star wars civilization.

Chapter 856: Attacking the Demon Empire

What made Shengmo Lingyu go crazy is still to come.

Although the space worm core can also play the role of leading troops, the power of the space worm core is limited. It is still possible to arrange dozens of permanent soldiers of the Star Sea King level in it, but when there are too many people, the space of the worm core It will become unstable and eventually rupture, and when the space ruptures, it will endanger the safety of the people inside.

And if the purpose of leading troops is achieved by carrying a large number of space bug cores, it can't be done.Because the space worm core is not a world, people can't freely enter and exit, and the user of the worm core can only use the power of space to store creatures in it or send them out.In this process, a part of the user's space power will also be consumed.And when the number of worm nuclei and the number of organisms inside reach a certain level, only the superpowers with extremely strong mind and space power will be able to carry out the work of income transfer.

If the carrier is killed before the soldiers are removed, then the soldiers inside will be miserable, which is equivalent to being directly sealed in the worm core.

This is to kill one person and kill the whole army. [

Therefore, even if a strong person in any plane has this kind of power, he rarely has the courage to use a large number of space bug cores to lead a large number of troops.Because that is really too dangerous.

The portable secret realm is different, it is equivalent to a mobile world, people outside can enter by themselves, and people inside can fly out by themselves, without consuming the power of the carrier at all.And because it is a world, as long as it is big enough, it doesn't matter how many people it can hold.

Like Shen Zheng's Water and Fire Secret Realm, it can easily fit [-] Holy League warriors and [-] Snow Xuansheng Beasts into it, and they can be carried and moved freely, which is more convenient.

Such Shen Zheng is extremely terrifying.

On the first day he arrived in the Holy Demon Realm, he set his sights on the Demon Empire.First, Shen Zheng has been here before and is quite familiar with it; second, the elite Mo Guangcuo of the Demon Empire is still there. In terms of elite power alone, the Demon Empire surpasses the Holy Empire.Therefore, it was naturally listed as the first target by Shen Zheng.

If it is a large group of people, given the strength of the Demon Empire, it is certainly not difficult to defend.But Shen Zheng is alone, a tiny speck of dust in the vast universe, it is even more difficult to guard against it.In particular, Shen Zheng learned the real method of hiding his aura from Xue Hongqianli. When he used it, no one could sense his aura, it was as if he was invisible.

With this ability, under the cover of planets and cosmic meteorites, he kept approaching the demon capital.Although he encountered many patrols along the way, he avoided them all.In this way, although it took a lot of time to fly without using hyperspace, he arrived near the capital of the Demon Race without anyone noticing.

Shen Zheng hid near an asteroid in the distance, but the power of his thoughts spread out, sensing the holy guardians flying towards him from the holy demon imperial court.Gradually, he felt that these powerful weapons were getting closer, and he couldn't help showing a knowing smile.

Not long after, 180 holy guardians broke through the hyperspace and appeared in the silent star sea near the secret realm of the Demon Emperor's Capital. Under Shen Zheng's intentional control, they all exuded a powerful aura.Sensing this aura, the Defense Army of the Demon Empire's Imperial Capital responded immediately. Two thousand-man teams rushed out from the secret realm, rushed towards these holy guardians and killed them.

Shen Zheng smiled coldly, and conveyed the idea of ​​killing the enemy with all his strength.Immediately, these holy guardians showed their great strength without reservation, and charged fiercely at the two teams of thousands of people, killing them from the front to the rear in an instant, only killing the holy demons, screaming and wailing, and splashing blood on them. side universe.

"Not good!" An officer yelled hoarsely, "These guys are too powerful! Call for reinforcements!"

Soon, two thousand-man teams came out from the secret realm and surrounded the holy guardians.

it's time.Shen Zheng's eyes flashed, taking advantage of the excitement of the fight before the secret realm, he flew over quickly.On the battlefield where thousands of people were chaotically fighting, no one noticed that there was one more or one less person, so he rushed all the way, and soon came to the front of the secret realm.

As soon as he swung the Meteor God Knife, there was an immediate bond on his body, connecting him to another plane far away—the Demon Sealing Realm.The power in the Demon Sealing Realm was continuously transmitted along that bond, making Shen Zheng's power full forever.He looked ahead, swung the Meteor God Saber and slashed down. The thick protective power of the Imperial Capital Secret Realm was easily cut open by him, and he rushed in.

"Who is so bold, dare to trespass on the imperial capital of our country!?"

Immediately, there was a loud roar, and the soldiers who had passed through the portal of the secret realm swarmed up, and hundreds of people surrounded Shen Zheng at once.

"Don't you recognize me?" Shen Zheng sneered.At this time, he had already put on the Holy Demon Armor, and it had been transformed into the light blue armor when he was disguised as Baisheng Tianfeng.

"Baisheng Tianfeng?" The officer leading the team couldn't help but startled, but then roared angrily. "You are a spy of the source world! The emperor of the holy demon has announced your crimes long ago, and now you are the most wanted criminal in the entire holy demon world, how dare you come back? Everyone, take him down!"

"Take it?" Shen Zheng sneered, I'm afraid you don't have the ability! [

Amidst the laughter, the strong men in the secret realm of water and fire suddenly came out directly, and the [-] army instantly covered the sky and the earth in the secret realm, and the hundreds of gatekeepers were frightened and stayed there for a while , at a loss.

"Kill!" A loud roar came, but Sheng Haixiong's eyes were shining brightly, and he rushed forward with his subordinates first.They are all strong men who have used the orb of the secret realm several times and have raised their strength to the peak. These ordinary fighters are not their opponents at all, and they are easily killed when they meet each other.

"Everyone, that's the Demon Palace!" Shen Zheng pointed to the distance, and his mind generated a map, which was sent into the minds of every soldier and holy beast, indicating the route for them to attack. "Our goal is to destroy the powerhouses of the Demon Empire and weaken their national power!"

"Kill!" Sheng Haixiong raised his weapon high, roared, and commanded the soldiers to rush forward with excitement. The Xuexuan holy beasts knew that this was their chance to perform, and roared angrily, flying towards the palace. go.

"What's going on?" Mo Guangcuo, who was cultivating in the palace, stood up abruptly, sensing the hostility and domineering aura coming from a distance in shock, his expression changed drastically.He rushed out of his palace in a hurry and came to Moyun Zhanjun's main hall.

"Uncle!" he yelled, "what happened?"

"It's Shen Zheng!" Moyun Zhanjun's eyes glowed red. "He first dispatched the puppet fighters who had previously attacked the Holy Demon Emperor's Court, attracting the attention of the defenders, then sneaked in, and suddenly released a large number of strong men. To mobilize the army. You came at the right time, let you command the army and wipe them out!"

"Is that the damned guy?" Mo Guang's eyes flashed red, "This bastard killed the outstanding elite of our clan, and even killed Sheng Suiqiu in an attempt to put the blame on me. If His Majesty the Emperor hadn't finally come forward to explain After everything has been settled, the Holy Clan Empire is about to go to war with us! This bastard, I was worried that I couldn’t find him, but he came by himself! Well, don’t worry, uncle, I’ll go and take his life and come back!”

Amidst the roar, the man shot out, stood on top of the palace, his thoughts spread, and roared: "The Imperial Capital Defense Army listen up! The no-flying order is lifted from now on, and all soldiers immediately gather in front of me, and fight with me!" Let me kill the thieves from the source world together!"

The roar came from afar, and it spread to all corners of the secret realm together with the thoughts.Those soldiers who had just received the order from Moyun Zhanjun and were gathering quickly, immediately soared into the sky and gathered towards the palace.In a short while, there were 20 troops entrenched on the top of the palace.

At this time, Shen Zheng led an army of [-], and they had already arrived at a high speed.

"A small weak person from the source world, but with these tens of thousands of troops, dare to attack the secret realm of my imperial capital?" Mo Guangcuo sneered, "It's really beyond self-control! Listen to all soldiers, kill as much as you want, don't let go! Pass one!"

"Yes!" roared out.

"Shen Zheng!" Mo Guangcuo roared, "It is said that you are the No. By'!"

"Don't pay attention to him." Xue Hongqianli looked at Mo Guangcuo in the distance, shook his head and smiled. "A kid who doesn't know anything, a guy who hasn't seen the big world yet."

"Let me deal with their army." Di Ya'er looked at the army entrenched in the air in the distance, and smiled faintly.In an instant, the Goddess of Sacred Armor had appeared beside her, and the armor that made up her body shone with the light of the secret pattern, and several patterns flew out, combined and arranged in the air, and quickly formed a huge pattern.

Countless flashes of lightning shot out from the image formation, instantly piercing through the bodies of 20 warriors from the Holy Demon Realm. These fighters stared at the jumping and twisted chains of lightning on their bodies in astonishment. Drowsy, as if he drank hundreds of barrels of fine wine in one go, and immediately fell into a world of intoxicated hallucinations.

Some of them staggered and fell from the air, breaking their bones on the ground; some writhed in the air, as if dancing a strange dance of death; They lost their comrades in arms and started fighting each other.

"What kind of secret technique is this?" Mo Guangcuo, who almost lost all the soldiers at once, was so startled that his eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets.Relying on his extremely strong strength, he confronted the secret technique, quickly flew to a high place, and escaped from the range of the secret technique.

"It's impossible to have such a powerful secret technique that can make 20 people lose their combat power all at once? Impossible, even His Majesty the Holy Demon Emperor can't do it!" He couldn't help but exclaimed.

"He can't do it, but his mentor can do it!" With a loud shout, Shen Zheng appeared in the sky above the Moguangcuo, and the Meteor God Saber carried a rolling divine force, like a thunderbolt in the nine heavens, Slash towards the magic light!

"Shen Zheng, I'll kill you!" Mo Guang's eyes were red, suppressing the shock in his heart, roaring angrily, and the simple arc-shaped knife connected to the magic weapon Tianmo in his hand lifted up in the air, driving With monstrous sharpness, he slashed towards Shen Zheng.In the surrounding air, countless cracks appeared in the space, as if it would shatter at any time, and the sharp space fragments broke away from the space, and slashed towards Shen Zheng with this knife. [

"This artifact is really convenient." Shen Zheng smiled lightly, "It's a bit difficult to fight against it if I'm the former me. But..."

With a chill in his eyes, all the power of the Creator merged into one, and a star-like brilliance burst out in Shen Zheng's eyes, and he slashed down with a sharp knife!

That knife, sound.

But break everything!

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