Onmyo Ghost Hunter

Chapter 126 [Sister Lin]

The last appointment was at the bus stop in front of our community, because I had to go home once, at least to tell my family, although my uncle is often not seen now, and my cousin is back in the university town, Wu Tian OK, I also need to go home and get something.

"Jiang He, if my cousin comes back today, just say that my classmates and I are going out to do some errands, and we won't be back tonight."

Seeing Jiang He who was standing guard, I said hello. It is very unlikely that the two of them will be at home during this time period.

He turned his head slightly, nodded at me, and then stood up straight again.

After waiting at the gate of the community for nearly half an hour, Wu Tianxing came out, patted my shoulder with a smile, then handed me a cigarette, and said:

"I'm sorry, I have to prepare something, you have been waiting for a long time."

"Soon, let's go."

I took a look, and there was a backpack on his back, which was bulging, and I didn't know what to put it in.

"Wait, Zhong Yuan, you want to go out with this kid?"

Jiang He's voice came from behind me, with a trace of surprise and anger, I turned around to see, Jiang He's face became a little gloomy, and those sharp eyes looked at Wu Tianxing unabashedly.

"He's my classmate, it's good for us to be together, why not? Or, little security guard, you go instead of him?"

Wu Tianxing smiled brightly, stared at Jiang He, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and walked in front of him.

"Zhong Yuan, what exactly is he going to take you with? His origin is very suspicious, he is a little magician who doesn't learn well!"

Jiang He looked at Wu Tianxing with a grim expression, with a hint of vigilance on his face.

"I took an order, but I couldn't complete it myself, so I handed in Zhong Yuan and another classmate. I know I didn't give you a good impression before. Don't worry, he is my classmate. I will take care of him, Zhong Yuan, Let's go, it's time."

Wu Tianxing glanced at the watch on his wrist, and pointed outside.

I followed his hand to look over, and there was already a black car parked there. The outside of the car was shiny and the shape was very unique. For someone like me who doesn't know the car logo, it is presumed to be a luxury car.

"Jiang He, don't worry, I'm fine, don't let my uncle and cousin know about this."

I know this matter is not that simple, and the 5000 yuan is not so easy to get, otherwise why would Wu Tianxing ask me to come along?If my uncle knew that I was doing such a dangerous thing outside, he would definitely not agree to let me go.

Regardless of whether Jiang He agreed or not, Wu Tianxing and I left the community and went straight to the car.

It just so happened that Wang Sheng appeared in our line of sight at this moment, with a blank expression on his face, he followed all the way into the car.

A lady in her 40s was sitting in the co-pilot seat of the car. Her hair was permed. There were precious gemstones on her ears, neck, and even her fingers. She was also in good condition. Even the eyebrows were drawn, and the makeup on her face was exquisite, but none of this could conceal the lingering blackness above her seal.

Is this a sign of a haunted soul? !

"Master, are the two people you found reliable for me?"

Seeing us coming up, the lady frowned, and spoke in a very puzzled tone.

"Don't worry, the two people I'm looking for are from the family of famous ghost hunters. Although they are young, they will not make mistakes. Sister Lin, when are you leaving?"

Wu Tianxing suddenly became serious, and looked unpredictable.

"Let's leave now. The old house is very remote. Even if you drive a small car, it will take more than an hour. Master, are you sure it's safe? If you can get the title deed safely, I will hand over the remaining [-] yuan to you."

Sister Lin spoke worriedly. From the conversation between the two of them, it seemed that Sister Lin had great trust in Wu Tianxing.

"No problem, if there is a problem, I won't charge your deposit."

Wu Tianxing couldn't help laughing and said.

Wang Sheng and I looked at each other, and then our eyes fell on Wu Tianxing who was sitting between us. This guy received a total of [-] yuan, but each of us only gave us [-] yuan.

Sitting on the other side of Wu Tianxing, Wang Sheng pinched the soft flesh of Wu Tianxing's waist angrily.

It's off-duty time now, the car drove for half an hour, we were about to leave Jiuhuang City, and continued on the road after dinner.

The car did not drive at high speed, but shuttled through the secluded mountain road. Looking at the bumpy car, I suddenly felt distressed, would it be scratched?

The driver was an uncle in his forties, wearing sunglasses, a suit, and white gloves, very formal.

The surrounding sky has completely darkened, and there are few people in the mountains and forests. This road is barely enough for a car to drive. With the slight bumps, I feel a little drowsy.

Just when I was about to fall asleep, there was a sudden violent shake, and I leaned forward. Fortunately, I was grabbed by Wu Tianxing, so I didn't hit the seat in front of me.

"what happened?"

The lights went out, the cold wind howled outside the car, and there was only the sound of heavy breathing inside the car.

"Shh, don't make a sound."

Wu Tianxing's voice rang softly beside my ears.

I turned my head and stared out of the car, surrounded by trees, although I don't know why the outside is stained with a layer of silver dust.

"Sister Lin, have you reached the boundary of the Lin family?"

Wu Tianxing asked in a low voice.

"Well, yes, every time I enter here, I will be blocked. This is one of the reasons why I need you to solve it. The car broke down. Let's go down. Although I don't know what is blocking us, it is not a short time. would hurt us."

Sister Lin actually took the initiative to open the car door and walked down.

"Go down."

Sighing, Wu Tianxing pointed to the car door, then stared at me with a smile.

I opened the car door and walked down. Suddenly, an extremely cold atmosphere enveloped me, and I had to stomp my feet. Now we are in a mountain forest, and the car is parked on a mountain path that is not spacious. On the road, this road was opened up manually, because the road is well planned, and the road is full of cobblestones, and there is a wooden sign in front of it that fell on the ground, which should have been hit by a car just now.

Walking over, there are a few large characters written on the wooden sign:

"The important land of the Lin family, do not disturb outsiders!"

These words were written with red paint, like blood, and the wooden board was also stained with a lot of paint, which looked a little oozing.

Taking a closer look at the surrounding trees, they are actually some relatively expensive osmanthus trees, and the whole mountain forest is full of them, especially this kind of osmanthus tree is relatively large.

At this moment, this faint silver glow came from nowhere. Looking at the sky, there were not many stars, let alone the moon.

Wang Sheng and Wu Tianxing had already started looking for the source of the silver glow, but after a while, they still couldn't find the source of the silver light.

"Sister Lin, anyway, it's not far from the old house now, let's go over there."

Wu Tianxing said with a smile.

When Sister Lin heard the words, her face was very ugly. She stared at the front of the road, panting violently in her chest, and said in a trembling voice:

"They won't let me into the old house, they are coming, be careful, be careful..."

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