Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 119 [Frozen Cloud]

"An honored guest? To be recognized by the third elder as an honored guest, this person must be very remarkable. Sister Bingyun, can you describe his appearance and characteristics. I am not in the sect these days, so I don't know some information."

Wei Xiaoqing's heart sank, but he asked calmly.

Bing Yun nodded, took a sip of red wine, and said:

"Let me think about it, this respected guest seems to be a man in his forties or fifties, with gray hair on both sides, a medium build, dark skin, and he is very depressed and absent-minded, as if he doesn't care about the things around him at all. Don't care, Qiaoqian came out with the first elder, Qiaoqian told me privately that this man is very powerful, even the third elder dare not neglect, it is probably related to the suzerain, and this time, it seems to be conveyed from above Otherwise, with the personality of the Third Elder, how could he come out with others? Apart from the suzerain, do you think he will also drive the Third Elder?"

"Master? Hasn't the master been in seclusion for a month? How could he suddenly meet such a man? And I don't have the impression that there is such a person who associates with the master."

Wei Xiaoqing was drinking, and almost choked when he heard it.

"I'm not sure about this. I also heard from Qiaoqian that you have such a good relationship with Qiaoqian, so it's okay to ask her? Also, sister Xiaoqing, you are really mean, if not for Qiaoqian this time. As the third elder comes out once, I don't know how long it will take to see her, you told me before, I will give you news, you will bring Qiaoqian to see me every week."

Bing Yun put down the wine glass with a cold face, took out a pack of cigarettes from the drawer, then took out one very neatly and lit it, took a deep puff, and exhaled a thick white mist.

Wei Xiaoqing waved his hand to disperse the smoke in front of him, and said with a smile:

"Aren't all the waitresses in your coffee shop very nice, must be Qiaoqian?"

"Bah, you girl, don't talk nonsense, it will be heard in Qiaoqian's ears later, I will take off a layer of skin next time we meet, you know, I just like Qiaoqian, blame that damn old man, you must send me here Qiaoqian and I are separated abruptly in this coffee shop!"

Bing Yun rolled his eyes, took another drag on his cigarette in a state of distraught, and spat it out heavily.

Wei Xiaoqing continued to smile, and after a while, he said solemnly:

"You call your master an old man, so you're not afraid of him? Bingyun, you really don't intend to let go? Don't tell me that you really don't know that the Blood Soul Sect has found out about your affairs. The Great Elder is under pressure. I just sent you to the coffee shop, and every time I bring Qiaoqian out, I always get into a lot of trouble, and how do my brothers from the same school treat Qiaoqian, do you know how Qiaoqian feels, this is the end?"

"I know that our love affair is ridiculed by many people. We are true love. How can these rumors defeat us? For Qiaoqian, at worst, I will leave the Blood Soul Sect."

Bing Yun gritted her silver teeth and said harshly.

"Don't say that, do you know the fate of traitors, few people can survive!"

Wei Xiaoqing's expression changed completely, and he knocked on the table hard, reminding him.

After hearing this, Bing Yun continued to sneer at herself. After taking a few puffs of her cigarette, she stretched out her hand to twist the end of the cigarette in the ashtray, and said:

"Xiaoqing, meet you, who is the handsome guy in the dark red suit? Don't fool me, I know you're busy today, but you rushed over in less than 10 minutes after hearing Zhong Yuan, this I've never seen a young man before, you little girl, is Chun's heart moved?"

"Sister Bingyun, don't talk nonsense, there's nothing wrong with it!"

Wei Xiaoqing suddenly became tense, holding the wine glass with a little effort.

Bing Yun took a careful look at Wei Xiaoqing who lowered his head slightly, and said with a smile:

"Good sister, what are you still guarding against me? It's okay if you don't say anything, but I can remind you that you are the suzerain's direct disciple, and you may take over the position of the blood soul sect in the future. I feel that this kid has a very strong Special aura, if I guess correctly, this person should be a ghost hunter, our enemy, if you let the suzerain know about this, you should be very clear about the fate of this kid."

"Sister Bingyun, if you do this again, I won't bring Qiaoqian out next time."

Wei Xiaoqing raised his head and said with a wicked smile.

"Quickly take what I said as a fart, I didn't see anything about what happened today!"

Upon hearing this, Bing Yun rolled her eyes again, then knocked on the table.

"He will come back tomorrow. Sister Bingyun, please help me arrange a better position, and don't let the rest of the Blood Soul Sect disciples in you find out. Can you do it?"

Wei Xiaoqing raised his wine glass and looked at Bingyun with a smile.

Bing Yun hesitated for a while, then said:

"Okay, if you come out tomorrow, if you bring Qiaoqian, you can tell me what you want. Will the deal be made?"


Wei Xiaoqing's smile became even brighter.


The cousin and Jiang He didn't go home until the evening. Jiang He had already prepared the medicinal materials. Only tomorrow's ice silkworm could save the uncle. The cousin was still watching TV on the sofa. After dinner, he went to practice kung fu. room, I had no intention of going in to have a look at my uncle at all.

Seeing this scene made me angry.

"Zhongli, are you still a man? How can there be such deep hatred between father and son?"

After entering, I finally couldn't restrain myself and spoke loudly.

My cousin just glanced at me, and then continued to wield a wooden sword in his hand, practicing a set of swordsmanship on his own. This set of swordsmanship is very familiar, but I am already absent-minded.

"You come with me to see Uncle."

I walked over, intending to take him away by force.

Suddenly I felt a pain in the back of my hand, and the hilt of the wooden sword in my cousin's hand hit the back of my hand, forcing me to let go of him.

"Cousin, I want to see the power of your peach wood puppet. Since there is a peach spirit inside, it also indirectly shows that this puppet has life and can attack ordinary people. If I can defeat your puppet, can you accompany me?" I play a play."

Seeing the resolute attitude of the guest, I had no choice but to resort to this method.

Cousin and uncle are like two lions, neither of them will obey the other, it is simply impossible to bow their heads first.

And my words obviously aroused my cousin's interest, my cousin suddenly smiled and said:

"Do you really want to try the power of the mahogany puppet? As long as you can shoot down the mahogany puppet, I will listen to you today. If you lose, then in the next month, the clothes of Jiang He and I, including Cooking, housework, all by yourself, how about it?"

"It's the grandson who repents!"

I gritted my teeth and looked at my cousin fiercely.

It's just a meeting, is it necessary to bet on this kind of thing? With so many conditions added, is it certain that I will lose? Not necessarily!

Tao Ling is a femininity, but my cousin doesn't know my true awakening ability, so let him experience the power of the Dao pattern in the palm.

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