Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 114 [Dreamland]

I wanted to go up to the altar and see the face of this person clearly, but just as I walked under the altar, another slender figure appeared beside this person without any warning.

It was a woman who came. I only know that she is wearing a blood-red long dress, with long hair draped over her shoulders, but her face is very blurred and cannot be seen clearly, but it can be seen that this woman is persuading something, and she looks a little excited.

The man with the blood-colored cloak on his shoulders kept his back to me, no matter what the woman in red said, he kept silent. Looking at his figure, the feeling of familiarity in his heart became stronger and stronger, and I hesitated. After a while, he still ran towards the altar.

This altar is actually not too high, at most two stories high, and one side spreads up in the form of stone steps, the slope is not steep, as soon as I stepped on it, the woman in red seemed to notice it, and walked up to it. With a wave, countless white mist appeared around me and began to block my vision.

This white mist was originally far away, but now it enveloped me all at once.

I didn't act rashly, just stood there like this, planning to wait for this wonderful thick fog to disperse, and then go up to find out.

But at this moment, the steps under my feet seemed to start to change. When I lifted my feet, my feet were sticky. When I looked closely, it was actually sticky blood. The blood was already black and red. There is a fishy-sweet taste.

The black and red blood was left from the altar. I swallowed my saliva, raised my feet, and walked slowly towards the altar.

As soon as the front foot stepped out, suddenly a bright red arm stretched out from the top of the stairs, grabbed my ankle fiercely, and pulled it down hard. I couldn't stand still and fell straight down.

I uttered a scream and tried to grab it, but I missed it.

"Wake up!"

My face was icy cold, and a cold breath enveloped me. I opened my eyes, and I was lying on the ground, and the little devil was standing beside me, with his head almost close to my face. Seeing me wake up , he breathed a sigh of relief, jumped back on the bed lightly, looked at me with his arms around his shoulders and said:

"Having a nightmare? What did you dream about?"

I began to tell the little devil everything in the dream, the dreams of ghost hunters are very effective, and even some ghost hunters awakened to predict the past, present, and even future events through dreams, although my ability That's not it.

"Scenes that have never appeared before, the altar, the man in the cloak, the woman in red, the black blood, these are not subconscious, I know what happened to you during this time, so it can't be a dream reflected in your heart, this dream What is it implying? You said that the man in the cloak is very familiar, who could it be? You can use the method of elimination, although he is from the back, but you can guess from his height."

After hearing this, the little ghost nodded thoughtfully.

"I can't think of it at the moment. This person resembles a person, but I'm not sure, and it really violates his usual image."

I smacked my mouth. In fact, the moment I saw that figure, I had a very strong premonition in my heart.

"who is it?"

The little ghost blinked his eyes, put his chin on his hands, and stared at me.

"Our father."

After hesitating for a while, I opened my mouth slowly. I had a strong premonition in my heart when I first glanced at him. Although he was wearing a blood-red cloak, I could be sure from his hairstyle and figure. He is my father, Zhong Weiqiang!

"Father? Tell me more about that place."

The little ghost let go of his hands and crawled towards me, and immediately I didn't feel a severe cold sweeping towards me.

I told him the appearance of the altar, the surrounding stone pillars, and the thick fog in detail. It was very strange to say that if a person had a dream, he would usually forget it soon after waking up, but in my mind The things in it are getting stronger and stronger.

"There are many taboo places in Jiuhuang City, and the hidden ghost hunter family is beyond my imagination, so I am very limited in finding people. It seems that I can only use the method of elimination. The one who built the altar must be the work of a big family. And it should be in the suburbs, I think as long as you find the place in your dream, you can find the whereabouts of your father."

Seeing that I was shivering from the cold, the little ghost moved a little further away from me.

"That's up to you. The Chinese New Year will be in a few days, and my cousin won't let me go out."

I hesitated for a few moments, and said.

"Well, I understand. Zhongli has already told me what happened. Regarding the female disciple of the Blood Soul Sect, you should keep your contact with it less in the future."

The little ghost nodded, and then spoke again with a serious face.

"Xiaoqing promised me to help me find my father. The Blood Soul Sect is very powerful. With her help, it may be faster than you."

I sat on the bed again and said.

"Well, I won't force you to do anything, but it's all about being careful. I'm going back to the Soul Cultivation Cauldron, and there are still a few hours before dawn. You should rest early. I won't come out during the day. During this time, you can go to practice. Fang practice hard."

After the little ghost finished speaking, he jumped up and turned into a puff of white smoke and poured into the soul-cultivating cauldron.

I inserted three lit sandalwood sticks from the side, but the nightmare just now made me sweat profusely, so I'll take a bath first.

It's already past three o'clock in the morning, I pushed open the door, and I planned to go to the bathroom, but I didn't turn on the light. When I got to the bathroom, I suddenly heard some dull voices, which were very small and seemed to be murmurs. The lights are on.

I froze for a moment, it was so late, my cousin also had a nightmare?In other words, the person inside is not my cousin, but Jiang He?

Because there were people inside, I had to turn back temporarily. Opposite me was my cousin’s room. I had been here for a few days, but I didn’t go in. I saw that the door was concealed. It seems that my cousin or Jiang He should be taking a bath. Yes, I intend to take this opportunity to tell my cousin about it, so I gently opened the door.

The light inside is very dim and soft. There is no one on the cousin's bed, but the quilt is very messy, the clothes are scattered all over the floor, and there is a faint smell of blood inside, but the rest of the furnishings in the room are very intact, even very Neat, before I was overwhelmed, suddenly a palm was patted on my shoulder.

"It's so late, what are you doing?"

My cousin's voice came from behind me coldly.

"I had a dream and I want to tell you about it, because this dream is about my father's whereabouts."

Seeing my cousin's unnatural face, I expressed my intentions.

The cousin's face was a little nervous and pale. He was wearing a nightgown, showing his collarbone, and his hair was still wet. Because he didn't wear glasses, his left eye emitted a faint green fluorescence. He said:

"Well, let's talk about it tomorrow. It's very late now. By the way, I'll go to the bathroom later. You go back to your room first."


I nodded and went back to my room, feeling a little puzzled, what are the two of us doing to take a shower so late? !

It was only later that I realized that my cousin was enduring great physical pain, which was caused by him in his early years. Now, Jiang He would personally give him needles every once in a while, and at night, he would have old problems. If there is no Jiang He , It is estimated that the entire room has been demolished, and it is not as simple as the bed.

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