zheng and Xue Hong Qianli respectively.

The two didn't dare to be careless, one swung the Meteor God Knife, the other summoned the Iron Arm Dragon, and at the same time they struck at the Fire Fist attacking them with all their might.In the midst of two bangs, the weapons of the two people docked with the fire fists, and they were sent flying by the huge force that exploded.

"So strong!" Shen Zheng's eyes lit up.

The power of praying for fire can really be regarded as "strong".Compared with him, the three previous demons are nothing.Shen Zheng felt that the praying fire at this time was almost on par with the Goddess Hanfeng he was fighting in the Great Chain Secret Realm at that time.

"You know." Qihuo sneered, "Now I am completely connected with the source of divine power, and I am the god in this face! No matter how powerful you are, you can only surrender to my fire power Down!"[

As he said that, the fire demon raised his hands, and countless fireballs shot out from his palms like rain, enveloping the two of them.

"Everyone be careful!" Xue Hong Qianli told Shen Zheng worriedly, and then waved his arms to scatter or open fireballs one after another, but he was also forced to retreat by the fire rain.

The same is true for Shen Zheng.He swung the Meteor God Knife, and in an instant his strength had reached its peak, but he was also forced to retreat like a flood of snow.

But at this moment, there was a flash of light on his body, and the holy spirit boy flew out, swung the moon wheel knife, and slashed at the fire demon.

"There are such insect spirits?" Qi Huo sneered. "It's useless, this kind of power is not worth mentioning in my eyes!"

In an instant, another thick arm stretched out from the body of the fire demon, and hit the moon knife with a punch, directly splitting the moon knife.

The holy spirit boy flipped and turned in the air, dexterously flew towards a thick pillar, kicked his feet on the pillar vigorously, the man flew out again, and the moon wheel knife in his hand slashed out and swung towards the pillar. The neck of the Fire Demon.

Qihuo let out a disdainful laugh, and the fire demon turned his head suddenly, and bit the moon wheel knife with his mouth open.Amidst the sparks flying, those sharp teeth fixed the Moon Wheel Knife, and the Fire Demon shook his head suddenly, and the tremendous force immediately pulled the Holy Spirit Boy up into the air, heading towards the Fire Demon.

The Fire Demon let go, let out a roar like a flame explosion, and opened his mouth to bite the flying Holy Spirit Boy.

Its sharp teeth are not injured even when biting the moon wheel knife. If it bites on the holy spirit boy, it may crush him in one blow.

Shen Zheng yelled loudly, jumped up suddenly, and a huge force erupted from the Meteor God Saber, enabling him to quickly break through the fire rain's obstruction, and rush straight towards the fire demon.The sound of the Meteor God Knife brought killing intent on the side, and Qi Huo couldn't help but be moved by it, shouting loudly, and the fire demon waved his fist to greet him.

There was no sound of impact, and the Meteor God Knife cut off that arm with sharp vigor. Shen Zheng flew past the cut, caught the Holy Spirit Boy who was out of control, and slashed back with the knife, slashing at him. On the neck of the fire demon, that huge head immediately flew up and hit the ground.

"Okay!" Qi Huo nodded in praise, but changed the topic: "But it's useless!"

In an instant, billowing flames gushed out from the Fire Demon's body, turning into giants and arms again.It roared and roared, swept across, and kicked Shen Zheng who was in the air.

In this plane, Shen Zheng lost his ability to fly, completely unable to control his movement route in the air, extremely dangerous.

"I'm still here!" Xuehong roared thousands of miles, jumped up suddenly, and the iron-armed dragon slammed on the giant leg of fire with the sound of dancing his arms, smashing the giant leg to pieces immediately.He landed in a rain of fire, like a god from the sky, and the rain of fire was the background for him.

"Both are very strong." Qi Huo sneered, "But in front of the power of God, you are just bigger flies!"

Amidst the laughter, the fire demon suddenly raised its arms high, and the scorching flames condensed between its two palms, turning into a huge fireball like the sun.Qihuo smiled triumphantly and asked loudly: "I will give you another chance and lower my requirements - you don't have to surrender to me, just form an ally with me and take me away from here. At that time, we Just share all the benefits equally, how about you?"

"Dream!" Shen Zheng sneered, and threw the holy spirit boy high into the sky.A cold light flashed in the Holy Spirit Boy's eyes, and surging power surged from the Moon Wheel Knife, aiming at the praying fire at the core of the Fire Demon's body, and slamming it towards it. [

At this time, Shen Zheng and Xue Hong Qianli exchanged eye contact, and flew up at the same time. Shen Zhengfei shot in front of the Fire Demon. He fell down and swung the Meteor Sword to chop at the Fire Demon's legs, trying to make it lose its balance. He fell to the ground, while Xue Hongqianli rose up with the holy spirit boy and aimed at the praying fire.

If Qihuo dodges the moon wheel knife, Xuehong Qianli will attack in the direction he dodges; if he blocks hard, Xuehong Qianli will take the opportunity to attack; , he will adapt accordingly.

Facing these three attacks, Qi Huo just smiled and shouted loudly.In an instant, the Fire Demon's body shrank rapidly, attached to his body surface, and turned into a pair of armor, and the huge fireball turned into a condensed flame round hammer, which he held in his hand.

This xt-shaped change immediately made the attacks of the three of them in vain, and when the three of them were shocked, Qi Huo had already swung the fire hammer and smashed it at Xue Hong Qianli who was in the air.

His mind is not delicate. At this time, both Shen Zheng and Holy Spirit boy have already made their moves. It is too late to change their moves. Only Xue Hong Qianli still has room for change. Therefore, he focuses on the only one who can hurt him in this instant. The snow flooded thousands of miles.Based on this alone, one can judge the strength of his strength.

This is completely a kind of experience of hundreds of battles, and it is the reaction and judgment that only the strong who have emerged from the bloody sea of ​​​​chaotic battles possess.

Xue Hongqianli's expression was dignified.He could sense the huge power contained in the opponent's hammer, and the hammer was fast and avoidable.He yelled, and the strength of his whole body was concentrated on his arms, and the iron-armed dragon emitted rays of light, like a star about to explode.Suddenly, he swung his arms simultaneously and hit the sledgehammer.

A loud noise came from the sky, shaking the four walls of the palace. Under the action of the huge shock wave, the entire palace shook violently, almost collapsing at any moment.

Xuehong Qianli gritted his teeth and resisted the huge force, but in the end he was still defeated.While the power of the flames roared, he flew out while maintaining a defensive posture, directly crashing into an entire wall of the palace.Amidst the bang, the palace finally couldn't bear the impact of the force and collapsed.

Amidst the roar, Qihuo raised his arms and swung his hammer, and a violent flame shot up into the sky, burning all the palace fragments that were thrown at him into ashes and floating in the air.The violent air flow criss-crossed in all directions, blowing the gravel in the distance into the distance in an instant.

In a short while, only the ruins of the palace remained around, and the only person standing on the ruins was Qihuo!

Shen Zheng and the holy spirit boy were blown away by the shock wave and stood up from the rubble at this time, while Xue Hongqianli stood up from a huge boulder further away.

"How?" Qihuo smiled triumphantly, looking at both sides. "I still give you a chance now. As long as you agree to my conditions and take me away, then I can share everything here with you. Otherwise..."

He sneered, and suddenly rushed towards Shen Zheng, Shen Zheng couldn't help frowning, and swung the Meteor God Knife, the Holy Spirit Boy also prepared the Moon Wheel Knife, and used all his strength to resist this shocking blow.

Xue Hongqianli was worried that Shen Zheng would lose to Qihuo, so he immediately rushed over.

But at this moment, Qihuo made a turning point in the middle, and with a sinister laugh, he shot at Xuehong Qianli at a faster speed, swung the sledgehammer, and hit Xuehong Qianli's chest directly!

This change was so fast that Xue Hongqianli couldn't even react. He only had time to make a defensive move before the sledgehammer hit his arms heavily.Immediately, his body shook violently, and a large amount of blood spewed out from his mouth, and he also flew backward.

But at this moment, the flame power behind Qihuo erupted, and he came directly behind Xuehong Qianli at a faster speed. With a swing of the sledgehammer, the volley turned into a sharp claw with five scythe-like fingers , grabbed Xue Hong Qianli in the air, and pointed his thumb and sharp claws directly at Xue Hong Qianli's neck, turned his head and sneered at Shen Zheng: "Young man, if you want him to live, surrender to me immediately."

At this time, Shen Zheng was about to rush to Qihuo, but when he saw that Xuehong Qianli's life was threatened, he immediately watched Qihuo coldly with the holy spirit boy, and his voice was chilling: "If you kill him, you will die in this life." Don't even think about getting out of here."

"The death of the fish is the ending that neither of us wants." Qi Huo smiled, "That's why I have been patient and have been communicating with you. But you have disappointed me so much. I have gradually lost my patience. Young man, after killing Xue Hongqianli and crippling your strength, I can also use your portable secret realm to leave here."

"Then you can try it." Shen Zheng sneered, "Unless you are originally from the source world, and you once owned a portable secret realm and used the gate of space."

Qi Huo's whole body was surrounded by flames, so no one could tell the change in his face, but it could be seen from his long silence that he was really angry. [

"Do you really think that I will be subject to you two little bugs for the chance of freedom?" He suppressed his anger, but his low tone was almost roaring.

"Qihuo, do you think I can be caught so easily?"

At this time, Xue Hongqianli, who was pointed at the neck by the sharp blade, suddenly laughed, and Qi Huo couldn't help turning his head to look at him, slightly startled.

"I can't beat you, but Shen Zheng can. So, I just purposely got caught by you, so as to win him a chance!" Xue Hong laughed a thousand miles, his eyes shining brightly.The iron-armed dragon on his arm suddenly separated from his arm at this moment and turned into two black iron dragons, entwining him and Qihuo tightly together!

"Shen Zheng, let's do it!" He laughed loudly, speaking firmly.

"You're looking for death!" Qi Huo roared angrily, struggling hard, but the iron-armed dragon had turned all the power of Xuehong Qianli into a binding force, and he couldn't break free for a while!

"Want to kill me in this way? Delusion!" Qi Huo snorted coldly.

But he realized that Shen Zheng didn't rush towards him, but headed in the direction of his throne.There is the only place that has not been destroyed, and there is a huge force protecting it, emitting a torrent of heat.

That is exactly what the source of divine power is all about.

What is he doing?

Seeing Shen Zheng rushing towards the source of divine power with a knife, Qi Huo looked puzzled and forgot to use his strength to struggle for a while.

And at this time, Shen Zheng had already arrived in front of the throne, stabbed quickly, and went deep into the ground!

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